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liam mc

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About liam mc

  • Birthday 12/21/1986

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  1. Wow after reading all of your replies i feel like i can give some Sypathy to Tingle, erm, maybe not :devil: Oh and Raiden from MGS2 i guess he was kind of annoying, but then again at least you got to use all of the cool weapons :animesmil
  2. i love watching anything about WW2. I got Band Of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan for Christmas, both amazing. Just watching these things makes you appreciate the Soldiers of WW2. Anyway I havent watched the last episode yet, but so far Band Of Brothers is one of the best things i've ever seen. i think i'll watch it all again, thanks for reminding me :animesmil
  3. Unfortunatley no doctor in the world, could find a cure for this unusual growth.
  4. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']But they also showed a new Zelda trailer.[/quote] WOW that trailer is amazing, i have to thank for that. Now the suspense is killing me *lol* It's been said to be realeased May 6th in the UK, i can't wait that long :animecry:
  5. liam mc

    Red Dwarf

    [QUOTE=Cazzilla]Red Dwarf is my reason for living... Black Adder rocks..but nto as much as red dwarf. Lets face it. All British Comedy rocks! red dwarf, porridge, Black Adder, My Family..Its all great ^^[/QUOTE] You forgot to mention Only Fools and Horses, Little Britain and Bottom *lol* But overall Red Dwarf is one of the top 5 classics :animesmil i watched an episode of Red Dwarf the other day [spoiler] Kriton becomes human. He keeps asking questions about his private parts. Let's just say Lister wasn't impressed *lol*[/spoiler]
  6. This game looks amazing to me. But a problem with playing Zelda games is that you don't want it to end *lol* But there something i keep wondering about, will it be better than OOT? who knows. Anyway i found this convo from E3. I've done it as a spoiler just incase: [spoiler][B]Q: In the trailer that we saw yesterday, a lot of areas looked very familiar to Ocarina of Time. We saw a castle and Link rode Epona. He might have been in the Lost Woods. Is Link going back to Hyrule and is this now the true sequel to Ocarina of Time? [/B] Eiji Aonuma: How do you know that horse was Epona [smiles]? Unfortunately I cannot reveal all of that at this point in time. Please wait a little while longer. [B]Q: The graphics in the game are beautiful. Will the game feature high production values throughout? To be more specific, will we see detailed cinematics, major story developments and will characters speak with acted voices?[/B] Shigeru Miyamoto: I actually don't want Link to talk very much. Maybe I'll record my own voice for when he talks, or maybe you can record your own voice [laughs].[/spoiler]
  7. Goldeneye is by far the best Pierce Brosnan movie. Who ever wrote and directed the movie knew what they were doing. Even the Goldeneye Video Game was amazing.
  8. There is alot of puzzles to do in this game, and i mean alot. It's taken me about 15 hours of game play to complete 25% of the game. And i've been stuck on a certain Boss for a week. I love htis game it's brilliant :animesmil
  9. If violent games were to be banned, then the less we see of them the more violent they are. i hope that makes sense. Plus there are more violent movies than there are games. i'm not complaining, i'm making a point :D i love games with action and violence, it's like an anger release, you can take your anger out on computer characters. All that i know is that Manhunt has been banned in England. I havent even had a chance to play it :animecry:
  10. liam mc

    Red Dwarf

    i can't choose between Lister, Kriton or Cat. Those three make the show. One of my favourite episodes is when the group find a parrelel universe: Women are men and men are women. You have to see it to understand, plain hilarious.
  11. Out of all the video game characters in the world, one of them has to annoy you. But my most annoying would have to be [B]Tingle[/B] from [B]The Wind Waker[/B]. He just annoys me with his silly little dances and long conversations. Oh! If only Link had a gun:bellylol: So anyway, what VG characters annoy you and why? :D
  12. Devil May Cry 1 would have to be the worst ending for me. Ok it may be an old game but that dosnt matter. Anyway after hard work of fighting off Demons, Dante [spoiler]decides to go home and rename his shop[/spoiler] :animeangr what a wally [color=#4B0082]Added spoiler tags. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
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