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Princess Arana

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Everything posted by Princess Arana

  1. I also have it. I loved it! MY fav parts is when [spoiler]Kagome kisses Inuyasha! :animesmil I loved that part it was the best!! An dthe part where Miroku meets Sango again. LOL And when he tries to kiss her. LMAO But they should of had Sesshomaru in the movie. I was dissapointed when they didn't show him :animesigh But I was mad when Naraku was not defeted[/spoiler] :animeangr But other than that it was a great movie!!!! :animesmil
  2. [SIZE=2]If you had a chance to met your fav anime character who would it be, and what would you say to them??[/SIZE] [COLOR=Plum]My would be Sesshomaru becase Sesshomaru is cool and I would say "I have always wanted to met you and don't kill Inuyasha becase he is a half-demon he is your brother. But I am so happy I am metting you. Can a follow you like Rin and Jaken??" That's what I would say.[/COLOR] :animesmil
  3. I LOVE INUYASHA it's the best i think. Sesshomaru (Sesshomaru-Sama) is my fav. :animesmil then Sango then a tie between Inuyasha and Miroku. I don't like Kagome or Kikiyo that much but they are still cool.
  4. Yes I have heard of it. I love it. It's my favorite show. Sesshomaru is my favorite character. I have season 1&2 and movie 1&2 and an Inuyasha plush and a calender and two posters and pictures. I know it's not alot but i love Inuyasha. It's the best!!! :D :animesigh if only I could be one of them that would be so kool.
  5. I was my own caracter who was a princess (Princess Arana) and fell in love with Sesshomaru. And I had all this powers and I was in the middle of a big battle and the demon dissapered but serios;y injured me. And I was on the verge of death and then died but I woke up and Sesshomaru had saved me and that's how I met him. I know wierd but whatever.
  6. Inuyasha is my fav anime. It has everything comedy, a little romance, action, and fantisy. It' the best. Sesshomaru is my favorite. He is cool. Anyway that's my favorite anime.
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