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About nanako22

  • Birthday 04/16/1982

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  1. as for a women if you can said for a 22 lady i go for a guy who sweet and go for me i mean he like me for me and i would like him for him even though he fat or thin what ever. ugly or cute hot or none hot dosn't really matter also long he love me for me. ...................... ------------because i am fat
  2. just don't be scard and give a change and walk to him and tell him but then i know it going be hard but when you well said it come out like a whisper and your face became all red and then you run........
  3. i don't have a lot of friend most of my friends dis like me because i am most quiet round them
  4. yeah i do felt left out too when i was in high school i was walk alone and seeing people pass by with the L figer at me. But then i don't really care. i am just lonly girl
  5. my bad habits is talk way too much and make my sister go crazy.
  6. My hair black...Because I am asian. Ya it had white hair too.
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hello I am new here so hi. I not most here I mean I am on lot. I am most checking my e-mail. Ok I guset that you don't want to heard that cape. I like the e-card. That why I join in.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. I hate when some one call and then they hang up. When you just pick up. I hate that. It happen lot. :mad: I am new
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