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Everything posted by Kuraineko

  1. I'm going to the one in Tennesee too, but it is also my first but I'm so sure it will be awesome! Can't wait, I might start going to them more often after this!
  2. My first "serious" love was this year. He decided to end it yesturday :animesigh But I'm very angry about it because yesturday was my birthday! :mad: But as they say, first loves never last. Retribution, some people say that whole "you'll know when you see them" deal, and maybe it's true, sometimes you'll find love in the most unexpecting places. But it's best to find someone you have a lot in common with other than how they look, even though that can be a plus side! ;)
  3. I don't like too much cutsey stuff, it drives me madd after a few moments. Also when there's a lot of depressing, serious things in for a long time, it gets kindof boring. I like a lot of comedy, but if it's really corny, it's no good, like the Pokemon jokes and some from the DBZ & GT. A lot of gorey scenes, like one after the other, and perverted stuff can really turn me off at times. But I can pretty much take anything as long as theres not too much of it.
  4. I also like the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack, (especially Rain) and the FLCL soundtrack. I even have some japanese songs but they are not translated so I don't know the names, but I still like them (even though they were made in the 80's, nothing wrong with that) :D
  5. Hey I'm with you there on the public bathroom thing, I can't stand to go in them unless it's an emergency or something. Most are so dirty and down right gross! :sick: I also can't stand anything that's really dirty, but I'm not a germaphobe, I just don't like to be near things that are molding or have a lot of dirt on them.
  6. I saw some of it, didn't really get into it as well as the others, but it wasn't "that bad" just not what I was really expecting from it. But I usually never judge an anime by the first episode. I like to watch like 3 or 4 then decide if I like.
  7. I didn't even bother to see that movie. Just by seeing commercials and trailers, I knew it would have been a waste of money. And yes, I can't name one Disney movie that had a good sequel to it, except Lion King 1.5, I did like that one. I don't think I'm going to bother with Mulan 2 as well.
  8. I'm pretty clausatiphobic (afraid of huge crowds). Mines not very serious, I usually can't breath when surrounded by people and I'm also scared of getting trampled. I can also be scared of cats in the dark, yeah very weird, unless it's mine. Strange since I really love cats but for some reason, if I see on at night I have to stay indoors because I'm afraid it will attack me. :animeblus
  9. I'm not sure wich came first: [B]Sega Genisis[/B] which was taken over by one of my cousins so then we got the [B]Sega Satrun[/B] which had forever until my mom thought it was too old and was tearing up so she sold it which got my other cousins to buy the [B]N64[/B], they sold it for a pool table, but then they got the old [B]Gameboy[/B], also we got the [B]Jaguar[/B] that's now collecting dust in the closet, then later the [B]Sega Dreamcast[/B] but they wanted to trade it in for something but they decided to give it to me, then we bought the [B]Playsaion[/B] but my brother knocked onto the floor so we bought a [B]PS2[/B]. After that my grandma bought one for us to play when we came over but she moved and gave it to us so now we have two. Got the [B]Gameboy Color[/B] for one cousin and [B]Gameboy Advance[/B] for me and my brother. My cousins and I pretty much live together so that would make things a bit clearer. We are now debating on wether to get a PS3or a slim PS2. Decisions, decisions. :animestun
  10. Many of the good, more mature anime doesn't come on until night and/or very early in the morning. Anime Unleashed comes on around 12 AM central, I not for sure if that's avalible in Canada, but those animes are not quite "for kids". But the only childish ones I saw were Pokemon and Digimon, shows like that.
  11. I didn't like Jurrasic Park 2 or 3 as much as the first one. I can't really explain why very clearly. I also saw the Princess Dairies 2, the first one was Ok but I couldn't even finish the second. A lot didn't make sense. It probably would have if I watched the whole thing instead of just parts, :animeswea I couldn't get into it.
  12. It's also called japanamation in some parts. It's kindof like a word that seperates the american cartoons from the japanese cartoons. But you can already tell the difference with the styles, even with the shows like the Avatar and Teen Titans.
  13. You mean "Trading Spouses"? Yeah I hate that show too! I really don't like the fact that the little kids have to live with a stricter and more different mother, and it's just wierd. I don't think it's worth it but of course as you said, people will do anything for money these days. :animesigh
  14. There's a lot for me, Tenchi series, Outlaw Star, Rurouni Kenshin (unless they still show that and I've been missing it), A lot of the shows Anime Unleashed shown were really good too but they only last a whole season or so. I want to see Gate Keepers 21, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenbashi, and Duel back on. Those were my favorites.
  15. There are a lot of good movies that have been ruined by their terrible sequels. For example, The Santa Clause was a great movie, but I really didn't care much for it's sequel. Too childish really, and too much out of the first. :o Any you guys thought was bad and why?
  16. I guess I would like to met Elie from Rave Master because she's so cool and I bet it would be so much fun to hang out with her and Plue!
  17. What I look for in a guy is someone who knows how to have fun, has a great since of humour, knows when to be serious and when not to be, is somewhat clean, and looking good can be a plus as well. ;) Along with common sense somewhere.
  18. I am a mix of Ed from Cowboy Bebop, because I love computers and can be as entergetic, Arumi from Abenobashi (too lazy to put whole title) because I usually have to keep the young ones that enter my house in a line , Elie from Rave Master because I love to have a lot of fun like her, and Kaoru from Rurouni Kenshin because I have about the same responsibiliy as her. Yes, some of these people have nothing in common what-so-ever, but this may explain me a bit. :p
  19. My family and I have moved around a lot. I've lived in apartments, trailers, cabins, normal houses, and now my parents store! I miss the houses because there were so much room and the cabins were awesome! :cool: But sadly I don't anymore and I have no idea when or what I will living in next time. Sometimes I have dreams of my past homes, I probably won't have a "true" home until I graduate college and settle where ever my career is. :( But I still like the store.
  20. To be friends with you Lennex! :animesmil Ok, but really, I don't know I wish I did. But my goal I would like to acommplish is to create a new time period because the modern period is getting boring for me. :catgirl:
  21. We don't have school either. Conincidence? (that might be misspelled) I'm happy too, a little, staying @ home can get pretty boring. :sleep:
  22. [QUOTE=Siren]There's only one reality show that I enjoy watching: The Surreal Life on VH1. It's dumb as can be, and most (if not all) of the celebrities on there are has-beens, but their egos haven't quite caught on yet. So, I think it's one of those "so bad it's good in a sort of morbid curiously kind of way" shows.[/QUOTE] I sortof agree here, but there are some episodes I didn't like, for example: The one were they had to babysit a lot of kids. I think that one was set-up because when the kids screamed they would look @ the camera to (what looked like to me) if they were doing it right. I like reality shows better when things happen naturally. Another show I use to like but don't any more is The Real World. It use to be good, but now everyone is, y'know, another word for happy. No offense to anyone I'm just not into that kind of stuff.
  23. I'm pretty close to my family, but things have been pretty annoying lately. They are constantly wanting family time every night of the week and if we skip a night we have to do something extra because accordding to them: "We haven't had a night like this in a long time". They want to do these things because I will be leaving for college soon. But they still have another year I mean I'm still a junior! It makes me so..I don't know ...nutty. :animestun And my brother has been getting a lot of things like a new go-cart, a new flat screen TV, a scooter, and some unidentified vehicle that sits in the front yard. :animesigh But maybe there is a reason and I'm going to be the last to know. I know I should charish these things, but c'mon I need I little space to breath! But me and my boyfriend are pretty close but since he lives like 2 hours away it's hard to see eachother a lot. I sure if it was meant to be, things will work out. :love: :D
  24. [quote name='Lennex3']Are you trying to hint at something? :D[/quote] I don't know am I? But it works. Also acting very retarded and childish works when over the age of 12. :animesmil
  25. I have a black cat named Christopher Ibis and I love him as though he was my own. I spoil the poor thing, way too much.
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