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Who Am I?

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Everything posted by Who Am I?

  1. [font=franklin gothic medium][size=1]animation class... lucky.
  2. [font=franklin gothic medium]banner: [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/Requests/terrortown.gif[/img] avi: [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/Requests/terroravi.png[/img] [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/Requests/terroravi2.png[/img] :)[/font]
  3. [CENTER][size=1]hope you don't mind if I give it a try. [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/ladiesoflondonfl7copy.jpg[/img] [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/ladiesoflondonfl7copy2.jpg[/img] [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/ladiesoflondonfl7copy3.jpg[/img] just fooling around with gradient overlay. [B]Font[/B]: Trajan Pro [/size][/CENTER]
  4. [size=1]I hope it fits your request, and the OB requirements. :) [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/XYZ.gif[/img] URL:[url]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/XYZ.gif[/url] [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/XYZ.png[/img] URL: [url]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/XYZ.png[/url] enjoy! need anything else? do ask. [/size]
  5. [size=1]Here you go. [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/jackcopy.jpg[/img] URL: [url]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/jackcopy.jpg[/url] [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/jackavicopy.jpg[/img] URL: [url]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/for%20others/jackavicopy.jpg[/url] enjoy.[/size]
  6. [size=1]eat me? hahaha... do you get tutorials somewhere? i'd like a link please. :animeswea [/size]
  7. [size=1]wow, great work jigglyness. teach me, won't you? :D[/size]
  8. [size=1]well i tried, it didn't come out so great in my opinion. use if you like. :D [B]Banner[/B]: [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/Icons/icons/for%20others/gothiclo.jpg[/img] [B]Avatar[/B]: [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/Icons/icons/for%20others/gothicloava.jpg[/img][/size]
  9. [size=1]Hey dragonoid. I'ma a newbie at PS but I gave it a shot. It can out messy, sorry about that. ^_^; [B]Banner: [/B] [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/Icons/icons/for%20others/dragonoid.png[/img] [B]Avatar: [/B] [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/Icons/icons/for%20others/dragonoidava.jpg[/img] [img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g193/xWonderful/Icons/icons/for%20others/dragonoidava.png[/img] yeah, it's upside down, I hope you don't mind. it looked a bit plain right side up. Hehe... need anything else? yes? no? *scurries away* oh wait, opps. i didn't put a border on the avatar. just ask, if you want one. :D[/size]
  10. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Hey. Just gave it a shot. Sounded like fun. [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/Otakuboards/OtakuboardsBanner.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/Otakuboards/OtakuboardsBanner2.png[/IMG] Made two attempts!! ^^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Sienna][size=1]I'm very sorry. I can't continue with this RP. I've been busy lately and I don't think I could get on. Sorry for the people who signed up. --Who Am I?[/size][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Sienna][center] . . . . .[/center] [center][SIZE=2][b][u]Living With the Wrong People[/u][/b][/SIZE][/center] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Imagine. Imagine a place where all the people you don't like.. for example, a person who picks on you, another person who annoys you constantly, or a person who just gets on your NERVES, living with... guess who? YOU! That's [i]some[/i] luck you got there. It's tough living under a roof filled with people you don't like. Well... I ask you to get use to IT, because you've just became a contestant in the show, [i]Living With the Wrong People[/i]. [b][u]CONTESTANTS[/u][/b] [None at the moment] [u][b]HOSTS[/b][/u] Janet Peters - Who Am I? [b]CONTESTANT SIGN UP:[/b] Name: [Keep it simple] Age: [21-40] Gender: [Male or Female] Appearance: [Try finding a pic. It's so much easier. If not, put in a [i]good[/i] description.] Personality: [Is your character bossy, rude, annoying, or all of the above? You decide! Nothing nice.. I'm sorry.] Short Biography: [Two paragraphs at the least. Where you came from.. etc.] Doesn't Get Along With: [Who?] Why Don't You Get Along: [You just hate them? Reason, please. Just a sentence at the least.] [b]HOST SIGN UP:[/b] Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Likes to Interact With: [Must be contestant(s).] I need only one or two hosts, but it's not first come, first serve. As for the contestants, I need several people who are rude, bossy, etc. to get this RP rolling! Drama, romance, etc. can happen. You get the point (I hope!). I hope you guys have fun creating! ^^[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=1][OOC: Okay.. I came late too. I hope I'm on the right track here.] [COLOR=Sienna]A girl waved to Nick in a cheerful way and he tried to be polite and wave back. He looked around and found a poster on the wall. [i]A dance?[/i] He shrugged. "What's with the damn shrugging?" He looked up and realized the girl who waved at him was asking. "Uhh.. it's nothing. Who are you?" He asked trying not to be rude. "I'm Leah. You're new, huh?" He nodded. The bell rang and Leah metioned it was brunch. She insisted him to sit with her friends and he nodded since there was no one else he knew. He excused himself to go to the bathroom and told Leah that he'll meet up with her later. ======== He walked in the cafeteria and found Leah sitting with two girls. They introduced themselves as B and Brandi. Brandi seemed nervous but he didn't pay much attention to that. He got to know Leah and her friends a bit more and he relaxed. It was tough being the new student here.[/COLOR] [OOC: Sinistra and Citrus, I hope this is alright with you guys.] [/size]
  14. [SIZE=1][OOC: Not late?] [COLOR=Sienna][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Nicholas "Nick" Warner [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Nick is the artistic type. He has a very creative mind. He likes spending his days, drawing or sitting under a shady tree. He'll try to open up to people once in awhile but most of the time he'll be under a book. [B]Apperance:[/B] [URL=http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/Otakuboards/BoysBrownHair.png]Click [/URL] [B]Short Bio:[/B] Nick lived on the other side of Australlia but moved and transfered to this school. It was hard at first trying to find his way through everything but he got the hang of it. Making friends was hard too. He was a shy person and always had his face in a book. His mother always worried if he was doing alright in school. Nick would just smile and say it's fine. He has a little sister in grade school and he loves her very much. It seems she's the only one he could open up to her. During school he'd be in the library or outside under a shady tree. ^^ [B]The Crush List:[/B] Has a little crush on Brandi Morgan and Leah.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][OOC: Could you tell me when it starts? I'm not gonna be here for awhile. Thanksgiving break and all.][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Who Am I? [B]Age:[/B] 9 months. [B]Your Knowledge:[/B] Umm.. 5? [B]Threads:[/B] 14.. small number I know.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][U][B]Prologue[/B][/U] SmileForMe has given you a message. Accept message? Yes or No? Yes. SmileForMe: Hi there! BookGirl: Hi. Who's this? SmileForMe: That's a secret. BookGirl: ...ok. BookGirl: Bye then. SmileForMe: Wait! BookGirl: What? SmileForMe: < BookGirl: What? SmileForMe: < BookGirl: What's "
  17. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]"Okay!" Genevieve shouted and pointed west. "I wanna go that way! We probably able to find someone or something, okay?" "Alright." Mine responded. The two of them walked along side by side with each in an arkward silence. Genevieve decided to sniff the air along the way which kind of bothered Mine. "Find anything? Or should I say 'smell'?" Mine asked. "Nope. Nothing for now." "Nothing for now? What's that suppose to mean?" "We're bound to find something sooner or later." Genevieve smiled. "Okay." Mine and Genevieve both quickened their pace so they could find some food soon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][OOC: Okay. I've been busy with school lately. Sorry for the short post. I'm having writer's block with all the homework stuck in my head.][/SIZE] [color=dimgray][size=1]?Look, miss. I?m going to kill you, your friends, and burn the place down if you keep that up. I don?t need a gun; trust me, I?ve taken care of bigger business than [i]you[/i].? Dust. Speedy look at Dust with a surprise look on her face. "You wouldn't dare." "Oh I will." Speedy took a sighed, knowing it was no use to argue again. "Let me ask you this. What good will joining be?" "You can help people." Vernacular joined in. "We're the Legionnaires and we want you to join us. You can do plenty of things." Saturn said. "How do you know?" "Umm.. let's say we were doing some research." "Well enough with the questions. You'll learn about us soon enough." "And how soon is that?" "I said soon," repeated Dust and left towards the door. Speedy took a second thought. "Wait." The group turned to look at her. "How will I know that you guys aren't the bad guys here?" "Well we explained our powers." Vernacular remarked. "You got a point there.. but what about your friends?" She pointed to them. "Well Saturn, she can control and feel thoughts, emotions, etc. and Dust here, is good with his gun. He can shoot and quickly reload his gun." Vernacular exclaimed. "Hmm.. interesting." "And Speedy. I heard that you're pretty quick yourself." "Yup. I'm pretty good at stealing too." "Ah." Dust checked his pocket. "Did you steal my wallet?" "Nope. I could if you wanted me to." "No thanks." "So.. Speedy?" Saturn questioned. "Yeah?" "What's your answer?" "Umm.." She paused.[/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][OOC: You guys lost me.. where's my character?][/size] [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Genevieve sat on the floor, hungry.. again. She held her stomach. "Ughhh.. I'm hungry."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [CENTER][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/Otakuboards/Mr.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Poster by Who Am I? Ugh.. it came out bad.[/SIZE][/CENTER] [size=1][b]"Mr. Stubborn Guy meets Ms. Innocent Girl"[/b][/CENTER] Hey there! Like the poster? We will be going in chapters. Yes chapters.. I think it's easier for me to organize and stuff. But anyways on to it! [COLOR=DimGray][b]Chapter 1:[/b] "School!" [b]Characters Needed:[/b] Everyone except me.. or maybe YooRi but it's the users choice. [b]Main:[/b] Okay. It's everyone's first day of school (YooRi is new to the school but if the user wants to he/she may post the first time she came to the school). This is the time where everyone meets everyone. [/COLOR] Have FUN!! I'll post next chapter as soon as everyone posts![/size] [SIZE=1][OOC: Okay. I still need to know if Lady Halo's gonna play.. or then I'll probably give the postition to Beta. Well later!][/SIZE]
  21. [CENTER][SIZE=1][b]digix:[/b] Please check your grammar and spelling please.. I'm kind of picky on that but.. I'm very sorry. It's okay and all but on "Background Info".. I want his background a bit.. like how you became friends with JaeWon and stuff. It's good just add that part. [b]Beta:[/b] Beta! It looks like your sign ups done but I guess you have to edit it right? From the looks of it right now, it looks swell! [b]Sinistra:[/b] I love your sign up! It's great![/SIZE] [size=1][color=slategray][b]My SIGN UP[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Haeyoung/Grace Kim [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Personality:[/b] She is a shy yet outgoing type of girl. She is very active in sports and loves puppies. When it comes to school, she tries to study real hard and not get distracted by [b]Stubborn Guy[/b]. She loves to hang out with friends and during her spare time she loves to get a good book and read. Other times she just likes to stay on the computer. [b]Background Info:[/b] Something terrible happened back at Incheon that has made the Kim family upset. Their grandparents died trying to save them. Everyday, it would be a depressed day. No one in the family would talk nor play with each other. It was a sad little home. Everyone was getting tired of the same dead silence house and decided to moved. I guess Incheon was not a good place for them. Everyone packed their belongings and headed out for Seoul. Now that they were there, everyone became themselves. Seoul was a great place to be. After four months of living there, they were finally settled in. Now everyone in the family made friends and having great parties. Haeyoung on the other hand, was having trouble at school because [b]Mr. Stubborn Guy[/b] wouldn't stop bugging her after that iccident. She laughed at the fact that he would try to get her to like him. She wonder even why he would do such a thing. At school everything's nice and she even made two new friends, JiEun and YooRi. Her family's doing well and everythings going great for her... or is it?[/color][/size] [size=1]We still need some characters... Jinny and MinJi. We could always put them as NPC but I'll just wait for a couple of more days and we'll get it started. How does that sound?? Lady Halo and digiX, please add a bit more and check spelling.. sorry I get a picky on that.[/size] [/CENTER] [SIZE=1][B]EDIT: Okay.. I'm going to make Jinny and MinJi NPCs. We'll get this started. If Lady Halo doesn't edit her sign up then I'll give the spot to Beta and she'll get to play both of them.. but only if Beta wants to. Well I'll probably edit this later. [/B] [/SIZE] [size=1][b]EDIT:[/b] I'm just about to post this in the Square. I still need to know if Lady Halo is playing. Please respond ASAP. Well see you soon![/size]
  22. [size=1][color=dimgray]Speedy stood in the middle of the room. Some children surrounded her. [i]Now what.. I'm surrounded by kids like me who are afraid. But.. afraid of what?[/i] Through the hallway she could hear footsteps drawing nearer. Voices were to be heard. First a male's and then a female's and then the male's again. Speedy walked towards the door and peeked in the hallway. Her eyes widen when she saw the man holding guns. "Who's there, Speedy?" A girl around her age asked. "Shhh.. they might hear you!" Speedy hushed. Outside of the door she could hear the man calling out, "Who's there?" Then a female responded, "Dust, you're just hearing things." The man said, "No. I'm positive. I heard something." "Where?" "There. At the door." "Is it Speedy?" Speedy was surprised at the fact that the female's voice knew her name. "Let's move in but keep your guard." The man, who was also known as Dust called out. "Speedy.. what's happening?" A little boy asked. "They're coming.. keep steady and watch out." The boy nodded and went to warned off the others. [i]Who are they? What do they want with me?[/i][/color][/size]
  23. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]As Genevieve stepped down from the platform she started to sniff. All of a sudden her stomach growled. The group turned to look at her. Chepin tried to hold in his laughter. "Oh great! All that waiting has made me hungry! Where can I get some food?" She started sniffing the grounds in hopes of finding food. Volkmar snorted. "Why don't you find some food else where?" "Like where am I exactly suppose to find it?!?!?!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [SIZE=1][OOC: Trying it.. if you don't mind. Sounds interesting. I hope the plot is too!][/SIZE] [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Josh [B]Appearance:[/B] Stands at the height of 6'1''.. towering most kids in his high school. He has natural hair. It's black and his eyes are green. Girls think it's dreamy and he just rolls 'em. His favorite outfit is his black dress shirt that goes very nicely with his jeans. He doesn't do much with his shoes so he just wears his sneakers. [B]Character Sketch:[/B] Josh is an interesting guy. He is very active in sports. The main sports he likes to play are soccer and basketball. Yet when he's not active he just likes to take out his guitar and play. He doesn't have much practice with a guitar so he doesn't play well. Other times he likes to play the drums. He had some practice with it but all he likes doing is twirling the drumsticks in his hands. Josh likes to get outgoing with his friends and have a lot of fun. When with his family, he could be a momma's boy or a protective brother. He is a mellow guy and loves to get social. [B]Soul Twin:[/B] Name: John Appearance: [URL=http://hyung-taekim.org/displayimage.php?pos=-363]CLick Here[/URL] [Edit][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Hey DC! Beta wanted me to tell you that, well Beta's comp. isn't working right now but it should be running by tomorrow. Well Beta will finish the sign up soon. Bye! [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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