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Who Am I?

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Everything posted by Who Am I?

  1. [B]Geneive yawned as she was typing up some things on her laptop. It was about 5 o'clock in the morning and she was tired. She decided to get a drink to keep her awake. She walked downstairs and saw a glass on the counter. [/B] [COLOR=Green][I]That's funny. Oh well[/I], Geneive thought and took a sip.[/COLOR] [B]She gulped it down and a few seconds later she began to feel quite dizzy.[/B] [COLOR=Green][I]What's happening?[/I] [/COLOR] [B]She collasped on the floor, dropping her cup. The cup shattered into pieces and Geneive was lying on the floor.[/B] OOC: Sorry it's short. Tag, Lady Dust. :p
  2. [B]OOC: Hey x kakashi x, I'm gonna post and you just go along with it. Unless you want to talk about it. But here's my post.[/B] [B]IC:[/B] Jin and Tsuke walked through the door and found themselves staring at an old man forging weapons. [COLOR=Navy]"Hey look! Do you think we should get some weapons?" asked Tsuke.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I dunno. I don't got any money," Jin replied.[/COLOR] [B]The old man chuckled, "Well you don't have to pay. I'll be happy to make you some weapons."[/B] Jin and Tsuke looked at each other and nodded. Tsuke asked for a claw consisting three blades and Jin asked for a sword with carved, good luck letters. The old man told them it would take awhile so they took a rest. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Well that's good....I mean that we don't have to pay or anything," Jin said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"Well yeah, but I wish we could repay that old man," Tsuke said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Yeah..We should help him."[/COLOR] Tsuke nodded. He looked up and saw a huge mountain. [COLOR=Navy]"Hey what's up there?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I dunno. You wanna go and check it out?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"Looks fun."[/COLOR] Tsuke and Jin nodded in agreemant and decided to go after the man finishes making the swords. [B]OOC: Next x kakashi x. ^ ^[/B]
  3. It's good. Well I was wondering if you could find a angel picture and make it into a banner and avi? Well I gotta go and eat so I can't get the pictures for you. Well I hope you don't mind. Anyone can still try as well. Thanks!
  4. May you shrink this picture? [URL=http://www.z10n.net/catgirl.jpg][B]Click Here[/B][/URL] I don't know how small but small enough for a avi but not too stretched out. Thanks!
  5. [B]OOC:[/B] Done with my sign up! [B]IC:[/B] [B]Mint walked with the other students to their dorms. It was a long way but Mint managed. [/B] [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Boy what a big academy," Mint said to herself.[/COLOR] [B]Children murmured to each other while walking through the very large doors. Mint walked through and saw the dorms. They were plain but al least kids got to decorate them.[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]"Class, we need you guys to be in pairs while in these dorms, so I will assign you guys to dorms with other people," Bisho said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][I]Oh boy I wonder who I'll be paired up with[/I], Mint thought.[/COLOR] [B]Mint was in her second year and couldn't wait until she was out because Bisho was telling the same story as he sis last year. She wished he would change it in a different way. Mint carefully waited for him to assign them. [/B]
  6. [B]OOC:[/B] Sensei_Tao, if you wish to play in this RPG then I suggest you to sign up first. You can take Balmung since I guess that Chrono of time is not signing up. Just sign up in Adventure Inn. Thanks. [B]IC: Mint waved goodbye to Koji and soon decided to play in the World. Koji and Mint were searching for the other hackers but had no luck. They would try again tomorrow. Mint gained points and raised a couple of levels. She became stronger and faster. [/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Well it's been a long day so I guess I'll just sign off."[/COLOR] [B]And with that she signed off. She put her helmet down and changed into her pajamas and went to sleep and couldn't wait for the next day.[/B]
  7. OOC: Sorry, Seiryuu. [B]Geneive looked at her card. She smiled.[/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen]"Wow. It looks pretty," she said.[/COLOR] [B]She admired the picture for awhile and ate her food. She finished and went back into her room. In her room she stared at her card for a while and started to play on her laptop afterward. [/B] [COLOR=Green]"Hmm...I wonder what's there to do here."[/COLOR] [B]Geneive got out of her room and started to go to the picture gallery once more. She stared at the painting she liked before and sketched it on her notebook.[/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]A pretty picture indeed,[/I] she thought to herself.[/COLOR] [B]She smiled and thought of her card and how interesting this game would be. [/B] OOC: Sorry it's so short but my brother is really annoying me. So later! ^ ^
  8. [B]Jin was lying on the floor....dead. The woman ran away scared and Jin was dead. Nobody was there. It was about 2 o'clock in the morning and everyone was asleep. No one heard a gun shot, no police, no nothing and here in the middle of a dark alley was a 21-year-old man lying on the floor..dead. [/B] He thought, [I]Am I dead? Am I dead? Am I dead? Am I dead? [/I] [B]He thought this over and over again and then awoke. He shot straight up. He felt himself. [/B] [I]Good I'm alive.[/I] [B]Wrong. He was floating mid-air and below him was him. Dead on the floor.[/B] [I]I must be dreaming...I must be dreaming...I must be dreaming...[/I] [B]He stared at his dead body. Nobody was there. Soon there was a funny glow behind him. It was some sort of portal.[/B] [I]What is that?[/I] [B]Jin took a step and soon was sucked in. He woke up once more and found himself lying on the floor. It was pitch black and something gave him the chills.[/B] [I]I am dreaming...I am dreaming...I am dreaming...[/I] [B]He was alone. His dead body was alone. Nobody was here...[/B] OOC: Tell me if I have to change anything. Ok? Next, x Kakashi x. ^ ^
  9. [B]Lint was skipping through the woods having a joy of fun out in the wild. She stopped. She heard a yell through the woods and ran towards it. Lady, her falcon, was flying close to her as she went running through the trees. She came to a spot where she saw a girl, a dog, and a few boys surrounding her. She notice the boy that was following the girl. She tilted her head in confusion and wondered what happened around here.[/B] [COLOR=Purple]"Excuse me for this interruption, but I thought I just heard someone yell around here...." Lint said in her foremost polite way.[/COLOR] [B]Her falcon rested on her shoulder and Lint waited for a reply.[/B]
  10. [COLOR=SeaGreen]"Oh boy!" Geneive shouted when she entered her room. [/COLOR] [B]She liked it. It was plain and simple. She grabbed her stuff and put it in the middle of the room. [/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]Hmmm...I unpack later[/I], Geneive thought. [/COLOR] [B]She thought of Maria and how nice she was. Geneive took out her laptop and began to play on the computer. Soon it was almost time for dinner so Geneive got out a nice looking white dress shirt and black pants. [/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen]"I wonder if this is nice enough..." she mumbled, "I'd never thought we have to dress nice."[/COLOR] [B]Geneive changed her clothes and brush her hair. She curled her hair and made it wavy soon she was on her way to the dining room. She spotted Maria and Kaine talking with each other so she left them alone. She wandered her way toward the dining room glancing at every painting in the hall.[/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]Hmm...this one looks elegant...this one too shabby....this one is not catching my attention very well...oooooo, this one looks nice[/I], Geneive thought looking at a peaceful view of an old looking city with stars over it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]"A wonderful artist...." Geneive said to herself. [/COLOR] [B]She was fond of paintings and loved to draw but could never draw realistic drawings like this. She kept on staring and staring and seemed like she forgot something.[/B]
  11. [B]Mint just came back from school five minutes ago. She took a shower and got into some comfortable clothes. She looked at her laptop.[/B] [B]Sender: Koji For: Mint[/B] [I]Hello, Mint. You must be another hacker would you like to join me? GO TO THE WORLD and meet me at the lake nearby the bridge. Koji[/I] [B]Mint eyed the e-mail curiously but decided to join him and his game. Mint logged on to her computer to the WORLD.[/B] [B]Username:[/B] scarygirl811 [B]Password:[/B] ********* [I]Welcome to the WORLD, Mint. Enjoy your stay.[/I] [B]Mint entered the World. She began to play the game for awhile and gained a few levels. Soon she went to the lake near the bridge. She saw a boy who looked like she was her age.[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Excuse me? Are you Koji?" She asked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"Yes I am," the boy replied, "You must have gotten my e-mail. Would you like to join my party?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Join your party?" [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"Yes. My party. I'll explain evrything soon but I need an answer," Koji said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Sure..." Mint smiled.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"Excellent," Koji smiled.[/COLOR] [B]OOC: Just tell me if I need to change anything. Well bye bro. ^,^[/B]
  12. [B][COLOR=Purple]OOC: Sorry if I didn't post for awhile. :animeswea [/COLOR] [/B] [B]Luna was tired so her mother let her skip school. She kept on thinking about the water and the glass inccident. [/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]She thought,[I] how did I do that, how?[/I][/COLOR] [B]She went to her bathroom and turned on the sink. She started to concentrate on the water. [/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Come on move, float in the air, do something[/I], she thought.[/COLOR] [B]Nothing happened...[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Oh come on,[/I] Luna thought.[/COLOR] [B]Still nothing...[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Ughh!!!!" Luna got mad and swished her hand in front of the sink.[/COLOR] [B]Water splashed out of the sink and it got all over the place.[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Opps...." Luna mumbled. [/COLOR] [B]She turned off the water and wiped it clean.[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Whew[/I], she thought, [I]maybe I shouldn't do that next time.[/I] [/COLOR]
  13. [B]Luna came out of the kitchen and prepared a nice meal.[/B] "I'm sure hungry," Thorn said. [B]Luna handed him a big meal and handed Lanin a nice elegant meal and the same for her guest. For I'sha, she made her favorite meal(though I don't know what it is so make it up). She made a lot of things though nobody else was up.[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Enjoy.." Luna smiled and went into the kitchen once more to get the drinks.[/COLOR] [B]She brought out four kinds of drinks: milk, water, apple juice, and orange juice. After that she went back into the kitchen.[/B]
  14. [B]OOC: I'm sorry I'm late. Well here's mine.[/B] [B]Geneive was on her laptop surfing the we until an e-mail popped up:[/B] [I]Hello, I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home. 1) You must obey your cards... 2) You must stay in the light... 3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing... That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are. Catch ya later... Sincerely, The Master of Games...[/I] [B]Geneive looked at the e-mail with curiousity and then checked her bank account. She stared wide eyed at her laptop.[/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]So this guy's not bluffing[/I], Geneive thought.[/COLOR] [B]She replied back to the e-mail.[/B] [I]Dear Master of Games, Ahn young ha sae yo! This was an odd e-mail I've recieved but I'll gladly accept this honor to join. I will be there soon. Go mab sum mi da! :) Yours Truly, Geneive Lee :)[/I] [B]She clicked send and continued to play her game.[/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]I wonder if it's going to be fun[/I], she thought.[/COLOR] [B]The next day Geneive packed up for her long six month trip. She got some stuff to entertain her such as a CD player, laptop, and cellphone. She was done and couldn't wait for the next day. The day after that, just like the e-mail had said, a limosine with a few bodyguards came up her driveway. She took her bags that and the body guards took them in the trunk. In the car they played her favorite Korean song, [I]The Way You Are[/I] by[I] TVXQ or Dongbangshinki.[/I][/B] [I]Gurl, Nuh Yeh Sang Gak Nuh Eh Dob Shib Ni Gi Nun Tal Yuh Ib Doe Guh Rah En Ni Gal Moh Geh OH NO NO Gurl, Nuh Yeh Sang Gak Nuh Eh Mo Gib Mo Dul Go Tal Go Shib Pau Ee Nra Neh Geh It's About The Way You Are [/I] [B]After the plane flight they arrived in the mansion. She saw other people and they were all chatting with each other. [/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]Wow, there are other people as well[/I], Geneive thought.[/COLOR] [B]OOC: Well the Korean song was a but hard but I managed. I spaced it out so it was easy to read. Just tell me if I have to change anything. [/B]
  15. [B]Lint was getting ready to take off on her journey. Her parents were doing some archery in the backyard and Lint left a note. [/B] [COLOR=Indigo][I]Dear Mama and Papa, I'm sorry but I am going to explore the unknown world. I must leave. I tell you, I will be fine. I have pack enough stuff and food and I also took Lady (the falcon) so I could write to you. I'm sorry. I love you Mama and Papa. Love, Lint[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"Well I'm off..." Lint said to herself, "Come on Lady."[/COLOR] [B]A falcon came swooping through the door and landed on Lint's shoulder.[/B] [B]Lint walked her way through a deep forest and was walking for a long time until she came to a small village. [/B] [COLOR=Purple][I]What a great place to be, Lint thought.[/I] [/COLOR] [B]She looked around and spotted two people. A girl with a dog and a boy following her. Lint thought it was pretty funny since it looked like the boy like the girl.[/B] OOC: Sorrry Lyuann I copied the letter thing. :animeswea
  16. [quote name='demonchild781']Innocent: Kadar just found Virgo and Kariz and Ima are on their way to find Pisces, so not long before they come to find you. :)[/quote] Thanks so much demonchild781. ^ ^
  17. I'm so sorry can someone tell me which Zodiac we're on? I'm a bit lost when I'm reading the post. :animeswea :animecry:
  18. [B]Luna went downstairs to join Lanin and the other guest.[/B] "Good morning," Lanin said with a smile. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Good morning, Mi--I mean Lanin," Luna said.[/COLOR] [B]Lanin smiled and talked with her guest. Luna went to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for everyone.[/B]
  19. [B]After that hit inccident from a girl named Allison. Geneive went to go and get a snack.[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Boy that girl has some issues," Kale said.[/COLOR] [B]Brandon snickered.[/B] [B]Geneive got a bagel and went to sit down while her brothers got something else....junk food. They were laughing and talking.[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Hey you know during books(the class), people were all throwing paper airplanes and the teacher didn't notice," Kale said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"Yeah and it was so cool when my friend did some sort of cool spell and turn the teacher into a donkey," Brandon laughed. [/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Yeah that was awesome," Kale chuckled.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"But it sucked. He got detention for the whole week!" Brandon sighed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Well that's bad..." Geneive mumbled.[/B][/COLOR] [B]Geneive continued to eat her bagel after that.[/B]
  20. I'll post mine in two days or so but minimum two days. I'm sorry if my posts are late.
  21. I'm sorry. I know it says "Tag, Gabe" but could you guys wait for me? I'll probably post mine in like two days. Please wait. ~Innocent~
  22. I'm sorry but I have to post late since my mom made me go on the computer for only 30 minutes. So I'm sorry and I wish you to be patience with my post. I'll post as soon as I can. ~Innocent~
  23. I'm sorry but I have to quit this one. I have a lot of things to do here and I can't spend much time on the computer. I apologize for this. I wish I could finish this up but I have too many things on my hands here. Well bye! ~Innocent~
  24. [B]Name:[/B] Prefers to be called "Lee" but "Panda Lady" likes to call him "Puppy" [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Animorphic form:[/B] Wolf [B]Appearance:[/B] When transformed, he has golden eyes and sliver hair. He has sliver ears and tail that goes all the way down to his ankles. He also has sharp teeth. In his regular form, he has green eyes and blonde hair. [B]Caste:[/B] Samurai [B]Preferred Weapon:[/B] A katana and several daggers [B]Character excerpt:[/B] "Lee" walks through a dark forest that you never know what is bound to happen. Through the forest he spots a lady who seems to be a bit clumsy and has a group of men surrounding her. :animeswea He smirks at her clumsiness and helps her out. He starts to walk and then starts to run with incredible speed. He takes out his katana and slices one man and then another. He stops. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" the lady pouted, "I'm Panda Lady and I'm the hero here." "...." He stares at her like what-the-heck-does-this-woman-think-she-is look. [I]Panda Lady? [/I] he thought,[I] what kind of name is that? And definitely, I am not here for the fame. Besides there's no one here.[/I] She finishes off the last man and says, "I didn't need your help so don't help me." The so-called "Panda Lady" turned around and ran off with her horse. Lee just stared at her with a confused look on his face and soon ran off as well. As the days go on, Lee continues to meet with Panda Lady and Panda Lady keeps on telling him the same thing, "What are you doing here?" This was the start of friendship and weird and opposite love. And maybe the meeting between the two wasn't a coincidence. OOC: I'll probably come back and fill some more things.
  25. [B]Three Shintai:[/B] [COLOR=Navy][B]Obligation[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]Black Wind[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]Demon Arts[/B] [/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Well here's mine.
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