Who Am I?
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[CENTER][B]Name:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]Lee[/COLOR] [B]Age:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]28[/COLOR] [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:6l9SdkynSd0J:shounen.ru/img/dear_boys.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkRed]Wears a dress shirt and jeans most of the time. A muscular built guy.[/COLOR] [B]Personality:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]Handsome, caring, and intelligent guy. He has a great a smile and loves horseback riding. He's a generous and kind man and he tries to make you smile when you're down. He's a shy man when you first meet him.[/COLOR] [B]Bio:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]He was born in Seoul, Korea and moved to America when he was 15 years old. He had trouble learning English but got to speak it real well after 2 years. He has a younger sister and an older brother. He has enter 'The Bachelor' because he kind of has a bit of a problem of finding love. Believe me, his other relationships were uh...bad so he entered. He also entered 'The Bachelor' because when he lived alone he got...lonely. So he needed to have some company but he relatives weren't enough to keep him company since they just come and go. His siblings and parents hope that he could find love and that it would last forever. They are a bit worried about him choosing the wrong woman. He's a big business man and he makes quite the money. He makes friends quite well with his clients and he loves to help out. He would be a great loving father if he chose you. Since he entered 'The Bachelor,' he just hopes that when he chooses the woman that they won't go for the money but for his love.[/COLOR] [B]OOC: If the bio is short I'll come back and add some more stuff. ^ ^[/B][/CENTER]
RPG Unchangeable Destiny; My Heart Bleeds [M-LSV]
Who Am I? replied to Ditsy_Taurus888's topic in Theater
[CENTER]The school bell rang and everyone started to come out. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Finally...geez another test in the office. Is this my punishment, God?" Geneive said looking up at the sky.[/COLOR][/B] It was a bright sunny day and it was a great day to do anything. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Oh boy! I wonder where brother is?" Geneive mumbled while looking around.[/COLOR][/B] She saw a tall man with black hair and right next to him was a black silk car. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Brother!!" Geneive called out with a wave.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Navy]"Hey! Come on and let's get home!" her brother called out.[/COLOR][/B] Geneive ran towards the car with a bright smile on her face. [B]OOC: Well I think this is a short post. So I'm sorry.[/B][/CENTER] -
[B][CENTER][COLOR=DimGray]Kain woke up during a peaceful dream until...[/COLOR][/B] "BROTHER WAKE UP OR I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!" his sister shouted downstairs. [B][COLOR=Navy]"AAAHHHHH!!!!" Kain fell on his head, "Alright I'll be down in ten minutes."[/COLOR][/B] "Please make it five," his sister said all teary eyes. [B][COLOR=Navy]Kain looked at her, "Please don't make the puppy face. Alright five minutes."[/COLOR][/B] "Yes...I'm so sly," his sister whispered. [B][COLOR=DimGray]His sister was only 8 and was always responsible for waking Kain up because he couldn't get up himself.[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=Purple]"You know she does love you, oh so very much," Aphrodite said very sweetly.[/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=Navy]"Yeah I know," Kain said, "Could you at least give me some room so I can change?"[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=Purple]"Of course, dear," Aphrodite replied and disappeared into thin air.[/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=Navy][I]Oh great she sounds like my mom,[/I] Kain thought.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=DimGray]Kain got ready and grab his keys. His sister was patiently waiting for him.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Navy]"Hey, Luna (his sister), ready to go," Kain grinned.[/COLOR][/B] "Yeah!" Luna jumped cheerfully. [B][COLOR=DimGray]Kain and Luna got to the car and buckled up their seatbelts. In ten minutes, they got to Luna's school.[/COLOR][/B] "Thanks brother," Luna said as she pecked a kiss on his cheek, "You're the best." [B][COLOR=Navy]"You are too," Kain smiled, "Have fun at school!"[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=DimGray]Luna waved to her brother and left.[/COLOR] [/B] [I][COLOR=Purple]"See, she does love you," Aphrodite said while appearing in the seat Luna once sat in.[/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=Navy]"AHHH!! Geez, do you have to pop up like that?" Kain yelled, "You ruined that touching moment with my sister."[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=Purple]"Hahaha," Aphrodite chuckled, "So you do have a soft spot don't you?"[/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=Navy]"You already know that by now," Kain mumbled.[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=Purple]"Yeah but back then you weren't," she gleamed at him.[/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=Navy]"Well I was young," Kain drove off, "Well could you not interrupt me while I work?"[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=Purple]"What about college class?" she asked.[/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=Navy]"Ah, I'll skip it today," he said, "Besides my mom is sick to go to work so I'll work instead."[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=Purple]"Alright then, see you later," as Aphrodite said that she left once more.[/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=Navy][I]Well time for work[/I], Kain thought as he pushed the gas peddle.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Black]OOC: Well that was a touching moment for those two siblings, huh? Hehe...[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name[/B]: Kain Himura [B]Age[/B]: 22 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]God/Goddess: [/B] Aphrodite [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Normal [/B] - [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:6l9SdkynSd0J:shounen.ru/img/dear_boys.jpg[/IMG] [B]Transformed[/B] - (not done) [B]Personality[/B]: A charming young gentleman. He doesn't like when people are down so he tries to make them happy. He's a caring guy and would probably do anything for you. [B]History[/B]: Back when he was 5 years old, he thought everyone had friends like 'Aphrodite' but he guessed wrong. Everyone used to make fun of him because whenever he introduce Aphrodite to his friends they would laugh because there was no one beside him but only he could see. He hated how everyone made fun of him so he started to hate everyone when he was 8. Couple years after that, 'Aphrodite' helped him to love once more because she couldn't stand the sight of him getting mad. He soon found out his powers when he was 13 and told no one. He really didn't like his powers because to him there was no use for it. Now he's a wonderful and gentle man. Everyone loves him and he's a happy guy. [B]Magic[/B]: [U]Lovely Feeling[/U]- A warm feeling that makes you calm and relaxed. It kind of feels like you're tempted to it. [U]Healing[/U]- This is used when you are feeling loneliness, sadness, hate, etc. and you want it to go away. Also heals your injuries. [U]Gates of Purity[/U]- This is used when a bad demon, monster, spirit, etc. comes and you lock it up in there and the only way you can let it out is when it feels pure or love. OOC: Sorry if this is short for you.[/COLOR]
Hey I got one banner. [IMG]http://dnangel.angst-boi.net/Banner-7.gif[/IMG]
Name: Jin Jung Age: 21 Cause of death: Saving someone's life but got shot Personality: A caring type of person. Likes to have fun and acts like he's still a teenager. Well he loves his family and friends and loves to have company. A great friend and trusting. Appearance: [URL=http://www.dengekionline.com/data/img/news/200309/12/20030912_03_dearboys01.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Weapon Of Choice: A revolver with gold bullets Bio: Has a mom, dad, two brothers and one sister. He lives a normal life. And goes to college. Lives in a dorm with a roommate. He is trying to get a career as a book writer but ends his life. Sample of Character: Jin was an ordinary fellow with the gift of reading people's minds (near or far). He was one day walking around the streets and heard a woman's thoughts saying, [I]Help me[/I]. He went to go help her. The man with dark shades who was abusing her got into a fight with Jin. It looked like Jin was winning until the man took out a gun and shot him. Well that sucks for him, because Jin wasn't ready to die and too bad nobody notice (the woman only did but she didn't do anything). OOC: Sorry about the filling in stuff. Edit: Finish!
Name: Aya Himura Nickname: Miyu Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/girls68.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Personality: An oddball. She doesn't look like a demon nor acts like one. She is a friendly person and childish. Sometimes she can get serious but most of the time she just having fun. She doesn't like to hurt and thinks angels are pretty. Sometimes she can get scared of her own kind. Bio: Lives with her parents, three brothers and one sister. Weapons: Magical amulet and a staff Race: Demon OOC: I changed it completely. I wasn't satisfy with my character. Also I'll come back and finish my bio. ^ ^
RPG Unchangeable Destiny; My Heart Bleeds [M-LSV]
Who Am I? replied to Ditsy_Taurus888's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Navy]OOC: Sorry if I was late for this. [I]Oh man why is she sending all of us to the office again,[/I] Geneive thought as she was heading to the office, [I]Oh man if my mom finds out I'm in trouble then I'm super de--[/I] Geneive accidently bumped into someone during her thoughts. [I]Ouch,[/I] Geneive thought as she was rubbing her head. "Oh I'm terribly sorry," said a boy. "It's alright it's my fault," she said. "No I think it's mine." "Well maybe it's both." "I guess so, I'm sorry again," and with that the boy left. Geneive began to skip in the hall and finally reached to the office. She already saw everyone that she saw before. "I wonder if I'm late..." Geneive mumbled to herself. OOC: I'm sorry if this post is late.[/COLOR] -
OOC: Sorry I was in Japan yesterday. Luna checked around the temple and made sure everything was tidy and neat. She went upstairs and knocked on one of the guest doors. "Excuse me?" Luna knocked, "Is everything alright in there? Do you need anything?" "It's alright in here," a deep vioce replied, it was the dwarf. "Oh I'm sorry to disturb you." Luna trailed off to the other guests' rooms and asked the same thing. After that, she began to go back into her room. Soon she heard crying upstairs, and she knew it was coming from Lanin's room. "Oh dear," Luna began to worry,"I should probably comfort her." Luna walked up to the top floor where Lanin's room was. "Excuse me, Miss Lanin," Luna knocked,"I'm sorry to disturb you but is everything alright in there?" She could hear some sniffing coming through the door. But there was no response. "Miss Lanin?" Luna pushed the door open a little,"Miss, are you okay?" OOC: Sorry I think this post was short.
hey i have to catch up on things since I went to Japan so I'm sorry about that.
Name: Luna Lee Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/sg29.jpg][B]Luna[/B][/URL] She has golden eyes instead. Bio: Living in a place where she is protected by her angel. She was born from a Human mother and Demon father and that is why she is a half breed. Luna is like a baby to her angel but Kain doesn't mind. She is tough when it comes to fighting so you better not mess with her. Angels name: [B][URL=http://animevisions.net/Pictures/guys/YueAngel.jpg]Kain (Male)[/URL] [/B] Weapons: (Just wondering can we have staffs???) Race: half demon and half human OOC: I'm gonna have to finish this later. Sorry I just wanted to get a spot here Edit: Well sorry if late.
[COLOR=Navy]Name: Matt Age: 21 Personality: He's a caring and handsome young man. But problems are making him a bit twisted out. Appearance: [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:M8KsUxNb_mMJ:www.jeuxmangas.net/IMG/gif/miura.gif[/IMG] Bio: Back then Matt and the group were so great and now Matt has been a bit jealous of Kelsei and Ally because they were getting all the fame. He thought it wasn't fair. He kind of was discussing it with Samuel right now but Matt is thinking he should quit the group right now. OOC: Sorry I'll finish the bio later.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]OOC: I'm sorry I wasn't here. I was in Japan. Sorry! Well here's mine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Luna woke up lazily up in her bed. To her, she not a morning person but today she woke up early for school. "Dear, hurry up. You've got 20 minutes to get ready because the bus is gonna leave soon," her mother called from downstairs. "Alright mother," Luna called back. She quickly got a clean pair of jeans and her favorite red t-shirt. She ran to her restroom and brush her teeth and hair. [I]Well 10 minutes I can make it[/I], Luna thought. She grab her backpack and ran downstairs, took a piece of toast, said goodbye and shut the door. [I]Damn[/I], Luna thought, [I]3 minutes, come on Luna you can make it.[/I] She ran across the streets, through people and made it just in time. [I]Whew, thank god[/I], Luna thought. She climbed in the bus and gave her token to the bus driver. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Sorry this post is short. I have to catch up on other posts since I wasn't here for awhile.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]OOC: Sorry if I was late. I was at Japan and I just came back. Well here goes mine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lee woked up lazily off his bed, well more like tumbled off his bed. "Uhhh....." Lee moaned and looked at his alarm clock. [I]Great, missed my first class[/I], Lee thought. He got out of bed, brush his teeth, fixed his hair and got a dress shirt and jeans to wear. He went into the living room and saw that everyone left. "Well aren't I always the last one..." mumbled Lee. He looked around and saw money on the table he took it and got his backpack and went out the door. [I]Wow, it's a great day today. Maybe I should ditch school[/I], Lee thought, [I]Nah on second thought nevermind.[/I] He locked his door and began to walk towards the subway. He got his ticket and went for a ride. It took about ten minutes. He walked outside and accidently bumped into a boy. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going," Lee mumbled as he grabbed the boy's arm before he touched the floor. He left and walked to school. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Sorry this is so short. I have to catch up on other posts as well.[/COLOR]
Luna looked around the table and was enjoying the sight of the room like a little curious girl. She listened to the confersation(sp?) and was very interested. [I]Well I really wasn't chosen[/I], thought Luna, [I]I just wanted a job.[/I] She ate her food and cleared her plate away. She went into the kitchen and began to wash the plates. She went out and began to collect the people's plates when they were done and washed them. She finally sat down and began to hear the confersation(sp?) again. OOC: Sorry this was short. I just did Luna's job.
Name:Krad Lee Age:19 Appearance: [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:M8KsUxNb_mMJ:www.jeuxmangas.net/IMG/gif/miura.gif[/IMG] He has green eyes. Muscular body at the height of 6'1''. Bio: He found out that he was a pyro when he was 8 and told no one about it. He began to be interested in alchemy when he was 10. When he became 15 he was well trained as a pyro. He is still working on his alchemy though and trying to learn more about it. Weapon: A magical amulet Ability: Pyro and Alchemist OOC: Sorry about filling in later I just wanted a spot. Edit: Ok done and maybe I'll come back to fill more.
Name: Luna Lee Height: 5'5'' Weight: (not mention) Age: 18/soul:36 Appearance: [B][URL=http://img9.exs.cx/img9/7962/misc_394.th.jpg]Luna Lee (Pic)[/URL][/B] She has a red long T-shirt with jeans. A better picture of her though it is kind of hard to see. Race: Zodiac, Cancer Position: Loyal to God-believes in him Power: Ability to shoot water out of her hands and to control water. Morph: snowy owl [IMG] http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:JusmsJfqQoMJ:www.graysofwestminster.co.uk/images/workshop/comp_2000_angel_snowy-owl.jpg[/IMG] Weapon: Staff, Magical Amulet and Sword Bio: (Fill this in later) OOC: Sorry about the filling in later stuff. I just have to think about it. Edit: Well I added some pics! Edit2: I just changed my age Edit3: Got better pic of her!
OOC: Ok since I didn't make the spot, I'll take a different one. With the same person though. Name: Krad Luh Age- 18 Gender- Male Appearance- Golden, blonde hair with sparkling green eyes. A muscular body and stands at the height of 6'1''. He tends to wear a dress shirt and jeans most of the time. Kinda looks like this: [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:M8KsUxNb_mMJ:www.jeuxmangas.net/IMG/gif/miura.gif[/IMG] Power/Control- Telekinetic Group- YMCA fields Bio- He lives with his mother and little sister. He can be a bit protective of his sister (His sister is also telekinetic). His father left them when he was 10 and was never heard from again. He's a great friend once you get to know him and a very relaxed, cool, and calm kind of guy. He also tends to be a gentleman. Part of his family is telekinetic but he only knows that, the only thing he doesn't know is that other people can use it as well. On his mother side no one uses it but only on his father side could use it. Since he's father isn't there to teach him, he taught himself. When he was 12, he was able to use it without any trouble. So he had mastered his power. OOC: Change it!
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Jenny, James, and Geneive began to walk back home. They laughed and talked on the way. "Thanks for inviting me, you guys,"Geneive said," I had a blast!" "No problem,"Jenny replied,"Oh did you guys like that water ride?" "Yeah it was so awesome!"exclaimed James. "Yeah I liked it when we got wet!" Geneive said cheerfully. "Well no duh," Jenny said,"We liked it as well, not only you." "Yeah..right,"Geneive said. All three of them laughed and soon they reached to Geneive's house. "Hey guys this is my stop,"Geneive said,"I'll see you guys later." "Yeah see you later,"Jenny and James said. Jenny and James left and Geneive went up to her door and found her keys. She opened the door. "HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Brandon yelled as Geneive came through the door. "Woah!! Take a chill pill, little dude. You high on sugar or something?" "Of couse he is," her mother said and gave her a hug,"So how was it with your friends?" "I had a blast! It was so cool and we almost got to ride all of the rides!" exclaimed Geneive. "Well I'm glad you had fun, dear,"Her mother said,"BRANDON, YOUNG MAN! GET DOWN AND STOP JUMPING OFF THE WALLS!!!! [I]Woah mom's loud[/I], thought Geneive, [I]and as for Brandon, he's just too much on sugar.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Luna entered the temple. She looked in awe. It was so huge like the place she stayed in when she got her job. She was looking around and soon began to wonder. "Hey uhh...Miss I'sha can I see the note that Lady Lanin left??" asked Luna. "Why sure. Here you go." I'sha said. "Thanks" Luna replied and read. Huh? She left so unexpectely(sp?), Luna thought as she read, Why so all of a sudden? This made Luna curious. She wandered around the temple for awhile and began to read the note again. When she was finished she put it in her pocket and thought deep to herself. OOC: Sorry this post is short. I couldn't think of anything.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Sign Up Unchangeable Destany; My Heart Bleeds [M-LSV]
Who Am I? replied to Ditsy_Taurus888's topic in Theater
Name: Geneive Lee Age: 16 Birth date: 11/13/89 Gender: Female Hight: 5'4" Weight: (not mention) General appearence: She has black hair ahd golden, amber eyes. She tends to tie her hair but in vampire form her hair is loose. During her human form she likes to wear jeans (mostly) and cargo (mostly). She is real friendly when you get to know her and she a great friend. Species: human\vampire Bio: She came from a family who her parents are mortal/mom and vampire/dad. She has two older brothers and one younger brother. She is skilled and her parents have been training her to be more fexible. She cares for her family very much. -
Ok...^ ^ Character's Name: Lee Himura Character's Gender: Male Character's Year in School: confused about this but will go with year 11 Characters Age: 17 Description of Character: Golden blonde hair with sparkling green eyes. A muscular guy (not too much) and cool and calm guy. Enjoys to play basketball and he's a nice guy. Additional Character Background Info: (fill it in later sry) --------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Sorry this is short but I will fill in later.
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]OOC: I got this from DNAngel (for people who do know) and I made it into my version. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Through the depths of the night lives a thief. This thief is a mysterious thief because no one seems to know him. He steals many precious artifacts but never get caught. People call him ''Dark Rose'' because he steals at night and leaves a rose behind. This mysterious thief has tricks up his sleeves and no one knows what he's gonna do next. One day on a starry night when the thief had just finish stealing the ''Sacred Light'' (a bright staff that the queen used a long time ago), he had reveal himself. ''Hello, officer. Why don't we have a chat? A private conversation between the two of us...hm?'' Dark Rose said,''It would be a pleasure to meet the great-oh-so-called ''Dectective Kyro.'' ''And it would be a pleasure to....CAPTURE YOU DARK ROSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' yelled Detective Kyro,''GET THE THIEF!!" WHHOOOSH!!!! Dark Rose jumped on the rooftops and said,"Well just a reminder to you, dectective, I will be stealing "The Great Clocks" and I will strike at 9:30, tomorrow." Dark Rose fled through the night while the dectective and the police informed all of their men to get ready for tomorrow. "Darn you Dark Rose, wait until I get my hands on you. You will definitely be thrown into jail,"mumbled Kyro. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok here's the sign ups: Name: (no hard names that we can't pronounce please) Age: (try to be old enough or PM me) Gender: Appearance: (how you look) Personality: Bio: (it doesn't really matter how long or short) Ok I'll be taking the part of Dark Rose but I need someone to play the part of Detective Kyro (you may change everything about him except the fact that he wants to capture Dark Rose and his name)...well have fun and remember I'm taking the part of Dark Rose.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
OOC: Hey! This is getting interesting!!!! ^ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Geneive sighed. Thank GOD I'm out of that mess, Geneive thought. "Thanks Jenny and James," Geneive said. She turned around to see if the guy left but spotted a guy she saw at school. He was really familiar to her. She smiled at him and ran to the line of another rollercoaster called 'Spider Twister.' "Come on you guys I wanna get in the front of the ride!" shouted Geneive. Jenny and James ran over and rode their ride and Geneive had a blast! ] OOC: I gotta edit this later cuz my bro has gotta go on the comp. sorry!
Name: Micky Age: 19 Appearance: [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:jCAMeHeOZQQJ:img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/dian9783/dong%2520bang%2520shin%2520ki/mickey/micky01.jpg[/IMG] What band are you in: Dongbangshinki Bio: Micky has a great singing voice and he always singed. One day his friend, U-Know had giving him a stop to try out for singing and so he took it. He made it and now he's in a band with his friends. OOC: Here's the picture of the real Dongbankshinki [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:SeeW71PO-FwJ:img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/dian9783/dong%2520bang%2520shin%2520ki/max/max07.jpg[/IMG] < Max [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:_g66duBkirEJ:img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/dian9783/dong%2520bang%2520shin%2520ki/u-know/uno10.jpg[/IMG] < U-Know [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:VFvzUEIoffkJ:img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/dian9783/dong%2520bang%2520shin%2520ki/hero/hero13.jpg[/IMG] < Hero Xia>[IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:uBYDN4-5rPMJ:img2.photobucket.com/albums/v112/KawaiiTouki/Xiah/Xiah26.jpg[/IMG] My bio's short sorry....