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Who Am I?

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Everything posted by Who Am I?

  1. Well I'm signing up! ^ ^ ---------------------------------------------------------- Name: Luna Lee Age: 15 Beast form: Cat Personality: (fill this later) Human appearance: (fill this later) Beast appearance: Black Ears and a tail with golden eyes. Introduction: (fill this in later) OOC: Sorry. I promise I'll fill this out later.
  2. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]"Hey Jenny!" Geneive said when she opened the door and tried to push her brother's friends back into the house,"Hurry and get in!" Jenny walked through the door and greeted her mother and her mother greeted her back. They began to hear the band 'Dongbangshinki' and started dancing. They spotted korean boys staring at them and Jenny yelled, "dont-go-moe!"(
  3. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Interesting story, Mouse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Krad Luh Age- 18 Gender- Male Appearance- Golden, blonde hair with sparkling green eyes. A muscular body and stands at the height of 5'10''. He tends to wear a dress shirt and jeans most of the time. Power/Control- Element. Powers:Fire Group- Outskirts Bio- He lives with his mother and little sister. He can be a bit protective of his sister. His father left them when he was 10 and was never heard from again. He's a great friend once you get to know him and a very relaxed, cool, and calm kind of guy. He also tends to be a gentleman. When he was 13, he was outside at night playing with a lighter and then something amazed him and he caught fire in his hands! He was so amazed and he kept practicing for a long time. He soon became use to this powers of his and went on with his life. During that time he never told anyone about this and he just kept it to himself. Now he's a senior at a highschool and he seems to ditch school few times just to play with fire and carries a lighter all time and has another spare in his other pocket. OOC: I know the bio is short but I couldn't think of anything else if you give me some more examples or something then I'll put some more on to it but for now this is all I got.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. OOC:Wow! A bunch of posts. ^ ^ "Well history was fun," Geneive said while she was walking back home. She say bye to Jenny and giggled at the sight of how Jenny and James make a great couple. "Well it's pretty funny how she told me that she didn't like guys and now she does," smiled Geneive,"Well maybe my chance will soon come." Soon she finally got home and went to her room and called Jenny. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jenny answered her phone and said,"Hello??" "Hey Jenny, it's me Geneive!" she said on the other line. "Oh hi but I'm still with James ya' know,"Jenny said. "Yeah I know. So how's it going with you two.....anything....uhh....special???" Geneive giggled over the other line. "Quiet---oh yeah there's one down the street---quiet down ok you're making me go red around him. Ok I gotta go I'll tell you this later when I come over, ok??" Jenny said," Yea I'll be there in a sec." She called to James and hung up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ok geez...she could of said bye,"Geneive hung up and change her clothes into a big T-shirt and short comfy pants. She sat down on her bed and wrote in her little notebook: [I]Monday, September 12, 2007 Hey! It's me notebook! Well today Jenny and James are out and I'm here bored. Well I guess I'm a bit jealous that Jenny and James are out together and I also can't wait to hear how it is going for them. Well mother says Jenny can come over and sleepover and I bet it's going to be a joy. See Ya![/I] Geneive close her little notebook and heared the door bell ring. She went downstairs and anwered the door. "YAAAHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 10-year-old boys rushed out the door. "Oww...."mumbled Geneive,"MOM!!!" "Yea dear, what is it?" her mom asked. "MOM I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET BRANDON'S(brother) FRIENDS COME OVER!" Geneive yelled over the loud noises coming from the boys. "SORRY DEAR BUT YOUR BROTHER ASKED FIRST!" her mother yelled over the noises as well. [I]Darn....,[/I]she thought, [I]now what? [/I] OOC: Wow this RPG is getting interesting!
  5. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]OOC: I'm posting again since no one is for now. ^ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soon the racket outside stop and everyone took their seats. [I]Finally[/I], thought Geneive, [I]Everyone probably heard that one.[/I] ''Alright, since everyone got out of class...everyone has to take a POP QUIZ!!!!!'' the teacher exclaimed. There were a lot of loud moans in the class. [I]Great but I didn't even get out of my seat[/I], she thought,[I] It ain't fair.[/I] The teacher past out the tests. Everyone started to take the test. Soon Geneive saw something being past out, so she tilted her chair a bit to see better. [I]Oh my GOD[/I], thought Geneive. What Geneive saw was a ciggaratte (sp?) passing by and was put inside a bag. ''Ahem,'' the teacher cleared his throat. ''Hehe...opps,'' Geneive gulped. ''Opps is right,'' the teacher said,''I'm so disappointed Geneive, I thought you such a great student...I'm sorry but you must fail the test because you were caught cheating.'' ''What! I was not! I saw some----'' Geneive was interrupted. ''No I saw you. No buts,'' the teacher said. ''No way...'' she sighed sadly,''Great now what's my mom gonna say.'' The teacher took her test and gave her a F. She looked back but the cigar was hidden. ~~~~~FASTFORWARD~~~~~ The bell rang for lunch and everyone got out of class. Geneive saw Jenny happily going towards her. ''What's a matter?'' Jenny asked. ''The teacher took my test and failed me,'' Geneive sadly said,'' but I wasn't cheating, you believe me right? But what I saw was a cigarette in class.'' ''Seriously!'' Jenny yelled. ''Quiet down,'' said Geneive,''But I gotta go and buy lunch alright?'' ''You sure you alright??'' Jenny asked. ''Yea,'' Geneive said glumy,''Hey go get a table for us alright.'' Jenny left and Geneive went to the lunch line. OOC: That's all I wrote! ^ ^ I'll wait for everyone else.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. Luna was so frighten she could barely move. She saw two dragons, a dwarf, and two people who were both cloaked blocking her path. She desperately wanted to get thru to finish her missions she had started past of year and a half. She didn't want to disappoint Lanin. She was scared,''Oh please, help me please.'' She looked around and it seemed like there was no way out except back. She started to turn around but the dwarf and the two hooded figures blocked her way. ''Uhh....''she gulped. She was in danger now. OOC: Sorry this is short I couldn't think of anything else.
  7. Interesting.... Name: Luna Lee Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Long, black hair and golden eyes. She tends to wear jeans and big T-shirts but in her demon form she wears a long black cloak around her. She friendly and tends to be quiet. Race: Demon/Human Weapons: A Sword and a staff Powers: Fire Biography: Luna is a fifteen year old girl living her life as a regular teenager and keeps her identity sealed. She was born under a mortal/mom and a demon/dad. She rarely knew her dad and she never really thought about it. She has two older brothers and one younger brother. Living her life as a normal teenager, she is trying to get a job. She has a few close friends and is a gentle person. She isn't friends with any demons because the others make fun of her because she is part human. So she stays in her human form mostly. She has great senses and is a great friend to hang out with. OOC: Tell me if this paragraph is too short and I'll try to make it longer.
  8. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry I wasn't here for awhile (or I think I am). Ok here's mine. Luna walked through the doors and she was really happy she got the job. ''I will be most loyal to her,'' Luna said to herself,''She has such a wonderful beauty.'' She got dressed into a little purple dress which was a bit big for her but she didn't mind. She ate the whole meal and folded her dirty clothes somewhere. She thought that the room was marvelous but wasn't fit for her only the tall beautiful lady. ''Oh boy I have a job and some shelter and now I can live in peace with the lady,'' She said,''But I still do not know her name...hmmm....now what should I do?'' Luna walked out of the room and found Aranel waiting for her. He took her hand and told her to follow him. Luna followed him through the tall cooridors and went into a large room that sparkle a lot. [I]Wow[/I], Luna thought, [I]it's so huge and pretty.[/I] She walked and saw the lady she saw in the woods. ''Hello,'' she said, ''Did you like your room?'' [I]Woah my room![/I] Luna thought. ''Yes I liked it very much! Thank you!'' Luna said cheerfully. The lady smiled at her.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]After the bump and hit incident Geneive finally went inside math class. She took her seat in the middle of the classroom and began to doodle in her notebook again. The bell rang and she took out her math notebook and began to write her homework down. ''Hmm...ok, so we have to do a worksheet and a few pages in the textbook,'' Geneive said to herself and let out a sigh. [I]Well the more the merrier right[/I], she thought, [I]Well not really, got more homework to do now. [/I] She began doodle some more in her notebook and soon the math lesson was starting. She got her math notebook and began take notes. [I]So x equals two to the fifth power over three to the six power[/I], Geneive thought, [I]Then that mean y equals four to the third power times three over twenty-six divided by three to the second power...wow thats a lot of help ain't it.[/I] The teacher began to talk more about the lesson and heard a racket outside. Everyone in class started to look out the window to see what it was. ''Class please take yours seats it's nothing to worry about,'' the teacher said. Nobody was listening. ''Class please take your se----'' the teacher was interrupted by the pushing and shoving of Geneive's fellow classmates. OOC: Sorry about that math thing. I couldn't write it in numbers. ^ ^ [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  10. Name: Geneive Lee Age: 14 Birth date: 11/13/90 Gender: Female Hight: 5'4" Weight: (not mention) General appearence: She has black hair ahd golden, amber eyes. She tends to tie her hair but in vampire form her hair is loose. During her human form she likes to wear jeans (mostly) and cargo (mostly). She is real friendly when you get to know her and she a great friend. Species: human\vampire Bio: She came from a family who her parents are mortal/mom and vampire/dad. She has two older brothers and one younger brother. She is skilled and her parents have been training her to be more light weight. She cares for her family very much.
  11. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]The bell rang and everyone started to get out of class. ''Hooray!!'' Geneive said as she walk out of her class, ''That took forever, though I thought that girl was a bit rude. Well it made the class a bit interesting.'' She walked and began to dig in her backpack for her notebook. When she looked up she almost bumped into a guy. ''Sorry,'' he mumbled. She thought he was kind of familiar and also cute. She soon took out her notebook and went to find Jenny. ''Hey!!'' Jenny called. Geneive turned and gave a wave. Jenny caught up with her and talked about how fun her period was. ''Really? Mine was a bit boring...'' Geneive said. ''Wow it was so amazing and you should have come'', Jenny said. Geneive show her pictures she drew during chemistry. Jenny thought they were great and later Geneive saw someone looking at them. It was a boy. He quickly turned away when she caught a glimpse (sp?) of him. It was a short peek but he did look good she thought. ''So...got any plans?'' Jenny asked. ''Huh??'' Geneive got out of her thought and said,''Oh yea, I don't have any.'' ''Are you ok??'' ''Yea, I'm fine. Just thought that I saw someone looking at us.'' ''Who?!'' Jenny started to look around. ''Uhh...I don't know but I think he's in my class.'' ''WHERE IS HE???'' Jenny asked desperately. ''Jenny, are you alright??? You sure you don't wanna see a doctor??'' ''Yea I'm fine. I just wanted to see if the guy was a cutie.'' ''Yea alright well I'm gonna go to next class,'' Geneive said. ''Alright, tell me if that guy was in your class,'' Jenny whispered. ''Ok. Maybe,'' Geneive gave her a wink. ''Oh yea what class do you have next because I wanna wait for you there instead of near your locker,'' Jenny asked. ''Uhh..let's see'' Geneive looked at her schedule,''Man I wished I memorized it....ok I have math next. I can't wait until we have history together.'' ''Yea well see ya!'' Jenny called as she was walking down the hallway. ''Ahnyoung (hi or bye in Korean),'' Geneive called out to her. She began to walk to her class until she bumped into someone and fell on the floor. [I]Oh darn, clumsy me[/I], Geneive thought,[I] I wish I looked where I was going I bet I'm gonna get in trouble.[/I] OOC: Hey, was mine any good? Well I think this is getting a bit interesting. See ya![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]OOC: Alright let's get started!! ^^ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Luna walked through the dark mountain path. There she saw someone and she looked older than her. ''Uhh...excuse me???'' Luna mumbled. There was no reply and Luna thought she must of not heard her. So she tried once more. ''Excuse me??'' She said a little louder. The person didn't look up. Luna get a bit disappointed because she knew her voice wasn't loud enough. She was hungry, cold, and desperate for a job. Her parents are gone and now she has to live by herself. She hasn't got shelter yet but is still in search of one, hoping someone would take her in. She tried one more time. ''Ex----'' She was interrupted by a cold breeze. She was cold and couldn't afford any clothes. ''Excuse me??'' She said this more louder. The person looked and Luna thought how glamerous she looked and wanted to be just like her. The lady asked,''May I help you??'' ''Uhh...I was hoping to find a job. Will you let me have a job? I'll do the best I can, I'll serve under and do everything for you...Please could you give me a job?'' Luna begged. The lady just stare at her. Luna was full of tears at that moment and she would do anything to get a job.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Wow this story is interesting...ok here's mine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Luna Lee Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: She has long straight black hair and she ties it up (when its tied it goes up to waist). Her hair goes nicely with her purple eyes. She's kind and she likes to wear jeans. She is a great friend once you get to know her. Weapons: Sword, Amulet (with a strange power), Staff (she uses it mostly) Element: Fire Reason for Mission: Missing brothers (Krad, 8 and Noah, 10 ) and revenge for her father Bio: When Luna was 11, her father died leaving her, her brothers, and mother. Her mother and brothers and herself tried to stay a strong family. When Luna became 13 on her birthday, her brothers got kidnapped. That was when she got her powers at the time. She practiced her powers but realized she couldn't control it very well so she went to school. Now she is attending the school to punish the person who ever took her brothers away and killed her father. Her mother is a bit worried and not pleased about her going to this school alone but Luna wouldn't mind. She will stand strong and protect her family at all cost.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]'' Wow what a run! '' Geneive said while eating her bagel. Jenny started to giggle. '' STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!!!! It was only a run geezzz!! '' Geneive yelled. '' Alright, I'm sorry but it was funny!! '' Jenny chuckled. Geneive took a gulp of water and joked with Jenny. '' Hey, are you gonna attend the Asian club?'' Jenny asked. '' I thought of it but I hadn't decided yet,'' she replied. They talked about other topics like what they were gonna do on the weekend, if they had any plans, or what they had in common. The bell rang and Geneive and Jenny went to class. They walk through the halls until Jenny found her class. They said their byes and Jenny walk into class. [I]Oh boy i got chemistry next, aint this gonna be a blast[/I], Geneive thought sadly. Geneive walk through the door and the teacher greeted her and told her to take a seat wherever she wanted. She took a seat in the back that was a bit close to the window. She took her seat and stare out. She sighed heavily, '' When is this lesson gonna be over...'' She looked at her watch and 3 minutes until the second bell rings. She stares around the classroom. [I]Hmm...white walls, pretty big room, nice view outside with a bit of breeze...,[/I]thought Geneive. She took out her notebook and drew some pretty pictures. She looked at her watch and it was one more minute until the bell rings. '' Well time sure is slow today.....'' Geneive said to herself, '' Plus i thought the bell already rang...man this is one heck of a long boring day. Though I wonder if we are going to have any new students today.'' [I]I wish I was with Jenny...she must be having a blast in her class[/I], she thought. She doodle some more in her notebook and thought of an idea to make-up a story. The bell finally rang and Geneive took out her notebook used for chemistry but still doodle in her own notebook. The teacher stood up and started to talk about how wildlife is. OOC: Hey I'm a bit new to this and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this was good or not.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]A great start! I like how you thought of a game thing...^^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Name: Luna Lee Race: Elf Age: 14 (tell me if this age is too young k?) Gender: Female Apperance: Long black hair that goes down to her knees (wow thats pretty long huh?). Violet eyes that seem to change into a darker color. She likes loose and dark color clothes. She wears a purple color dress and it seems pretty long for her but she doesn't mind. Shes a really pretty. She stands out at 5' 1''(i think thats pretty average). Shes got a slender body with fair skin. Personality: She really cheerful and friendly. Shes a great person to hang out with. Shes smart (not too smart). She likes to make people smile a lot. She has a vivid imagination and a creative mind. She can be a bit annoying sometimes but everyone thinks shes so adorable. ^^ She always looks on the brighter side of things and she will always stand by your side. She will only listen to orders to the people she trusts. Shes a great friend you can count on! Background: When she was 11, her parents were taken away from these evil people. She was all alone and had nowhere to go. She went to a nearby village and tried to get a job but nobody would take her because she was young. She was in desperate need to get a job and find her own shelter and she finally came to this lady (Lanin) and begged her to let her have a job. When the lady said yes she jumped for joy and now she serve under her as a loyal servant and must survive. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Hey When's it gonna start??? I'm waitin! [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]opps...i guess i didnt know. ill choose 'Geneive'[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Krad Luh [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Appearance:[/B] Light brown hair w/ hazel eyes [B]Personality: [/B] Unpolite, smartypants, and mysterious (you don't know what he's gonna do next). Once you get to know him very well, he'll be a bit kind to you. [B]Bio:[/B] He hates his life. He hates how his dad abandoned him and his mother. His mother gets too depressed so she gets drunk. So now Krad has to take care of everything because his mom ain't helping. Now he has a part time job.[/COLOR]
  20. Hey not to make a big fuss but whens the next one i wanna read it. Also is mother nature (i think thats it) and (something) Sky suppose to like each other. oh yeah ill see you later, sunofexiles. (geneive) ^^
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Geneive Lee :p [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Appearance:[/B] Black, shiny, long hair (that goes down to the waist) and green eyes. She always ties her hair up. She likes to wear loose fitting and big clothes. She likes to be casual and not so trendy. She likes jeans and cargo pants (that fit right on her but likes to wear big T-shirts over them). [B]Personality:[/B] This person may seem to act childish. She can be clumsy at times but shes smart. She can be quiet at times but when shes around friends she can be talkative. She loves to draw and think of ideas. Shes very creative. She can worry about her friends sometimes and she doesn't like it when people are sad. She likes to also get to know her teachers better. [B]Bio: [/B] She lived in LA her whole life and now she's going to high school and she's nervous. This year she will be attending her freshmen year. She lives with her mother and her brother,Brandon (10) because her father travels to Korea. She doesn't spend quality time with her family because they are busy (even the brother, cause of friends). She gets lonely but during her spare time she either draws something, reads a good book, or calls up her friends. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
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