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Who Am I?

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Everything posted by Who Am I?

  1. [B][color=red][size=3]WELCOME TO DELROSE HIGH!! [/size][/B] [size=1]That's how I was greeted when I walked through the doors. [i]This school is a great place to learn, have fun, and be [b]safe[/b]. [/i] I believed everyword... until someone came into my life. "Hey! You're a freshmen, aren't you?" A boy who seemed to be a junior in the school asked me. I nodded and he smiled. I smiled back until the boy's face turned into a very terrifing face. I ran and the boy held me back. "You aren't going anywhere. You are going to listen to me! You are gonna do my homework!" He yelled at me. "Why d-do I ha-have to do i-it?" I managed to say. "Because I said so. And if you don't then..." He trailed off and pointed to a direction. I looked to where he pointed. There was a boy who seemed to be in the same grade as me, but he was getting beat up by other people. I gulped. "Well? Are you gonna do it?" He handed me a stack of papers. I nodded and took the stack of papers. He smiled. "Good. I'm glad you took that choice." I ran. That's my first encounter at Delrose High and I hated it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "WAKE UP BOOGERFACE!!" A boy who appeared to be around 8, screamed. "Mom! Get him out of the room!" Lauren yelled and pushed her brother out of the room. "Daniel... stop bothering your sister and get ready for school." Lauren's mom yelled. Daniel walked back to his room and Lauren smiled. [i]Finally,[/i] she thought, [i]that brat. Now I can get ready to go to that horrible school of mine.[/i] Lauren grabbed a white long sleeve t-shirt and wore dark blue fading jeans. She sighed heavily as she was fixing her hair. She tied her hair up and grabbed her schoolbag. She stuffed her homework and some other papers in and walked downstairs. There, her mother and brother were waiting. "Hey! Hurry up!" Daniel wailed. "Alright!" Lauren took a piece of toast in her mouth and wore her shoes. She hopped in the car and her mother started the engine. Daniel was the first one to get dropped off. "Have a nice day at school, sweetie!" Her mother called out to Daniel and waved. Daniel waved back and ran to the building. Once again, they drove. Past parks, buildings, stop signs and turn around the corner. Lauren gulped and let out a breathe. Her mother waved goodbye to her and she gripped her bag tightly. She walked through the doors of the school and found people getting pushed around already. She back away and tried to get out of the situation. "Hey!! Tard!!!" A girl screamed and came up to Lauren. "My name is not 'Tard'.." Lauren looked at her. "Whatever. My papers?" She stuck her hand out. Lauren shuffled around her bag and gave her the papers. "Here.." "Thanks," she snorted and added, "[i]bitch[/i].." Lauren shrugged it off and went to her first period class. Chemistry. It wasn't her favorite class because there were some [i]odd[/i] people in this class. Lauren sat in her usual seat near the window. She placed her bag on her lap and waited for the other students to arrive. [/color][/size] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Black][b][OOC: Alright! Welcome! I finally put this up! Now on your first post, put your daily routine.. where you get ready for school and all that. Have fun!!][/b] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][OOC: Oh wow! I'm in! Though.. I didn't finish my sign up completely.] [COLOR=Red]"Outfits?" Andrew questioned. "How will it scare them away? I mean mine's fine." "According to the stuff you are wearing compared to mine are quite different," Cissa said. "Besides, it looks very disturbing." Drew looked at his clothing and then Cissa's clothing. [i]Hmm.. I'd say her clothing is more disturbing.[/I] Drew looked over to Candy. "Hey. You're pretty quiet. Something on your mind?" Drew smiled. Candy looked to him. "Oh. No. Nothing's wrong. Just thinking about some stuff." "This is some weird place, huh?" "Yup," Candy answered. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]I made you a avi.. now. [b]Avi:[/b] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/ChaosAvi.jpg[/IMG] URL: [url]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/ChaosAvi.jpg[/url] There you go!! I made another one.. but I don't have a matching banner. You can ask and I'll make it for you. [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/Sesshomaru3.jpg[/IMG] URL: [url]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/Sesshomaru3.jpg[/url] [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][OOC: What happened? Did some of the players drop out? Anyways I'm redoing my sign up.. I don't like the one I did before.] [COLOR=Red][B]Name:[/B] Choonie Park [B]Age: [/B] 17 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Stands at the height of 5'4'' and has long black hair with brown highlights running down. She has beautiful dark brown eyes and she always has a cheerful look on her face. She is very atheletic and has good reflexes. [B]Continent you live on:[/B] Asia [B]The thing you?re being haunted through: [/B] Cell phone [B]Character Snipit: [/B] [edit][/COLOR] [OOC: Sorry.. I'm grounded. I will finish the sign up soon.][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Hi Squiggles! I'm very sorry that I didn't get to finish my sign up yet. Please give me a little more time to finish. *begs* I'm still grounded... Well later. [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Okay. I'm being nice so everyone is in but.. I don't know when I'm gonna post my RP up. I'm grounded and I can't be on for a long time. Sign ups are good but PLEASE CHECK SPELLING.. sorry if I'm being picky. It's just a bit hard to read with all the "u, r, ur, wat, some1, bi, etc." also please capitalize. I think I AM being picky.. :animesigh Well I hope this RP goes swell and I'll PM you guys when the RP is up! Thank you! SIGN UPS ARE STILL OPEN.. if there are some people who want to play. [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Andrew/Drew [b]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.matmice.com/home/ashleykat_anime/li1.gif]CLick Here [/URL] Stands at the height of 6'3'' [edit] [B]Traits:[/B] Tends to act very childish despite his age. He is fun-loving and caring. Though he's childish, he can stand up for people whenever they're down. He likes to be the "brother" of his friends. He likes to wander and explore around areas and find things. He is the silent type sometimes, he tends to keep things quiet. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] (Putting in first person if you don't mind) -______- o O zZZZzzzzZZz That's me sleeping... "Yo DREW!!! WAKE UP!!!!" O_____O I'm wide awake now. That was my older brother.. "I'm awake.." I moaned and stretched my arms. Rubbing my eyes, my brother said, "Good. Your friends are downstairs." "Huh?" I looked at him questionly. "Can you read my lips?" He said and I nodded. "Well then, GO DOWN!" I couldn't believe that my friends were here but then I stood up and dragged my feet. I walked downstairs with my eyes half-open. "Puhahaha!!" Michael laughed. "What kind of pajamas are those?" O____O [i]They are here... It seems pretty early.[/i] "Yeah... what are those?" Andrea AKA Andy pointed. I looked down. I was wearing a blue shirt with some bright green pants that had rubby duckies on them. "Uhh..." I got a bit red. "There just pj's." I tried to act casual. "Rubby duckies?? How old are you??" Candy giggled. [EDIT] [/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Are you gonna continue this one? Well since there are girls playing, I'm picking out a guy. Hope I'm in. Will edit later, writer's block. >__
  8. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Here's my try.. [b]Banner:[/b] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/Sesshomaru3Banner.jpg[/IMG] URL: [url]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/Sesshomaru3Banner.jpg[/url] Will do avi soon.. I might change. [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Okay! Here you go!! [b]Avi:[/b] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/SlientSecurity.jpg[/IMG] URL: [url]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/SlientSecurity.jpg[/url] [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [FONT=Frankling gothic medium][COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][U][B]Enrollment [/B] [/U] [B]Name:[/B] Scott Pierce [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Origin:[/B] Atlanta, Georgia [B]Teacher or student:[/B] Teacher [B]Appearance:[/B] Scott is a lean and tall man. Stands at the height of 6'3'' and is in great shape. Short light brown hair with sparkling green eyes. [edit] [B]Powers:[/B] [Pending] [B]Biography:[/B] Living in the east was easy for Scott but when his family decided to move up north to New York, Scott was unsure about this. He was 13 that time. [edit soon] [B]Personality:[/B] [edit] [B]Character snippet:[/B] [edit later][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Yay! Well I got some sign ups! [SIZE=1][B]Erriku:[/B] Hi there! I like your character.. but I would like your Character Snipit or Bio to be at least two to three paragraphs long.. not a sentence. And I guess it's okay to add the nickname part. [B]Lyuann:[/B] Welcome! Well your character is interesting but please check spelling. I'm not being too picky, am I? Anyways everything else is fine. [B]BlackTigerGurl:[/B] Hello. Nice character. Yours is fine..[/SIZE] Well we sure have a lot of "loners"... let's have a couple of sign ups more and well get this started soon enough. Thank you![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Riah (Ree-ah) [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.ntu-siggraph.com/nuke7/modules/coppermine/albums/userpics/10006/normal_chara-PS.jpg]CLick Here[/URL] Dark brown hair with brilliant blue eyes. She stands at the height of 5'5'' and ties her hair up. [b]Personality:[/b] She's a kind and polite girl but she seems to be "air-headed" at times because of an inccident that had occured not so long ago. Though pieces of her memory comes together a bit one at a time. She becomes depressed at times but always has a cheerful look. [b]Appearance/Weapon Specifics:[/b] Bow and arrows... you should know what that looks like. [B]Technique:[/B] --[U]Flying Arrows[/U]-- It looks like she's shooting one arrow but when it flies out she's shoot three.. no wait! There's more! This helps the opponent get distracted while fighting. It may or may not be an illusion so you better watch out! [B]Weapon Power:[/B] Instead of reaching to her back to get arrows, it magically appears out to her hand making it easier for her. [B]Bio:[/B] Riah grew up in a small village where everyone is friendly with everyone. Riah had two older brothers and a younger sister. An accident had occur on one day, Riah was look upon a beautiful waterfall on the edge of a cliff. She loved to draw and paint. She sketched the beautiful waterfall and once she was finished somebody knocked her down. She screamed with her might and never knew who the person was. She drowned in the lake. Someone rescued her. She didn't know who that person was but he or she saved her life. She wanted to thank that person but she fainted. She suddenly woke up and the people who surrounded her looked relieved. She didn't know who they were. They started to talk to her and they seemed worried. But all she said was, "Who are you? You know me?" [B]Character Snippet:[/B] (I'm putting this in first person if you don't mind.) A lady(mother) who stood in front panicked, "What?! You don't know me?!" "No.." I responded looking a little confused. "Dear, calm down." A man(father) stood by the lady and patted her back. [I]They must be married..[/I] "Who are you?" I looked at a boy(brother) who was about a year or two older than me. "I'm Lee. What's your name?" He asked me. "I'm Riah." I smiled. He smiled back. "This is my brother, JinYoo and my sister, Minori." I looked at them. I smiled and then peered at them closer. They seemed oddly familiar to me but I couldn't quite put my finger to it. "Brother!!" The little girl known as Minori tugged at Lee's sleeve and asked, "Why doesn't sister know who I am?!?!" [I]Sister?? Since when did I have a sister.[/I] Flashbacks soon popped into my head. Minori was there. "Come on!" I shouted. It looked like I was in the water. "No. I'm gonna drown!!" She whined. "Here! I'll hold you." "No." "Please! I promise I won't let you go." I held my arms out. She pondered for a moment and then nodded her head. "Okay!!" We splashed around and we were having a great time. *END OF FLASHBACK* [I]That was odd.. she's my sister? And so they're my brothers? Why don't I remember?[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Finally an RP that interest me!! ^ ^ Keep it up Kamuro! Sorry edit later.. I'm still grounded. EDIT: Done! I hope this is alright![/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Interesting.. So you don't want to be recongnized? Is that it? [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Well that's a flashback. If you saw the episode then yeah. Someone tries to stop him anyways... I'm not a HUGE fan of him but he's alright. [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Ok.. I made a banner and I'll make the avi later. [b]Banner:[/b] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/SilentSecurity.bmp[/IMG] URL: [url]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y274/Forgetful_Me1010/SilentSecurity.bmp[/url] [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]So.. you came to look at this[B] RPG[/B]? You probably think the title "Ordinary Life" is boring or rather interesting. Well I think both. I mean "Ordinary Life".. nobody thinks there life is ...ordinary?? Everyone thinks their life is miserable, cruel, horrible, special, lucky, sad, crazy, etc. but there has to be someone with an ordinary life, right? Well in this RP.. there is no ordinary life. Everyone has different backgrounds, different cultures, different about everything. That's why they say "Life isn't fair" or "Life isn't perfect." Whatever you prefer. Well if you want to stop reading you can cause after this I'll start the story.. [B][SIZE=3]ORDINARY LIFE [PG-VL possible S][/SIZE][/B] Lauren Jung. That's what the teachers call me. Lauren or Laurie. That's what my friends call me. Jung Yoonie. That's what my parents call me. "Boogerface." That's what my brother calls me. My father works, my mother cooks, and my brother and I go to school. Ordinary right? My father works at a Real Estate and my mother cooks, cleans, feed us, etc. Still ordinary. Yup, inside and outside of my house is ordinary but when it comes to school.. I would double check. NOT ORDINARY.... They say school was suppose to be safe, non-drug abuse, alcohol-free, no violence, and so on. Step inside MY school... boy school's is now HELL. I am the one who always runs away and cowers behind walls. I'm afraid. Everyday 3 or more people get hurt. My parents say it's safe.. but they don't know that. There are no jocks, preps, popular, cheerleaders, etc. The only groups here are.. bully, gangs, losers, pranksters, and all the other bad things you could think of. Don't you just wonder... where are the teachers?? There are teachers, but they're just doing the same thing as everyone else. Hiding, not scolding, but hiding. Just like me. [I]I just wished a miracle happened at our school....[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [U][B]SIGN UP[/B][/U] [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Doesn't matter. As long as it's not complicated. [B]Age:[/B] This is Highschool. Or you could be a teacher. [b]Gender:[/b] Male or Female. Obviously. [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Apperance:[/b] Pic or description. [b]Where Do You Belong:[/b] Bully, Gang Member, Loser, Nerd, Prankster, etc. [b]Charcter Snipit or Bio:[/b] At least two or three paragraphs.[/SIZE] [COLOR=Red][B]MY SIGN UP:[/B] [SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Lauren Yoonie Jung [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Frightened at school. Bored at home. Most of the time she's trying to get her work done but most of the teachers won't teach her. [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://artpad.art.com/?iju4ezdcbig]CLick Here[/URL] [b]Where Do You Belong:[/b] Loner/Nerd [b]Character Snipit or Bio:[/b] Up there.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Well.. I was bored so I drew [URL=http://artpad.art.com/?iju0cn1lhsnk]THIS???[/URL] Click THIS... Anyways.. I'm not sure if I drew myself correctly.. though that sounds odd and all. I think you should fast forward it a lot because it takes long. [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][b]First:[/b] WOw.. I'm amazed. I really like that one, I mean I don't think I could draw like that. I really like it how you drew the hair... very detailed. [b]Second:[/b] O.O I like the Pokemon!! ^__^ Very good.. You've done a lot of sketching huh? [b]Third:[/b] I love the pants.. I'm not too thrilled about anything else. But it's fine. [b]Fourth:[/b] I love the self portrait! (sp?) Anyways.. I think this one is my favorite one! ^__^ I really like how you done the hair and the eyes... very detailed. But I see the collar bone and it seems a bit odd to me but it's fine. [b]Link...[/b] Oh wow!! Sailor Moon!! What's her name again? Rena? Rina? Whatever... Nice image! DId you look at something and draw it or did it just pop into your head or something like that??? Anyways nicely done! [b]Extra comments...[/b] After observing your drawings... I wish I drew as good as you!! ^__^ I wish I had a scanner as well.. hope you post more of your drawings! I would really like to see them! =] [b]--Who Am I?[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Sorry, Kamuro.. I'm grounded and I won't be here for a month.. please don't kill my character. -________- ;; Well have a nice day!!! [B]-Who Am I?[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Drake looked at Ryu in a frightening way. "Do I look the scary???" Ryu looked at him. "No not really.." Drake shuffled around a bit. "Oh." A small noise was heard and Ryu turned around. "Sure.. let's spend the night together." Ryu smiled. Drake looked relieved and said, "Alright. Well goodbye for now." "Yes goodbye." Ryu walked off. He gracefully walked up the stairs and into his room. "My lord?" A servant popped her head in. "Do you want anything?" "Not now. Thank you anyways." Ryu stared out in the front where the kingdom stood.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]After the conference Brett decided to look at his room. With a big stretch and yawn, Brett got out of his seat and walked out of the room. "Whoops!!" Nikki rushed past him making Brett lose his balance. "It's okay!" Brett caught himself. Through the hallways Brett finally found a room. "Hmm.. nice enough." Brett looked around. Table, bed, lighting, and other things were in the room. He found his stuff lying on the side of his bed. [I]This trip was going to be harsh right? Ma and Pa were a bit worried but I'm a grown man now. Right???? I hope sis is alright though.. I hope I get to search for something good. This is going to be the best thing that ever happened to me.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]Hi DC!! Well.. my posts are getting short because all of this writer block. If you and Omino Jaku (did I spell that right?) could give me a few things to add in the post then I would really appreciate it. Right now.. my character is only interracting with Loranna but I don't know what's going on between Dima and Drake, nor the elven boy or Valarie..[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]"Hey! Come back here!" Brett shouted as a man ran with a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. "My dear child, you shouldn't. It's fine. I'll go buy another one." Ma patted Brett's back. "No! I'm gonna get it for you!" Brett ran. "My child! Come back!" Brett ran.. through the streets, around the corners, across the docks, and then... "Got ya!!!" Brett yelled. "No way! I ain't giving these to ya!" A man in his early 30's looked at him. "Why not?" "I'm hungry." "So? My Ma and Pa worked hard for them and you should too." "Ah child. You shouldn't mock me!!!" "Mock you?" "Yah! You heard meh." Brett scratched his head... [I]Mocked him??? [/I] The man took a fighting pose. [I]You wanna fight??? I wouldn't mind a challenge..[/I] "Come on. Fighting??? You must be kidding." "You want these?" He said, pointing to the bag. "Then you gotta fight meh." "Whatever." Brett took a fighting pose as well. "Aaarrrrggghh!!!" The man shouted and dived. "You missed!! Haha..." The man swung his fist over and over again and he kept missing everytime. "Yo! Old man.. never call me a 'child'.. only my Ma calls me that!" The man panted. "You never take these.." "Come on. Hand it over." "NOOOO!!" The ran towards Brett and put out a fist. WHAMMM!!!! Brett struck out a leg and the man went flying. "It was better when I told you to hand it over." Brett smirked. The man crawled. "No..." Brett rolled his eyes. He took the bag and handed him one potato. "Here.. Please don't go stealing other people's food." "Thanks..." Brett took the sack over his shoulders and turned around. "Well hi!" A tall man stood in front of him with red hair. "Hi?" Brett looked at him questioning. "Hi. I'm Red. Or that's what they call me." "Oh. I'm Brett. Nice to meet you." He looked at Brett. "I could use a fighter like you." "A fighter? Well I don't fight sir." "Well... the way you took down that man. You look like a fighter to me." "Oh." "How about joining my crew?" "Your crew??" Brett looked stunned. "Yeah my crew. We're gonna look for the Longhorn's treasure." "Wow." "So?? Are yah??" "Gotta check out something. Can I meet you somewhere?" "Sure. You see that big ship over there?" "Yah." "Well that's my ship and you go there to meet meh. Alright?" "Sure. Thanks!" Brett ran home. [I]This was going to be some adventure. I'll sure miss my Ma and Pa and even little Annie. They let me go. I surely hope that I find some treasure. This is going to be the time of my life!! This adventure is just beggining!!![/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][OOC: This okay?][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]"Dima?!?!?" Ryu was stunned. "Yes my friend. It is I, Dima the one who rules the east." Dima stood tall. "Wow.. I'm amazed you would come all the way over here. What brings you here anyways?" Ryu asked. "Just to enjoy the party." "Party?" "But, I didn't invite you." Drake stepped in and stared. "Well I guess I didn't get invited, but I saw you [I]pet[/i] roaming around in my area." "And that bothers you, right?" Drake curled his lips. "I'm afraid so, my friend." "I'm sorry to hear that." Ryu watched and listen as the conversation became a bit intense.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][OOC: I'm sorry.. got writer's block. Will probably edit this later.][/SIZE][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1]"We were just joking, my friend." Ryu looked at Loranna. Loranna just laughed at this and continued to drink. "The party seems a bit dull, don't you think?" "Why would it be? We have food and music, isn't that enough?" Drake asked questionly. "I guess... but something doesn't seem right." Ryu stood up and walked towards the kitchen. "Ryu? Where are you going?" Loranna asked. "Oh.. to the kitchen just to get a drink." "Why don't we get someone for you?" Drake asked. "No thanks. Besides I need to stretch my legs from all that sitting." Ryu walked passed some servants and made his way through the kitchen. The chef bowed and Ryu waved his hand and smiled. He grabbed a pitcher of juice and poured it into his cup. He made his way back to the party where Drake and Loranna were dancing. "Ryu, come and dance with us," Loranna called. "No thanks. I'm not much of a dancer." "Oh come on. It's not that hard! I'll teach you." Loranna gave a sly smile. "My friend, it's fine. Come and join." Drake declared. Ryu sighed knowing it was no use. "Alright, alright." He smiled as he made his way through the crowd and to his friends. The party went smoothly and Ryu had a great time. Ryu danced the night away.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][OOC: Ugh.. sorry. Writer's block. This is the best I can think of.][/SIZE]
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