Who Am I?
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Micky couldn't believe his ears. [/B] [I]A date?!?![/I] [B]He thought it over.[/B] [I]Well Amy is old enough to take care of herself so I wouldn't mind. I just hope she's careful with things...[/I] [B]Ran looked at him.[/B] "What?" [/COLOR] "Nothing.." he said. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Well I'll just let Amy go..[/I][/COLOR]
[B]Name:[/B] [COLOR=Purple]Lauren [/COLOR] [B]Affiliation:[/B][COLOR=Purple] Demon[/COLOR] [B]Age:[/B] [COLOR=Purple]23[/COLOR] [B]Appearence[/B]: [B][URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/MetalWings.jpg]Click Here[/URL][/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [COLOR=Purple]Quiet one. Doesn't speak much. Usually you could tell on how she looks, acts, or moves. Happy, caring type of person. Tends to be a curious type of person. May act childish. When she came to Limbo, she had amnesia for no certain reason. She couldn't remember but have flashbacks of some weird things. She tends to get sad and depressed because of this.[/COLOR] [B]Weapon:[/B] [COLOR=Purple]A sword.[/COLOR] [B]Reason for Being Placed in Limbo:[/B] [COLOR=Purple]Doesn't know.[/COLOR] [B]The Meet:[/B] [COLOR=Purple][B]Lauren wakes up to an unknown place. She looks up, down, and around her. [/B] Where am I? [B]She thought to herself.[/B] Why am I here? [B]She looks around trying to figure out where she was and why she got here. Her head hurt and she couldn't remember anything. Only the fact that she had been bonked on the head and her sister screaming for her...or at least she thought it was her sister. She looks around trying to find answers but she couldn't. She rested her head against the tree and put her knees close to her chest. She began to cry, she buried her hands in her face.[/B] [COLOR=Black]"Excuse me? Are you alright?" a guy a few feet away asked her. [/COLOR] [B]She nodded. [/B] [COLOR=Black]"Do you want to get out of here?" He asked.[/COLOR] [B]She didn't know who he was but she nodded. She really wanted to get out.[/B] [COLOR=Black]"You don't talk much huh?"[/COLOR] [B]She shook her head and the boy handed her a helping hand. She took it and followed him[/B]. [COLOR=Black]"By the way what's your name?"[/COLOR] [B]"Lauren.."[/B] [COLOR=Black]"Well my name's Dain." He smiled.[/COLOR] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Sean watched the eggs and every one of them was good and calm until he saw something shake. It was his egg! He cradled it in his arms and watched intensely. It shook and rattled then it cracked and it started to break the shell open. [/B] [/COLOR] [I]Oh boy! I wonder what it is...[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Soon it popped open! It was a dragon! [/B] [/COLOR] [I]Wow! Oh a name! I forgot![/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]He thought of a quick one and name it [I]Ice[/I] because it looked like the color of its egg and skin. [/B] [/COLOR] "So..whatcha named it?" asked Nida. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Ice.."[/COLOR] "Ice? Oh."
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Sara scribbled something and handed the note back to him.[/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]I was crying, but I'm better now. Thanks for asking though. Let's just say I'm tired of being handed "the short end of the stick," you know? [/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]He wrote back.[/B][/COLOR] [I]Oh I see. Well I thought you were a bit brave. If anything bothers you, then you let me know. Ok? [/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]He handed it to her and added a smiley face.[/B][/COLOR] =) [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]He smiled at her.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green][B]Name: [/B] Yuki [B]Age:[/B] 30 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/guys/Squall.jpg]Click Here[/URL] No gun, and instead of jacket and shirt replace it with a loose dress shirt. [B]Personality[/B]: Cool, fun, calm guy. Loves to make people smile with his own. He's a caring and lovable guy. He loves to hang around friends, it makes him feel comfortable. [B]Biography:[/B] During his time in school he made a friend named Umeko. They were really close and he always thought of her as a sister and a great friend. They hung out and laughed together but all of sudden he had to move because he tried out for the External Affairs deparment and got in. He traveled for his job and ended back to the city. He has no idea whatsoever that he's back at Tokyo. During his time in that place he decides exploring the city for awhile and get to learn about everything. Somehow it seems familiar to him but he just can't think of it. He lives in a small apartment, not far from Umeko's. [/COLOR] OOC: Try to add a bit more later.
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Yuki yawned and scratched his head.[/B] "Oh, it's my turn..hehe. Sorry." [B]Yuki smiled and cleared his throat[/B]. "Well I'm not good at telling stories nor do I like the fact that I uhh..tell about my past but while I'm here I probably should. Ok. Well when I was little, I was in a happy family. A nice one. No problems, I had an older brother and we rarely fought. One day, my father came home and it seemed everything was fine but during the day he seemed...twitchy. I didn't know what was wrong so I just did nothing. During the night, my mother put me to bed and after awhile I heard something break in my parent's room. I rushed there and I heard screaming. Some words I heard. I didn't understand them since I was little and nobody cussed in our home. It was my father. He was hiting my mother so I rushed in and covered her." [B]Yuki cleared his throat and continued[/B], "I got hit and my mother started screaming and soon my brother rushed in. My father was hiting me and my brother covered me. I started to cry and then my father fainted. I stopped crying and looked he was lying on the floor. Unconscious. I suggested he was sleeping and went back to bed. My mother, on the other hand, couldn't go to sleep because of what happened. The next day, my father woke up and came up to my brother and I and started to hit us. He was real abusive and became drunk. I didn't know why all ofa sudden he started to do this. To tell you the truth, he was drugged with something. Turned out that he made a deal with someone and didn't promise back so they drugged him with something. He became a crazy maniac and started to destroy everything that was in his way. So my mother sent him to a mental prison. We moved to a place where we could forget about these things but my mother couldn't forget and she cries every night now. My brother tries to forget about it and I, on the other hand, try to forget about it by partying and get partcial drunk. I know it's bad and all but it works." [B]Yuki chuckled a bit and sanked into his chair a bit. He noticed that girl named Sara and scribbled a quick note and handed it to her.[/B][/COLOR] [I]Are you alright? Did you cry or something? You seem a bit red?[/I]
[B]OOC:[/B] Never knew people would sign up for this...well Momo, someone else also wants to be his aid as well. So I'll make another sign up for you and that other person. For now, I'm gonna wait until more people sign up but if not then I'll just post up the story Friday or Saturday. (Still deciding). [U][B]My Sign Up:[/B][/U] [COLOR=Navy] [B]Name:[/B] Mark Smith [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [B][URL=http://animevisions.net/Pictures/guys/cloud2.jpg]Click Here[/URL] [/B] [B]Personality:[/B] Mysterious and intellegent person. (Finish soon) [B]Bio:[/B] As a young child he wanted to help the world. He thought he could change it. Make better tachnology, cure cancer, or something. He wanted to help but his dreams were not going according to plan. One night he got lost in a dark and deep forest. It was raining a lot. He was scare, helpless, and was cold. He looked around and no one was there. He looked some more and then found a mysterious black figure floating around. That's when he met a man, a man who gave him a curse. The curse was the ability to see and talk to ghosts. He never knew that he could give the powers to other people as well. He hated this power. This curse. Everyone called him weird because he could see ghosts but they couldn't see it. I guess he kind of helped people, like Hannah, to see her friend. So I guess he could help people but also hate the fact that they would probably have a curse, the way he calls it. [/COLOR] [U][B]His Aid Sign Up:[/B][/U] [COLOR=Gray] [B]Name: [/B] [B]Age:[/B] Around his age [B]Gender: [/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Bio:[/B] [B]Character Snipit:[/B] I want to know how you met him. Like where and what happened. Like did he meet you or you met him. [/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] Well gotta finish my sign up later because my computer keeps shutting down on me. Have fun!
[CENTER][I] I want to tell you a story. [B]A story?[/B] Yes a story. [B]A story about what?[/B] A story about us. [B]About us?[/B] Yeah, about us and it was the best time of our lives. [B]Really?[/B] Yeah and we would laugh and play. [B]That sounds fun.[/B] It was. We would always call each other to play. [B]Oh.[/B] We didn't have any siblings so we would call each other siblings. [B]Thats good.[/B] You would always joke with me. [B]Was I funny?[/B] Yeah...but you got heart broken after the inccident. [B]What inccident?[/B] ....I died. [B]Oh...[/B] I'm sorry I left you...please don't leave me...ever. [B]I won't. I promise[/B].[/I] The inccident happened fifteen years ago. My best friend died. I would never forget that moment. [I]Hahahaha!! That's funny...let's play ball. [B]Sure.[/B] Wheeeeeee!! [B]Higher!!![/B] Yeah!!!! [B]UP AND UP!!![/B] Wheee!!! [B]Opps...Sorry!!![/B] It's okay. I'll get it!!! [B]Okay![/B] I got it!! [B]Yay!!![/B] *Footsteps are scurrying along the street* [B]Huh?? Watch out!!![/B] Wha--!!!!! [B]NNOOO!![/B] AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *Tire screeching was heard* [B]Hannah!!!![/B] ..Lynn...... [B]No...HANNAH!!!!!![/B] [/I] *Tears streamed down* My friend died and I saw. I ran to my house and told my mother. She was in panic and rushed to Hannah's house. She told the mother and they hurried toward the park. When I came, the car was gone and Hannah's body was lying on the floor. I clinched my fists. I wanted to get revenge. [B][I]You BAKA!! Didn't you see her? [/I] [/B] I wanted to scream that but I couldn't. I was so depressed. I knelt down at Hannah's side. [I][B]Hannah?? Can you hear me??[/B][/I] She wasn't moving. She didn't hear me. [I][B]Hannah?? Please wake up.[/B][/I] My mother pulled my arm and told me it was time to go. [I][B]No!! I'm not leaving her....[/B] Please sweetie... [B]No[/B]..[/I] My mother was crying as well but I didn't want to leave. I had no choice but to leave. The ambulance came and took her. [I][B] Leave her alone!! I want to be with her!!!!!!![/B][/I] My mother pulled me all the way into the car. I banged on the window. [I][B]HANNAH!!! HANNAH!!!! Don't go!!! HANNAH!!![/B][/I] That night I couldn't go to sleep. I was depressed. I didn't want to believe she was dead. I was staring at my phone waiting for a phone call. I fell asleep. Two weeks after that, Hannah's parents arranged a funeral. [I]May Hannah rest in peace...[/I] The priest had his head down and spoke those words. I was crying so much that I wanted to run to the coffin and say... [B][I]Hannah! Hannah! I know you aren't dead, so wake up! Wake up! Please!! Don't leave me!![/I][/B] Tears were streaming down on my face as the coffin began to descent. I was seven at that time. During my time, I would rush to Hannah's grave and put flowers. I would say a prayer and then shout something after. [I][B]DAMN IT!!! Why couldn't it been me!!! WHY HER??[/B][/I] I cried... [I]...[B]Hannah. I miss you so much. I would do anything for you.[/B] Anything??[/I] That's when I met him. [I]Anything you say?? [B]Huh?? Yeah..[/B] Really?? ......are you sure??? [B]Anything to see her.[/B] Alright. How 'bout we make a deal? [B]Okay.[/B] I let you talk to her and you give me your first born child. [B]Huh? But I'm only 12.[/B] I know but as you get older. [B]How would you know if I ever have a child?[/B] I know. [B]Umm..okay but how would I talk to her?[/B] She'll be a ghost. You will have the ability to talk and see ghosts. [B]Really? [/B] Yeah...but you better keep your promise. [B]Uhh..yeah I will.[/B] Okay. Here you go.[/I] He said some weird words which I didn't understand. Soon a bright light shone below me. [I][B]What??? What's happening??[/B][/I] He spoke more words. [B][I]Hey...is this a trick?!?![/I][/B] Soon the bright light surrounded me and then I was sucked into it. [I][B]AAARRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHAT'S HAPPENING???[/B][/I] I was in pain but soon the feeling was gone. I opened my eyes and the man stood there. [I]Sorry..was it that bad? [B]It's alright[/B].[/I] He lended me a helping hand and I took it. [I]Are you alright? [B]Yeah..[/B] What's your name anyways? [B]Uhh..Lynn. And yours?[/B] Mark. [B]Nice to meet you.[/B] Yeah.. [B]Well was it suppose to work?[/B] Oh yeah well you're suppose to wait for a couple of days. [B]Oh..[/B] Well just be careful. You might just run into some nasty and bad ghosts. [B]Oh okay..[/B] Well remember the deal we made. [B]Yeah. My first born baby...[/B] [/I] He left. I just stood there watching him until I couldn't see him anymore. I stared at Hannah's grave. I'm 22 now and I'm staring down at Hannah's grave once more. [I][B]Hannah? Can you see me? Can you hear me? [/B] Yeah I can... [B]Good. I missed you.[/B] So did I. So did I...[/I] [B]Plot:[/B] Well your best friend/family member/ boyfriend/ girlfriend etc. died. It can be anyone just someone has to die and you want to see them again. Soon after 5 years you meet a guy named Mark(who I'll be playing) and you make a deal. To have the gift of seeing and talking to ghosts, you must exchange something in return. He will ask you for something and you must give it to him. [B]Sign Up: -Name: -Age: (what age are you now) -Gender: -Appearance: (picture or description) -Personality: -Who died: -What was your deal with Mark:[/B] I know the sign up is short but at least there is no bio! I'll sign up shortly after someone else does. Well have fun![/CENTER]
[COLOR=DimGray][B]Name: [/B] James Chang [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://animevisions.net/Pictures/guys/Squall.jpg]Click Here[/URL] No gun, take off jacket and add longer shirt. [B]Personality:[/B] Fun and happy-goer. Loves to get active and may get calm and mellow. He tends to be some kind of party person and also tends to be a mysterious person. You never know what he's gonna do next... [B]Bio: [/B] *Later* [B]Hobbies:[/B] Get outside and have fun. Likes to read a good book. Swim, computer, chat over the computer, and hang around with some friends. [B]Classes: [/B] Math, Languages, Gym, Art, History, Science[/COLOR] [B]OOC: Thinking of bio and going to add some classes soon.[/B]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Micky hugged Amy and they looked at the burning school.[/B] "Glad that's o---" Micky coughed. "--Over." He finished the rest of his sentence. [B]He coughed a bit more and then tried to smell the fresh air. He smiled at his sister who seemed to stare at Kyo.[/B] [/COLOR] [B]OOC: Sorry I was a bit late.[/B]
[B]OOC: Sorry I wasn't here for awhile. Well here's mine.[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I'll watch the eggs," Sean said and knelt down. [B]Sean took close watch of them. He looked at his egg and put it down and suggested that he should hold Nida's egg since it was shaking a lot.[/B] "Woah!!" He held on to the egg tightly. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Nida smiled and looked at everyone, "What do you guys think?" [B]Sean looked at her. He began to think. He looked at his egg and then back at her, then thought of it some more.[/B] "Uhh...I think it's a good idea," he said and then someone else spoke after him. [/COLOR]
Ohh....I love the colors. Nice blend. [B]First:[/B] Very calming. Nice green texture. [B]Second:[/B] Liking this one. Reminds me of the sun or fire. My friend would love this one. Nice one. These are nice looking banners, keep it up!!! ^ ^
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Ahh...what a great dinner!!" Mint said walking up to her computer. "Dear!!! You better not go on the computer until you finish your homework and chores!!!" her mother shouted from downstairs. "I already did!!" Mint shouted back. [B]She looked at her computer and saw something blinking. [/B] "Oh yeah. The e-mail! I wonder who it's from?" Mint said to herself. [B]She clicked on it and it popped up.[/B] [B]To:[/B] Mint [B]From:[/B] Koji [I]Hello. Today we have an event and I hope to see you there. I will be waiting near the bridge I told you about on my last e-mail. I hope to see you there all dressed up nicely so we will finally prepare or attack on the lengendary characters. I'll see you later and I hope you have fun. -Koji[/I] [I]Oh. The event...I still wonder. Who's the other hacker? Did Koji meet him?[/I] [B]Mint decided not to log on yet but she sent an e-mail back to him. She typed: To:[/B] Koji [B]From:[/B] Mint [I]Hi! Well I just got your e-mail. I was wondering. Can we meet somewhere else? Like, I dunno. Just somewhere and also did you meet the other hacker? See ya later. Bye! -Mint[/I] [B]She clicked send and waited for him to respond.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Micky went to his class: IT. He took his seat and began to twirl his pencil, around and around. Mr. Saunders was giving a lesson. Everyone began to turn on their computers and started their lesson. Micky turned on his and watched and listened. The teacher continued his lesson and Micky doodled his name on a sheet of paper.[/B] [I]I wonder what Drew and Amy are doing?[/I] he wondered and doodled some more. [/COLOR] [B]OOC: Touma Seguchi, it's Amy and not Kyo... :animeswea Sorry about that.[/B]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Deep within the forest, there was a boy sitting down, leaning against the tree trunk, reading a good book. He was almost to the end of the page until he remembered something. [/B] [I]Oh the Elder...I forgot! [/I] [B]The boy, Sean, mark his place in the book and rushed to the Elder's hut. He ran through the thick forest and jumped over big rocks and finally made it to the Elder's hut. Looking around he already saw some other people that had arrived as well.[/B] "Hello, am I late?" He asked. [B]The Elder shook his head and Sean waited for the others.[/B][/COLOR]
Sign Up Punishment Divine [M - LV S is a possibility, and in moderation]
Who Am I? replied to 0ber0n the Neko's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name of Angel/Demon:[/B] Ramiel - Angel of Thunder [B]Name of Avatar:[/B] Micky Lee [B]Age of Avatar:[/B] 22 [B]Sex of Avatar:[/B] Male [B]Appearance (picture or physical description. Should include clothes):[/B] [URL=http://animevisions.net/Pictures/guys/guys39.jpg]Click Here[/URL] [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Sword. [B]Power:[/B] Control Thunder. Make it come out of nowhere. [B]Favorite Color (Hint: this IS a test):[/B] Blue? [B]Likes:[/B] Being in solitude. [B]Dislikes:[/B] Being annoyed. [B]Biography of Avatar:[/B] *Later* [B]Personality:[/B] Mysterious and quiet. He thinks smart. He's a very understanding and patient guy. Caring and lovable type. [B]Mortal Enemy (Which Man-made God is your worst enemy?):[/B] Artecius-unfair to people.. [B]All-in-all (one sentence summary of your character):[/B] Quiet One.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name:[/B] Micky Lee [B]Nick Name:[/B] Lee [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Power: [/B] Ice [B]Group:[/B] Celestial [B]Personality:[/B] Cool and calm guy. He's a mellow guy and may take things seriously or camly. He's a great friend once you get to know him. Even though he may not care what happens to you, inside he pretty much does. [B]Appearance: [/B] *Searching* [/COLOR] [B]OOC: Sorry. Fill out later.[/B] [B]Edit: Added![/B] [B]Editing: Getting new pic...[/B]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Name:[/B] Micky Lee [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Nationality:[/B] Korean-American [B]Grade:[/B] 12 [B]Appearance:[/B] Look at Banner/Avi [B]Personality:[/B] A calm, relaxing guy. He usually doesn't care about anyone. He started to hear rumors about people saying he's gay and that got him really depressed. He tends to look down a lot and gets pick on because of what people say to him. He's not gay and he has a few friends that lives far away from him. He stays in alone and mostly at home, he likes to stay on his computer the whole time. [B]Bio:[/B] Lives with dad and mom. Tends to be on his computer the whole time and his mother worries about him. *Finish later* [B]What do they whisper about you:[/B] He's gay...no way I thought my was a bi, no he's gay. [B]Schedule:[/B] -English I, II III, or IV -Chemistry -Law & Government -Pre Calculus Advanced -Art -Gym -Soccer -Volleyball [/COLOR]
Yuki was siting right next to Masse so he guessed that he was next. [B]"Hi..." he started, "Well my name is Yuki and I like to have fun and party. I use to live with my dad until he became really abusive and I decided to live with my mother. I like to be in a peaceful place where I can read and think. With my friends, I like to party and go wild. I think my life is okay."[/B] Jacob nodded and looked over to the next person.
[COLOR=DimGray]"Chal-Gah!!! (Have Fun!!!)" their mother said while Micky shut the door.[/COLOR] "Hey...did you know cousin Drew is coming to our school?" Amy said cheerfully. [B]"Oh really?? I didn't know," Micky said sarcasticly.[/B] "So you knew this whole time and didn't tell me!" she pouted. [B]"Yup! I'm sorry I guess I forgot...that time I think I was playing a video game or something."[/B] "Aww....you didn't tell me. How could you!!" [B]"Hey I told you I said I was sorry."[/B] [COLOR=DimGray]Micky and Amy talked the whole way to school and decided to pick up Drew while walking there. [/COLOR] "Why are you going in this direction! It's that way!" she pointed. [B]"We're going to pick up our cousin."[/B] "Oh..." [B]"Yeah so let's start heading there!" Micky smiled and walked to Drew's house.[/B]
[COLOR=DimGray]Micky grumbled out of bed.[/COLOR] [B]"Aiish...I don't wanna go to school," Micky said siting up from his bed. [/B] [COLOR=DimGray]He rubbed his head and headed downstairs. "Good morning!" his mother said. [/COLOR] [B]"Morning..." Micky mumbled and took out a box of cereal.[/B] [COLOR=DimGray]"Hey..young man, you aren't eating that! You are eating one of your mother's best cooking," she said while putting the box of cereal back in the cabinet.[/COLOR] [B]"Alright. Call me when it's ready."[/B] [COLOR=DimGray]Micky went and sat down with his sister watching "Chicken Fight." They were both rooting for the blue one. Amy and Micky both laughed and watched the rest of the show until their mother called Micky for breakfast. Micky ate quick and got ready.[/COLOR] [B]"Oh man, I'm gonna be late!"[/B] "Pah-li Wah!!!(Hurry Up!!!)" Amy said. [B]"Yeah hold on...like fifteen minutes."[/B] [COLOR=DimGray]Amy crossed her arms and waited. Micky rushed to the shower and came back out in ten minutes then went through his dresser and and took a clean shirt and pants. He searched for his tie but couldn't find it. [/COLOR] [B]"Hey Amy! Where's my tie!?!"[/B] "I have it. Hurry up!" [COLOR=DimGray]Micky combed his hair nice and neat and tucked in his shirt. He got his bookbag and wore his socks. He ran downstairs and finally put on his shoes. [/COLOR] [B]"Ok...how was that?"[/B] "Five minutes late.." [B]"Oh...opps."[/B] [COLOR=DimGray]They laughed and Amy gave Micky his tie. He straighten it and they went outside. "Chal-Gah!" their mother said.[/COLOR]
[B]Mint was about to say something to James until he logged out.[/B] [I]Oh darn!!! [/I] [B]Mint pouted. She watched for awhile and then decided to log out[/B]. [I]Hmm...it should be dinner time soon and I should meet Koji tonight.[/I] [B]Mint logged off and put her headset down. [/B] [I]James is a curious guy....I wonder why I'm so suspicious of him.[/I] [B]Mint left her room and soon an e-mail popped up. She thought she'd get it later since she was a bit hungry.[/B]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Name:[/B] Sean [B]Age: [/B] 21. [B]Gender: [/B] Male. [B]Description[/B]: On my Banner/Avi [B]Race:[/B] Human. [B]Weapon:[/B] Bows And Arrows. [B]Egg Color:[/B] Sky Blue With Blue Lighting Stripes. [B]Creature:[/B] Dragon. [B]Creature Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.azraels-reich.de/mediac/400_0/media/DIR_109/Ice~blue~Dragon.jpg]Click Here[/URL] [B]Creature's Name:[/B] Ice. [B]Creatures abilities:[/B] Control Ice[/COLOR].
[B]Wow...another RPG made from you. You sure do make a lot. Well here's mine.[/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen][B]Name:[/B] Micky Lee [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Weapons:[/B] A sword. [B]Powers: [/B] Ability to control fire. Use telekinesis. [B]Appearance:[/B] Short dark brown hair with green eyes. Wears beige pants, forest green t-shirt, and brown vest jacket over it. Keeps a pair of glasses with him in his pocket for reading. [B][URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/guys/guys39.jpg]Picture[/URL] [/B] [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet and shy. Strong hearted and fun friend. Doesn't talk much at first but once he gets to know you, he'll talk a bit more. He's not much of an exciting person. He likes to read a good book and rest under a shady tree. Doesn't make much friends but likes to be alone.[/COLOR]