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Everything posted by Cazzilla

  1. No..i wasn't high o.0 But I was hung over if that makes a difference o.0 I suggest everyone watches it and joins me in rocking abck and forth in the feotal position.
  2. I adore it. I feel into the film by lucky accident,a nd then got into the manga, the book and the second film even made me cry. And somehow, the manag always makes me smile. I think its the message of friendship (oh how corny). When shuuya took up guitar even thought rock and roll was banned..thats my fav. moment so far. The whole thign is amazing. i got into some serious crap for lending the film to a friend who was 15 at the time, and then got into more trouble for my censorship rant. oops! I also reccomend it. Its a great bit of social commentary, on how adults will always ruin things for children. Love it.
  3. I just watched this film. If you've never seen it, Basicly, two pandas move in with a little girl who lives on her own. Poeple try to catch the pandas, the pandas save the little girl and all is ok again. Pretty much 5 minutes into the film, I started to feel really disturbed, worried and over all depressed. I was wathcing it in chinese (no dubbing) so couldn't here what was being said, but for some odd reason i felt deeply upset and disturbed by this film. Has anyone else seen this Studio Ghibli Film?
  4. Raindrops keep falling on my head - manic street preachers/Burt Bacharach (I think) That is my fav. But All the songs on the Manics cover album are amazing. And I don't think I like amny other covers, or I don't know who did them orginally/who covered them. :animeswea
  5. Its beauty really. Like spirited away for example, each frame is artwork in its self. Plus I just like cartoons. There is something about them. And unlike american animation, these actually have deep plots, and they are a series. What happened in the last one, relates to the next one- They are not just completely seperate.
  6. All my risks involve possible death. :animesigh I am physically unable to turn down a dare. I have eaten plants, mushrooms, weeds, that were picked out of my schools grounds, which is very large. Drunk a concotion my friend created..It was thick and green. Allowed myself to be completely burried in snow for 10 mins Drunk cups of puddle water Tested the "No not exceed this dosage" of Paracetamol >.> They were worth the risk. I now have a realistic idea of what doing dumbarse things will do to me...
  7. I have tried to skateboard, many a time. But it always ends to same. Painfully. But it starts me boarding in a straight line, slowly, singing "I am a skater girl..something something somethign" and then being hurled off the board by the disembodied Spirit of Avril lavinge..She doesn't like to be mocked.
  8. I can't say I actually have any clinical phobias, but my list of paranoid fears goes on for miles. I have it on aanother forum somewhere, if you really want to see a list ranging from buses, roads mroe than 2 lanes wide, and people, to the dark, raw chicken, and veins... I have so many little fears, so er..whats the word for a phobia of everything? :animesigh
  9. Surprizingly enough, according to my vast -rolls eyes- amount of anime fans that I know, Are male. :animesmil Minus Moi, yeah...dudes (^-^)
  10. I don't know my purpose in life. My friend once said "if my purpose in life, is just to make someone else happy..They can go get screwed, I'm not living for someone else". That made me laugh no end. But I guess if my purpose is simply to make someone else happy, that seems to be a great reason to go on living, and i jsut need to find that person. But right now i feel that my purpose for living is to keep on living untill i make a difference. When i have changed the world, then i can die knowing a have completed my purpose.
  11. Oh the amount of times I have tried to explain to people that it isn't all cartoon porn.. :animesigh
  12. You are very lucky EVA Unit 100. If anime ever comes up at my school i spend half an hour trying to convince everyone No, It ISN'T all cartoon porn..
  13. Okies Folks. My newest creations..Vincent inspired. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/bannerokatu.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/Avartarotaku.gif[/IMG] My first Attempt at this, so be nice ^^ What do ya think? I think They need some form of border..to seperate them from everything esle... And, becasue I am on a PS Spree..Heeeeeeeeeeres Edward Wong Hau..i forget the rest of her name >.> [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/edbanner.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/edavi.gif[/IMG] Ok, i admit it. i intend on doing these for every CowBoy bebop Character >.> Spike anyone? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/spikeavi.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/spikebanner.gif[/IMG] And faye! ugh..i can't stand with one..I hate her >.> she makes this difficult for me..both of these are **** with a capital S [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/faye2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/fayeavi.gif[/IMG] You might ntoice i have been doing all the CB movie charcers, and yet..not Electra (hate her) or Jet...I'd love to do Jet..and i might..but the dog struck me as more fun ^^ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/einbanner.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/einavi.gif[/IMG]
  14. I have never been in that situation. But I know I would never be able too. It is so hard to let go, I would never want to truely admit they were out of my life. It sucks about your friend. So many promising lives have been ruined by complete ****-ups on the roads.
  15. Worst - Sailor Chibi-Moon (as she is known in the Crappy dubbing) - Could she be anymore annoying? Gah, I just want to remove her head with a cricket bat... Best - Ed (cowboy bebop) - It's always good to have a hacker in the building. The amount of things she could change in my favor. Plus she makes me laugh... :catgirl:
  16. Gah. My schools message board has 18 pages of me arguing with asorted Pro-Hunters. They seem to drift out of it, and I get new Bone head to argue with. I think it should be illegal. it is just another Blood sport, like Bear baiting, and just as wrong. Poeple who kill for sport are just like murderers, and humans shouldn't consider themselves better. Sometimes i am just such a misanthropist :animesigh
  17. I would meet..Spike From Cowboy bebop, and i doubt I would say anything..just kinda spazum a bit and probably paw at him for a bit ^-^ Hopelessy in love with his hair..
  18. [QUOTE]I am a mix of Ed from Cowboy Bebop,[/QUOTE] Yessshhh..I should have had Ed on mine as well....I have a tendecny to walk like she did in the Movie ^-^
  19. :catgirl: Thankee. Yeah..she really is lopsided >.> Oh well. I'll fix it when I ink her I have other sjetches...but, well, They are just that - Sketches. And so, don't scan well... Muchos Gracias.
  20. I think talking to people, albeit people in your head, is better than just plain talking to yourself. :animeblus
  21. This picture it just a sketch, so it is really quite messy, but I uploaded it to show the guy I drew it for, SO I though, hey, why nto get the opinion of other folks. Be nice ^-^ The only bits I actually lke is her mouth, and her Collar, but hey! She is a Engineer, and a Lieutenant..And it all..Star trekkie, don't blame me for that >.> [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/spammy_/animetrekkie2copy.gif[/IMG] Eeww, I shrunk the image, so it looks weird, I apologies... I shall ahve to shade it later...grrr :animesigh
  22. The seatbelts and Yoko Kanno, like ThatOneOddDude said are good. My personal fav. is "just gotta knock a little harder" Such a wonderfull Song...
  23. Cazzilla

    Red Dwarf

    Red Dwarf is my reason for living... Black Adder rocks..but nto as much as red dwarf. Lets face it. All British Comedy rocks! red dwarf, porridge, Black Adder, My Family..Its all great ^^
  24. And On top of all this..It is something to read when someone else is hogging the DVD player. And you can't watch Anime on a train, bus, car, but you can read ^-^
  25. Weird Weather..thats what the UK is all about ^-^ :animesmil It's natural :P
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