I get like that ^-^ Allthoguh the people I hate so much it makes my skin crawl are certain members of my close Family. Sometimes the sound of their voices makes me want to kill them. But I am a little weird, and it isn't all the time I feel like this..
But when I do I just stay away from them. Try and keep them in seperate rooms, like what you would do if two dogs were fighting ^-^ :animeknow
Hmm, toughie :P Take Serena(sailor moon)'s Ditzy, flaky, and lazyness, merged with Vincent (Cowboy Bebop: The movie)'s scewed way of looking at the world, and there I am ^^
Cowboy Bebop ^-^ It's just too funky. Allthoguh I haven't *actually* seen the series yet :animeblus But "Knockin' on Heavens door" was amazing, should of really been a blockbuster! But it had an amazing story, equally as good sound track...I thank my brother for buying it for me with my money without my knowledge ^^
Series wise I would have to say Sailormoon, beacsue underneath it all I am a sucker for Cute Story lines and the flakeyness of the main character..all main characters should eb that ditzy and idiotic ^^
:animeblus I sure do :heart: that kinda stuff :animesmil