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Everything posted by AngryBarista

  1. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Wow nice concept James.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE]Oh, what about men? Is there going to be a Bosley-type of character? Or will the roles be strictly divided between the Ladies and the Villains?[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] Now now Sandy, we all know its way more fun to play female roles than it is to play males [or am I just too far gone in my own little world to enjoy RPing men?] PLUS if the RP is throwing a British spin on a Charlies-Angels-esque kinda idea, who'd want to play a male? [i][B]Prince Charles, Knives Specialist[/B][/i] Hrmm I think not :P[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Well I may as well introduce myself to the Otaku Lounge ppls with a photo eh? If any of you come from Melbourne Australia and go to IQ [if you don't know, don't ask], you may already have seen the original photo on the event's myspace [say hi next thursday too ^^] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26344&stc=1&d=1185798387[/IMG] aaaannnnd for this next one I was just bored waiting for the tram BEFORE I got to IQ last thursday. *sighs* Trams can be so inconvenient at 11.30pm :animedepr [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26345&stc=1&d=1185798387[/IMG] [yes its a "shizen housen" picture...damn phone] Huzzah Satori has revealed himself. *NEXT*[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Quick question, would people prefer having items/weapons as the image behind the text [text in my version will remain as is; my need to be moved around depending on the graphic/s behind it though]; or would everyone rather have a figure/figures? Feedback greatly appreciated ^^ I'll do one or two of each and see what people think. Opinions before i do anything would be uber-sweet though, saves me time ;) Sat[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Would anyone have ideas for the theme or style that Area/Region headers could be in? I'm thinking 400x250 graphics, but as OBsession is such a group orientated effort, any ideas for font type, colour, or little icons/symbols that could appear on each image [so as to standardise them] would be sweet as.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [quote name='Sandy']... Although I wouldn't mind someone making the game some decent [B]graphics[/B]. XP[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"] Well there's something I find intriguing...no one has offered to help with graphics yet? [unless my skim-reading misleads me...I saw no quote to this one-liner!! *shock/horror*] My skills are limited [well...not as good as some peoples' anyway *turns to see White, Delta and Retri standing on podium holding art awards*] but I'll do some region/dungeon logos for you if you like. Also, from the very start of this thread I've wondered whether or not there will be a graphic map or just the written imagined kind? Either way, since this is the only way I can think of helping out at this point in time, you have my half-skills Sandy =D[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]*sigh* If only I had AU$1 for every thread I've ever seen/participated in relating somehow to homosexuality...I'd have like AU$5! When you think about it, what is it exactly that makes people feel uncomfortable about seeing two guys/girls openly showing their affection toward one another? Is it really the holding hands thing? They way I see it, from the perspective of a homosexual male myself, is like this: If I see anyone walking down the street holding hands, I phase it out. It's not my business, and either way they could have any various number of reasons for holding hands; maybe one person has gone through a rough time and the other is supporting them, or maybe one is showing the other around and their sticking together so as not to loose the newbie to wherever they may be [take a city for instance]. Either way, not my business. Now when I see two people, homo- or heterosexual, kissing in public...this is the part that gives me a vibe of some sort. I'm not one to say 'Don't kiss one another you vile fiends, there are children to protect!', but there has to be a level of restraint on the part of those showing one another open affection, especially in a busy area [take the grass out the front of Melbourne's City Library for instance]. Sure there is nothing quite 'wrong' with the whole 'We're in love' situation, but taking into account your context and surroundings is important with everything we do as a society. I may just be ranting on to join in on the conversation, but I think I have a valid point in there somewhere :P It's a matter of getting it from my head to the computer screen that's all. I think what I'm getting at is that in general, open displays of affection in public are always going to cause awkward vibes to be picked up by those around us. I am in no way condoning public displays...well the ones that go a little bit too far I am, but from what I've learned through experience, people will be tolerant up to a point. It's a matter of learning where that point is, and to know when and where to show 'love'. Yeah okay so I'm kinda sitting on the fence, but look at it from both perspectives; respect one another's opinions. No one is better than anyone else, as we all know. To limit one minority, we have to limit the majority to an extent so as not to create arguments and confusion. Think of the kiddies! :O...actually don't. Leave them out of it. I hope I'm not just regurgitating what I've read from you guys, haha! If you want me to *try* and clarify something lemme know ;) --Sat[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]This just in; Satori comes up with another logo idea! When this thing starts up [and it will], methinks Mangaka will be my starting point, should I join it. Hence the reason for the fan in this latest Satori version of the logo: [URL=http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=obsessionpb1.png][IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/6686/obsessionpb1.th.png[/IMG][/URL] Thanks guys! Sat[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Back again with another font. This time it's called STEAK. [URL=http://img516.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lolfonttypesteakiq7.png][IMG]http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/3201/lolfonttypesteakiq7.th.png[/IMG][/URL] Aaaand another; a variation of Times New Roman aptly named Times New Yorker [URL=http://img106.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lolfonttypetimesnewyorkdw0.png][IMG]http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/6527/lolfonttypetimesnewyorkdw0.th.png[/IMG][/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Hi guys, wondering if anyone could point me towards some font editing software? Preferably for Mac [as my Mac is my baby]. And a big sorry to the Mods if I should have posted this in the Art Studio. Thanks all, Sat[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [color=darkred][size=1]Yeah, I reckon it belongs there. *moved* -- Bombu[/size][/color]
  10. [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][b]Really[/b] James, why would you want to change this, seriously? Since dafont.com is down and out with server trouble this morning I scratched around for something that seemed to fit in with the image. Without straying too far from your base font, I found one called Maranallo [URL=http://img252.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lolfonttypemaranallokn8.png][IMG]http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/6871/lolfonttypemaranallokn8.th.png[/IMG][/url] Hope you like it. I'll have another scrounge around for better fonts, but Maranallo just seemed to suit the idea of 'London'. Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with. Sat[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I'll upload them to imageshack as soon as the registration goes through, til then I'll have to host them here. The first image is before i actually read your entire post Sage, lol. I still think it looks purdy so that's why it's here. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26309&stc=1&d=1184590948[/IMG] The second one is AFTER I actually read what you wanted from OB artists. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26310&stc=1&d=1184590948[/IMG] Me hope you likey. Sat[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26241&stc=1[/img] There's a quickie ;) I'm sure there will be other, more pro. takes on this, but thought I'd just drop in and present my interpretation :P Sat[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26240&stc=1[/IMG] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS] Took a quick shot at it this afternoon; I attempted red for the four words in the background, but then they stood out more than the actual title [reds stand forward in an image...I learned that about a month ago in painting class, hahaha]. Hope you're happy with it :P Sat[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I'll take a shot at it. So basically you just want the linked image turned into a banner? Exactly as it is with some graphics thingies? [Just so it's 100% clear...I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes ^^;] [b][EDIT]:[/b]I was bored and couldn't wait to start the banner...so I did it. Let me know if you want me to change it, and I would still like you to clear things up for me if possible ^^ [b][EDIT the 2nd][/b]: Another banner for your pleasure...I think I like Banner the 1st better, but whatever suits. [img]http://www.freewebs.com/smassacre/silveronebanner.png[/img] [img]http://www.freewebs.com/smassacre/silveronebanner---graphic%202.png[/img][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=YellowGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]My shot at it: Avatar: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25935&stc=1[/img] Banner [1]: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25937&stc=1[/img] Banner [2]: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25938&stc=1[/img] [B][Note][/B]: The kanji on Sakura's head means exactly that: sakura Monipo, since you're new, just a few things to note for next time you're making a request. ~ try to be specific in your openning post [ie: initial request]; this helps people handling the request to know what exactly you're after ~ if possible, get your hands on a picture you want to be used; that means less work for the banner-makers ;) ~ have an idea of what kind of quote or text you would like to appear on your banner/avatar set, if any at all; for all we know you could want a horse banner with the quote "woof" [to exaggerate] Hope you like the set :animesmil [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=YellowGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]There y'are: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25933&stc=1[/img] Hope you like ^.^ [also, where you said "umong", what you probably wanted to say was "among"...correct me if you meant for that error to be part of the quote] [b]EDIT:[/b] almost forgot, props go to [b][url=http://rinpoo-chuang.deviantart.com/]rinpoo-chuang[/url][/b] from deviantArt for teh awesomeness dragon piccy.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=YellowGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Here's my shot at it: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25932&stc=1[/img] Might want to wait for a few more people before you take it up though, I'm sure there are plenty of better banner artists ^.^;[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][b]OOC:[/b] This battle is taking place a day after Doublehex's. Think of it as a glitch in the game cartridge? ^^; [b]IC:[/b] [COLOR=YellowGreen]Miku walked into Pewter City Gym with a slight air of confidence about her. She was still no [u]real[/u] trainer when it came to battles, but the girl was getting to know her natures. Plus the berry encyclopedia she'd bought had come in handy. Not only did Miku now know that she wanted to become a researcher of all things berry, she also knew all the attributes of the known berries in the Viridian-Pewter region. Whoever she ended up against in the gym was in for more than one surprise. [b]"Are you sure of this Sakura?"[/b] Miku asked her companion, who was currently taking it easy in the girl's apron pouch, [b]"We could get owned...and you could get hurt. Nature comes in many forms, and rocks are the more destructive of those forms..."[/b] The Cherinbo rolled her eyes, shook her head and disappeared into the pouch. It took several moments for Miku to realise that the gym was, in fact, empty. Void of life. That there was nothing there. Except for a massive mess, no doubt from a battle the day before. It was Sakura's idea to search for someone to battle for the Boulder Badge. The fiesty little cherry leapt out of the pouch and darted across the room, nudging the back door open and disappearing out the back of the gym. [b]"Wha-? Wait Sakura!"[/b] Miku chased after her pal. What she saw outside shocked her - Brock was reading a book on Pokemon Breeding while his Onix faced off against his Geodude. Exactly as she had been with her own team not half an hour ago. [b]"You two sure do like your battles don't you?"[/b] the Gym Leader said absent-mindedly to his pokemon. [i]Wow. Maybe mum lied when I asked her if I was adopted?[/i] Miku thought to herself, then cleared her throat, attracting Brock's attention. [b]"If you want a battle, I'm off for the day. You'll have to find one of my attendants to battle for your Boulder Badge"[/b] he said, barely looking over his shoulder at her. [b]"I would but it appears that your Gym is empty. Plus it's a league requirement that there's someone to recieve a challenge between the hours of 9 A.M and 5 P.M on working days, correct?"[/b] Miku was thankful she had read the 'Gyms' section of the Pokemon League handbook a few nights earlier to try and find tips for her battle. [b]"Yes, you're right..."[/b] Miku smiled, Sakura smirked. [i]It's on...[/i] she thought. [b]"..but it's a Sunday."[/b] At this Miku's jaw almost touched the ground, and Sakura promptly fell over backwards. [b]"But..but I thought-"[/b] [b]"I think we can make an exception though, right guys?"[/b] said the Pewter Gym Leader, pulling out... ...a walkie-talkie. Sakura, after standing up, fell forwards. [b]"Forrest, I have a challenger for you,"[/b] he said into the communication device, [b]"She's got a grass-type on her, fiesty by the looks of it too. See you in a few."[/b] Miku stood wondering who this alleged 'Forrest' person could be, while Sakura finally managed to stand up properly. The trainer-companion combo looked at one another and tried to send their thoughts psychically, which of course failed, but made for amusing viewing for Brock. [COLOR=Black][b]Five Minutes Later: A Bother of a Brother![/b][/COLOR] [b]"You have 10 minutes to complete this battle; challenger, state your battle-style!"[/b] called Brock from the outdoor arena's sidelines. Miku didn't respond, not knowing what kinds of battle-styles there were to use; so Sakura, the eveready battler, leapt up and hit Mitsuhoney's pokeball, releasing it from it's temporary home. [b]"The challenger has chosen a double battle! Ready...begin!"[/b] Forrest was the spitting image of Brock, although more youthful and with green [yes green] hair. He had two pokeballs at the ready before Brock had even called to start, and the moment the word 'begin' was out in the open he had a Crobat and Geodude out on the field. Mitsuhoney and Sakura seemed miniscule to the pokemon they were facing, but they managed to keep their resolve. The same could not be said for Miku. She stood in one place, almost shivering, all former confidence lost. What if she lost? She only had 10 minutes...would she even last that long anyway? What if her plan was shattered? She had counted on facing Brock himself, and had hoped to be facing off against the Geodude and Onix she had seen the two boys from Pallet Town battle. [i]Stupid! Why didn't I take this into account?[/i] she thought. It was too late for that now though, things were already in motion. Crobat circled above Miku's pokemon, way up over the field. The Geodude was launching some sort of an attack where it pounded the ground as it went. Small craters were appearing where it smacked the earth with its fists. Sakura seemed to be jumping from the shaking this technique caused in the surface on which she sat in a trance. The Crobat began coughing up small clouds, then pushing them around the field with slices of air from its rapidly beating wings. The attack had begun. [b]"You don't really think that you, a novice with a bug and a cherry pip, are going to beat a sibling of Pewter's Foundation Stone, do you?"[/b] called Forrest from his side of the arena. [b]"You've already lost, girl! My attack's been set up, you're not even going to pass a minute out here!"[/b] Sakura snapped out of her self-induced trance with a plan in mind. She said something to Mitsuhoney, then the two put the plan into action. Geodude was coming in for it's attack, slowly but surely, and was almost up to the tiny Cherry-Pokemon when Mitsuhoney let out a blast of wind, stopping the rock in mid-pound. It was true that gust-type attacks were generally useless against the Boulder-Pokemon but when concentrated and at full power, shot at the Geodude while it was off the ground, they could still stop it in its tracks. Sakura took her chance and locked Geodude down with her Leech Seed, then prepared for her never-miss leaf attack. As the Cherinbo shot leaf after leaf into the air, and as Mitsuhoney got behind her, ready to add to the attack, the whole thing collapsed around them when Crobat's mist settled around them. It created the necessary amount of cover required to blind Miku's companions, and forced them to end their attempt ad K.O-ing the Geodude. [COLOR=Black][b]Miku's Trick: Sweet Mitsuhoney![/b][/COLOR] Miku couldn't see her pals through the fog, and knew what was happening wasn't good for her or them. [i]Alright...calm down. Just like you thought up before. You still have the berries...[/i] After less than a second of running random thoughts through her head, the tree-hugger was back in action. She would try her best, even if she couldn't see what was happening. [b]"Guys, it's time! Put plan Sweet Mitsuhoney into effect!"[/b] Sakura and Mitsuhoney looked back to where Miku's voice came from and got knocked out of the fog by followup attacks from Crobat, but got up quickly after. There is something different about Mitsuhoney as a Pokemon that separates it from others. It is effectively a living honecomb, capable of storing things in the back of its three heads. Luckily for Sakura, she was small enough to fit in one of these heads, and hid in one of them before Crobat made its way out of the thick haze. Geodude was already down for the count, the Leech Seed draining the last of its energy. [b]"I don't think I can win at all...Forrest was it?"[/b] taunted Miku, [b]"But I know my companions can do it!"[/b] Mitsuhoney flew directly at Crobat, buzzing at a high frequency, then as it reached the bat stopped instantly, spraying thick honey all over it's opponent's wings. The sweet honey made inside of a Mitsuhoney is a replenishing mixture, but unless refined properly, is similar to a heavy-duty super glue. The Crobat didn't stand a chance, and dropped to the field like a stone. Mitsuhoney turne to face Miku, and almost looked as if it were smiling. What Crobat saw was Sakura, perched in the back of the flying honeycomb. She smirked, gave Crobat a dark look and launched itself onto the bat, slicing twice with her leaf to silence it incessant screeching. [COLOR=Black][b]The Aftermath[/b][/COLOR] [b]"Wha-...what have you done?"[/b] cried Brock's younger brother, as the haze cleared. [b]"Crobat! Geodude!"[/b] He ran to his Pokemon, returning them to their respective pokeballs and releasing them from their battle-prisons. Miku stood where she had been shaking just two minutes ago, shocked. The plan had succeeded, and they hadn't even needed to bring the berries into it. [i]Maybe Mother Nature intended for us to fight battles?[/i] she thought. Brock ran over to hand her the Boulder Badge, [b]"Here, you earned it."[/b] He looked back at his little brother. [b]"You should probably go. I'll need to clear this up and tend to his emotional wounds. Well done rookie, you have a tough pair there."[/b] That was the last Miku saw of the brothers as she turned to leave the Gym, still stunned, Pokemon in tow.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Loverly idea Tekkaman; not only do we all wonder these things whilst making our own RPs, but I believe I speak for a number of members who would probably wonder about the like when merely [i]signing up[/i] for a RP. [b]1. What do you [as a member] want to see most in a RP?[/b] Grammar; spelling; something catchy. Having good grammar and spelling helps to layout the RP in a more readable fashion. There's nothing worse than having to read through post after post of punctuation-less crap. In my eyes, when you RP, you must consider yourself a novelist, albiet sometimes a beginner, but a novelist nonetheless. [ie: big words only work when you spell them correctly; the same goes for using them in the correct context ;)] It seems a lot of RPers seem to go for originality of ideas, instead of the same old spin-offs - I myself will go either way. Sure it's great to see something fresh, but isn't it great just to go back to your roots and enter a spin-off for fun? Nothing beats a well written spin-off [note: [i]well written[/i]]. [b]2. What RP rating do you [as a member] usually play in?[/b] Anything goes. Like the majority, I tend to go for whatever catches my eye. [b]3. Does humorous fun outweigh killing and gore or vice-versa? [Come on... be honest][/b] Humorous fun all the way, with a bit of action/death/killing/whateveryouwanttocallit as a side dish. Although, like everything in the Square, if you're going to attempt to write anything, make it legible [o.O]... [b]4. Do you post mainly for RP's whenever you enter the Boards?[/b] OB is and has been purely a way to vent some creativity in the Square whenever I log on. However, occasionally there is a thread on another part of the site which I just can't resist posting in. Over all, I can't emphasise enough how much spelling and grammar make a difference to your posting. I may not be 100% perfect but no one is [A: because I mainly use Australian spelling - because I'm from the Land of Oz itself; and B: because I feel confident enough to post without using Word and spell check most of the time]. [note: [i]Apart from most of the mods...if not all of them. Once they enter a thread most people generally tend to read in awe at the pure 1337ness of their post quality o.O[/i]][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=YellowGreen][b]"Fine, don't say hi or anything..."[/b] Miku grumbled when she noticed Matt look over at her and walk past completely. She put down the tulip seeds she had been looking at and moved along through the market stalls. Pewter City Market was the biggest market in all of western Kanto; it was no surprise Miku was wandering through the place. There were two things the girl had a passion for in life: nature and books. As of yet the hippie trainer hadn't come across any interesting looking books that her parents didn't already own, or that she herself hadn't already read. Pewter seemed lacking in the areas of literacy, but it was a city right near the mountains, so its inhabitants most likely got their information from those passing through. [b]"Umm, excuse me"[/b] she asked one of the stall owners, [b]"Could you tell me where I could find a book stall? One with non-fiction books?"[/b] [b]"Whell of course cha'ld,"[/b] came the old woman's reply - she seemed to have a heavy accent - [b]"Jus' go down this her' layne and take a left. I's the thurd store on yer ra'ght."[/b] After deciphering what the woman was saying, Miku nodded and moved on. [i]Okay...this lane, left, third on my right...[/i] she thought to herself. When she arrived, Miku stood infront of the stall unimpressed. She must have owned over half the books that were on display, and read the rest at some point. [b]"Can I help you young lady?"[/b] asked the stall keeper snidely. It was obvious he had judged Miku on her current outfit and massive dreads. [b]"Yes please,"[/b] she said imitating the man's posh accent as best she could. His expression immediately changed, [b]"I would like to purchase, if I may, a book containing information about berries and their attributes."[/b] [b]"Oh, why of course! Why didn't you simply ask?"[/b] he began. He rattled on for a bit while he rummaged around for the book. [b]"That will be...$15 thank you. Oh pish-posh, why not $10?"[/b] [b]"Why thank you,"[/b] she said with the most fake smile she could pull. Once she had found her way out of the marketplace, book in satchel bag and Sakura waddling behind her, Miku decided to find the city's gym - just for the sake of seeing it. As she approached the giant building she noticed a number of Oak's chosen gathered outside looking through the windows, slack-jawed and with hopeless expressions on their faces. Two trainers then came out of the gym, also from Oak's crew, one with a Swinub sitting atop his head and the other carrying an exhausted-looking Pidgey. [i]I remember them! I wonder how they're going?[/i] she thought, then waving to the two boys [b]"Did you win?"[/b] [b]"Umm...yeah!"[/b] they said in unison, smiling widely. They both looked at one another nervously. [b]"Thanks for asking, are you going to try for a badge?"[/b] asked the one with the Swinub. She remembered him as Jonas when she saw the camera hanging around his neck. [b]"Naw, I don't think I'm up to it! I wouldn't want to exhaust Sakura here either,"[/b] she replied. [b]"Well you [u]do[/u] have a type advantage over everyone in here. They're all Rock/Ground trainers,"[/b] said the one with the Pidgey. Miku couldn't recall his name. [b]"It's quite exhilarating too,"[/b] said Jonas with a wide grin, [b]"And I got a few nice shots from it, haha!"[/b] Miku smiled politely, [b]"How wonderful. I may end up doing it after all. Depends on what Sakura thinks,"[/b] she then bid the two goodbye as they went off to rest their companions. [B][U][COLOR=Black]10 minutes later, on the outskirts of Pewter City...[/COLOR][/U][/B] [b]"Cheri~!"[/b] [b]"Squee~!"[/b] Mitsuhoney blew away Sakura's leaf attack with a gust of wind, then flew in to strike at the cherry. [b]"Careful guys it's just training,"[/b] said Miku, flipping a page of her new book. [b]"It says here that the seeds of a Cherinbo can grow into cherry trees."[/b] Sakura turned from the training match to look quizically at her trainer, only to be hit with another blast of air from the honeycomb pokemon. [b]"I still can't believe you two actually want to battle for Pewter's badge,"[/b] Miku said, rolling her eyes and laughing.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=YellowGreen][b]"What is that thing anyway?"[/b] asked Matt, mainly to himself since he knew neither of the girls could give him a proper explanation. He pulled out his Pokedex. [b]"BEEQUEEN the Beehive Pokemon - All pokemon of the Beequeen species are female, and have the innate ability to control the hive in which they live. Beequeen can often be seen surrounded by Beedrill and Mitsuhoney bodyguards."[/b] the 'dex rang out in the typical metallic tone. [b]"I could've told you it was a Beequeen"[/b] grumbled Miku, crossing her arms. At this point three barbs landed just inches from the trainers' feet. The massive bee droned at them. [b]"Who cares let's just get this over with and get out of here!"[/b] Turbine was getting slightly fed up with waiting around in the forest, and standing there with an angry bug shooting at them was not her idea of 'fun'. Then again Miku didn't know what the girl's idea of fun was, or her name for that matter. [b]"Okay then, what can your Murkrow do?"[/b] asked the hippie. Turbine grinned. [b]"Show her what you can do Fu..."[/b] The little black bird leapt off Turbine's shoulder and into the air, straight at the Beequeen, which dodged the attack. Murkrow kept flying nonetheless, turning back around in an arch - it then proceeded to spit out a thick haze. Beating its wings, it spread the mist out, covering the area. [b]"Now we have some cloudcover. Beat that treehugger"[/b] smirked the dark individual. [i]Hmph...never really liked you...[/i] Miku said inwardly, then aloud [b]"Well can it attack? Come on Sakura, this girl already knows what you can do, let's one up it."[/b] Sakura waddled out into the thick fog, all three trainers losing sight of her. [b]"Sakura you weren't supposed to go all the way out there...!"[/b] came her companion's worried cry. The Cherry Pokemon ignored it, prefering to handle this as a team with Fu rather than compete for trainer glory. [b]"Che-cheriri~!"[/b] she called, and Scimino and Fu left their trainers to meet her in the middle of the mist. The three pokemon squawked, squeaked and grunted until they had agreed on a plan of attack, by which time the Beequeen had figured out the mist was fake and blew it away with a gust. [b]"What do you think they're doing?"[/b] Miku asked the other trainers. Turbine ignored her, watching intently. [b]"I think they want to handle it together or something, just let them do it"[/b] came Matt's reply. Miku shut her mouth and sat down grudgingly. Fu lifted off and began fying around Beequeen, providing a distraction while the others put their plan into action. Beequeen began launching its poisonned stingers one after the other after the bird, but Fu was too fast, flying just ahead of the stings. Getting frustrated, the queen bee began hovering after Turbine's Murkrow, pursuing it at top speed. Matt's Hikozaru began taunting the bug pokemon to get it off Fu's tail, and Sakura started to glow as it hobbled around behind. Scimino shot a fireball at Beequeen, combining his opponent's speed and weight with his blast, sending it flying backward to the center of the trio's triangular formation. [b]"Cherii~!"[/b] [b]"Kurooo~!"[/b] [b]"Hikoou-zaa~!"[/b] Sakura launched it's draining seed at the grounded Beequeen, Fu shot out at it and Scimino began blasting it with fireballs. The leech seed shot out its vines, which lit up, not only draining the bee of its energy but burning it at the same time. Fu landed peck after peck on the Beequeen, ending with a mighty rake of her long talons across the bee's belly. [b]"Wow...they sure do make a pretty good team..."[/b] said a stunned Miku. [b]"Mmph"[/b] grunted Matt. [b]"I suppose..."[/b] came Turbine's reply, [b]"But let's go. [U]Now.[/U]"[/b] And at that the three trainers called to their partners and turned to leave the forest. [b]"Oh! Mitsuhoney! Come on let's go!"[/b] Miku had completely forgotten about her new pokemon, considering she hadn't added it to her team herself. She still didn't know its gender either. [COLOR=Black]An hour later...[/COLOR] [b]"So this is Pewter City..."[/b] said Miku in awe, as the three entered the border of Pewter. [b]"I'm tired...can we please just get to a Pokemon Center and be done with all this?"[/b] Turbine half-whined half-snapped. [i]Fine...b***h...[/i] the hippie chick thought.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=YellowGreen]Miku was still wondering why her pokeball had been stuck to the tree back on the outskirts of Viridian City when they heard the buzzing. Sakura, being the inquisitive young pokemon she was, raced ahead to investigate - her waddling almost comical. [b]"I wonder what that could be Sakura?"[/b] Miku asked, then when she realised her partner had left her behind called [b]"Hey Sakura, wait for me!"[/b] Miku quickly caught up to her cherry pal, scooped her up and the two made their way for the alarmingly loud buzzing. What they found shocked them beyond all comprehension. [b]"Wha--what...why? Beedrill?"[/b] stammered the hippie chick, then she saw what the bugs were after. Matt and the strange girl in out-of-season clothing were on the run from the swarm, and she just managed to catch a glimpse of them diving behind a giant log in the middle of the road. [b]"What have you done?!"[/b] cried Miku in desperation. [b]"This sort of behaviour is not normal for Beedrills! Why are they after you?!"[/b] But the swarming insects droning drowned out Miku's cries of anger and disbelief. [i]There's no time to worry about it now...have to do something...Matt's in trouble...no time...no time[/i] Miku's thoughts rang throughout her mind loud and clear over the deadly giant wasps who, upon hearing Miku's shouting, had turned away from their previous target. [b]"...Nature give me strength"[/b] she said as the blood was drained from her face, leaving her more pallid and white than snow itself. [b]"They seem to be distracted. We should go now"[/b] Turbine said, looking out over the log. [b]"By what?[/b] Matt was a little confused, but eager to get away nonetheless. [b]"Some girl...I think it's that environmentalist hippie from Oak's...quick let's go while we can"[/b] Turbine half stood to leave. [b]"Miku?!"[/b] he had to see this, if only to help out should his Pallet Town aquaintence need it. [b]"Cherii~! Cher-che-cheririi~!"[/b] Sakura began howling at Miku and began jumping at her beltclips. [b]"What? You want in your pokeball [u]now[/u]?!"[/b] Sakura stood on the spot defiantly and shot a leaf at the still-sticky pokeball from before. It dropped to the ground, hitting its button and letting out a stream of red light. [i]Wha...but...I don't get it?![/i] Miku thought it odd that red light was escaping the pokeball. Wasn't that only supposed to happen when it had a pokemon inside it? Then the Mitsuhoney came out. [b]"Honey?! What?!"[/b] now the greenie was even more confused. [b]"No time for questions now. Sakura, we have to immobilize these Beedrill! Can you seed them?"[/b] Sakura turned back and looked at Miku skeptically. [b]"You're right, not likely...okay. Bees...honey...drones...a queen? But how can one Beedrill control all the others?"[/b] the girl stood, scratching her chin. The Beedrill moved ever closer in unison, then they began to launch a group Pin Missile attack. Time was running out. With seconds before impact, the strange Mitsuhoney blew up a powerful gust and knocked back a vast majority of the needles. One struck Miku herself, but her pokemon were unscathed. A weak venom was quickly injected into her arm by the sting, dropping her to her knees. [b]"Cheriiiin-BO~!"[/b] Sakura glowed again, flicking leaf after leaf into the air, all of which remained stationary. She then signalled up to her honeycomb poke-pal in the air for another gust of wind, which it obligingly aimed at the angry swarm. The direct hit knocked back the wasps in front, revealing the source of the group anger and unity. A [URL=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/416.shtml]Beequeen[/URL] was hovering in the center of the swarm, eyes glowing. Attack Command - a bug attack known only to the queen bee herself. Miku glanced up from her arm and saw the giant bee, then knew what to do. She looked over to Matt, [b]"Matt! Set Sakura's leaf attack on fire...NOW!"[/b] [b]"What's she planning?"[/b] Matt wondered. From where they were, he and Turbine couldn't see the source of all the trouble. Nonetheless, he quickly told Scimino what to do, and the monkey headed off quickly do accomplish what would hopefully save them all. Once Scimino had fired up and thrown fire all over the hovering leaves, Sakura nodded to Miku and the Hikozaru. [b]"Cheriri~!"[/b] The bolts of fire rained down on the Beedrill, some hitting the swarm, some hitting the Beequeen. Not one missed. The group instantly lost its unity and dispersed, leaving the lone Beequeen to fend for itself. Which was no problem for the tyrannical bug pokemon - as one of the strongest bugs in this part of Viridian forest, it knew how to defend itself. Matt ran over to Scimino, Turbine following reluctantly. [b]"Okay...three on one...this should be easy"[/b] he said to the two girls. [i]I sure hope so...[/i] thought Miku.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][U]Miku's second day...how far behind [B]is[/B] this girl?[/U] [COLOR=YellowGreen]Miku and Sakura had arrived at Viridian City the night before, but being lovers of all things natural, the partners decided to sleep on the outskirts of the city amongst the trees. And although they managed to avoid the hustle and bustle of Viridian's nightlife, it still made for a restless night. And one other thing: No wake up call... [COLOR=Black][U]12 Noon - the same day everyone else seemed to be leaving for Viridian Forest [still Miku's second day][/U][/COLOR] Luckily, Miku [b]did[/b] get woken up, albiet to the sounds of the city's ongoings and some sort of a commotion to the south. [b]"Mmm...wha?!"[/b] she half-said half-snored, then rolled out of the tree she had slept in, landing face-first in the dirt. Getting up, she dusted herself off - a semi-counterproductive activity since she was covered in a filthy mess from head to toe anyway - and ate an apple to help wake up. [b]"What a ruckus...wonder why people bother with cities eh Sakura?"[/b] she mumbled absent mindedly, grinning to herself through a half-chewed mouthful of apple. [b]"Sakura?"[/b] The Cherinbo was nowhere to be seen. [b]"Sakura!"[/b] Miku began to worry. It had not even been a full day since the two started out and already the poor greenie girl had lost her pokemon. What made matters worse was that they were just outside a large city, and neither of them had ever been outside of Pallet Town, with the exception of where Sakura had been taken from the wild back in Shin'ou for researh/conservational issues. What if the tiny grass-pokemon, a rare sight in Kanto, had been kidnapped? Then things took a turn for the worse. [b]"Hey, check it out! A wild Cherinbo!" "Just outside Viridian? No way!" "CHERINBO, the Cherry Pokemon..." "Wait your Pokedex says it ain't wild." "Well where's the trainer? I'll battle him for it!"[/b] Voices came from just out on the main road into Viridian City, so Miku dropped all her things and bolted for the direction of what sounded like two juvenille trainers. [b]"Sakura! There you are I was so worried!"[/b] Miku almost cried. Then she straightened herself up and set her mind into evergreen-overdrive. These kids needed a lesson in caring for nature. [b]"That your Cherinbo?"[/b] asked one of the boys, who looked no older than 15. When she didn't answer the other boy stepped forward, he looked about the same age. [b]"Hey my friend asked you a question!"[/b] They each pulled out a pokeball threatenningly. [b]"No, she's not my Cherinbo, she's my partner, Sakura"[/b] came Miku's defiant response at last, [b]"and you two need a lesson in the treatment of pokemon!"[/b] Both of the trainers smirked, then threw their pokeballs, releasing Sakura's opponents-to-be. [i]Zubat and Venonat...crap...I think we have a type disadvantage...[/i] moaned Miku to herself, thinking things through. [b]"Sakura, are you ready? This is our first official battle against other trainers..."[/b] The seedling simply stood in place, defiant as her trainer - more sure of herself though. [b]"Hah! Your first real battle?" "Alright we'll go easy on you then!"[/b] the kids laughed. [b]"Venonat, Foresight!" "Zubat, Leech Life!"[/b] [i]Using them as tools...[/i] [b]"Sakura, be quick on your feet, the sun is strong, use it to your advantage"[/b] Miku felt more confident in simply speaking to her pokemon partner rather than giving direct orders like other trainers did these days. The Venonat seemed to have found Sakura efficiently enough, and was launching an all out tackle, whilst the Zubat was zipping in from side to side, trying to find the perfect spot to attack; Sakura simply waited, glowing orange as it had the day before. [i]You have to move Sakura...[/i] Miku thought, and just as she did, her Cherinbo bounced backwards out of the way of the incoming pokemon. The two collided, their attacks hitting one another instead of the pink target. [b]"What? No!" "How'd you? That's not fair!" "Venonat!" "Zubat!" [u]"Get up!"[/u][/b] the two boys shouted in unison. It was too late, Sakura had just fired two tiny seeds, one for each opponent. Vines were sprouting and entangling the bat and bug, and began to glow green. [b]"You can perform a Leech Seed..."[/b] Miku murmered to no-one in particular. [b]"It's over guys, now just remember that Mother Nature gets you back for trying to take away her children. There's nothing more dangerous than a mother trying to find her child - and no one takes motherhood more seriously than Nature herself."[/b] With that Miku turned and left to find her things, Sakura close behind. [COLOR=Black][U]Early Afternoon[/U][/COLOR] [b]"Well Sakura, I think today's been quite productive so far, don't you?"[/b] the trainer asked her pokemon, pulling out the Hortidex [or Horticulture-dex for those that havent picked that up] to note down the state of the environment bordering the south-east side of Viridian. Sakura ran around in circles happily in reply. As Miku began packing up her things, that had somehow managed to find their way out of her bag and all around the bottom of the tree the pair had slept in, she noticed something. She was missing a pokeball. [b]"I've already lost a pokeball? Well, it [u]is[/u] a manmade invention used to cage and tame wild creatures...I suppose it doesnt really matter"[/b] she said aloud, getting up and scanning the area nonetheless. [b]"Cherirrii~!"[/b] Miku looked up where Sakura was pointing her leaf, and saw the missing pokeball stuck in the tree, or on it rather, covered in a thick yellow goo. She reached up, pulling the ball free of the adhesive, sniffed it, then licked it. [b]"Honey!"[/b] she cried with a laugh. [b]"Cheriri~!"[/b] it almost seemed like Sakura was trying to say something. [b]"Yes, honey Sakura, it's hon-ney"[/b] intoned Miku. Little did she know, Sakura was trying to tell her that it had persuaded a [URL=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/415.shtml]Mitsuhoney[/URL] to join the pair.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][U]Miku's first day on the road...6pm[/U] [COLOR=YellowGreen]Miku and Sakura took their time wandering through Route 1; Miku frantically scribbling notes into the Hortidex about the state of the road while Sakura ran in circles trying to find a nice tree. It was, all in all, a peaceful walk. They were in no rush to make it to Viridian City, and Miku wanted to find out what kinds of grass-Pokemon came out at night on the small route. The young researcher looked up from her chicken-scratch writing and over to where Sakura was playing beneath the nearest tree. Spots along the roadside were lush with greenery, but others seemed to be devoid of life completely. [i]Note to self...Route 1 needs attention when we get back...[/i] she wrote. [b]"Cheririi~!"[/b] cried Sakura suddenly, the sound of which made Miku's head snap up, almost causing whiplash. The Cherinbo had been playing under a tree housing a Spearow nest, and now one of the fiery birds was pelting Sakura with a rain of pecks in a furious rage. [b]"Well it [i]is[/i] their mating season after all..."[/b] reasoned Miku. She just stood for a second, but the sight of her partner getting hurt caused her to cave in. [b]"Umm, Sakura, uh...tackle it to the ground?"[/b] came her uncertain call. Sakura shook clear of the Spearow and launched itself upwards, hitting the bird square in the face. The seedling began to glow excitedly, taking in the sun's remaining rays to replenish its energy. [b]"You can photosynthesise...of course..."[/b] Miku thought aloud, then to herself; [i]Hrmm...if she can photosynthesise to regain energy...I wonder if she can use the Sun's rays as an attack? I mean I did hear someone say something about a beam of solar energy...[/i] [b]"Sakura, try using Solar Be--"[/b] but the girl stopped. Her Cherinbo was lit with an orange glow. [b]"Huh?"[/b] It was then that Miku realised what was happening. She remembered one time while she was gardening in her backyard with her mother's [URL=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/407.shtml]Rozureido[/URL]. It was when she was younger, when the war was in its last days. An Arbok found its way into her family's yard, and made to attack young Miku, but Rozureido intervened. It glowed in the same way Sakura was now, then launched an amazingly beautiful sequence of attacks. Her mother had told her that Rozureido liked to use a 'Growth, Magical Leaf, Petal Dance' combination; hurling leaves of energy into the air with its petals, all of which then honed in on the Arbok. [i]Let's try something like that...[/i] thought the hippie-chick, coming back to reality. [b]"Sakura, try using your leaf for something!"[/b] she called to her friend, not 100% sure of whether it was Magical Leaf or Razor Leaf a Cherinbo would know. Just as another Spearow dived out of the tree at Sakura, she launched two glowing shapes from the leaf on her main head with a flick, straight at both bird-Pokemon. Each of the Spearows tried to fly out of the way of the green energy, but it stayed true to form and cut deeply into their feathers, leaving blood-stains on the grass below. The injured birds retreated back into the tree with a [b]"Ka-kaw!"[/b] [b]"Wow Sakura...you're formidable, just as I say: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and there art no woman like the Earth Mother herself."[/b] At this the pink seedling grinned playfully and ran off toward Viridian City, which was about a half hour walk away from the Spearow's nest.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  25. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=YellowGreen][FONT=Verdana][B]OOC:[/B] This is the new colour I'll be using, since A: It's easy to read and; B: Miku is a hippie not a ditz...just thought you'd like to know my reasoning lol.[/FONT] [B]IC:[/B] Miku sat as she watched her fellow beginner-trainers stand and grab their things before heading out the door. [i]Oh Matt, I knew you'd leave first. Always in a hurry to get where you need to go...[/i] she thought as her friend walked out in the direction of Route 1. Remembering that she herself was also supposed to be leaving; albiet also deciding whether or not she were actually becoming a registered trainer, Miku stood and pulled out her Pokeball - first making sure everyone had left. When she was sure enough, she held it out in front of her. [b]"So do you think you'll take up the trainer challenge, Miku?"[/b] asked Oak, coming back into the room. [b]"They're gone right? You're the only one left?"[/b] [b]"I think so Professor...why?"[/b] [b]"Oh, no reason; I just wanted to talk to you about the replacement you recommended...or rather, all seven of them."[/b] At this Miku smiled, [b]"Grass-type Pokemon are as good a gardener as any, if not better Professor. I found Sakura here in the most beautifully tended alcove,"[/b] she said, letting out the Cherinbo. It blinked a few times, as though it had just woken from a long sleep, then proceeded to bounce around Miku's feet in circles. [b]"Ah, good choice, good choi-"[/b] [b]"She chose me, not I her, sir"[/b] the hippie chick cut in. Oak looked at her in bewilderment; although Miku was firm in her arguments, she had never cut him off before. [b]"Of course, of course. Miku come here, I want to show you something..."[/b] Oak took Miku's elbow and directed her to her pack. Sakura followed closely behind, 'squee-ing' all the while. [b]"Instead of Pokemon food, I had my aides put plant nutrients in, since I knew you would choose a grass-type. Another thing in here is a newly developed 'Dex. I felt that the Pokedex would be more suited to the other trainers, and given your history with horticulture, I'd like you to record your findings on rare occurrences in the environment you travel through in this."[/b] The Pokemon Professor produced a small handheld electronic notebook from Miku's labelled pack, the sight of which made the girl's face light up. It had a green covering, different to the traditionally red-cased Pokedex. [b]"Oh Professor...I couldn't..."[/b] she started, but Oak didn't let her finish. [b]"I insist; in fact, I give you no choice. Here it's yours, now run along!"[/b] and with that he shoved the new 'Dex in her pack, threw the pack at her and dashed into the maze that was his laboratory. Miku simply stood with the pack in hand, the look of a stunned mullet on her face; Sakura bounced on the spot happily, shrilly calling out [b]"Cheriii~!"[/b] again and again. A few minutes later, Miku the grass-type-trainer could be seen leaving Pallet Town for Route 1; 'Dex in hand, touchpen in the other, and Sakura poking both heads out of the pouch of the girl's apron, bathing in the afternoon sunlight. [b]"Okay Sakura, let's show the world what Nature's messengers can accomplish!"[/b] she said excitedly, then noticing Matt in the distance, [b]"Let's see what that boy is up to shall we?"[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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