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Everything posted by AngryBarista
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I attempted to try it last year, but procrastinated and didn't: A) Start; and B) Sign up for it...^^; Maybe this year will be different...[/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Plum]Upon being led out of Oak's lab and sent off into the nursery she had just been tending to only hours before, Miku headed straight to the turquoise rosebush with a purpose - to find a seedling that would blossom into a ferocious messenger of Mother Nature. It wasn't simply a matter of picking any grass-type Pokemon, as there were many it was true; it was more a matter of letting the Pokemon choose her. To form the bond required to make plants grow, the plant needed to trust and love its gardener. Miku felt the same thing would happen with grass-type Pokemon. As she stepped into the thorny rosebush, Miku winced as small gashes openned on her arms where the plant's natural defences attacked her. [i]Just move forwards, don't stop. If you stop, the toxins will have time to get into your bloodstream...[/i] she told herself over and over in her head. As she broke through to the other side of the thorned barrier, Miku stared around in amazement at the natural beauty of this side of Oak's nursery. She herself had had no idea why she'd decided to walk into the roses. Now she saw why. This was the true grass-Pokemon sect. Miku had seen grass-types running around her whilst she was gardenning from time to time, but had never seen the full extent of Oak's collection. She also thought it odd that she had never been invited into this area of the nursery - then remembered that the pokemon in residence most likely tended to their home better than any human could. Several Pokemon noticed Miku's arrival, and looked up from what they were doing. One Bellsprout even took a few tentative steps toward the girl, but when it noticed her as the gardener decided not to worry itself with being careful and bolted at her pell-mell. The next thing she knew, Miku was on her backside with a number of native Kanto grass-types swarming over her like vines up a tree. There they were; a Bellsprout, an Oddish, a Bulbasaur and even a Tangela. Each of them reminded her of plants she had seen in the multitude of books on horticulture in her mother's library. But although these Pokemon seemed keen on her, Miku decided to wander around until she could feel a true connection coming from one, and not just a lust for plant nutrients.[B] "I'm sorry little ones, but I'm not here to tend to the gardens right now, I'm actually here to find a partner."[/B] Brushing the Pokemon off lightly, Miku stood up and moved further into the small enclosed garden. [i]What...what's that smell...[/i] thought Miku as she stepped on something that felt like a small cushion. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, then convulsed and threw up almost instantly. [i] Shit...it's Shroomish spores...[/i] She looked down at where her foot was, lifted it, then picked up the Shroomish she had stepped on. [B]"I'm sorry sweetie, I should have kept an eye out for you."[/B] [b]"Shrooom~!"[/b] it grunted, and promptly hopped out of her hands and off into the scrub. Just then there was rustling in a bush to Miku's left. A flash of pink told her it was either a Hoppip or a Cherinbo - [i]Perfect[/i] she thought. [b]"You can come out if you like, I'm not here to hurt you..."[/b] she crooned. Sure enough, the Cherinbo Miku had helped out previously popped it's heads out. The tiny seedling bounced over to the hippie-chick and bumped her leg a few times. [b]"Are you okay there?"[/b] she asked it with a nervous smile as she rubbed the back of her head. [b]"You know I can see you and you have my attention. Is there something I can help you with again?"[/b] The Cherinbo gave her a look that almost said "Just get your damn, Pokeball, girl. I'm making you an offer you can't refuse." Almost. Miku happily complied, and dropped her Pokeball on the ground at her feet; at this Cherinbo nudged the button on the front of the ball and promptly vanished inside it. [b]"Sakura's your new name, friend,"[/b] she said with a grin, and began to find her way back into Oak's lab.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]10 Minutes Prior to Professor Oak leaving his lab to find the other trainers-in-the-making...[/B] [COLOR=Plum]"Miku come in out of the cold, you aren't supposed to be tending to the gardens today!" the world renowned Pokemon Professor called out to Miku, who was currently elbow-deep in Muk leftovers. "Don't worry about me Professor! The cold weather is just mother nature's way of saying she needs our help to keep her warm," she replied, still working away at the turquoise roses. "By the way, I'd like you to attend a small gathering inside the lab later on this morning!" When Miku didn't respond, Prof. Oak simply rolled his eyes and went back into his lab, leaving her with a half-arsed "I'll be back later then!" before going out to find someone he had sent for earlier. "Okay," she murmured between large whiffs of her handiwork - smelling the Muk leftovers was the best, or in Miku's case, [i]only[/i] way of testing whether or not roses had been tended to properly. The mid-teenage hippie decided this particular section of the garden had been tended too quite sufficiently, moving on to other areas. [B][COLOR=Black]As Professor Oak and Matt enter the lab...[/COLOR][/B] "Cheriii~!" came a soft cry from beneath the main back windows of the lab. Miku looked around for the noise, locating its source after a few painstaking seconds. "Cheriii!" Climbing up out of her waist deep planting-hole in the center of the Bug-Pokemon grounds, Miku dusted herself off and squeezed through the thick overgrowth of the mini-forest, brushing aside the occasional Caterpie or Spinarak. "Cheriii~!" "I'm on my way, I'll be there soon, don't worry" she said in a soothing tone, smiling to herself. The cries faded as Miku came closer to the windowsill. The source of the cries stared up at the short girl as though she were bigger than a Wailord. It's warm pink skin and juvenille leaves giving off the scent of fresh spring cherryblossoms. "Hello there little one," she said, kneeling down to pet the Cherinbo, untangling its small leaves from the thorns of a nearby bramble. "Brambles are mother nature's way of telling you not to tread her domain as though you own it, because one cannot own a free being." The tiny Pokemon just continued to stare up at the girl, tilted its entire body to the side as if saying "What have you been smoking?" and skittered away to the shade of nearby trees. As Miku's eyes scanned the area for more plants to tend to, she heard a multitude of voices coming from inside the lab. [i]No doubt Matt will be inside, Oak always had his eye on him...but there are more voices than just those two, and it sounds like there are some girls inside too,[/i] she thought, then added [i]unless they are just girly-sounding boys...[/i] as an afterthought. She walked over to a nearby puddle, conveniently positionned exactly five feet from the door, checking her appearance should anything be stuck in her long yet seemingly clean bangs. Having waist-length dreadlocks was a full-time job. Getting up, she dusted herself lazily for what seemed like the 100th time that morning, and pushed open the door. "Hi Matt," she said cheerily upon entering, then "And who are these people?" The Professor laughed nervously and was about to introduce everyone when Aesera interrupted him, introducing herself. "I'm Aesera, from Lilycove in Hoenn." The others soon followed suit, and going around the table they were sitting at in an anti-clockwise fashion Ronyo, Azhure and Demetri introduced themselves. Miku recieved a simple not from Matt, at which she replied with a small smirk. No sooner had Miku sat down when a girl in summer dress walked through the front door, trailing a line of Pidgey and Rattata behind her, whom she slammed the door shut on. [i]Wow, what a b****...[/i][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]Character Sheet [/B] [B]Name[/B]: Miku [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Physical Description:[/B] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/23949020/][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Miku[/COLOR][/URL] Miku's long brown dreads dangle about her waist in a wildly neat tangle, much like how vines manage to arrange themselves accordingly when left untampered with. Her eyes are a deep emerald green, reflecting her inner desire to help any and all of nature's creatures. She is often seen sporting her odd skirt/cargo pants arrangement, and when out in the garden can be seen with a dirty old apron on. Standing at just under 5 foot, it is often a highly humerous sight to see the huge blooms in her yard towering over her. Miku's slim figure allows for easy exploration of overgrown areas. [B]Personality:[/B] At one with nature and her surroundings, Mikue is more often than not a calm individual. Her personal motto is "If it casts a shadow it can have one cast upon it", something few understand upon first hearing it. What she means though, is that no matter how dark or sinister something may be, there is always something worse, and that everything needs a friend/protection at some point. Miku is quite the tree-loving-hippie type, and takes a completely biased approach to almost every situation. People often get sick of hearing her far-left point of view. [B]Pokemon:[/B] A female [URL=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/420.shtml][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Cherinbo[/COLOR][/URL] named Sakura [wow a lotta thought put into that nickname eh :animeswea] [COLOR=Black][B]Okiday as with everyone else's, lemme know how you want me to fix this up =P[/B] EdIT: In response to [I]Wullf_Maximas[/I]'s last note, I always thought it was something we were encouraged to do - re-reading posts and using Word to doublecheck spelling and grammar points...ah well :animeshy:[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]"Hey you can day dream?"[/B] Sena asked Leon as their History teacher went on about the 12th Century.[B] [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Umm...well, this is the first time I day dreamed though...hehe..."[/COLOR][/B] came the unsure reply with a nervous laugh. [B]"Well?"[/B] [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]"Well what?"[/B][/COLOR] [B]"What was it about, dude?"[/B] Sena pushed. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]"Umm...I gotta take down these notes..."[/B][/COLOR] Leon said, turning back to his books. [i][B]Well that just plain sucks...[/B][/i] he thought to himself, flicking his hair out of his face. He sat back, and soon found he too was nodding off. [i]Pure blackness surrounded him on all sides - almost as if nothing existed. He tried blinking his eyes. Nothing. He tried shouting. Nothing. He tried moving forward. Sena took one step forwards, and an identical figure came out of the nothingness and appeared about three feet away, directly in front of him. The man was exactly identical to Sena in every way. The only thing seperating them was the dress-style. He was wearing a greyed old loincloth, held up simply by a worn out belt that looked about to snap. Even older looking bandages were wound tightly around this figure's arms and legs, but the most noticable features were the shredded jacket and massive war axe. [B]"Who...who are you?"[/B] asked Sena, but the figure's mouth moved with his, the same voice coming out, asking the same question. [B]"W-where am I?"[/B] again, the same thing happened. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]"Akumu..."[/B][/COLOR] it said, but this time Sena's mouth moved with the others'.[/i] Nightmare! What? I don't understand...!! [i]he thought. Akumu mouthed these words. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]"Dance...with...Ken..."[/B][/COLOR] [b]"Ken? Who is Ken?"[/b][/i] The teacher threw his chalk at Sena, hitting the boy square between the eyes. The hit jolted Sena awake. [COLOR=Black][b]"Not who, Sato, what. Ken - as in genki, you should know this. Now this isn't Japanese class, it's History, now please get back to work."[/b][/COLOR] This time it was Leon that turned and asked Sena. [COLOR=DarkOrange][b]"You had it too didn't you...the dancing dream thing."[/b][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I will say "continue it", but I think the post quality overall has to be lifted to keep it from being locked anyway. 5 lines isn't really a "full post" for the start of an RPG, especially when we're introducing our characters. Also, I don't think any of the characters know about any special "role" they have to play, so technically a few people have been skipping way ahead with the storyline; and I'll add that Lilt is also technically the only one that really knows where we're going to be going, when characters will find out about the "dreamworld" or whatever it is we're entering, and when other stuff happens. Having your character know other characters as "friends" in order to link Sentinels with Lifegivers and whatnot, keep them as friends for the moment, not neccessarily making any one specific character the central being of the entire plot [you know who you are :nope:]. A few last things - your character does not have to know everyone; stick to your character notes you made in the sign-ups; and have fun whilst adhearing to Standard English spelling and grammar as much as possible. It's fine to slip up every now and then, but if you get stuck, you should really be writing up posts in Microsoft Word so you get some form of "spell check". That's all for my rant now, and like I said, keep it open so we can see how this turns out. And I'm spent.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Thank James this is still open for interpretation :animesigh I'll go for it too ^.^ By the way, any text specifications? Like name, quotes?[/FONT] Okiday this is my shot at it. I mean, if you had any requests for changes I could make to it just hit me on MSN :animestun The Avatar: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25883&stc=1[/img] The Banner: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25884&stc=1[/img] If you want me to change the border colour that's cool - it can be done in like three seconds.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][b]"Dude careful there Leon, this stuff isn't even alcohol and you're falling all over everyone,"[/b] Sena said with a laugh, patting Leon on the back. [b]"How've your holidays been dude?"[/b] Leon appeared a little shaken that he had bumped into someone and spilt their drink on them, but Sena had been unphased, simply flicking the drips from his hand onto nearby partygoers. [b][COLOR=Orange]"Um, yes they've been okay, how about yours?"[/COLOR][/b] asked Sena's younger classmate. [b]"Yeah I made do. Want to get back into it though. Just this year left and all. I reckon I'll do pretty well if I get into it early."[/b] The two stood there chatting for a while, and noticed the flash and looked outside simultaneously. Everyone else was doing the same. It was then that Sena noticed the kid he'd seen from before dancing with a girl he recognised from the school courtyard last semester. He thought it odd that she'd be dancing with a younger guy, but other than that didn't bat an eyelash. [b]"Hey Leon, I'll see you 'round, it's time for me to get outta here. Need some air you know?"[/b] Sena said and left his friend to mingle. Getting out of the house was another matter.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Sena arrived an hour late, fashionably [of course] as usual. He had taken a short stroll down to the party from his house a few blocks away, taking in his surroundings as he went - another thing he commonly did. He had his favourite cheesethread shirt hanging loosely over his wirey frame, with a satchel over his shoulder fresh from his personal collection of designs. His skinnyleg jeans were torn at several specially placed locations around his thighs and calves, something he was thinking of bringing into the latest trends in Michi. Not really knowing Drou in person left grounds for not actually showing up at this end of Summer party, but for the sake of his people Sena had decided to attend. He thought about going inside to meet and greet, mingle and whatnot, but noticed someone leaving out the back. This person was wearing a LOT of black, looked kind of scrawny and their dark brown hair almost matched the tone of their. [B]"Wow, black is tragic..."[/B] Sena uttered to himself, then turned in the direction of this odd person to see why they would want to leave a perfectly good room of unturned minds to go off on their own. Upon catching up to the boy in black, Sena nudged his arm. [B]"What's with the black? Did someone die?"[/B] [COLOR=Black][B]"No, not really, I just like it. Why do you ask?"[/B] [/COLOR]the boy replied. He only looked like he was in junior year at school. [b]"Because I like to be well informed," he said with a smirk "Well, see you back at the party if you decide to come back. Later kid."[/b] Sena left the boy staring after him as he made his way back to Drou's house for the party. [b]"I wonder if Leon's here yet..."[/b] he muttered to himself. [COLOR=Black]OOC: sakazaki, take it away dude.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Sato Sena [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description:[/b] [url=http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/144/2/8/Indie_Rock_n__Roll_for_me_by_ZiGGYxCORE.jpg]Click Here[/url] ~ {OOC: It never ceases to amaze me how many great artists there are out there. Props go to [url=http://ziggyxcore.deviantart.com/]ZiGGYxCORE[/url] from deviantART for this one} [b]Character notes:[/b] Quite extroverted and 'out there', Sena tends to attract people like a magnetic movie star attracts metallic paparazzi. With his views of current day issues and a dress sense to K.O any model, he has ridden the rollercoaster that is high school life thusfar with ease. Sena transferred to Michi from his hometown in Melbourne, Australia 7 years ago, and fit in instantly, absorbing the language as though he really had been living in Japan since birth. While always having something to say, he likes to keep his words to himself unless asked, or unless the occasion calls for the use of his vocal chords. [b]Dreamer[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Akumu [b]Description:[/b] Akumu means Nightmare, and he becomes similar to just that. A nightmare of his opponents that is. Something of a fallen warrior, he appears to be wearing a torn, almost shredded, black vinyl trenchcoat, similar to what his other half [Sena] wears. Greyed bandages bind his hands and run up his arms to just above the elbow, and it is a similar situation with his legs, with the bandages running a few inches up past his knees. A simple dark grey loincloth drops from an old, worn out belt, down to about his knees, just below where the bandages stop. Akumu wields a large axe, which he carries either over his shoulder or drags behind him. [b]Class:[/b] Sentinel OOC: Seems like an interesting RP, hope this is up to scratch =)[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
Discuss Pins, Needles and Laughter [M - VLS]
AngryBarista replied to AngryBarista's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]-nerf- Fragging school has me using up my creativity for my Media Studies and Art, and I have a tonne of notes on the structure and functions of the brain; phonetics and phonology, the international phonetic alphabet and lexicology; and proteins, water and some other biological-type stuff. If anyone needs them, gimme a shout ^^; In other news [and to keep this post related], as you may see I seem to have been quite busy. I still intend to run [I]Pins, Needles and Laughter[/I], just later than the date I set in the first few posts. Of course this means that it should be better than what I would've put up in 10 days, so you should be happy for that *nervous laugh* ^^; If I need a hand I won't hesitate to post up a 'help wanted' type thing in this thread, so don't fret about that. The current date I am setting for the RPG is the last day of February, but don't hold your breath at that, it may yet change. [I know, I'm slack] That is all. Over and out.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Discuss Pins, Needles and Laughter [M - VLS]
AngryBarista replied to AngryBarista's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Just dropping in to say that I'm safely back in Australia at my beloved computer...the download limit of which was wasted in the first nine days of this month. That's 10gb guys...*growls* [stupid brother]. So anyway, at the moment I've been reduced to 56k speed. Another thing I've dropped in to say is that I am working hard on the RP, and hopefully it will be up within the space of a month as promised in my thread starting post. This means that, all things going well, the sign-up sheets will be in the Inn by the 19th of February. I'm not so good at maths, but if my calculations are correct, this means that: [U][B]-=The Countdown Has Begun: 21 days to go=-[/B][/U] Also, thank you again for the comments guys. It's reassuring that I know that your souls are now mine...*crap*...you didn't read that *shifty eyes*[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]You have a good set there Fox, but you did both the avatar and banner on Paint I'm guessing? Pre-photoshop, I also used Paint [man, when I look back...]. Anyway, on to the rating. If you used another program, sorry for the assumption ^^" The two pictures are excellent, mainly because I've seen Underworld and Selene is my number one fave from that movie. I like the way her eyes - those are her eyes I take it? - are extra blue, they stand out bigtime. Did you edit that yourself, or was the original image you used already like that? The avatar is good, but slightly grainy, or blurred, or something I can't put my finger on. The only 'negative' I'll point out with your banner is that the left border is one pixel off. Notice that the space you give on all sides - between the edge of the pic and the border - is one pixel. The left side has a two pixel space here. I, personally, can sometimes be a perfectionist and always quadruple check my borders. Be careful with this, it can mean looking like a completely different program was used [depending on the actual image]. The avatar: 7/10 The banner: 7.5/10 So I was a little harsh, but that border in the banner would've made me more leniant if it hadn't been off a little.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]An interesting topic. I myself prefer the DS simply for the selection of games it has. It brings back many old favourites [revamped of course], as well as new games that no one thought would ever happen - some of them are crap, but hey you can't always get all the good stuff. As for the PSP, as far as I know the games it has going for it are more along the lines of action and 'let's kill everything'. Just not a personal preference [hey, I may be 18 but at heart I'm still 6]. Not to mention that Squenix has decided to go back to Nintendo with the DS to re-release Final Fantasy III [the originally Japan-only release], Final Fantasy V and VI. Playstation did have V and VI for a short time, and there was a tiny possibility of it being released for PSP, but according to this slip of paper I got advertising the games' Nintendo DS release sometime this year that I found in the box of FFIV: Advance that I bought last week, it is not to be. Huzzah for the DS, I will finally be able to play all of the Final Fantasy games [FFIII is the only one I'm missing]. Slightly went off topic there, but it had to be said in defense of the DS against the PSP and any diehard FF fans who bought it instead of the DS - good on you for those who bought both.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Pins, Needles and Laughter [M - VLS]
AngryBarista replied to AngryBarista's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]"OMFGLOL!!!!11!!!11!" - to quote a friend of mine from one of our MSN chats. I like that mime idea, it could so work XP In answer to your question, the title of the RPG has everything to do with it - or with one of the main characters [all in the story, after the RPG I'll reveal secrets ^^]. Here are the details. Nothing will be spoilt here so no worries about reading on either [I probably wouldn't type it otherwise...]. Remember how I mentioned that the manically-depressed assassin has a pet? And remember how I said something about it being able to "[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]send someone to the madhouse just by laughing[/I][/COLOR]"? Well there's the 'Laughter' part covered. The assassin's pet will have more to do with any arranged murders than he will - he's just the guy who takes the credit for its work. The rest of the title 'Pins, Needles...' has to do with the sensation any victims of the pet feel. When it laughs, there is a sound like a really high pitched whining, or nails on a chalkboard. Do we all know what the term 'pins and needles' refers to? Maybe, since I'm kinda insane sometimes and just tend to make stuff up. It's the sensation you get when your blood rushes to a particular area of your body that has just been numb, like tiny pins and needles [there you go] are poking you. It's a damn annoying feeling, and my mate thought it would fit in well with the 'drives people insane' part. So anyway, this creature sends people mad with its laugh, then does something to kill them, but I'll leave that up to whoever ends up playing the manic-depressive. I think that covers the title. As to what the assassin controlling this pet-thing will do in a murder situation is possibly either start with the creature laughing or end with it. Those would be my only requirements for that particular character. Hope it all made sense. By the way, thanks for comments Sandy ^^[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Art Slackers In Slacks [UPDATED DAILY]
AngryBarista replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Wow, those are really mad. Loved them all, but I must say that one of the best had to be 'Bart the Barbarian II' followed closely by 'How the Grinch got served'. It's amazing how many jokes one can make when one knows how to use a computer efficiently > -
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Cerberus just stood where she now was, in the hallway outside her next classes room. The words 'what will I find behind this door?' ran on a continuous loop through her mind. She was still in shock from killing her classmates, who were now alive and well again. She saw a student rush past her, he was late for class. When she turned and saw who it was, Cerberus found she was looking into the face of the first beast that had attacked her. Her hand twitched, almost as if to pull out her weapon, but she restrained herself. [i]Here, let me handle this for a while. You're a warrior, not a student[/i] Cilla insisted from inside the head the two personalities were sharing. [i]Plus, this way people won't see a massive gap in my usual persona. I'm supposed to be a ditz, remember?[/i] Cerberus nodded their head and was gone. That night, Cilla sat at home reading a book called [B]'How to Use Your Strength Effectively.'[/B] This was actually a normal thing for her, constantly looking for ways to improve her fighting technique, trying to stay at the top of her class. It wasn't hard, but now she and the others had a more important task ahead of them instead of just trying to be the best in class. [B]"Not to mention how much more powerful the others are than me. In a one-on-one just about any of them would whup my ass..."[/B] she muttered to herself. It was a half truth. Everyone in the Council had their strengths and weaknesses, but Cilla felt her weaknesses were easier to exploit than those of the others. She began to jot down the few basic talents she had seen the others use. 'Helios, Aries and Hade can all manipulate fire; Hades can also bring back the dead to fight for him - according to Athena; Artemis can control the wind - so she can keep at a safe distance basically all the time if she needs to; Peres can...' As she wrote more of the abilities each of her friends had hiding away inside them, she realised something. [B]"Achilles and I are practically identical in what we were given. The only things that set us apart are our age and what we do with our strength."[/B] Cilla wrote one last thing down before going to bed: 'If anything should happen to the group, Achilles and I will be the ones needed to guard them. With our strength, not only can we destroy, but also save; this is my mission. I will protect my friends from harm - I am the guard-dog - Cerberus...' As she slept, Cilla kicked a hole in the wall; broke her lamp; and tore at least five holes in her bedsheets. The next morning she vowed that she would sleep on the floor every night until she learned how to control the power she had been given.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Pins, Needles and Laughter [M - VLS]
AngryBarista replied to AngryBarista's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]I'm glad that all three of you agree on the point that a hero certainly isn't necessary for this particular RP, as I never did intend on having one [was it that obvious XD?] Now that that obstacle has been cleared, I'm going to go on and try to make the story more playable. At the moment it's more like I'd be telling you too much about what you have to post, and I have to work minor characters into the storyline - they may not be part of the main idea, but it's always good to have someone in the way of an assassination attempt or something like that. I'll have a ponder on that one actually. Thanks for the comments guys.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Yay! My turn! Now, where to start. At the moment I just bought FFIV [here in Japan, but I'm sure the American/European realease is probably just a month or so away] and right now I'm just up to the part where [spoiler]Rydia comes and saves your *** from the bad guys[/spoiler]. So, now onto my Summon preferances: [B]FFIV:[/B] My definite favourite Summon in this one has got to be Dragon. You've gotta love how he just appears out of the mist like it does, and the fact that [I think] it has a non-elemental attack just sweetens the deal that much more. [B]FFVII:[/B] No real fave here, to tell the truth I kinda lost it with the Summons in this game. If I had to pick one though, I'd go with KoTR, just for the sweet damage. And as if you wouldn't want a small army of Knights bashing your enemies for you? I kinda did feel like their General or something when I summoned them. [B]FFVIII:[/B] Eden, all the way. Not because of damage or looks, but by the time I got it I was so happy with myself that I used it whenever I could. It just grew on me from there. [B]FFIX:[/B] This game was kinda one of my faves to tell the truth. Not many people say it, but I will on any occasion. I liked the slightly Elizabethan look to some of the towns, and the clothes that the characters wore. It blended in so well with the whole magic thing that I fell in love with it. So, *drumroll* my favourite FFIX Eidolon was Carbuncle for cuteness and Bahamut for pure dragon-ness. Plus the fact that it was in a number of CGs totally awesome. [B]FFX:[/B] Finally, here we are at my last fave. Valefor, because I liked [spoiler]it's second overdrive[/spoiler]. But all time fave in this one is Anima, because it was so emo-looking and depressing. I definitely fell in love with the massive damage it was capable of dealing. Also, for the same reason as Eden, it was a pain to get. Well those are my fave Summons/G.Fs/Eidolons/Aeons. Looking forward to FFXII's release to find out what kind of Summoning system they'll have, if any.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Pins, Needles and Laughter [M - VLS]
AngryBarista replied to AngryBarista's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Thanks for your responses so far guys. I can't actually give any more information about the RPG as of yet - because of the whole draft thing, but as I said I'll update every now and then. What I can do is ask why there should/shouldn't be a hero. In the original story, there doesn't appear to be a hero - one of the reasons why I decided to 'tweak the hell out of it'. I've weighed up my own pros and cons, and for reasons I cannot reveal, I'm not going to say anything about it. But a response from anyone here would be nice as to what their personal pros/cons of having a hero [in any RPG that's not "save the world from the bad guys with massive weapons and godlike powers that manage to get you out of every single life-threatening situation"]. Anyway, I'm glad that both responses so far are from OBers whose seasoned-RPG work I've seen [some of it anyway]. Since the two of you have put your hands up for the future RPG I can assure you that it will happen. I'll get back to work on it straight away.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]Hahah, glad I joined the thread at this exact point. I get to reply to a question I've been dying to be able to answer [I know, a little sad isn't it?] I must say that 'Real Emotion' was a darn awesome song, great to put on your boogey shoes and dance to. I'll admit I'm a real fan of it, and have viewed the openning scene in the Sphere Dome many a time just to hear it - maybe it's time I find the song and download it... Anywho, the only problem I found with 'Real Emotion' was that it lacked something, something I find hard to explain with words, and harder with actions, so charades is totally out of the question here [being that you can't see me anyway, I think that was a given]. '1000 Words' is my choice out of the two. This song is not only extremely well done, but when listened to whilst drawn into, or throwing yourself at the storyline, is quite touching. The layered voices of both Yuna and her counterpart [forgot her name, it's been a while] sent shivers down my spine. A truly great song to add to X-2. I think it made up for a little of what the game lacked majorly. There's my two cents.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Hello all! If you've clicked on this thread, then good on you! In other news, this is an RPG that's still on paper - that is, I would like some feedback as to whether people like the basic idea at all. This is based on a story a friend of mine wrote ages ago, and I finally got his permission to use it and tweak the hell out of it modification-wise. I will be attempting my own version of a 'chapter system', but I'm not 100% sure about how well it would work. Here's the 'blurb' to entice you a little [hopefully]: [I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]High society is beautiful. There are always gorgeous women, always the handsome men, and you can guarantee that there will always be some sort of fine alcohol for guests to drink. Most women indulge by means of jewellery shopping - diamonds, after all, are a girl's best friend. However, as with most things, here in the upper-class there are two sides to the story... High society is brutal. There are always two-faced women, always the backstabbing men, and you can guarantee that there will always be some sort of well-arranged murder for guests to witness. Most men indulge in a bit of woman - after all, men are primal creatures, controlled by instinct.[/COLOR][/I] Interested at all? I'm glad you stayed and read through that miniscule passage. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Basically, the RPG revolves around the story of three main characters - two of which are from rich backgrounds. One is a Princess; one is a conceited, two-faced, backstabbing liar who is the heir to the throne if anything should happen to the Princess; and the last one is the manically-depressed, slightly insane assassin with a pet that can send someone to the madhouse just by laughing. Other characters involved would include several highly influential upper-class citizens, and one or two hired killers to do the dirty work. From what I've got in my head and written down in front of me, the story begins with a dinner party gone wrong - and this is all in an Elizabethan-type period. The Princess arranges a social function, and all of the most influential people from the province are in attendance. 'How would something like this go wrong,' you ask? The answer is simple: the Princess, being the dud character that she is, accidentally lets something slip that should have remained unspoken. This stirs trouble behind everyone's happy and smiling social-function-facade, and gets the Princess' cousin angry. And I mean [B]really[/B] angry. So much so that he decides to have her 'offed' [as in killed]. Unbeknownst to him, the man he hires to get rid of his cousin is currently in a deep pit of depression. So although the job may seem fairly easy, it actually takes the three characters deep into the 'other side' of high society. Any other characters that participate will be tied into the storyline, playing as other people almost as conceited as the Princess' cousin. If there is a second - and possible a third - assassin, these characters are not part of the original Dinner Party, and instead come into the story in the second or third chapter.[/COLOR] Now, there are a great many things that I have here that will be added, but only once I get a little feedback. If there is anyone with an interest in participating in this future brain-child of mine [yes, I've had an immaculate brain-conception], please give me some sort of a response as to what you think of what's here so far. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me anything with your comment too. Here's to hoping that I can tie in any minor characters [that is, those that aren't already definate characters in the story] so that it would make things easier on the RPers that take part in this RP. Well, much more will be added in the coming weeks, maybe not to this thread, but rather to the scribbles and notes around my room. Depending on feedback, this may be up in the next month or so, or it could come back in a few months time. I hope you enjoyed, if even only in the slightest.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Hey those are totally awesome dude ^^ I will, keep checking back though, as the thread's only been up for like a day. [B]EDIT:[/B] Keyblade Wielder you've done it again. You stole my heart with the set. But, as soon as I get home I'm going to attempt to steal it back by trying another banner. Don't ask me what's wrong with it, because there's no answer to that - I just wanna use my graphics programs again /cry. The avatar rocks though, so it stays.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][quote name='Keyblade Wielder][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Lol. Don't like the KH II set I've made for you already??[/COLOR] [/SIZE'] [/FONT][/quote] Hahah. Actually I had originally planned to have the KH:II set until the end of January, but I finished the game in the first week I got it =.=" - and the Avatar's still there! Anywho, the real reason I'm posting is because - just like the Red Chocobo I am - I forgot to add in any extra required fields for making the set [dud] I thought about it, and I was thinking that you guys aiming to please me with awesome banners and artistic genious could think up a snappy comment to go with whichever of the Chocobo's was the main feature of the set. If you choose/chose to use more than one Chocobo, anything's fine. For the avatar, it depends on the Chocobo you're using - - for The Dud, use 'huh?' - for The Emo, use 'pfft!' - for The Cutey, use 'kawaii~!' - for The Worker, use 'hurry!' Sorry for not giving all the details first ? Nomad Tical ? >
[COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Hey all, Satori here again making another request. In order to satisfy my current need for everything Chocobo, I'm putting it to you guys here to make me a totally awesome Chocobo banner/avatar set. I have some cute picture links here, and I'd like you to try to work with them - if you can find better quality images of these exact pictures, then be my guest and use them ^^ Anyway, let's get down to it: - [URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/working-chocobo/art-chocobo04.gif]The Dud[/URL] - [URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/working-chocobo/art-chocobo06.gif]The Emo[/URL] - [URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/working-chocobo/art-chocobo02.gif]The Cutey[/URL] - [URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/working-chocobo/art-chocobo03.gif]The Worker[/URL] You can use any one of these pictures, or as many of them as you want. The red Chocobo [which I've so fittingly named 'The Dud'] is one I hope to see featured somewhere in the set - I so relate to it, hahaha. I'd like you to try to use the best of your banner-making abilities with this, I plan on having this set up for quite a while.[/SIZE][/COLOR]