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Everything posted by AngryBarista

  1. AngryBarista


    [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Roxas sat with his eyes glued to the screen in front of him. He'd had no idea how tough either trainer would be, even though Naminé was also from the Hoenn region. It was completely by luck that the trainers were now fighting in a forest fire - the first button that Naminé had pressed had moved several 'sets' of trees to the area they were currently fighting in. The second button pressed had done the same thing. It turned out that not only did the buttons move trees in one area, they moved trees in many different part of the arena. The television screen had shown smaller boxes of where the trees had moved when the buttons were pressed previously. "Wow...Naminé's a damn tough trainer to be able to go along with everything spur of the moment like that - she's barely thought anything through before making a call." Roxas thought aloud to himself. "You never know, it could just be pure dumb luck," someone said from a seat behind him. Roxas turned and saw Raya sitting in a seat behind him with a smirk on her face. She giggled almost manically - well, that's how Roxas saw it. As he looked her over, he almost dry-reached. "How old're you again?!" he exclaimed after re-swallowing lunch. "17, why?" [i]Holy crap...she must be good. I think I'll research her,[/i] "No reason, you just don't look like someone I'd expect to be here." he muttered. Raya gave him a look that said 'How can you say that aloud asshole?' but giggled again, as though she hadn't heard him. When Roxas turned his attention back to the battle going on in front of him, he saw the unspeakable. It appeared Jolteon had been knocked out. Someone knocked over a chair behind him. "What? No way!" it was AC, Roxas' first opponent - also a trainer from an Electric-type Gym. As AC said something about a flame-grilled chicken, the TV screen split, showing different camera angles. Jolteon was on screen, clawing its way up a burning tree. It appeared the nimble electrical dog was stronger that Roxas had thought.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. AngryBarista


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]Look forward to battling you Ayokano, this will definately be an interesting one. Given that the Electric-type's attacks are inneffective against a Grass-type, and vice versa, there's not really one person with the upper hand...*shifty eyes* *Becomes Roxas* Actually, now that I think about it, my Tropius may have trouble against your Pokémon considering it's part flying, but don't even think about trying to electrify Shiftry. *evil glare* *Becomes myself again* This is enjoyable ^^;[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. AngryBarista


    [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]This will definately be interesting, as no matter who is 'super-effective' against what, or ineffective, it all comes down to the 'skill' as a trainer doesn't it? Of course the effectiveness of attacks would be considered, I'm assuming, but you have to take into account Pokémon with second types and the abilities they can use corresponding to these [hence the reason I chose to have all of my Pokémon team to have secondary types]. Must keep in mind, though, that this works on two levels. I think we all know that a second type not only means extra strengths, but extra weaknesses too. Just stating it here so we can all keep it in mind throughout the battles. I'm sure we will see how it all unfolds anyway though.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. AngryBarista


    [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1]Roxas stood alone in the Pokécenter, thinking about the battles that would soon be taking place. He knew he should really be training his Pokémon in a harsh type-based training room like a volcanic fire-based environment to increase his team's resistance to, or at least get them used to the heat. One of the few things he rarely worked on with his Pokémon was fire-attacks. Not only did his grass-types have second -types, but they managed well against most foes. When he faced the fire-type, opponents usually fell to a well pulled-off Earthquake attack from his Shiftry. Unfortunately, he was unsure of what he would be up against if pitted against the Fire-Gym Leader Naminé. If she pulled out something unexpected, he knew it would be tough. It would be anyway, but tougher if she had hidden surprises for him. He hoped to whatever spirit was listening to his thoughts that he would be against Grace Lee the Water-type Gym Leader all the way from Kanto's Cerulian City. But he knew that the odds of being placed in his first match against a Gym Leader of a -type effective against his own Pokémon were higher than those of being placed in a match where his own Pokémon had the upper hand from scratch. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Nurse Joy came out of her office. "Oh!" she squealed. "You frightened me there! Can I help you at all? Would you like me to check your Pokémon?" He turned towards her and gave her a look that said 'Piss off, let me think quietly', but said "No, we're all fine here, thanks for asking." He put on a fake smile and spun on his heel, heading straight for the door. About an hour later he was in the Fire-type training room, trying out new techniques for his Pokémon. All around them were flame jets which spat out huge flames at random intervals. He had the flames on a setting so that the 'random intervals' were closer together, so his team of fire-succeptible pals had to work hard to pull of the techniques. At the current time, the idea was to keep his Pokémon's Grass-type attacks clear of the flames. Roxas stood behind a column of jets that spat out flames every few seconds, with a target that he would throw into the air. Once his whistle blew, Tropius, the first in his random-choice lineup, would have approximately thirty seconds to pull off her attack. He threw the target into the air and blew his whistle. The flame-jets sent up a cliché roaring blaze, and Tropius began the technique.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I myself just began to read this, having bought the first manga here in Japan. ... It's in English though...thank God. I would seriously try to read the Japanese version of it - and I'm sure that it would be funnier/more interesting since things almost always get lost in translation - but the Kanji get me every time >.< Anyway, back to the point, I found the first book extremely intriguing. I love the way Light is constantly being followed by the Shinigami [forgive the shocking spelling there, I bought it the first day I was here, read it, and now it's been over a month and a half. Remembering of the top of my head], and how he doesn't realise how evil he's actually become. Eliminating criminals for the greater good? Ruling over a perfect world? Does this remind anyone else of a certain Dictator or two? The connection is probably unintentional though heh *shifty eyes* I love the way things have turned out so far, by the end of the first book. Will update once I find and grab the next...however many English copies I can get my grubby hands on.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Cerberus sat in an awkward position, unsure of the goings on of her surroundings. She slowly began to stand up, then she saw the woman. Athena. [B]"Cerberus, hurry. Use your strength. You know what to do, and always have done. Unleash your inner hound and rain destruction on your enemies!"[/B] she said and turned away to speak a few words with the other council members. All of a sudden, things rushed back into Cerberus' mind. She quickly remembered what was happening and her eyes revealed what was happening around her. She saw the metallic beasts in front of her, with talons as long as kitchen knives, and the fangs of a sabertooth. Pieces of human flesh dropped of their bodies in small chunks, and they greedily licked each other clean, eating the scraps of their former selves. Due to unknown circumstances, the 14-year-old girl that now drew her whip was nothing like the person she once was. Her lithe body was now far more well toned than before. As she reached into a small satchel, linked on to her belt, she felt her muscles flex. She quickly yet carefully selected an attachment for her whip, which looked similar to a large scythe-blade. She hastily fastened it to the end of her whip, and began to draw her whip-arm back to strike. Something was odd though. As she turned her head away from the masses of rising monsters three of them saw their chance and lunged at her in a seemingly synchronised attack. Cerberus' ears pricked up, and she spun around to face them, twirling her whip around her head, then spinning it around her body in a wide circle. The scythe-blade hit each creature twice, tearing large gashes in their hardenning metallic flesh. All three fell in the same heartbeat, almost as synchronised as their attack had been. Cerberus flicked her whip back to her side and saw what she had sensed before. Her whip now had large metal blades along its entire length. The blades appeared to be sectioned off, and linking them her once leather whip cord was now a strong fibre of unknown origin. A sudden thought occured to her. She assumed it was sparked by the sight of Athena staring at her in the distance, giving her a wink. Was this strange new weapon a gift? [B]"What do I do?"[/B] Cerberus asked, confused as can be. [i]Flick it again you half-wit![/i] her mind screamed at her. No, not her mind, it felt different to her usual thoughts. It was Cilla. Cerberus decided to trust her former self and flicked the whip once in her hand. The blades clicked together like a jigsaw puzzle and a long sword replaced the odd whip. The scythe-blade remained attached to the end of her weapon. She stared in awe. [B]"Awesome..."[/B] Cerberus muttered to no-one in particular. More creatures now swarmed around her, looking on at the girl. They moved like excited monkeys, and suddenly began growling, their claws making clicking sounds. This was a chance for a feast. A powerful being stood before them with her guard down, nothing better than easy prey. Some leapt into the air, some raced at her from all sides. The monsters had formed a circle and were within arms' reach within less than a second. [i]Let's test it out. I looks awesome doesn't it?[/i] Cilla said. [B]"Yeah, I think so."[/B] Cerberus muttered as she swung the massive sword around in a wide circle, spinning for a few seconds on the spot. The sword-whip remained intact for the first two spins, but Cerberus flicked it once the beasts began to fall and back off, and it extended, slashing every beast that had been surrounding her just under a minute ago. Cerberus stood and looked down at her handywork. Each creature had a clean gash on some part of its body, some were missing limbs and writhing in what looked like pain. There were at least 25 of them, if not more. [B]"Sorry guys,"[/B] the young girl said, rubbing the back of her head with one hand and grinning widely, her whip-arm at her side and the sword-whip curled, touching the ground. She giggled, then made to move off to kill some more of the monsters. [B]"Crap!"[/B] she called out loud. The scythe-blade was caught in the ground. [B]"Jesus, you'd think that if it could cut through metal skin then it could just slice the ground open so I could pull it out!"[/B] Cerberus stood there for a second tugging on the sword-whip, then felt a release and fell backwards onto her backside. [B]"Ow!"[/B] She stared out at the length of the weapon. She was about seven feet from the end. Cerberus flicked her wrist, and the weapon glowed and clicked back together. [B]"I love you so much!"[/B] she said with a quick laugh which turned into her schoolgirl giggle, then looked down to where the scythe-blade was still stuck in the ground. [B]"Double-crap!"[/B] Instead of her running off to fight more monsters, they began to come to her, attacking in groups. Cerberus had no time to attach another gadget to her weapon, instead having to swing it wildly, trying to remember the Weapons class in which they were taught proper swordsmanship. It was quite a funny site, seeing Cerberus constantly tipping off-balance with the massive sword's weight. As soon as she had cleared a nice area in the creatures, she grabbed for an attachment, pulling out a three-bladed shuriken. When she equipped it to the end of her weapon, it grew sufficiently, with each blade reaching one and a half feet from the midpoint. She charged at the beasts, and took a mighty swing with her weapon. The shuriken began to spin wildliy, and she flicked her wrist. Cerberus swung the whip around, above her head. Another large handful of creatures fell, and she pulled her weapon down to look at its now sword-like appearance. [B]"I'm gonna call you Hydra,"[/B] she said fondly to it, like a little kid naming a new pet.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. AngryBarista


    [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Trainer Information[/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Roxas [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/frlgemtr/frlgemtr060.png[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] Strict with his training regime, Roxas has developed a hard, bitter outer shell around his personality. He puts his training first, and pushes everything else aside. He does have a soft spot for his Pokémon though. He pushes them to their fullest potential and thensome, but afterwards he opens up and shows real affection towards them. Unluckily for wannabe PokéMasters, he is ruthless and none of his softer side ever breaks the straight face he constantly wears while in battle, or at work in his Gym. [B]History:[/B] Although the Fortree City Gym originally featured Winona as it's Gym Leader, who used Flying-type Pokémon and handed over the Feather Badge to rightful winners, she eventually had to retire, handing the Gym down to the next trainer in her family. That trainer happened to be Roxas, who, at the early age of 18, had become Fortree City's youngest Gym Leader. It was expected that, like his aunt, Roxas would use Flying Pokémon. To the surprise of the entire Gym-related population of the city, he chose to make the new Gym-type Grass, similar to that of Erika in Kanto. Although he had never met her personally, or seen her in real-life, Roxas had looked up to Erika since he was just starting Training School. He and his family, through their links to the Gyms of the world, had special videos made by each of the Gym Leaders from all regions. Erika's use of some of the most fragrent Pokémon alive had spurred him on to capture his own blossoming beauty, Bulbasaur. Using his first Pokémon, a Spearow, given to him by his Aunt as a birthday present on his 12th birthday, he easily captured Bulbasaur, Seedot and Shroomish in the forests around Fortree - albeit with Pokéballs from Winona's stash on a family visit to her home. He had trained in and around his home city for 6 years, travelling as far south as Mauville with his Aunt on her Swellow. She trained him well, assuming that he was taking her training and using it on some amazing birds she hadn't seen for years. He was intent on becoming the best trainer in Fortree City, but when just about your whole hometown uses Flying Pokémon, it's hard with the Grass-type. He developed a strategy for training in which he pitted his Spearow against his other Pokémon. The style in which he trained seems cruel to some, but in order to raise their staggeringly low resistance to Flying-type attacks, he had to use a drastic technique to train his flowery friends. Another surprise came to the members of Fortree City's Gym Committee when the first few Pokémon trainers came through on their race to achieve the Feather Badge, which was renamed the Nectar Badge later on to prevent confusion. Trainers had expected Winona to be using her Skarmory, so they had brought along their strongest Fire-types along with others in order to take down a group of birds. When these unknowns realised that the Gym had changed, they immediately switched to a Fire/Flying attack, using feathers and flames to take down the new Gym Trainers' Pokémon. What the Committee and the trainers passing through saw, however, was that once the strong soon-to-be Masters reached Roxas they were stuck at a wall. His reluctance to had over the new badge was his wish, and as though Jirachi itself had granted it Roxas never used more than two of his Pokémon in a battle of 4. He often changed the Gym's routine, swapping from double-battles to the usual single type, even to special-event battles where the arena shifted and changed during battle. This gave his Pokémon a chance to experience several battle styles, and develop a greater defense. Along with that, they learned how to use their surroundings to help to their advantage. Once the Fortree Gym Committee realised how strong their new Gym Leader was, he had their full backing. They even started to send invitations to the Petal Gym's Gym Trainers to come and train with Roxas. Unfortunately, Erika could not leave her post at her Gym, even for a few days. The time it would take to travel between regions was temendous. Roxas then came up with an idea to attract Erika's attention, to bring her to Fortree. He would start a counter, showing the number of wins he'd had as Gym Leader in a row. As part of a deal he made through e-mail to her, once his counter reached 500, she would come to Fortree City Gym and stay for a week, so the two Grass-Leaders could share their tricks of the trade. In the one and a half years after the deal was made, only 358 wins read on the counter. Less and less trainers came by Fortree each week, then month. It would take longer to attract her attention than he had intended. Something else would have to be done. Something as drastic as his original training techniques -which he still used. Then something strange arose. An e-mail arrived in his Inbox one evening, from an Administrator named Jerry. [i]Some name for an Administrator...[/i] Roxas had thought, but after reading the e-mail fully, [i]Maybe he uses it to throw people off, to hide his plans.[/i] [CENTER][B]Gym Information[/B][/CENTER] [B]Gym Location:[/B] Fortree City [B]Badge Name:[/B] Nectar Badge [B]Pokémon Type:[/B] Grass [B]Pokémon List:[/B] - [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs150.gif[/img] [I]Tropius[/I] - [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs204.gif[/img] [I]Ivysaur[/I] - [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs035.gif[/img] [I]Breloom[/I] - [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs024.gif[/img] [I]Shiftry[/I] Sorry about the length >
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Cilla - Cerberus [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Appearance:[/B] ~{[URL=http://pc.magnacarta.co.kr/en/character/image/chelsea.jpg]click[/URL]}~ Cerberus wears a knee-length skirt, a skin-tight turtleneck sleeveless top and knee-high white leather boots. Her skirt is almost as frilly as they get. Ten layers down in a colour sequence of white-pink-white-pink, it matches her happy go lucky and ditzy personality perfectly. Her top is white to go with her shiny boots. She stands at 5'4". [B]Weapon:[/B] ~{[URL=http://salveblues.ru/mech/weapon/pliable/whip2.gif]click[/URL]}~ Cerberus' whip ends in a small scythe-like blade, which she can exchange for a number of exotic and deadly attachments. [B]Personality:[/B] On top she is the happiest of 14-year-old girls, but once you scratch beneath the surface, you find an extremely deep individual crying to be released from a stereotype. She is a bit of a clutz by nature, so when added to the ever-energetic mask she puts on it is assumed she is just a typical naive young teenage girl. The reality, in fact, is that Cerberus is quite philosophical in the way she thinks. She questions many things with flawless arguments, but simply cannot find the means to express her thoughts and feelings. Helios, Achilles and Hade seem to understand her well, even though they are seperated by a sufficient age-gap, which may explain why she gets along so well with three older boys. [B]Powers:[/B] With her innocent look, no one ever expects this of the fourteen-year-old girl. She is immensely powerful, a product of the mixing of her parents genes. Given her strength, she is a formidable opponent. Given her often poison-tipped weapon, matters are then worse for foes. In battle, Cerberus is like a rotweiler in a fight with a bleeding cow - focussed on nothing but the inevitable elimination of her opposition. [B]Bio:[/B] Andihce Raeve Solstice and Tiffany-Clare Solstice were overjoyed at the sight of their beautiful baby girl, just 14 years ago. They had hopes and dreams for their daughter, that she'd one day marry a wealthy man and that she would be as lady-like as girls come. The way they raised her was, in fact, the same way they had raised their first-born, Helen. To be a well mannered young lady, neat and tidy, well-dressed and -spoken. Much to their surprise, Cilla did not take her manner-training in stride as her older sister had, and seemed not to learn anything at all. When Mr and Mrs Solstice realised that maybe having two young ladies in the family wasn't the best of ideas, they tried to find Cilla's strengths. They never expected that one of her strengths would be 'strength' itself. It was a hot summer's day and the Solstice family was on their way home from Cilla's Grandparent's house after a week long visit. Unfortunately the trip to and from the house went along a dirt path through seemingly endless plains, swarms of odd creatures about. Believing that the spirits the family prayed to would protect them, Andhice and Tiffany-Clare didn't bother to hire protection, but rather decided to fend for themselves along the road should anything happen. Sure enough, the family of four was jumped by no less than five creatures along the track on their way home. Andhice and Tiffany-Clare, the strong-willed and -minded warrior and mage (respectively) that they were, managed to protect their daughters throughout the somewhat traumatic experience. During the last fight, though, somethign strange happened. Cilla was ten years old at this point, and had seen her parents fight many times - bolts of lightning flashing across the kitchen at Andhice, having to replace his granite workstation so many times from smashing it with his fist in rage. By now she knew what to do and what not to do during a fight, all from watching her parents battle it out in household arguments. With her skipping rope in one hand and a sharp-looking rock in the other, Cilla had quickly wound the rock into the end of the long rope. It made for a dangerous makeshift weapon, and the young girl instantly thought of how she would use it. Whilst her father was leaping and swinging his fists wildly at the dog-like creature they were fending off, her mother was hurling icicles at it, and her sister was sitting in a heap screaming, Cilla snuck around behind the beast. She had no idea what she was up against, but luckily her mother and father had it distracted. It was then that Tiffany-Clare saw her youngest daughter tip-toeing to the tail of the dog monster, and stared in utmost horror as it turned to face the girl. With two heads sticking up from beneath the beast's shoulders, they smelt and saw Cilla at the same time. It whirled on the spot, just as the ten-year-old twirled her skipping rope around her head and launched it at the dog. It was a direct hit, and oddly enough, the monster fell to the ground, stunned. The Solstices took that as their chance to leave, and ever since decided to train Cilla in the martial arts. It was a year later that they sent her to the fighting academy of their city, which was where she met Robert in weight-training class. It was definately her best subject - not much brainwork required, all strength. And as a bonus she got to check out the older boys that had been taking the class for around a year or more longer than her. It helped to know Robert in that class, they became great friends along with Mark. The three of them had joked about forming a team of the ultimate fighters one day, and ruling the world. Eventually they, along with five others, formed the Council of Eight. Cilla, now Cerberus, had not looked back since. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] "Crap!" Cilla fell backwards. One of the older, less friendly girls had just pushed her over. A challenge to a dual. "You think you can just waltz into school wearing the exact same thing as me, two days in a row?" the other girls hissed. Her band of giggling friends nodded in disgust. "Yesterday I let you off, one day is a coincidence. Today I'm afraid I have to beat you to into the dirt where you belong. Two days in a row is ridiculous!" [i]Why me? It's not like I planned to 'copy' her. She could easily have 'copied' me.[/i] Cilla grumbled to herself in her head. "I didn't copy you! I had this outfit planned since last week!" [i]Crap...how stupid does that sound?[/i] "Hah! As if! Now raise your hands *****, I have a fight to win." Almost as though calling out to her, Cilla's whip dropped off her belt. She looked at it vacantly, then stooped down to pick it up, unknowingly dodging a wild roundhouse kick. "I'm taking of this blade because I don't want to get blamed for making you bleed on your clothes. They obviously mean a lot to you," the younger girl said quietly. The senior's friends gasped, and Cilla's opponents jaw dropped. "Was that an insult?" Cilla looked up and grinned slightly. "Maybe..." Her opponent spat at her, then charged, swinging her fists crazily in the air in front of her. Cilla was gone in an instant, replaced by Cerberus. Cerberus dodged easily to the side and with her left hand, her whip hand, flicked her weapon effortlessly. The impact of the blunt metal whip-head on the senior's right hip was devastating. The older girl screamed in pain as the weapon hit, her hip-bone splintering. Cerberus vanished. "Cilla! What in [b]Gaia's[/b] name are you doing?!" a teacher on yard-duty shrieked as she rushed over to help the hurt girl up. "You know that using a weapon in school is against the rules!" The teacher knelt down, brushed aside her flowing robes and pulled her sleeves up her arms. She placed her hands over the senior's hip and a white light emnated from her palms. [i]She was going to be healed anyway...this school should make it's Dual Policy more leniant[/i] Cilla thought, then put on a confused face and in a high pitched voice asked "What? But I thought we were allowed to use anything to fight with in a dual!" Her opponents friends came over, "Not when the challenge is from a weaponless opponent!" one hissed. "Oh..." Cilla felt like an idiot. She'd known that rule in the back of her mind. "Here, let me help you up." As she leaned down to give the senior a hand, she kicked dust in the girl's face. [i]Crap...[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Sugoii~! I love it KW, you followed everything! >< Now that I look at it, and I'm sorry to say this, but could you remove one or two filters? Sorry ^^'' its just a tad too dark. If it's too much trouble we can leave it as-is. Thank you so much for replying to the thread on the day of KH:II's release! Am rapt as I am holding the game right at this moment ^^ So yeah, just remove one or two layers/filters and hey-presto! Otherwise it's awesome. I will leave this open to anyone else who wants to take a shot at a KH:II banner/avatar set. Maybe there will be a better selection of screenshots on the net now that the game's actually out >< (I should've thought of that)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Laella Vyteth - Wildfire [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]History:[/B] Born into a high-classed family as a single child, Laella was spoilt from her first breath of air in the world. Her first pet was a cute fluffy monster which came with a complimentary monster handler, should the ball of fur attempt to attack anything - or anyone. Anything she pointed at when being carried through markets by her Nanny was immediately bought, even though Laella might not have even recognised it once they arrived home. Through all the toys and attention given to the young girl, something good came of it. Laella's first story book was 'A Short Introduction to Wizardry', which her father read to her. He himself had always been interested in the magical arts, but had never quite had the knack for remembering spells and the order in which one had to arrange the words to make them effective. Being a child of just 17 months, Laella didn't really understand any of what was being read aloud to her, but she clearly picked something up from the constant daily readings. Her first words were unordered and almost unrecognisable to the human ear, but the magical sound they made was perfect. Her first words and spell were uttered at the same time. Laella's father, Lord Vyteth, noticed the spell immediately for what it was, seeing as his eyebrows were singed by the flames errupting from his baby daughter's hand - which unfortunately had be pointing to the book, which then became a small mess on the floor. Laella herself did not understand what she had said, but giggled that manical way babies do, and loved the result that came from her words. They became a regular thing, and the maids needed to be paid overtime each day to clean up burnt objects. Meanwhile, Lord Vyteth had bought a second copy of 'A Short Introduction to Wizardry' and tried furiously to teach his young daughter a different spell from the basic book. By the age of 6, it was realised by both of her parents and all of their staff in their household that Laella was clearly a prodigy. She had learned the entire introductory spellbook inside out, and was able to perform magic at parties as entertainment. She had such amazing control of her basic spells at such a young age. It was decided that she would be sent to a school of magic in the next district over in Treada's second largest city - the Scholars district. It was also decided that Laella would learn how to act as a lady, and to have special classes whilst she boarded at her school. So, at age 8, Laella was enrolled in 'Madam Lillith's School for Young Ladies' which offered boarding, and Treada's branch of the 'Magic School of Dae'mora' which she would spend six days a week attendance. The next ten years of her life were spent in schooling, all of which flew by. At the top of her classes in both schools, she ended up skipping ahead of her first year in the Magic School. And although completion of the school's curriculum was achieved after just eight years, Laella stayed behind for an extra two years to have access to the school library. Her teachers were more than happy to give her access to the books and scriptures the school's walls contained in exchange for help teaching their classes. Laella was then placed under extreme stress when she was offered a job as a teacher at the Magic School, which she accepted. The amount of work that piled up on her desk each day was never-ending, and she was still trying to learn and practice magic herself. Students were awestruck by her ability to use magic, but found her classes too difficult to understand and ended up ignoring her. When the school's head Wizards found out about the results her students were recieving, they did not care for reasons. Her innability to teach magic to others far outweighed her ability to use it, and she was fired from her position as vice-Head of Fire Magic. So it was, at the age of 22, that Laella moved to Treada City, away from those who knew her for her magical talents and towards those who would merely assume she was another rich woman. Here she bought a large appartment in the middle-high class district and began to learn how to fight with her magics. She was under the tuition of an extremely old man named Ronald Gritchting, who was very knowledgable in the ways of staff-wielding and dangerous magics. He was even rumoured to have been the Head Wizard in the Royal Army at some stage in his life, but no one could say when, for no one knew how long he had been alive for. After a long and exhausting six and a half years, exactly one month before her 29th birthday, Laella decided to head back to her original home to see her parents. Along the way, she developed more fighting experience in one week than in any of her six years with the old man from Treada. Her spells were of immense power and precision, and her most powerful magics were her fires, flames and blazes. It was on her way to see her parents that she earned her nickname, 'Wildfire'. One very unfortunate caravan was travelling along the road without guards, and was attacked. Laella was luckily within sight, and was able to blast the monsterous beasts into oblivion. When greeted, she was congratulated on her victory and thanked graciously. The caravan travelled with her to her home city, where the travellers Laella saved spread the word of a fierce battle between tremendous beasts and a quick-thinking mage, faster than a wildfire. The nickname stuck, and she gained a new reputation as the greatest female Wizard ever to live in Treada. Of course, Laella knew this was not true, but she thought to herself, "Why spoil their fun?" and in her most lady-like manner, just smiled and waved. [B]Personality:[/B] Ever since her first words, Laella had been a child prodigy. Learning was her forte, and reading a hobby. The extra attention (earned from being such a fast learner) - or in other words, study and work - led to the poor young woman becoming overly stressed. The added stress at younger ages led to a slight fracturing of Laella's emotional patterns. She was and still is an ever-pleasant woman, but when placed under pressure she becomes slightly agitated and in worst-case-senarios often loses the ever important concentration needed to cast spells. Always polite to whomever she may be talking to, Laella never resorts to foul language, keeping as lady-like as possible. A quick-witted woman, she is hard to insult. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.blizzard.com/inblizz/fanart/images/screens/ss176.jpg][U]Click[/U][/URL] (Laella is the female character in red robes) ~ A great many thanks to Mahamari Tsukitaka, the original fan-artist ~ [B]Class:[/B] Wizard ~ Thanks for the tips Lrb, my mind was a little foggy last night >
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Hello all! To prepare for the Japan Release of KH:II, I would like a banner/avatar set made. I would do this myself, but am currently overseas and my beloved computer and imaging programs are many thousands of miles away. I would like to use the Blonde-haired boy as the focus image for the set, and try to stick to the colour theme of the previews so far: please keep things dark, secluded and hidden - much like the way things get in the twilight hours. Otherwise let your talents run wild within a twilightish/nighttime theme >< I would like the banner to read: [I]The answers always lie in the darkness[/I] If you can think of something more fitting for the banner, please put it in instead ^^ Here is a [URL=http://ffkingdom.net/kh2generalimages/kh2.jpg][U]link[/U][/URL] to the image I would like used. You can add anything else in, or change it for a better quality image that you find more suited to your abilities. Maybe try to refrain from using grainy images though hahah >
  12. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]''Minoko! Come down and eat with the rest of us before we take your share!'' [I]Crap...[/I] I thought, [I]I'm always late in the mornings...why can't they just wait?[/I] ''Oi! 'Urry up then! Wots takin ya so long eh?'' ''Yeah! It's not like we haven't waited long enough already, get outta bed you lazy little *******, hahahah!'' The last voice came from just outside my room, and my neighbour stuck his head around the door, ''Come on, I found something interesting. Come see it before the others find out I'm hiding it! quickly!'' he said in a hushed voice. I got up, my long black hair in a tangled mess and, still in pajamas, walked straight into the wall across the hall. ''Mother *********!'' Man it hurt like a b**** that morning. Each time I woke up, the same thing happened. It was like a ritual. Get up, hair in a tangled mess, pajamas on and walk into the wall. ''Okay I'm awake now,'' I said as I hopped up and skipped downstairs. My neighbour followed, shaking his head ''I don't know how you can do that every morning and not suffer from concussions or whatever, freak, hahah.'' He said that about every 4 times I would get up. Considering the fact that the lack of sun meant no real 'morning' I usually just ignored him. As I hopped over the last step - it broke if you stepped on it - I had a look at the small old appartment I was living in. Pictures of random friends of other people living in the housing establishment with me. Of course I'd met just about everyone from the photos at some point, but depending on the frequency that I used their names, or saw them, I just kinda forgot them. ''Who the hell's that?'' I asked, pointing at a tiny photo glued onto the side of the small kitchen bench. ''Oh, that's one of the guys that's organising the thing I wanted to tell you about. Go get your food and come back in here, hurry up!'' I suppose Ryan was sort of excited about what he wanted to tell me - oh, that's right, Ryan's the neighbour I was saying about - so I ran into the eating room and grabbed my share of food. As I turned to go back to my buddy, one of the taunts from the guys around the table caught my attention. ''Hey, how old are you? 4? We ain't your parents baby girl!'' [I]...last nerve Antoine, last nerve...[/I] as I thought this I pictured myself strangling the asshole. My parents had been kind people and they had allowed Antoine into our home when he was homeless. He had mooched off us ever since. When my parents passed, he did't shed one tear. Not a single one. He then proceeded to attempt to take over the residence. I spun on the spot, grabbed him 'round the throat with a crab-claw like grip and dragged him down onto the floor. He attempted to roll out of my hold but I dug a sharp nailed finger into one of the pressure points near his neck. He froze instantly, not daring to move an inch further. ''Who's roof are you under? Mine. Who's parents were kind enough to let you into my house? Mine. Who saved you from being dragged along on that kamikaze mission to find that ********** 'Old City' myth? Me. Watch your mouth s***head, or I'll send you out into the next storm that passes over this house.'' I released him, then rethought my actions and almost apologised. Unfortunately for Antoine, he had picked the wrong time to make a rude gesture at my half-turned back, and I slapped him across the cheeck, leaving two light cuts from my nails. 'And for your information, 'I'm 23 by the way. I just like my sleep. It's the only place where you aren't these days,'' I spat at him. I picked up my food and walked slowly into the other room where Ryan was waiting impatiently, yet quietly. He'd heard what had just happened. The other guys around the table in the eating room were silent as I glared at them all, daring them to utter one word. ''He's just a dickhead, ignore him dudette,'' Ryan said in his big-brother voice. ''Yeah yeah, whatever. Just get on with whatever it was you wanted to say already.'' He pulled out a small article from a paper he'd picked up around town somewhere. ''There's another exhibition heading out to look for the Old City. I was wondering if you were interested. I want to go myself, but...'' ''You're such a wimp. Jeez.'' I rolled my eyes, ''Just because you have a cancer in your lung. As if you're not going to die someday soon anyway. Just go and be satisfied that you managed to pull off something bigger than a high school prank, eh?'' Although my words were hardly comforting, Ryan understood what I meant. He didn't have long left in his life, we all knew it. The doctors said he was inoperable as there were no leftover lungs in the organs department of the hospital. He was better off going out there and living out a dream - finding the 'Old City' that was apparently out in the badlands. I hardly believed that crap, but if it would make him happy to just hear me say I believed in its existance, I thought now was the time to finally give in and say so. ''Look...alright, maybe I will go. But you have to come with me. We go together all the way. We're going to find your Old City, and all the supplies you need for an operation.'' I smiled slightly as I said this and Ryan nodded, a new glow in his face, his eyes sparkling. ''So what do you think they're going to want with a part-time cook, part-time excercise instructor and a dieing mechanic?'' I asked my long-time pal as we hurried down the main street towards the building where we supposedly signed up for the new kamikaze mission. ''Minoko, slow down a bit eh?'' Ryan breathed in and out heavily as we jogged towards our destination. I turned back to see him fall into a coughing heap on the sidewalk. As I quickly closed the 20m gap between us, I saw him cough up blood. ''Holy ****'' I screamed. All of a sudden my nerves got the better of me. I swayed from side to side, almost spinning around looking for someone who might be able to help us out. ''Help! Someone!'' The few people who were out just stared oddly, appearing to have no idea what was happening, even though my friend was in the middle of a footpath in clear sight, coughing up masses of blood. ''For chrissake, will anyone help?!'' I snapped and ran over to the nearest person, ''Go to the nearest doctor's office and grab Bob Crandell will ya? I gotta look after my buddy.'' With my nails digging into the poor guy's arms he was probably going to just run off. Everything seemed hopeless...I slumped to the ground and put my head in my hands. The coughing stopped. ''Mate? Are you ok?'' I took my head out of my hands and began to stand up. I looked over to the still figure lying on the footpath. ''Ryan?'' No response. I screamed. [CENTER]~~~[/CENTER] ''And you're sure about this? You know how dangerous this is?'' the man asked me through a one sided glass screen. I felt like I was talking to myself. ''Yes, I understand it all. I almost put myself in for the last one actually. Lucky I had to step down from that position eh?'' ''We have more information this time. The last expedition travelled too far east, and this time we think we've worked out the probable directions slightly better.'' Slightly? What was I getting myself into...still, this wasn't for me, this was for Ryan. We made a promise, and I was going to keep it. ''Ok, I'm in. Let me know when we're to leave two days prior to the departure'' was the last I said before I left.[/size][/color]
  13. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo][B]Name:[/B] Ayaka [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Job:[/B] Beastmaster [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://www.animecentral.net/furuba/ep01/ep01cap0035.jpg][COLOR=DarkOrange]Ayaka[/COLOR][/URL] [B]Weapons/Abilities:[/B] Ayaka uses a large scythe (similar to that of Death's) to attack her enemies, but only uses it when her animal pals are unable to attack for her. Without her pet, Kiku [URL=http://www.pomeranian.net/white/thumbnails/tnfizzy.jpg][COLOR=DarkOrange](white pomeranian)[/COLOR][/URL], she has no special abilities, other than to revive her pup. ~ [b]Cosmic Cuteness Ray![/b] ~ a technique developed to distract an enemy so that other team members may attack that enemy, dealing stronger blows since the enemy's eyes are locked on Kiku's cute actions. ~ [b]Kawaii-Double-Zen-Attack[/b] ~ Kiku and Ayaka perform a short choreographed chant/cheer, and fuse spirits for a split-second, during this minute time they launch a spiritual/magic attack on the minds of all enemies, preventing them from using any kind of magic and sending them into a confused state. Hard technique to perform, since Ayaka usually sees what Kiku's doing and goes gooey and screams 'Ooooh, kawaiiii!' ~ [b]Furball-Blast[/b] ~ Kiku launches herself into the mouth of an enemy, then attacks at them from the inside, causing immense pain and instant K.O. Since Kiku's fur is white though, it's a real b**ch to get it clean again. Only used when in danger. ~ [b]Double Team[/b] ~ a double attack, from the left and right, usually inescapable. [B]Personality:[/B] Kind of a fangirl of anything cute and fluffy, Ayaka is a sucker for most animals. Even the monster kind. She goes gooey whenever Kiku, her pet, does anything cute. She is quite a lot like a typical schoolgirl from the 7th grade, and can be a real ditzy character. This is amplified by the fact that she is completely gullible and will do just about anything to be good mannered. [B]Bio:[/B] A young owner of her own successful pet grooming salon, [i]Fantastic Fur for your Fluffball[/i], Ayaka has an affinity for animals, hence the job of Beastmaster. She has always had a pet by her side, and feels torn apart when her current pal is absent. Recently, her last pet (a young collie) was run over by an unexpected car. Ayaka was completely devastated, and a month later decided that the best thing to do to end her deep depression would be to bring a young pet into her home. Kiku was the puppy for Ayaka, who went gooey when the little pomeranian sneezed and made a tiny yelping sound. The two are inseperable, and make a great team. Whilst at work in the grooming salon, Kiku does her best to run around grabbing whatever Ayaka might need. Her salon and home are both located on the outskirts of Dodger City, so lots of travelling pet owners find the salon and business is always good. [B]Character Snippet:[/B] *yip-yip-yip* Kiku, the tiny white pomeranian raced about, then continued yipping away whilst chasing her tail. 'Ooooh! Kawaii! Kiku you're SO cute!' Ayaka squealed, dropping her brushes and grooming equipment all over her bench and the animal she was grooming, ruining her work. She ran over to her puppy and hugged her, almost squeezing the life out of the poor thing. 'Oh, crap, sorry sweetie! I'll clean you up right away!' the ditzy girl told the now sulking animal sitting on her workbench as she saw what she'd done. There was a ring out at the front counter, and Ayaka dashed out to serve the potential customer. 'Hi! Welcome to...huh? Hello?' Ayaka stopped and looked around, there was no one there. A faint sound could be heard over Kiku's yipping in the back room, and the young store owner walked around to the front of the counter. 'Aww! Hello there little one! Are you ok?' Ayaka picked up a red-panda that had somehow ended up in a babies cradle. 'Let's get you cleaned up now!' she said, and the small creature made a mewing sound. 'Oh my god! You're almost as cute as Kiku!' Placing the cradle/basket down on a clear workbench, Ayaka didn't notice a note that had slipped down under the animal that rested inside of it.[/COLOR] I hope that's ok, if I get in, I'll continue from where Ayaka recieves the note, and I can work it into the story once it's started ^^[/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=SandyBrown][FONT=Trebuchet MS]"[U]You know they can tell something is different. Even though they may not be able to tell what exactly, they can sense something is wrong with my body.[/U]" Diane said to Greed, "[U]They're going to figure it out by nightfall and you know it...that's why you're releasing me at that time isn-[/U]" [i]Shuttup girl. There is a reason why I have taken control of you. You are too unpredictable, and you do not understand all that is going on here. This is greater than just Dark versus Light, and more important than Karne, Alcina, Sena and yourself.[/i] "[U]You say that, but you only mean the latter...[/U]" [i]At least you are able to see through lies well enough. I have you contained inside of the gold stone because if we are going to be of any use to Darkness, we must be on the same level. We need to see head to head before Darkness is going to allow us to continue on as a pair.[/i] Greed noticed Alcina reach into her pocket out of the corner of his eye. There was a hint of a smile at the corners of her mouth, but as Greed turned Diane's head, all the golden pair saw was the same Alcina that had been sitting there a second ago. [i]The neutral that tailed us is gone, but if memory serves me there was another...one more involved with the Light stones...[/i] "[U]What makes you say Talon is gone? You said yourself that there was a trap, but it hasn't yet appeared. Why dismiss him completely now?[/U]" Diane began to think about things to herself, keeping quiet and ignoring Greed again. She became more like Greed had been before he had taken control of her body. The Diane-vessel walked over to where Alcina had just sat down and crouched next to her. "Hey, how're you going? Holding up ok?" she asked her long-time friend. [i]My dear Lust, be a little more careful with your host. She is becoming more and more torn apart by your ways. The human conscience is one of the barriers we must destroy before we take on the new Light hosts...[/i] "I'm alright...I don't know what came over me. I j-just lost control," Alcina replied, unnaware of Greed's communication with Lust. "Okay, well we're all here, and all going through similar crap to you. You know you can talk to me still, right?" the Greed-Diane said soothingly. "[U]I don't like what you're doing...but I won't fight it. I have more time to think this way,[/u]" Diane paused, then began to speak to Greed again "[u]... I'm not sure...but I think I have an idea about what is going on with the neutral and his trap...he chose to die...[/U]" [i]I know that, it was obvious that he was infatuated with your friend! What's your point?[/i] "[U]He didn't choose to die for her love...there's something else, but I can't explain it...let me think it over a little more...I wasn't ready to make a point...[/U]"[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=SandyBrown]"Pfft...stupid fool...he let the greed engulf him" Diane scowled. [i]Careful, something up his sleeve, there is...[/i] "Quiet Yoda! Enough of you! I'm in control and you're not taking me like Lust did to Alcina. I'll do as I bloody well wish!" she almost screamed at the golden gem. [COLOR=Black][i]Control your host Greed, she's almost out of your grasp and you know it. It's becomming obvious to us all now,[/i][/COLOR] hissed Darkness, the black stone letting off a sattin glow, showing its agitation at Greed's inability to maintain control. Diane rushed Talon as he said something to Alcina. "It's...healing elixir," he said, but Diane heard nothing but Greed's screaching voice in her head. [i][b]STOP YOU FOOL! IT'S A TRAP![/b][/i] Diane stopped in mid-step, halfway over to the neutral, hands extended into devilish claws, her entire form hunched into a gargoyle-like figure. He face twitched and contorted. It seemed there was an internal battle of some kind. [i]I said to stop, not to freeze completely! What've you set off?[/i] "[u]I dont know, you tell me smartass! If you hadn't tried to stop me we wouldn't be stuck here would we?![/u]" she yelled right back in her mind. The sun's light had begun seeping through the window, and Diane had just been unfortunate enough to step right into the new daylight. "[u]Ungh! My body...feels s-so cold...what's hap...happening? Tell me..[b]tell me[/b][/u]" [i]You're transforming back into your original state. Weakling. I'm taking over from here. You can have your body back at dusk, when my powers are strong enough for the both of us to share in...[/i] Diane's normal form slumped to the floor, lifeless. Her eyes openned slowly, but instead of the normal blue pupils, they were a brighter gold than her peroxided hair. Her limp body tensed, then gradually began to get up. "[u]Get out...[/u]" "Heya guys, everything's ok now...I have everything under control. Just a few hiccups. Along the road to complete and utter control..." she said. "[u]I said get [b]out![/b][/u]" [i]No...[/i] Sena and Karne nodded, unnaware that Greed was actually controlling Diane's every movement. Greed had her blocked out, so she couldn't even make her thoughts known to the others. Darkness and Destruction didn't realise either. Greed was too intent on keeping this new host to himself. [i]You're all mine now...no one else can share you with me...not until dusk...[/i] he whispered to her, cackling manically.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [COLOR=SandyBrown][FONT=Trebuchet MS]"Alcina, no!" Diane shrieked in horror as Talon kicked her best friend in the face, blacking her out. [i]Careful here my greedy little host, the neutral has her now, we don't know what he's capable of...we'll get her back though. With or without the others...Darkness and Destruction never did really care much for Lust's hosts - I don't think she ever did either...[/i] this time when Greed trailed off - as he usually did - it had more of an impact on Diane. She had almost had enough, and there was an odd hunger inside of her. It itched at her mind and sent her into a state of semi-rage. "I'll get that bastard..." she whispered under her breath. She cursed Karne for sending Alcina to fight, she cursed Sena for not doing his thing and finishing off the neutral quickly. She cursed herself for interferring by increasing Talon's hungering lust for Alcina. Something had gone seriously wrong back there. Neither of the girls had full grasp of their powers, whereas the male team members were almost completely in control of every action they made. Whilst she was thinking to herself, Greed blocked her out and began communicating with the other stones. [i]Diane here is furious - her rage is almost unstoppable...let us feed to her innermost desires and fuel her rage. Darkness, this is the point in which you give the "go-ahead" for Destruction to influence my host...she is a more useful tool than I had originally thought...[/i] Greed had begun to plan ways to use Diane the minute he noticed how close she was to Alcina. [COLOR=Black][i]Maybe. I will think about this. Do not think you can influence me though Greed. You always were the power-hungry one, constantly trying to take the lead.[/i][/COLOR] Darkness replied, although Karne was able to hear the entire conversation between the stones. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][i]I am more than willing to use my destructive powers on the girl - I can feel how enraged she is. This would be a chance to show Sena here how he can not only use my powers for himself, but on others too,[/i][/COLOR] Destruction piped up. Sena nodded and smiled. [COLOR=Black][i]I said I'd think about it, and that's final. This is no simple thing to attempt. If your host takes things too far, we could have a rogue stone on the loose. Surely you realise this Greed?[/i][/COLOR] [i]Ah, there's the beauty of it my Dark lord. If Diane here becomes too much of a handful, I'll just have to unleash my full power over her, won't I? Either that or drop her for another host...[/i] as Greed trailed off, he could sense Darkness and Destruction warm up to the idea of using Diane as a tool, rather than a member of the team. There had always been a reason behind Greed choosing a female host, and it was now clear as to why that was. Choosing a male would mean Greed would be linked too strongly to the host to simply use it as a tool. This way, Greed could play the puppet master, which is exactly what he had intended all along. "You're quiet, speak up already smartass!" Diane snapped at her stone. [i]Just thinking things through, my dear, just thinking things through...[/i] Greed said with a hint of satisfaction in his voice.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=SandyBrown][FONT=Trebuchet MS][i]Diane, it's time...they've all transformed, and I cannot hold it off for much longer...now we shall see what you can do to those around you with the full power of Greed...[/i] Diane prepared herself for the change. "I can see everything. You can no longer lie to me, [B]Neutral[/B]." Diane clutched at her wrist, where the gold stone shone brightly, hurting her eyes. Everything went dark, something blocked her vision. She tried openning her eyes, but the blinding light had almost forced her to blackout. She felt her body shift slightly, as it became more lithe and small feminine muscles developed. All of a sudden Diane could see something inside the light. Blotches of black. "I can see their innermost desires can't I?" she asked out loud. [i]Yes, you can...now I'm feeling rather hungry, are you?[/i] The others ignored her as Alcina circled Talon, running her hands softly along his cheeks. Diane nodded to the voice in her head. [i]You know you can help Alcina out, don't you? She will be able to take this Neutral easily, but to speed things up, speak this aloud with me...[/i] She barely breathed the words, afraid of what they might do. She didn't want to hurt Alcina, not at all, and hoped to whatever God that looked over the Dark Stones that Greed's trick would work. "[I][B]We see she's your object of desire, so let's elevate her standing higher. She's all you want, all you'll ever need. Give in to your hidden nature, give in to the Greed,[/B][/I]" as she spoke these words, Diane felt Karne's eyes shoot to her back, and she felt Sena move around, so he would have easier reach of Greed should their leader give any command related to her. [i]Worry not, Darkness will see what we're doing. We must look out for Lust, she is our sister and your personal friend. When combined, no man can resist her alluring charm. Their inner thoughts call to the both of us...[/i] "I understand, Greed, I now understand it all. Let us make use of this new power, and help our allies with their tasks." Karne heard these words and nodded. He was furious that Diane had meddled in Alcina's attack on Talon, but he knew what she was doing. He gave Sena a look that said 'She's ok, leave her be,' and the former assassin moved around again to have a better view of the proceedings.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Sorry again guys. Exams are over now - and they went rather well - so I'll try to start posting more often.[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]OOC: Sorry about the late post guys, exam week >< [COLOR=SandyBrown]"Mum! I'm going to school!" "Alright honey, just be careful okay? They said on the news that there've been thieves at the museum!" Diane's mother called back. Diane quickly did her shoulder-length golden hair up in a tight bun. As she did this, a new white-gold bracelet dropped down her wrist. Inset in the bracelet was a small gold stone. [b]Two days previously[/b] "Daddy? Could you [b][i]please get me a new bracelet? I want this stone put on it[/i][/b]." Diane had asked her father, layering her voice with choir-sounding hypnosis. "Of course dear," he had replied, wide-eyed and vegetable-like. [b]Current point[/b] [i]Now that we've met Lust, all we need is to find Chaos and Darkness...Dark's our leader, just so you know...[/i] "Well duh, the leader of the bad guys is always Darkness...jeez you act as though I'm still a kid," came Di's snappy reply. [i]Ooh, someone's a little fiesty this morning. Lets go, quickly. While we are separated from the rest of the group, all four of us are weakened. Once together we cannot be picked off one by one...[/i] Flinging her Chanel handbag over her shoulder she dashed downstairs and hopped on her motorcycle. Such a hardcore mode of transport for one of the most ditzy girls in her school. Gracefully dismounting from her bike, Di put her Chanel shades on and walked into school, hips swaying in an alluring fashion. "Hey babe, why the rush? Let's hang out for a bit," came a familiar male voice. "Michael, not now!" she turned and smiled. "Aww, come on baby, we haven't seen each other in at least a week! I'm starting to think you don't want me anymore," Di's boyfriend pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. The truth was, Di had been trying to think of a way to get rid of Mike. He was a good-looking guy, but that was the only reason she had kissed him at that party over 2 months ago... [i]Got a little too greedy eh? Well, lets fix that then...[/i] the gold stone's voice sounded menacing in Di's head. "Look, Michael, I need to get to class. I can't miss one more for you..." she said sternly, but Mike wasn't listenning, one of "The Girls" was walking past. [i]Now's your chance...DO IT[/i] "[b][i]Look Michael, I don't have time for you at the moment, but she certainly looks like she does...she actually wanted me to give you a love letter, but I got a little jealous. I realise my mistake now, so do her the honour of taking her now. Take her to the moon and back...[/i][/b]" Michael had moved off towards "The Girl". [i]Wow, you came up with all that crap just then? You're getting the hang of this. Try not to drag it out or be so corny though...make's me sick...[/i] "Well you sound rather laid back, why's that?" Di asked, moving off to class. [i]Stop talking and think for a minute. Feel something?[/i] "Alcina! And there're two more similar feelings...but there's something else there...it's like a nagging itch..." she responded slowly, then began to scratch her left arm. [i]Yes, that would be a neutral...wasn't expecting one of them, not yet anyway. Thought you may get the chance to get some fighting experience first.[/i] "What?" [i]Neutrals are dangerous. They don't work for the light stones, but they appear to mess around with us anyway. I'm not 100% sure if they play the same games with the light stones though...[/i] "I see...well whatever, I'm going to class now. Don't bother me unless its important" "Hey you!" Di called at the boy sitting next to Alcina. He looked up, "Yeah, you. That's where I sit. [i][b]You want to sit over in that corner[/b][/i]." She motioned over to one corner of the classroom. He just shrugged and went back to what seemed like interrogating Alcina. [i]...I was going to mention...he's the neutral. Learn to sense things for yourself, girl.[/i][/COLOR] Ok guys, sorry again for taking so long for the first post to go up >
  19. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=SandyBrown] GAH!!! I hope I'm not too late for this! *the internet was down yesterday so I couldn't post!* cheese master I'll try to beat your character post >< [I][B]Name:[/B][/I] Diane Evermoore [B][I]Gender:[/I][/B] Female [B][I]Age:[/I][/B] 18 [I][B]Day Appearance:[/B][/I] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24680]Daytime Clothes[/URL] [B][I]Night Appearance:[/I][/B] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24679]Night Costume[/URL] [I][B]Personality:[/B][/I] They say diamonds are a girls best friend. Well, Diane loves diamonds...and rubies, emeralds, gold, silver...she pretty much loves anything shiny and pretty. Her entire being revolves around her wants and needs (or what she thinks she needs), so she generally does what she has to to get what it is that's caught her eye. Extraverted, she'll say what's on her mind as soon as it pops in, which usually includes the words 'want' or 'gimme'. If you have something she wants, she'll fight you for it - she believes it'll look better on her anyway, and it usually does. [I][B]IC:[/B][/I] As part of the student tour group, Diane had listened intently to everything the guide had said about the gemstones. "Umm, miss are we allowed to touch the stone things?" she had asked in her best cutesy voice. "I'm sorry, the gemstones are to be kept in their case all throughout the day. The only time they aren't there is when they're being moved into safer storage when we close each evening," came the reply. [i]You should have been able to just pick me up for a second, shouldn't you? You DID deserve it after all...[/i] A voice appeared in Diane's head as she walked home. "Huh? Who said that?" [i]Me, old buddy! How could you forget? You'll remember me soon enough...[/i] And as the voice faded, she did.. "Hey! Get back here!" Diane spun around the corner, almost tripped, but corrected her footing and kept sprinting. "Thief!" "Thief my arse!" she thought, "All I did was [i]borrow[/i] this pretty stone from that display case. I do deserve to hold it for just a bit don't I?" Police sirens began to sound, and the cars appeared down the main street. "Dammit!" [i]It's okay, I'll help you through this. Just do as I say and we'll both be fine...[/i] Diane nodded at the voice of the gold stone, [i]Put me in your pocket, and find the nearest person.[/i] As she did these two things, the police drew closer. "[i][b]Hey buddy, you wanted that new motorbike yeah? That guy just bought the last one. I thought you deserved it more than he did...He said that he'd give his life for that bike. Keep him to his word and you'll get your motorcycle[/b][/i]" her voice seemed layered as she spoke to the muscley looking biker standing before her. He turned and sprinted across the street at the man that had "bought the last motorbike". [i]Hidden in everyone's heart lies the greed of humanity. Give it a nudge and it will consume everything it touches...[/i] as the stone's voice faded, Satori nodded and sprinted off. [B][I]Interested in playing:[/I][/B] Gold Stone - Greed[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Caitlin Murdoch [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.hmotaku.net/games/awl/images/muffy.jpg]Caitlin[/URL] [B]Instrument:[/B] Piccolo [B]Biography:[/B] [B]{[/B]will do soon[B]}[/B] I added a gender to my character, but it shouldn't be too hard to guess. Not sure if it's 100% necessary.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]Dood! Those are MAD! XD Ok, first I'll use Boo's set (the one with the Dreadlocks font), then I'll use Gabriel's. I may possibly use sakurasakura's and Ozy's, but we'll see how things go. That's it for now and thanks a ton guys! I'll leave this if anyone wants to try and beat Boo's and Gabriel's sets though ;)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]Gabriel! I love that font, not to mention the whole banner and avatar themselves. I may yet use your set, but I'm still going to wait for a bit. I may have to rotate banners/avis... o.o; Ok, a day to go...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]OMG I LOVE THEM ALL!! *faints from over-excitedness* :animestun I'm not deciding yet though. I'll leave the thread for another day or so and see if anyone else takes a shot at it. Then I'll make my decision.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]I'm requesting for a banner/avatar set using the attached picture of Raine from Tales of Symphonia, and if you can find a better one to use be my guest :animeswea I'd like you to try and focus on the eyes. I'd like the banner to read: "It's always nice when there's a bit of Raine" If you could add a ripple or rain-type effect, that would make things more interesting. And for the avatar, my username'll do. [COLOR=Black]EDIT:[/COLOR] Anyone is welcome to have a shot at it. Thanks a ton.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE=Treno][COLOR=DarkRed] Oh, and I'm going to allow FireMage and Kitty in this chapter also. I'll be notifying both by PM.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I'm hoping you'll include instructions on how to add our characters into the story lol :animeswea I'm lost as to how I would put Satori into the story, considering she's cold hearted and prefers to work on her own, what on earth would she be doing? I need a little direction :animeswea That's what makes me new though lol.[/SIZE]
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