name:kenrin shoma
bio:recently enroled in a "gifted child school" kenrin stood out from the croud. never talking to anyone he develop a habbit of never talking. because of this other kids provked and tormented him. he faught back. stealing their possitions. his eforts were in vain the kids still teased and tormented him. Learnimg to live with it his silenece is gone and now he can give a wity tounge lashing to anyone who tells him off being a rouge at heart he can steal anything, more or less
apperence: black baggy pants, a long flowing feathery black cape, silver beads trail down his cape. hes got a mullet, purple. wheres high heeled boots. and puts his mullet in a pony tail. realy pale skin no facial hair
hobbies: stealing,reading,writing music
dislikes: people who don't use there blinkers when they drive, math. open places
weapons: realy big bow, banishing gun