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Everything posted by kenrin_shoma

  1. personality: can send some really harsh lines out there. he is realy rude to people he knows dont like him other then that he can really be a happy-go-lucky tude. he defends his friends with his life. he will stick up for anyone who needs a helping hand true to anyone never tells lies to friends
  2. name:kenrin shoma element:wind bio:recently enroled in a "gifted child school" kenrin stood out from the croud. never talking to anyone he develop a habbit of never talking. because of this other kids provked and tormented him. he faught back. stealing their possitions. his eforts were in vain the kids still teased and tormented him. Learnimg to live with it his silenece is gone and now he can give a wity tounge lashing to anyone who tells him off being a rouge at heart he can steal anything, more or less apperence: black baggy pants, a long flowing feathery black cape, silver beads trail down his cape. hes got a mullet, purple. wheres high heeled boots. and puts his mullet in a pony tail. realy pale skin no facial hair age:16 hobbies: stealing,reading,writing music dislikes: people who don't use there blinkers when they drive, math. open places weapons: realy big bow, banishing gun
  3. may i join? please i love the .dothack series
  4. [quote name='kenrin_shoma']after kimerii and eyvane had helped kenrin to a meal he joined there caravan for tipa not knowing where he as before he washed up on the river belle he had a knack for swiping and stealing... oh crap i forgot to add one more thing a special ability for your character kenrin's is stealing[/quote] the other caravan member are nari the rest still have to deput
  5. after kimerii and eyvane had helped kenrin to a meal he joined there caravan for tipa not knowing where he as before he washed up on the river belle he had a knack for swiping and stealing... oh crap i forgot to add one more thing a special ability for your character kenrin's is stealing
  6. The Story Kimerii and eyvane were scouring the rive belle path for treasure whe something cought kimerii's eye. it was a selkie laying uncoumcious on the river bed. With a chalice no less, after the trechous climb down from the cliff they were perched on scouting the area for chests. The young selkie looked not even 16 his crystal chalice protecting him from the deadly miasma that shrowded the earth now. He was still breathing, after a few minutes of gasping and writhing he shot bolt upright grabbed his weapon and was about to engage battle with kimerii and eyvane. he had seen that they were harmless dropped his weapon and let them take him in bac kt otheir village. Charcarters Kenrin (selkie) Eyvane (yuke) Nari (selkie) Kimerii (clavat) Yoh (clavat sol (lilty) all these races can be changed) MY character name:kenrin weapon:dreamcatcher focus attack: metor blast Gender: male Race:selkie starting spells :cure, wind family trade: blacksmith home town :leuda
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