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Omino Jaku

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Everything posted by Omino Jaku

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]"Alright, if you wish to just cut the chit chat, as usual." Drake said with a little chuckle. With that, he rose to his feet to hand Reiji the red document. "What's this?" Reiji asked as he leaned forward to accept the folder. "Your job. All the details that you need should be enclosed within." Drake said. "Sounds good." Spoke Reiji, briefly shuffling through the papers. "Certainly doesn't look too challenging." "That's because this one is to see if you're up to snuff." "You doubt my abilities?" Reiji stood taller as he spoke. Drake returned to his seat with a grin. "No, not at all my dear Champion. Your loyalties." Reiji seemed motionless for a moment, before he gave a smile. "Everything I need is in here?" The yael waved the red folder. Drake only nodded and crossed his hands in his lap. "So what has this poor bloke done to deserve to be knocked off?" Reiji smiled. The overlord frowned and seemed to grow angry. "My dear assassin, you would do well to watch your tongue. If you must know, the 'poor bloke' in question has been embezzling the peoples' taxes for almost three months now." Drake snapped back. "However, it might serve you best not to know of my affairs with these jobs of yours. If it becomes too much of a hassle, I can just as quickly send you back to the arena." Reiji frowned, "I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't shove my beak where it's not needed." "No harm done, my friend. Just as long as we know where we stand." Drake leaned forward in his chair, leaning his elbows onto his desk and interlocking his fingers. Reiji still looked irritated, "Yes sir." The two sat and stared at each other for a long moment. Drake was the first to speak. "Well now if you would excuse me, I do have my duties to attend to. And please do forgive my outburst. Must've been the alcohol talking." Drake smiled and rose to his feet and rounded the desk, to help show the yael out. Reiji stood, being extra careful with his wings, not to knock anything over or hit Drake. "Oh, Reiji." Drake said as he held the door. The yael turned to meet Drake's gaze. "I do hope that you don't disappoint me." Reiji only smiled before leaving to return to his room.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]As Bach left the room, Drake lowered his head in thought. He then began to massage his temples. Maybe having someone who is strong during the daylight and nighttime hours is a good thing to have around. Drake picked up his glass of blood and began to take a sip. The overlord cringed at the temperature of the liquid and made his way to the bar, off to his right. He reached up and grabbed a metallic rod, and dipped it into his glass. As he pushed a small button on the object, the tip began to glow red hot, heating the blood. Drake stirred the drink for a few seconds, and then tapped the rod on the rim of his glass before returning it to it's holder. The vampire, returned to his seat, and took a sip while he read a piece of paper. The document was boring. A proposal by one of his elven underlings. Drake leaned back in his giant chair as he read the leaflet. Four pages were used, to propose a more efficient tax budget. In the end, the overlord saw through it all. It was just a blatant attempt at robbing the poor blind. However much it might benefit the overlord's pockets, he saw no gain in losing the trust of the common folk. The next piece of paper caught the vampire's attention. It proposed more racial discrimination. Being human at one point in time, he tossed the document to the side. As Drake picked up a document with a red cover, he pushed a button on a device on the right side of the desk. "Jobe." A crackly voice came back over the intercom, "Yes milord?" "Bring Reiji to my study, please." Drake released the button and went on to open the red covered document and read its contents. "Yes milord." Jobe responded. Drake was caught off guard in the next instant, when he heard the door to his study creak open. Startled, he looked up to greet the intruder. "Ah, my dear, how good of you to come." Drake quickly said, as he rose to greet the woman. She bowed and motioned if it was alright for her to enter. Drake smiled and put out his hand to show her to take a seat. The woman in the red dress gracefully walked to the chair and sat, looking down at the floor the entire time. "Hopefully you have some good news for me." Drake said with a grin upon his face. The angel in red replied, "We lost them sir." Drake frowned. "This incompetence cannot be tolerated much further. Why is it so hard for you to catch one of your own kind?" He snapped. She bowed her head in regret and shame. "I-..." "No, my dear." Drake said as he rose to his feet, leaning onto the desk. "You will regret losing the angels for a second time." "Sir, let me explain." She stammered. Drake slammed a fist upon his desk. The angel jumped at his outrage. "Enough. Just find them both, or pay the consequences, Angel." Drake said with a glare. A crackly voice came up on the intercom. "My lord?" Drake calmed himself and pushed the button on his intercom. "Yes?" "Sir, Reiji isn't in his room." Drake lowered his head, leaning forward onto his desk.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]Drake opened the door to the dimly lit room where Reiji sat, awaiting further instructions. The elvish servant that had tended to Reiji before, had started walk towards the overlord, ready to resume his duties. Drake simply lifted his hand, stopping him where he stood. As he came closer, he began to speak to the elf. "Kugo, why don't you tend to our guest. Show him to his room. But no darts this time." Drake began to walk past the servant. As he bowed, Kugo replied to the vampire, "Yes, milord." "Oh, Kugo." Drake halted, and turned to face the servant. "Yes, milord?" Kugo swiftly and elegantly turned to meet Drake's gaze with a smile. "Why don't you see to the Yael, yourself. No need for the guards." With that, Drake motioned for the two guards to follow him out. The elf stood wide-eyed and stunned, obviously scared for his life. "Y-yes, milord..." As Drake slowly rounded the bend, he smiled to himself. [I]Let's see if his manners improve, now.[/I] [CENTER]====================[/CENTER] The figure of the vampiric overlord descended the staircase. He no longer wore his cape, and had his cuffs undone. As he gazed around, Drake made his way to the last remaining guests. Ryu, was near the bar, helping put up the chairs on the tables. "What in heaven's name are you up to my boy?" Drake asked as he neared Ryu. The elven overlord turned towards Drake and smiled. "It's nothing. Where have you been?" Ryu replied. The two overlords embrace briefly. They pulled away shortly after so that Drake could respond. "On business. Where has our lady run off to?" "Loranna?" Ryu chuckled a little bit before continuing, "she became intoxicated enough that she started to dance on the tables. I escorted her out to her ride." As he laughed aloud, Drake attempted to speak, "And I missed it?" He and Ryu both shook their heads. "You still haven't answered my question my friend." Drake looked stunned at such persistance from his old friend. "Relax, no need to worry. I just needed a word with a few new bloods around here." "And Dima?" Ryu said coldly. Drake sighed at the mention of his nemesis' name. As he looked to either side, Drake saw a few stray glances from around the room. They immediately returned to their duties upon being spotted. "You know, you're right, my friend. Your questions deserve answers, but I think that another time would certainly be more suitable." He looked to either side to signal the importance of gossip to Ryu. "Please don't avoid the questions." Ryu's face became stern, certainly worried for the well-being of his friend. Or worse, for others. Quickly, Drake dodged this line of questioning, "Why don't you stay the night my friend. There are certainly enough rooms here for you to make your choice. This must be better than a stay at a shabby hotel, or the long trip back to your home. We can talk tomorrow. You must be exhausted." After a short pause, Drake added, "So what do you say?" Ryu's look didn't waver. The cold gaze of his serious side, frightened Drake. Something all too unfamiliar to the vampire, he shifted his weight in discomfort. Swallowing hard, he waited for his long time friend to respond.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]"Why don't we take this elsewhere, Dima." Drake added with a smile, extending a hand and lightly bowing in the direction of the stairs. Without hesitation or fear, Dima walked confidently in the direction Drake had pointed. As he passed by Valeria she began to snarl once again. "Valeria," Drake whispered softly, "Why don't you come along. Asher." "Yes milord." The elf boy said, as he bowed as low as he could before racing up the stairs to lead Dima to the eastern wing. Hesitantly, Valeria began to walk in front of Drake, her eyes never leaving Dima's back. Her hair was still poised upright and threateningly, making the giant beast, seem to almost double her size. "Drake-" Ryu started before being cut off by Drake himself. Putting up a hand to prevent Ryu from stepping forward Drake added, "No need my friend." Lowering his hand he added, "Enjoy the party, I will return shortly." Loranna slowly crept up behind Ryu, separating herself from the crowd. "Please, carry on." Drake shouted, waving to the band to continue yet again. As Drake turned, his eyes came across the stout warrior, Bach. "Bach, what have we talked about?" Drake stared at the warrior's sword, sheathed to his side. Stepping closer, Drake began to whisper, "We don't need the guests panicking more than they already are." Bowing, Bach replied, "I'm sorry milord, I was only looking after the safety of your household." Drake waved his hand and lowered his head, "Don't worry yourself your intentions were pure, just please leave the weapon next time." With that said, the vampire took his leave. Bach's head still lowered, he waited a moment and then left for his room. As the band resumed their tunes, the guests began to talk louder and seemingly harsher than before. "This is turning into being quite a night." Loranna blurted as she took another sip of her champagne. "The incessant beast shows up twice, and Drake has left us for the second time tonight. And who's the swordsman? Hott..." Loranna whispered the last of her sentence under her breath, even though Ryu heard her clear enough. "Drake has been acting differently lately." Ryu added. "Drake has never changed deary. He will always be a cold-hearted bastard, only looking after himself. How do you think he got to be Overlord?" Ryu only kept his gaze on Drake as he walked out of sight. "Come on sweetheart, dance with me. Don't worry yourself with him." Loranna spoke softly into Ryu's ear, almost seductively. She took Ryu's arm, leading him back into the crowd, closer to the band. Somewhat reluctantly, Ryu followed. [CENTER]=========================[/CENTER] Asher opened the door to a dimly lit room where the music of the party could no longer be heard. The elf boy bowed and allowed the elven overlord of the east, Dima, to enter before the others. Valeria followed, her eyes still locked on Dima. Drake entered the room with a bright smile on his face and waved his hand to Asher, never turning to look at the boy. With a bow, Asher closed the door behind Drake, making his leave to tend to something else. At the far end of this room sat a large desk, facing the door with a gargantuan chair to seat the vampire overlord. Two equally beautiful yet smaller chairs sat before the desk. Dima stood behind the left chair, properly waiting for Drake to show him his seat. Valeria rounded the desk slightly, following Drake ever so slightly. "Valeria." Drake called softly. Almost as if jumping out of a trance, Valeria turned her head and bounded to her master's side, taking a seat on the floor to Drake's left. As he scratched her head with one hand and eloquently pointed towards the chair closest to Dima, Drake took his seat. Leaning on his cane gently, Dima slowly sat in his chair. Valeria panted heavily, letting a growl slowly escape her lips as Dima's gaze wandered towards her. "So where were we?" Drake said cheerfully. His bright, almost devilish smile never leaving his face. "Enough of the pleasantries you damned fool." Dima almost yelled the words. Valeria growled and Drake's smile began to fade. "I was only trying to be courteous. I can't help it if you tried to have me killed." Drake said smugly as his smile returned. Dima was taken aback. "You really must be stupider than you look." "And how stupid would that be my dear elf?" Drake replied mockingly. "Only a human could be that idiotic to make such accusations without any proof." Valeria let out another low growl. "The assassin that tried to kill me leaked some very interesting information before he left this mortal coil." Drake opened the drawer to his right and began to extract a small cigar case. Dima shook his hand at the vampire, letting him know he didn't need one. Drake smiled bigger and paused as he laid the box upon the desk. Opening the container and taking out some of it's contents, Drake threw a cigar shaped object wrapped in a purple cloth at Dima. "Some information he leaked unwillingly." Dima caught the object and looked at the vampire puzzled. Unravelling the object, Dima stared into his palm. A severed finger stared back at the overlord. "You kept his finger?" "Notice the ring. Given only to those serving the Braeden with the utmost loyalty, correct?" Drake stood and began to walk around the desk towards Dima. "Now, how could one get a hold of one of these, I wonder." At the corner of the desk, Drake sat and leaned onto his left knee that was suspended because of how he sat. "You keep his finger in a cigar box. The council must have been severly deluded to let a human become overlord!" Dima's voice rose, and Valeria began to inch forward. If needed Drake or Dima would only have to make the first move. Drake rose and made his way back to his seat. "You forget, I lost my humanity long ago. Similar to yourself." Drake said bitterly, taking a seat. "You deluded imbecile. This could have been planted to ensure broken ties within the hierarchy! How could you not see that?!" "And avoid the evidence, staring me back in the face! An elf that has never trusted or liked my presence! You my friend are the fool, for attempting to rid yourself of me, and send me to the very depths of hell!" Valeria now stood on all fours, but Drake ushered her to stay seated. "Going to sick your new pet on me, human?" Dima replied smoothly. "How I wish that she didn't obey me sometimes." Drake spoke while petting her head. "Because unlike yourself, I have my restraints. Even if I do wish to stare at your bleeding corpse, and gaze at your black heart, there are a million reasons not to. My 'humanity' is one of them." Drake stared coldly into Dima's eyes. The overlord returned the bloodthirsty gaze that held the two locked inside a battle of their minds for an eternity before Dima spoke again. "I propose a civil way of settling this debate." "And what is that?" Drake snarled. Quickly regaining his composure after his outburst. "Your pet, against mine." Dima smiled and edged to Valeria who inturn snapped at him. "Why?" Drake questioned. "At the next moon, the loser, will lose their estate and land. Ridding them of rulership in the Braeden." Dima had Drake's full attention. "I need to show you that I can be rid of you in a fair game." He added. A long pause ensued. Drake burst out laughing, somewhat maniacally. "You have yourself a deal, you pitiful elf. You honestly think that my precious, Valeria could actually lose? I will have your property and soon your head." Drake stood and rounded the desk as Dima rose to his feet. Valeria watched patiently and attentively, making sure her master would be safe. Standing tall in front of the massive Dima, Drake outstretched his hand. "So it shall be. On the next moon your 'pet' shall meet it's doom." Dima smiled devilishly and shook Drake's hand, sealing the pact, and the fate of the Braeden. Valeria watched all the more intently, soaking in the words of the overlords'. [/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Special props to DC for her help in this post.
  5. [FONT=Arial Narrow]The deafening blast still rung in his ears. The earth shook beneath him, but the Capricorn could not focus on walking. The rough feeling of a warm hand around his waist was all that he could feel for the next moment, wondering who it was. Did the fallen have him under his grasp? Slowly gazing up, into the face of the man that held him, he attempted to focus, but could only see white hair that contrasted the night sky amazingly well. At ease, Yasuo let the Sagittarius carry him until he could walk on his own. Falling into the closest wall he could find, Yasuo let his hand brace him, preventing him from falling completely into it. Closing his eyes, Yasuo attempted to catch his breath and clear his thoughts. As his breath slowed, he opened his eyes up to see one of his blades before him. Following the weapon up to its hilt, finding the Sagittarius being the one holding the blade before him. Taking his weapon back and sheathing it, he checked to see if the other one was still in it's sheath where he last placed it. Sure enough, the blade was there. Muffled words found their way into his ears. Trying to clarify them, he could pick out some english. The female Zodiac was saying something about a hotel, and some other words he could not understand. The silver haired one helped Yasuo to his feet, and began to lead him in some direction unbeknownst to him. Perhaps to this hotel. Pausing for a moment behind the three, Yasuo looked behind him, wondering what had happened to the fallen, and what his next move might be. He thought it best to stay with his fellow Zodiac, until he would make his next move on the fallen angel. "Sartael..." His voice was barely audible. Turning back towards the small group of warriors, Yasuo made his attempt to keep up.[/FONT]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]The shadows created by the fireplace danced about on the walls and ceiling. The ceiling that was draped with precious silks and various other fabrics from across the globe. This room, where large tapestries and beautiful, priceless paintings littered the walls. Through the windows and the balcony the moonlight poured in, illuminating the room with an eerie glow. Here Drake entered, opening the doors from his large bedroom with a smile and warm glow about him. He wiped the last bit of blood from his mouth with a white hankerchief as he left the room. A brief image of a woman, ruffled within the bed sheets could be seen before the doors closed behind him. He wore a tight red silk frock over his poofy white dress shirt, complete with the ruffles coming down his chest, laying lightly over the red coat. His shiny red pants added to his motif of red, defining his small frame delicately; making the villian look even more seductive than usual. Tucking away his handkerchief, Drake flicked the frills from his wrist as he attempted to straighten his ruby brooch without the use of a mirror. Heading for the coat rack, he donned his red, Phantom of the Opera looking cape, clipping it around his neck, and draping it across his left side. With a final brush of his hand to smooth out his slicked back hair which was tied back in a ponytail, Drake reached for the handles to his huge double doors opposite the balcony, tossing the doors open lightly passing two boys who were entering his room to clean up the "mess" that the lord had made. [CENTER]====================[/CENTER] The party was lively and full of fresh and old blood. Just the way that the lord liked it. Descending the staircase he could already feel the hundreds of eyes catching his every step. A few steps from the bottom, Drake was greeted by several of his underlings. Slimy politicians with hefty purses, and low standard of ethics. He loathed these people with a passion. Most being humans. Before long, Drake found his savior from these wretched people, and weaved his way towards the beautifully dressed elf. "Ryu, my old friend," Kissing either of the elves' cheeks and hugging him friendly, "How are you? Are you enjoying yourself?" Still hesitant when the vampire came towards his neck, the overlord replied, "But of course. I love your parties above all the others, and this one seems to have a good turn-out." "Yes, the guests seem to be pleased. Are you looking forward to the upcoming battles in the arena?" Sounding almost boyish and delighted as he mentioned the arena. As Drake finished his sentence a servant came towards him and handed Drake a champagne glass of red liquid, soon disappearing back into the crowd of people. "You know I despise the shedding of blood." Replied the silver haired elf. "Oh come now. You for one should know how it brings the people together. It is a sense of community, where people can come and be absorbed by the bloodshed, to forget their troubles for a moment and enjoy life." Taking a sip from his drink, Drake was about to continue before Ryu had interrupted. "Of course I support a sense of community my dear overlord. However I do not relish in the fact that there is a need for the common man to drown his or her sorrows in these violent and vicious 'games', that only promote more violence and hatred on this planet." Drake laughed for a moment, "No matter what we do, Ryu, there will always be sorrow and troubling times. It is the balance and nature of things. And I hardly believe that the games promote violence. If anything, it aids in stripping the violence and gore from the streets, and storing it within the walls of the colliseum." Ryu began to sip from his drink as a female elf made her way to Drake and Ryu's side. "I agree, my lord, the games are a necessity to our way of life." "See Ryu, even the fair Loranna agrees with me." Drake said, placing a hand upon her waist. "My dear, Drake, you for one should know that your words may soothe the soul and warm the heart, but your hands are far too cold for my liking." Loranna replied bitterly, as she gently removed Drake's hand. "How cold and heartless of you my dearest." Drake said mockingly, backing off and placing a hand upon his chest as if her words had stung him. "Just the way you like them, vampire." Loranna replied. "Touche." Drake clanked his glass with the elf woman, and they both shared a sip of their own beverages. Drake's eyes never leaving Loranna's face, while she looked over towards Ryu as he began to start a conversation with her. It was at that moment that a loud crash was heard and a man screamed from the rooms upstairs, with another crash of breaking glass. Soon the culprit was in sight, bounding down the stairs, panting all the while. The crowd began to shriek and disperse at the sight of the werewolf. Her bloody paws stained the carpet as she made her way to the center of the crowd, where Drake stood, stern and nearly motionless. Ryu stirred only the slightest bit, while Loranna backed away along with the crowd of people behind her. "Valeria..." Drake began to tap his foot as the werewolf wagged her tail and sat down, panting heavily. She might have seemed cute in the slightest if it weren't for the blood that was caked into her coat, still wet in some places, dripping to the floor. "What have I told you?" Drake held out his glass for Ryu to take as he made his way to lead the werewolf over towards the stairs. "I-I'm sorry sir, she just came bur-" Stuttered a small elf boy, who had a streak of blood across his chest, that must have come from Valeria as she trampled him to get to Drake's side. He was quickly descending the staircase, another boy followed suit, with blood that covered his hands. "No, no, just take her upstairs and clean her up." Drake had taken hold of Valeria's head, and lead her to the boys' care almost as if she had left a present on the floor and was being punished. Speaking to her, Drake said, "Now be a good girl and go get washed up. I'll see you after the party." A small whimper of disapproval from the werewolf was all that was heard as she began to walk upstairs with the elf boys, her tail inbetween her legs. Avoiding the blood stains on the floor, Drake took out his white handkerchief and began to wipe the blood from his right hand. "What happend to the party, people?!" Drake shouted as he signaled to the band to continue playing. Within the next few seconds people were continuing their chatter, some being used to intrusions of this sort, while others glanced over to the overlord, unsure of what had just take place. Ryu and Loranna were making their way back to Drake, Ryu, handing Drake's drink back over to his companion. "Well that was certainly distasteful." Loranna blurted, taking another sip of her drink. Drake shot a look of disapproval at the elven woman, looking to Ryu for support. "How unfortunate to see such a lovely creature caked in so much violence and misery." Ryu added. "What is with you people, is everyone against me tonight?" Drake retorted, almost jokingly. Loranna chuckled at that, and soon the party seemed to calm from its recent intrusion, returning to normal.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: I hope this is alright with you "Who Am I?", and DC. PM me about more conversations between our characters.
  7. [FONT=Century Gothic][B]Name[/B]: Drake [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Age[/B]: Turned in early 20s, 232 [B]Race[/B]: Vampire [B]Rank[/B]: Overlord [B]Personality[/B]: A manipulative, deceitful politician. A strong-willed and strong-minded vampire, who has risen through the ranks with his silver tongue. Cares for Valeria much like a daughter, yet reserves the fact that she is his pet and lap-dog. Kills without question sometimes, whether it's the shear pleasure or the sustenance that drives him to. [B]Height[/B]: 6' [B]Weight[/B]: 164 lbs. [B]Eye color[/B]: Violet with streaks of silver [B]Hair color[/B]: Black [B]Body Structure[/B]: Lean body type. Shoulders a little more narrow than most, he would seem somewhat fraile, if it weren't for his defined muscles and vampiric strength. [B]Character Snippet[/B]: As a man, Drake's original name has been lost through the ages. He was born to a wealthy family. In fact his father owned a very large international company, valued somewhere in the billions. Soon after his 23 or 24th birthday Drake had a run-in with a vampire. It was his way with words that saved his life that night, and had the vampire turn him instead of devouring every last drop of blood the boy had to offer. Soon after gaining in his vampiric strength and the death of his father, Drake inherited the company, and murdered his mentor. With the powers of manipulation, the company flourished. Not long after Drake's great victory of monopolizing his industry, the world was visited by hostile alien forces. Escaping his demise yet again with his vampiric abilities and his way with words, the vampire soon became a spy for the Braeden army. With his knowledge the Braeden army soon won the seemingly neverending battle with Earth. Talks of diplomacy and becoming a leader in other manners excited Drake, taking interest in the dealings of his new brethren. Drake rose to power quickly, sharing his wealth in a trusted companion, Ryu. With absolute power at his finger tips, Drake lives a life of luxury, taking the lives of whoever he wishes, and enslaving the races he looks down upon and despises. After an attempt on Drake's life by remnants of the alliance, Drake sought to have new blood to gaurd him. No mere body gaurd would do. He would need someone loyal, a lap-dog and trusted companion. After his extermination squads had captured a young werewolf, he found his new protector. Raising this girl as if she was his own, Drake became quite fond of his new prized possession. He would be damned if anyone were to harm her. That's if they could.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Another clap of thunder as the blood poured over the young Zodiac's blade. The tearing of flesh excited and sickened the boy. Ripping the blade through with the flick of his wrist made the sick wet sound of breaking bones. Slicing through the swordsman's abdomen and spine Yasuo kept his momentum with his right hand, bringing it around to fend off the other attacker to his left. A clang of metal and the katana's wielder grew wide eyed. Yasuo's left blade found it's sheath in the chest of this opponent. Twisting the opposite way he needed to defend against another swordsman to his right. Blocking two swords he twirled his way inbetween the two, making a mark in either enemy as he left the two to scream in agony. Leaning back, Yasuo dodged a thrust of the naginata, using his right blade to reinforce the distance. He spun right, adding more distance between him and the wielder of the naginata. Another thrust by this warrior sent Yasuo to the floor, attempting to duck down farther. The blade nicked the tender flesh inbetween his left shoulder and neck. He sensed another fighter coming to deliver a blow to him. Quickly morphing into the panther and leaping into the face of another man charging from the immediate left, he dodged the blade. Clawing and biting at this human's neck sent a river of blood gushing into Yasuo's mouth. The taste was invigorating and livening. Washing over his teeth and tongue, the warmth overwhelming him. Flowing down his throat he could feel the urge to devour his victim, to taste his flesh and drain his life with each deadly bite. Leaping from his victim over two swordsmen he came into contact with a heavy chain, landing onto the sweet spot of his ribs. Crashing to the floor, human once again, Yasuo needed to spin away from the swing of another chain that hit the floor with enough force to make a crack in the cement floor. He slashed out at a swordsman as he rose to his feet. The man dodged, losing his balance and staggering back a few steps. The other fighters regained their composure and all took a defensive stance, slowly filling in around the boy. Breathing heavily, Yasuo took notice to the pain in his chest and shoulder. Repositioning himself he finally began to focus on the commotion outside. Something was coming. Something strong. A lot of different energies could be felt. The pain was making it so Yasuo couldn't tell how many, or if they were friend or foe. Things still didn't look good for Yasuo. The giant figures were walking down the staircase now, probably to join in the struggle. Gazing up at the fallen, the angel leaned back off of the railing, and stared at the two front doors. With silent words, Yasuo could hear, "[I]Zodiac[/I]...". Smiling, Yasuo focused back onto the battle at hand. A sword was being lifted high into the sky, ready to cleave Yasuo in two.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial Narrow]His black paws patted the ground softly as he walked. His nose pressed firmly against the ground, sniffing out his prey. The panther gazed around the corner, at the large warehouse from where the scent came strongly, apparently ungaurded. Yasuo began to rise to his feet, human once again. He checked himself briefly, making sure his blades were strapped to his back properly. His stomach began to grumble. Food sounded like a sound option. After the fallen was dead, perhaps he'd find his fill. For now however, he had a mission to accomplish. Lightning streaked across the sky, lighting up the ground and the warehouses eerily. Thunder sounded soon afterwards. What a pity, the stars would not be visible tonight. Yasuo looked towards the brewing clouds briefly. There was something strange about them, very unnatural to spread this quickly. [I]They'll just set the mood[/I], Yasuo thought to himself. Taking a step back, Yasuo stepped into the shadow of the warehouse behind him. Lightning lit up the area, revealing a bare wall, where a boy once stood. [CENTER]=========================[/CENTER] The warehouse was dark and damp. Boxes lined the far wall. Two sets of stairs led to an upper level with no walls. Yasuo leaped out of the shadows of some boxes. His panther form blended in well with the lack of light present. "Konnichiwa, Zodiac," boomed a voice from above "You've found me." Yasuo's eyes looked upwards to find the fallen standing on the upper level, leaning against the railing. His black wings became visible as he stretched them outwards. The fallen had changed into a pair of black silk pants and a black satin button up shirt that he left open since their last encounter. Yasuo slowly walked to the center of the dark room, changing back into his human form. Standing tall, he faced the angel, saying not a word. In Japanese the fallen continued, "So, you must be the one that killed my son." Yasuo stood still, unwavered by his words. "So you knew then. How?" Yasuo didn't speak a word. "So you knew that we've been hunting you down for some time now. How did you know?" Still nothing came from the Capricorn's lips. "Fine, let's just finish it." With that said, the lights were all switched on. Yasuo put up his hand to shield his eyes. Boxes were knocked over, revealing spotlights behind them, which were immediately switched on, aimed at the Capricorn. There had to be at least ten of these spotlights on, all aimed towards Yasuo. No shadows could be found within a thirty or so foot radius of the boy. No way to escape. A trap. A giant figure walked out onto the walkway with the fallen. A second found his way from the other side. Both now stood next to the black winged figure, towering over him. Worse still, other members of the Yakuza began to walk away from the spotlights, all carrying a weapon of some sort. A few carried chains that they swung around, the others carrying a katana. One held a large spear-like weapon, a naginata. Taking a deep, defensive stance and grasping the handles of his blades, Yasuo began to count the number of opponents he would have to face. Six from his left, eight from his right and the naginata wielding one stood before him. Fifteen surrounded him, and still the fallen and the giants to handle. "I came prepared Zodiac," yelled the fallen, "I will not underestimate my foe again." Despite the sound of the chains being twirled and the shuffling of feet, Yasuo could hear cars pulling up. He counted three, full of more Yakuza. Thunder clapped close by,as Yasuo pulled his blades from their sheaths. He stared at the fallen angel. An ugly smile had creased across the evil creature's face. He seemed so much like Oni at that moment, it frightened Yasuo.[/FONT] OOC: Okay, come join the party guys. The giants are obviously more half-breeds. Leave the fallen for last if you would.
  10. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Yasuo watched from the shadows, waiting for the fallen to reveal himself. His eyes fell upon a strong man sitting in the corner of one of the tubs. He was heavily tattooed, but he wasn't the strange energy that he felt about the room. It was something else that distracted his senses. As his eyes darted about the room, he saw a unique individual enter from the steam room off to his left. A strong man, slightly taller than Yasuo. His hair was a strange color, an offwhite color that seemed platinum. It had to be him. The energy that surrounded the room must be coming from him. Yasuo watched the man take a seat in the bath inbetween these two large men. Readying his weapons, Yasuo moved to the shadows behind the platinum haired one. Surprisingly the large men grabbed and detained the platinum man. People from around the room looked over, but only one man rose and spoke. "So one of the Zodiac had decided to show himself," the skinny man spoke as he began to reveal a dagger from behind his back. Almost like he had been waiting for the platinum man to show up. "And it's Saggitarius of all people," he added before beginning to laugh. "A Zodiac," whispered Yasuo. Tightening the grip on his weapons Yasuo prepared to defend his comrade. Yasuo watched as the scrawny Yakuza member pointed the blade at the platinum Zodiac's throat and readied himself to deliver the final blow. "Nothing personal. You should blame God for the circumstance you're in. You'll need it where you are going." With that he brought his blade back and prepared to bring it down onto the Zodiac, when blood sprayed over his face. One of Yasuo's blades stuck from the back of the head of the large man to the Sagittarius' right. A sloppy throw, but it hit it's mark. Startled, the skinny man staggered back and looked over to the young Capricorn, who was steadily and hastily charging forward. A strange flicker of energy began to radiate. It seemed that the Sagittarius had entered some sort of battle mode; his aura flickered and began to overwhelm all who stood around him. The large man to his left staggered back, shielding himself from the eminent harm that would befall him. Yasuo's pace slowed to a halt, five or so meters from the Sagittarius Zodiac. It was at that moment that he could feel his target's presence. The fallen had revealed himself foolishly as he began to retreat through the back door, no longer hiding his aura. The platinum Zodiac had begun his attack, moving at an accelerated pace he punched the skinny man before him square in the solarplexis throwing him back to the other end of the bathtub. The large man that had held him up climbed out of the tub, scared for his life, running towards the front door. Others were following his example, while some attempted to come and attack both Zodiacs. The Sagittarius merely turned his head towards the large man and charged forward out of the tub, knocking down those in his path with well layed hooks and a few sweeps. He broke one of the men's nose on contact with a right hook that sent him flying off of his feet into the nearby wall, cracking the back of his head open. Yasuo felt that he wouldn't need a hand as he smiled lightly. Charging to the right, Yasuo grabbed his other blade and ran at the mob before him. With readied weapons pointed downwards he moved like he would slash at the first man, but instead propelled himself downwards, sliding like he was stealing home underneath the man in front of him. As he touched the shadow that the man made, he immediately sunk down into the floor, vanishing before the Yakuza's eyes. Traveling about the floor and through the tiny shadows around him he found his way towards the back door to hunt down his prey. He would meet the platinum one again, he was sure of it.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Wearing his old clothes through the streets of Kyoto made Yasuo feel somewhat at peace. Thank goodness his aunt Sachi had sent him some of his old clothes. The old white tees were getting torn and bloodied and jeans weren't to Yasuo's liking at all. His loose bondage pants and black muscle tee covered with a fishnet tee made him stand out a little, but he didn't worry about it. The young man walked down the sidewalk, head bowed, deep in thought. [CENTER]===========================[/CENTER] "So you're leaving?" Hiroko asked in Japanese leaning against the wall. "Yes." Yasuo replied. With a sigh Hiroko rested her head against the wall and stared at the ceiling. "So tell me why, again?" She asked. Yasuo stopped packing his clothes into the duffel bag for a moment and bowed his head to think for a moment. Rising to his feet he gazed into Hiroko's eyes. As she pushed herself and stood away from the wall he answered, "Because if I stay here I put you in danger. There will be others hunting me down. I can't put you in harm's way again." Hiroko shook her head. "You've always protected me before. What if they come and you're not here? Who will be here for me?" Her eyes began to glisten with tears. Obviously struggling to fight them back. "Yasuo, what did you do to make people come after you like this? What are you hiding from me?" She pleaded to Yasuo, stepping closer and leaning in, staring into the boy's eyes. Yasuo only stared back, seemingly cold on the outside. "Hiroko..." He paused, shifting his weight. "I don't know what I did to piss these people off. But they're after me, and the longer I stay here, the more danger you are in." He kneeled to continue his packing. Hiroko's footsteps rang in his ears as she walked away. How he hated lying to her. But he did endanger her life with his presence. Yasuo couldn't stay here much longer. Sartael was right, more demons would come. He wouldn't be able to bear any harm that would come to her. [CENTER]===========================[/CENTER] Yasuo stopped suddenly, his gut tightening. He felt the demon. It was nearby. Looking up to the sign on the building, he saw that it was a bathhouse. A bathhouse frequented by members of the Yakuza. "Is this the place?" He whispered. Feeling the angel take form she stepped so that she stood beside him. Humans walked by, none noticing the beautiful creature with the giant white wings standing beside this individual in black. "You'll find the fallen in here." Sartael replied. Bowing his head for a moment, Yasuo began to walk inside, melding into the shadows of the doorway immediately. The angel smiled before fading away completely. Taking flight before she could no longer be seen by the boy. OOC: OK guys, I'll be on the other side of the city. Don't interrupt my little confrontation with this fallen one until after my next post if you would be so kind.[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Arial Narrow]The heavy thud rang out, sending a dozen leaves cascading around him. Slowly pulling his bloodied fist from the trunk of the tree, he planted a roundhouse that shot a sharp pain through his shin. Another volley of leaves began to descend. An elbow thrown, followed by another punch, sending out soft cracking sounds as bark fell from the tree, exposing the wood beneath. Sweat and blood trickled down from the center of this gap in the bark. The ground was littered with leaves and debris. A bead of sweat dribbled down the young boy's face. Yasuo stepped back for a moment to catch his breath. His knuckles throbbed, and his shins were forming quite the lovely bruises. He stared at the tree; at the mark he made. All kinds of thoughts raced through his head. [I]Sartael, the angel. She had visited me, telling me that I played a great importance in fighting for God... A God that has forsaken me to a life of pain and misery... Hiroko, too... And what would she think of all of this? What would she think if I were to tell her that I was meant for something far greater?[/I] Yasuo's mode of thinking shifted to the night Yasuo and Hiroko ended up in the hospital. [I]If only...[/I] Flashes of Oni entered his mind. The ugly creature's sickening smile, it's stench, how the beast had murdered his mother... The rage built up to an unbearable level, and Yasuo's face cringed. Bringing his right leg up he thrust it at the center of the tree. The tree began to shake violently, sending dozens of leaves cascading down around him. Breathing more heavily he continued to beat the tree with his fists, making it tremble greatly. Grunts could soon be heard and cries of anger and pain rang out into the small forest. Tears began to stream down the boy's face, and he was soon a sobbing mess huddled beneath the tree, holding his face with the palms of his hands. The warm touch of her hand upon his shoulder was comforting. "No one should live through this pain, my child." She said soothingly. Yasuo continued to cry, slowly rocking himself back and forth. Sartael placed her hands upon Yasuo's, slowly healing the wounds upon his knuckles. Once the open gashes were closed and the pain slowly fading, the angel wrapped her arms around the boy, enveloping her wings about him, saying not a word.[/FONT]
  13. Name: Yasuo Height: 5'6" Weight: 120 Age: physically - 17, soul - 140 Appearance: Yasuo is of Japanese descent, and has very beautiful and captivating eyes. Both are blue with a hint of violet in each strand of the iris. A smallish nose, complementing his beautiful facial structure, with smallish, seductive lips. Usually found wearing a favorite black collar that had a cross hanging from it. After a devastating event in his life, the cross has been missing; ripped off by his own hands. He lost his favorite clothes when his house was invaded and his mother and step-father murdered. He borrowed a few pairs of jeans, and tank tops from his cousin of similar size. He still has one pair of his black leather pants. Black eyeliner is usually marked deeply around his eyes, and lips. His hair is done in purple and red streaks, and his bangs long enough to reach his nose but he keeps the hair to the side in a Trowa of Gundam Wing kind of fashion, while the back is spiked up, but is slightly shorter than the front. There is a small scar on the left side of Yasuo's face, from where he took a few punches and probably a glass bottle to the side of his head. Race: Zodiac - Capricorn Morph: Panther Position: Torn. After meeting with the angel Sartael, he has been give hope against hope that God or some other force has some masterful plan for him. Power: + Medium telepathy capabilities + Shadow melding Weapon: Two long daggers each about the size of a normal sized wakizashi, that can attach at the hilt to create a swallow. The sheaths are attached to either thigh. He also uses a small Fuma like dagger in his right boot. Bio: Yasuo was born to a single parent. His mother raised him with the help of her sister. Six years later, his mom married a young man, Orochi, not the best of fathers, but there are worse out there. Yasuo picked up the guitar at the age of 8 and began to learn quite quickly. After spending some time on the guitar, he got into the school orchestra as a bassist. He bought his first electric bass when he was 13, and started a band with a few kids from school. Their lead singer was the girl that Yasuo had a crush on for 2 years, her name was Hiroko. During high school, Yasuo was a lone wolf. Rarely seen with anybody, unless they were a part of his band. After the horrible beating he took defending his friend Hiroko he became even more stand-offish from society. He cares for those that he loves, and doesn't trust a single human that he doesn't know. After a Grigori-half-breed attacked Yasuo in his own home, killing his mother and step-father, Yasuo has been residing at his friend Hiroko's new home, somewhere south of Kyoto. [I]Sorry to be so late with the sign up guys, finals and end of college shtuff. :animesigh Later![/I]
  14. Oh yeah, at the end of my post I was supposed to give props to Demonchild for helping me with my post. Just needed to give a special thanks to her. :animeswea Sorry for not posting it then, I was kinda rushed for time :animeblus
  15. OOC: Hey, just to let everyone know, I finally found out that movie that I was thinking of when designing Hiroko's house. So if you've seen the movie [U]Tonari no Totoro[/U], that's what the house and bathroom would look like. I can't find any pictures of it though, gomendasai :animeblus [FONT=Arial Narrow]Another day of training. Yasuo thought as he lay in bed, waiting for the sleep to leave his eyes and limbs. His rib stung him again as he took a breath. He ran his hand across the bandages and rest it ontop of the rib that hurt. After a moment of trying to concentrate on other thoughts and block out his pain, Yasuo moved the sheets off of his body, sitting up in bed. Placing his feet on the floor, he took a second before standing up and brushing his hair from his face. Yasuo walked with his elbows close to his body to help relieve some of the pain of his rib. He walked into the bathroom. It was a traditional Japanese bathroom, with the giant tub on the side of the room. Removing the pants that Yasuo slept in, and his boxers, Yasuo then began to unravel his bandages on his chest. The painful process took a while, and relieved the young man when he was lathering himself up. After Yasuo had bathed, he had gotten into a fresh change of clothes, which included a pair of blue jeans and a plain, white tank top. Grabbing the blades that Yasuo had become accustomed to he strapped them to either thigh. Hiroko was still sound asleep. Perhaps six o'clock was still too early for most. Silently slipping out of the traditional Japanese household, Yasuo made his way to the small forest that he favored for his training ground. Walking through the garden out back and over the pond with the countless flashes of orange and white swimming below, he opened the rear gate and walked through, shutting it behind him. As Yasuo reached the edge of the forest, only fifty or so yards from the house, he found his favorite of the trees. Laying his weapons down in front of him, he sat cross legged at the base, and began to clear his mind of all thoughts. Focusing on the rustling of the trees, and the cool breeze. Flashes of Oni appeared. The ugly beast's quick movements. His rib flared for a moment and subsided. The smell of his mother's blood entered his nostrils. The look of fright on his sister as he chased her down to save her, then the vision of Hiroko when Yasuo first saw her in the hospital... [I]As she entered the room, Yasuo could immediately feel her presence. He opened his one good eye to look upon her. She avoided his glance and stayed at the opposite end of the room. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Kenji shut the door so Hiroko could be alone with him. The awkwardness and pain filled the air to an unbearable level. Hiroko's lip was a little bloodied and her left eye swollen and bruised a little. Behind the wounds she still looked as beautiful as ever. He wanted to smile at the sight of her, but something inside gave him the feeling that he shouldn't... They stayed there in complete silence for a long while, neither of them speaking a word. Until she decided to speak up, "Do you remember anything?" she whispered in Japanese. With a slow shake of his head that made his head throb even more so than before another silence settled in. Hiroko continued to stay at the far side of the room, her arms crossed, hunching a little. How he longed to just enbrace her. "I'm sorry," nearly escaped his lips...[/I] "I'm sorry..." Yasuo whispered to the wind. Unexpectedly, it responded... "So much pain filters through your voice, my child. Why does one so young bleed so terribly?" The soothing voice spoke in perfect Japanese, startling Yasuo only because it was so sudden and out of the blue. He had heard no one walk up to him, and this voice sounded so close, he could almost feel them right next to him... Yasuo lunged forward for one of his blades. His fingers felt only the grass and dirt where his weapons once layed. "Are you looking for these?" The stranger draped a handle over Yasuo's shoulder. The boy turned, and looked to his right. Leaning against the very same tree he was, stood the stranger. An angelic face returned a warm and welcoming smile. "Who are you?" Yasuo asked calmly, slowly taking the handle that adorned his right shoulder. Then grasping the other that his new friend handed him in the same fashion. "I am Sartael, a creature created by God. Do you not recognize me?" The angel's tone was slightly playful, but still extremely respectful. Yasuo rose to his feet and sheathed his weapons. "There is no God." Yasuo said, never looking away from Sartael's gaze. He stood strong with his hands by his sides, ignoring the pain from his chest. The angel's eyes grew wide as she reached for her nearly flat chest. "How can you say such hurtful words? Is the presence of an angel not enough proof for you?" With that, Sartael turned to face Yasuo completely, spreading her wings slightly to back up her words. Yasuo was taken back by this gesture. He calmed his nerves and spoke, "What's to say you aren't a demon? There is nothing in this world to lead me to believe your words, 'angel'." He spoke mockingly towards this beautiful creature. Something tore at his chest fiercely and he struggled internally to contain it. "I assure you that I am not a demon, Yasuo." The angel spoke, seeing the boy's pain through his eyes. "Allow me to show you." The angel stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on the boy's ribs. He tried to pull away, but found that he could not. A warmth began to grow inside of him, slowly washing over his pain. It all happened so quickly and before Yasuo knew what happened, the angel stood smiling before him. The pain in his chest had been vanquished, and Yasuo moved freely. Stretching his chest back he asked under his breath, "How?" "My dear boy, I am an angel. We have been given many gifts to help God's most valued creation." The angel smiled brightly. Still awestrucken, Yasuo stared into Sartael's eyes. He saw no lies or deception. He felt calm, at peace. [I]Could she truly be an angel?[/I] Thoughts of the past flooded Yasuo's thoughts, drowning any pleasure he once had. "Then why now? Why reveal yourself to me now? Why weren't you there when I needed God? Wh- ..." Yasuo trailed off, ending his senseless ramble and shaking his head and clenching his fist. "Ah, you question God now, Yasuo. You did not then." Yasuo shot an angry glare the angel's way. She continued, "Besides, the Zodiac come and they all could use a friendly face." The angel still maintained a pleasant smile despite Yasuo's outburst. "Zodiac?" The angel ran her fingers through her heavenly hair and sighed. "I have forgotten that you do not know what you are." Deep down Yasuo understood her words, but the meaning escaped his grasp every time he tried to obtain it from within himself. The image of the ugly beast, Oni entered his mind. Hatred washed over him, the memories still fresh. "So what am I, angel?" "You, Yasuo, are a Zodiac. A human given the ability to keep the balance. You have already experienced this with your shadow abilities and your transformation." The words stung his heart. She knew... She may be the real deal. "How can such dark powers be of any use to your God?" He continued, "and again, why now? Why not before my mother died, before Hiroko..." He shook his head again. "God has forsaken me. What balance is there to keep when one so tormented must keep it?" "There must be dark to have light, Yasuo." Sartael reached for the young boy's face. He was hesitant, but allowed it. Her fingers were warm to his skin, and soothing to his heart. "That is part of the balance. God has tested you and you were the one to fail him. Your misguided torment will bring new light to the Zodiac and they will bring you a new reason for life." These words comforted him somehow. Yasuo closed his eyes and inhaled, letting go of his pain and anger. Sartael leaned in and embraced the boy. He stood strong, yet on the inside, he could feel himself begin to melt. Hearing footsteps behind him, Yasuo's eyes sprung open. He no longer looked upon the angel. Her embrace had faded, and he turned to look upon Hiroko, walking towards him only a few yards away. "I thought you weren't going to do this until your chest healed, Yasuo." She stood very motherly. "I'm fine." He said, looking up towards the sky. How he longed to look at the stars...[/FONT]
  16. Um, quick question... if there are bombs flying everywhere, and communication is still down and all... how are you guys going to fly on a plane? :animeswea
  17. [FONT=Arial Narrow]The blades sung as they slashed at the air. The movements were becoming more fluid from the last time they were used by the young man. Stepping forward and swinging his arm up he moved. The simplest move, and the pain struck him again. He dropped the blade in his right hand and clutched his chest. He recognized this pain. A broken or fractured rib. Oni had left his mark. Yasuo had hoped that the cut on his forehead, the bloodied lip, and the countless bruises would be enough. I guess the human body wasn't built to handle so much. The images of his fight with the enigma raced through his head. What was he? And why was the thing out to kill Yasuo? Looking into the distance at where Yasuo buried the creature he questioned. He sneered at the thought of talking to [I]Him[/I] again. No God would let so much pain come to Yasuo and those around him. Pushing any thoughts of his past out of his mind, he bent down to pick up his blade. As Yasuo slowly stood, he heard the footsteps behind him and slowly turned. Knowing full well who was there even before he saw her face. Dressed in a simple white tank top and a school girl's skirt she stood. He sheathed his weapons on either thigh. She spoke first. "How's your head?" She questioned in Japanese. "Fine." Yasuo retorted. As he stood tall and righted himself he flinched from the sudden pain in his ribs. "Yasuo?" She reached out to touch him. Yasuo's first reaction was to back away sharply. Hiroko withdrew her hands and placed them on her hips. "It's nothing." He said. Hiroko only cocked her head, acting all too motherly. She sighed and shook her head, taking Yasuo's hand in hers and lead him back to the house where she would apply the proper bandages. At first glance you may think the two were married.[/FONT] OCC: Thinking what I'm thinking Kairi? ;) Sorry for the shortness, I just felt like I needed to write hehe :animeswea
  18. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Hey everybody, first Underground post for AMD, yay! Anyways, I'm just posting here to let you all know that I changed Yasuo's second skill from his power absorbtion to shadowmelding. Unable to do physical damage while in the shadows, but can meld into them almost instantly to avoid damage and travel through the darkness. Think Vampire Hunter D without being able to kill someone while in the shadows. I would have told ya all sooner but I'm waiting for my friend to finish drawing Yasuo for me. She's an amazing artist, but she's being all smart and stuff doing actual school work before my picture :animesigh I'll also just be waiting for everyone to find me at Hiroko's place in Japan unless something super extraordinary must move me from Japan and all. Okeydokey, PM me when you want to meet or something. Much love everyone.[/FONT] -~Omino Jaku~-
  19. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Black. An empty void stared back at Yasuo through his eyelids in the dimly lit room. He sat cross-legged, lost in thought as he recalled the last day in his mind. It was only a day since his mother had passed, and he brought his sister to his aunt Sachi's. Oni, Yasuo had given the intruder this name. Oni, the demon that murdered half of his family, and awoken something fierce within himself. What had provoked this creature to do such deeds? And what of his new and peculiar powers? Perhaps the stars held the answers. As he opened his eyes to gaze at the stars, he felt it... The presence was outside, staring back into the window that Yasuo sat under. He rose, shirtless, wearing only the jeans that he had borrowed from his cousin. How lucky he was that they were about the same size. He looked out the window to see the Oni, standing in the shadows of the trees, his legs shown by the moon. He was waiting. He knew Yasuo had noticed him. The smile spread across his ugly face, draped in shadow. A cold shiver ran up Yasuo's back. He looked towards Hiroko, who was sound asleep. A silent oath broke the silence of the room. "He will not harm you." Yasuo whispered to his dreaming friend. The blades glistened in the moonlight as Yasuo stepped out, feeling the cool grass at his feet. Thank goodness Hiroko's brother liked to buy swords online. These particular blades were short and straight. They could hook together to create a double sided blade; a swallow Yasuo believed they were called. He held them loosely, pointing downwards at his sides. Oni hadn't moved. The two stared at each other for a long while. He had forgotten how tall Oni was, reaching seven feet, or more Oni stood. The clouds above blocked the pale moon light for a moment. When the light came back, the battle had begun. Yasuo ran towards the creature with great speed, blades held tightly in his hands. He brought the weapons up to his chest and lunged at Oni, bringing his left hand around to cut at the creature's neck. Oni was quicker than last time, Yasuo had struck the tree behind him. Ducking down below Yasuo's swing Oni brought his right hand into Yasuo's lower rib cage. Flinging the young man into the air. All the oxygen left his lungs when the blow struck, and his back was the first thing to feel the damp grass and the hard dirt. Rolling onto his side Yasuo righted himself. Too quick again, Oni was on him. Before Yasuo knew it he saw the stars and the cloudy black sky. It was so beautiful. Grass, dirt, hard... Yasuo couldn't feel the blades in his hands now. He must have lost them after the last blow. Something trickled down his face, blood most likely. Oni had Yasuo's neck in his hand picking him up off the ground. Out of the corner of his eye, Yasuo saw the shimmering of one of his blades. A swift knee to Oni's face loosened the creature's grip only slightly enough to strike the elbow that held him up. A sickening crack and a grunt was heard. Hitting the ground Yasuo rolled towards his weapon and thrusted it into Oni's lower leg. Another grunt, and pain. Yasuo felt pain in his face, must be knuckles. Damp ground, Yasuo was on the ground, under the shadow of a tree. He could see Oni prepare to strike Yasuo again as he lay. This could hurt. A cold wave swept over the young boy. He needed to move, he needed to dodge this blow and grab his other blade. [I]What to do in such a short time[/I], he thought. The cold, numbness crept over him and he closed his eyes. He heard Oni's fist strike with a thud, but no pain. As he opened his eyes, Yasuo could see Oni look about. What had happened? And why could Yasuo move so freely? He didn't care at this time, he needed to finish this, Oni was too strong and too fast. He reached his hand out for the blade in Oni's leg, he saw the black shadow of a hand as it materialized and grasped the blade. The surprised look on the creature's face was priceless. It was even better as the pain seeped through his body when the blade was pulled from its wound. The look in Oni's eyes was what hurt Yasuo. The blade stuck from the giant's chest and Yasuo could see the pain, the innocence of this creature through his eyes. It hurt, yet the satisfaction and taste for revenge was bittersweet and much to his liking. The titan fell limp on the ground. Yasuo rose slowly, feeling nauseaous and light-headed post battle. Another mystery to Yasuo was forming. First the panther form, now this shadowy hand, and the dodging of Oni's blow towards the ground. He gazed up at the stars, feeling the blood drip over his face, Oni's and his own. Perhaps the stars held the answer... For God would no longer speak to Yasuo, he damned him for his losses. Peering over to Hiroko's room, Yasuo knew he would protect her with his life. But what of his knew powers, and the turn for the worst that this world had taken. Perhaps the stars held the answer...[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Arial Narrow]11:31 stared back at Yasuo as he looked around the room for a path around this large creature. There was little light, coming in from the hallway after his door had been left open by this beast. "There's no escape." Bellowed the intruder. Yasuo barely understood the creature's quickly spoken english. But he did not care, he looked around frantically dressed in little more than his leather pants that he had fallen asleep in an hour before this event, his choker still around his neck. The creature took a step forward, and Yasuo backed up ever so slightly. Unfortunately that put him up against the wall. A fist had come at Yasuo no sooner than he had hit the wall, little time to react. Moving to his right, he had dodged the blow, and was prepared to strike back. A palm strike to his attacker's chin with his right hand, and a reverse punch to his solar plexis was landed and his opponent took a step back, phased for the split second needed for Yasuo to take a running start for the door. Nope, not fast enough, the monster returned the favor with a back handed fist to Yasuo's right cheek. A strong blow throwing Yasuo against the wall and onto his bed with a sickening thud. The sound must have woken his curious sister, because he could hear her footsteps in the hallway. The intruder turned to look at her; Yasuo could see the sick smile on his face. His sister was meerly twelve, she did not deserve to die, a straight A's student and prosperous young girl. He wouldn't stand for her death. It was that instant that something strange brewed inside of Yasuo. Something he had never felt before. His organs churned, and felt as though they were shifting in his gut. It felt almost natural, and painless. His eyes changed their vision, the night became clearer and he could see his assailant perfectly. The creature was hideous, and Yasuo would remember a face like that. He definitely did not know the man... thing... As the sensation subsided, Yasuo could feel he had changed somehow. He could not pinpoint it until he tried to stand. He now walked on all fours, and his feet felt smaller, lighter... with claws... [I]Works for me[/I], he thought to himself, and lunged at the creature. It turned to look at Yasuo before recieving a black paw landing upon it's left cheek, tearing flesh as momentum took it's course. Completely caught off gaurd the creature stumbled into a wall, Yasuo had lept too far and hit his door frame, yet tried to keep up his pace running into the hallway. "AAH!!" His sister's high pitched scream rang in his ears as she turned to run away from the intruder... or perhaps she was running from Yasuo... Whatever she was running from it was the right idea, but she was too slow. The natural thing for Yasuo to do seemed to be to pick her up with his mouth, so he did. Clutching the back of her pajama shirt Yasuo carried her down the hall. Glancing out of the corner of his eyes he saw his mother and step-father's room. He smelt the blood eminating from the room... Nothing he could do now, he carried his sister out the open front door, lucky for him no longer having hands and all. Still unaware of what he was now Yasuo kept up his pace with his little sister still hanging from his mouth. She screamed and squirmed, but he held on until he dove in between some buildings. He put her down and watched her crawl away. [I]But, it's me![/I] Yasuo thought. As he longed to see what he had become, Yasuo lept up onto a window ledge and peered at the figure in the glass. Whiskers, black fur, and yellow cat eyes... A panther face stared back at him. Longing to be human again brought back the sensation. His eyes transformed before him, and the whiskers turned into the five o' clock shadow he had left before bed. His fur had become his pale skin again and he finally recognized his own reflection. "Yasuo?!" His sister whispered loudly, no longer crawling away. She stood, not caring to brush herself off. There were dried tears on her face, and she sniffled as she spoke again in Japanese, "Yasuo, what's going on?" "I-I don't know..." He couldn't control the lone tear that streamed down his cheek. Was it for his mother and step-father? His sister? He did not know, but didn't hold it back. Instead wiping from his face violently, turning his attention towards his little sister. "Yasuo, who was that? And, how- how did you do that?" She asked again. "I don't know..." There was a long silence, but with the death of his gaurdians, and the probable pursuit of his attacker he knew that he needed to hide his sister. "Mitsu, do you remember your aunt Sachi, right?" "Yeah." "I'm gonna take you there and we're gonna tell her about the ugly guy and all. But we're not going to tell her about me being a cat or anything, ok?" "But what about mom and dad?" The question stung in his chest. He swallowed hard before answering, keeping his emotions in check. "They'll be ok, but we need to get to aunt Sachi's to be safe, ok?" No need to tell her the truth yet. Couldn't risk the scene she would make. "Ok..." Yasuo reached for his sister's hand. She was reluctant to grab it at first, but she reluctantly took hold and the two looked down the street before stepping out. Once the coast was clear, brother and sister ran hand in hand the two kilometers to their aunt's house.[/FONT]
  21. It was a clear night sky and the moon showed dimly upon the lonely street. Yasuo walked along the side of Hiroko keeping his eyes upon the ground before him, and his hands in his pockets. His bass was in it's case, strapped to his back like a backpack. Hiroko carried nothing but the clothes she wore. She noticed Yasuo's staring at the road before him and snaked her head down under his line of sight to catch his attention. "What's the matter with you?" She said in Japanese. "Huh? Oh, nothing." Yasuo replied. "Oh come on, don't, 'oh, nothing' me, mister." Hiroko said, "I can read you like an open book. Now what's wrong?" "Nothing... just you..." Yasuo paused and looked at Hiroko, both slowing their walking for a moment. He grabbed one of the straps on his guitar case and said, "...and Kenji. I'm worried about you." "Oh..." Hiroko looked down at the ground and then up towards the sky. They shared a silent concensus and quickened their pace back to normal and didn't speak of Hiroko's relationship with Kenji for the remainder of the night. Yasuo shifted the bass on his back and returned his hands to his pockets. He looked ahead at the sound of some laughter in the distance. A group of drunk teenagers lumbering around, laughing loudly and making quite a ruckus. Yasuo paid it no attention until one of the four spoke to Hiroko as they neared. "Hey Baby. Come on over and keep me company tonight." This man was nearing six feet tall. His nose was large and seemed to encompass his entire face. [CENTER]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~[/CENTER] Yasuo opened his right eye, that blinding light, he rolled his head to try and avoid it. Ooo, the pain of just moving hurt him so. [I]What happened?[/I] He thought to himself. "You're awake." A voice that sounded like Kenji's came from the direction of Yasuo's feet. "Wh-what, where I am? Kenji, is that you?" Yasuo called out, desperately searching for his friend. "Yeah, your mom's outside. I'm going to get her." Yasuo could hear Kenji start to get up, and he tried desperately to remember what happened, and where he was. A light flickered in Yasuo's mind, "Wait, Kenji, where's Hiroko?" A moment or two passed before Yasuo could hear Kenji make any sort of noise. Kenji then spoke, "She went home. Yasuo, do you remember anything?" As he tried to think, flashes of blurred images came to him. He stared at the large one with the big nose as he slapped Hiroko. Yasuo saw himself move forward and strike his gigantic nose, able to see the blood fly out in every direction. The others were on him in the next instance. Pain struck his right cheek. He felt pavement for a moment before he freed himself from his bass and spun around to face the four. Standing in the shadows Yasuo heard a thud and then a crash of glass and everything went red. He felt pain all over his body and heard grunts coming from deep inside of him. The last thing Yasuo remembered was a scream. Hiroko's scream... "Kenji... where am I?" Yasuo muttered. "...You're in the hospital." "Kenji... how long-" "Four days... you've been out cold for four days..." Kenji choked on his words, obviously fighting tears. "And Hiroko? Is Hiroko ok?!" Lunging out of his bed to see his friend, his chest hurt almost feeling a crack and fell back against the pillow. He could feel Kenji's hands upon his chest. "Yasuo, stay down, you have to let yourself heal." "Hiroko, where's Hiroko?" He whispered. Why were tears in his eyes, surely she was ok, she has to be! "Yasuo... Hiroko... Hiroko was raped. She's home right now." "No... no..." The tears were uncontrollable, the pain in his gut greater than the dull thud going through his head right now. "No, it can't be..." [CENTER]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~[/CENTER] Two months later Yasuo was in his room lifting a barbell with his right arm, sitting in his room, with his music blasting throughout his tiny house. Hiroko had moved four weeks ago, and the band had dissipated. Yasuo felt as if he had no one left in this world. He only worked on strengthening his mind and body now, wishing he could change the past. A total of three broken ribs had healed, his left hand had been fractured, four fake teeth, and a long, barely visible scar streaked down the left side of his face. Yet the deepest scar had been struck to his best friend. How he missed her presence. [I]Enough reminiscing[/I], he thought to himself. Putting down the weight lightly on his floor, Yasuo walked to the kitchen to grab himself a drink. As he looked over to the television screen he could see something important and groundbreaking was on the news. Politicians killed? Heh, Yasuo liked the sound of that, but something seemed to turn his stomach as he drank the contents of his glass quickly.
  22. [FONT=Arial Narrow]A bead of sweat slid down Yasuo's nose, dangling for a moment before ending it's journey on the floor in front of him. His hair a tangled mass, blocking only parts on the glaring light. It beat down on his body, making it glisten brilliantly. His fingers had never ached so much in his life. The pulsing in his ears just kept on growing louder and louder. He deepened his stance and the adrenaline flowed with greater force than ever before. Just a few more moments to hold out. He could feel the end growing nearer, his fingers worked fervently to keep up with the accursed tempo. With the final pluck of the string, he lifted his arm in triumph, and began to breathe deeply. He heard his friend, Hiroko's voice say in japanese, "Thank you and good night!" over the roar of the crowd. His band's first show, and they were already recieving encores and shouts of praise from the audience before him. Yasuo looked around for people he knew, seeing friends from high school here to support him, and many an unfamiliar face. He looked over towards Hiroko the lead singer and shot her a smile when she glanced his way. The lights faded at that moment, and Yasuo felt even more at peace. He never liked the light, always in the shadows you'd find him. He felt at home when shrouded in darkness. After he had laid his bass to rest in its case, Yasuo journeyed over to the bar and asked the bartender for water. "Wow, you guys are great." he heard behind him in japanese. He spun around slowly to gaze upon a gorgeous asian woman, about his height. "Domo." He replied. "Here you go." he heard the bartender say in japanese. He turned and picked up the water and began to sip it and leaned back onto the bar, feeling relaxed and at ease. He was about to make his move when Hiroko and the lead guitarist, Kenji squeezed their way inbetween the two to get to the bar. "Yasuo!!" Kenji said in japanese, "We fuckin' rocked!" "What did you think?" Hiroko said. "Your singing was off key." Yasuo replied with a chuckle. He gazed back into the crowd to find the beatiful girl, but much to his dismay she was gone, swallowed up by the mass of people. Hiroko brought his attention back by punching him on his shoulder. He grabbed his shoulder in fake pain, and began to whine, "Hiroko, that hurt..." "Good, you goon. Hey Kenji, can you drive me home?" "Would love to, but I'm going the opposite direction babe." Kenji replied. "I'll walk you home." Yasuo butted in. "Thank you Yasuo, you're too kind." she said, as Hiroko shot an evil glare over to Kenji. He kissed her forehead and thanked Yasuo before leaving the bar to go run drinks to the drummer and rythm guitarist. Hiroko grabbed his rear as he left almost spilling the drinks. She sighed and turned her back to the crowd. Yasuo joined her and glanced over his should towards her. Hiroko returned his gaze and said, "Wanna get out of here?" "Yeah, too noisy for me." Yasuo replied. Hiroko lead the way, with Yasuo trailing only a short distance behind. [/FONT]
  23. Name: (Uncertain as of this moment) Height: 5'6" Weight: 120 Age: physically - 17, soul - 140 Appearance: A serious J-rock punk. He is of Japanese descent, and has very beautiful and captivating eyes. Both are blue with a hint of violet in each strand of the iris. A smallish nose, complementing his beautiful facial structure, with smallish, seductive lips. Never seen in anything but black. Usually found wearing a favorite spiked black collar, large black boots that reach the top of his calves, and tight leather bondage pants that he tucks into his boots. A tight Muscle tee is worn under a fishnet that reaches the base of his fingers, where he wears fingerless leather gloves. Black eyeliner marked deeply around his eyes, and lips. His hair is done in purple and red streaks, and his bangs long enough to reach his nose but he keeps the hair to the side in a Trowa of Gundam Wing kind of fashion, while the back is spiked up, but is slightly shorter than the front. (I'm getting a friend to draw a picture of him, should be good) Race: Zodiac - Capricorn Position: Neutral - Unsure as to where he lies Power: Medium telepathy capabilities, and power absorbtion abilities. Morph: Panther (Looking for good pics) Weapon: Two long daggers each about the size of a normal sized wakizashi, that can attach at the hilt to create a swallow. The sheaths are attached to either thigh. He also uses a small Fuma like dagger in his right boot. Bio: (Workin' on it) Lemme know what you think so far, and I'll write more on the bio when it's not 3 AM on St. Patty's day. :P
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