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Everything posted by Coltonw911

  1. What makes people popular? I ask this cause in the begining of this year I was really popular but ive lost cool points , alot of them.Does anyone else have this problem?
  2. Would I change mine? some yes and some no. certain events good or bad worked out for the better reasons in my life.... i would change the fact that I cannot have a relationship for a long period of time though lol. i needed to be more patient and thats why im tryin to fix that already,
  3. I think it depends on what they did. what ever happend to you do to me what you done for my people? like if they killed over one or if it was a nasty murderous kill they should let each one of the victims family members have hooks, glass, and razorblades on his sick perverted a.s!(wow that rymes) but if he hit them with a car then they should shock him but let him live in pain ...pain that will forever be in the hearts of the families ....to remind him.And if someone gets raped i think that should be death right there!
  4. Im definatly into the whole romance thing but i can relate to action. Ramos-bozu(jk) I read mangas with a love story within the fighting....like they become partners and fight ....while you definatly need comedy in there and the main character has to get embarassed and you gotta feel his pain. like you wince when there hurt, laugh when they do something, or feel nervous for them. I geuss i would say a classic mixed with the new stuff...a all around good manga.
  5. I ve dreamt good dreams mostly but they are real!! once i dreamt the same dream for five years straight jumping off a building and waking up on the floor(i trew away the bunk!). My advice is to write them and make cool books you can make lots of money (weve writin afew)
  6. This might be hard but can anyone please create a banner and avatar of someone(anyone) from gatekeepers?(its by tokyopop just in case you dk.)I just want it to look cool.(and for the record sorry for affending you ozymandius-san.)
  7. what is a ghost but a spirit? Do you have a spirit? it is a soul that lies in purgatory waiting for its sin to be cleansed(great manga idea) and to be free to leave this world. it is a trapped spirit held in contempt and is not free to rest until it has served its punishment.Have I seen a Ghost? Perhaps not, but damn close. when my granfather died i felt the presence of him in my home then i recieved a phone call with noone on the line shortly before I recieved a call from the hospital.nah im just messin I have a good imagination i do believe in ghosts though! :animesmil
  8. (Yeaahh.....rrrawwwhhh....) Todays breaking news....over to you tom... Hello...today..were doin spring break right in ny where we just witnessed a new record....over one million people just drank toxic chemicals from the water in mexico and from the sewage system in new york. many expieriance wierd side-affects and may result to death, but who cares a party is a party and were all gonna shrivel up anyway.... back to you anne. [QUOTE=LostProphet]new picture time...... [IMG]http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/03/21/kyrgyzstan.riots.ap/story.kyrgyzmon4.ap.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] This picture actually represents the worlds smallest collection of people.they are the size of pens and are extrodinary....nevermind they are small, stupid, alchoholics. To see more info on this breed of mini party animals please go to: [url]www.fakesite.com[/url] [QUOTE=LostProphet]new picture time...... [IMG]http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/03/21/kyrgyzstan.riots.ap/story.kyrgyzmon4.ap.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] small one in front: that was awesome did you fricken see that? Bottle hes holding:" Ola! Senior!" I think you drank a little mucho? Small man: no way "hic*" I love rice wine, its not actually vision imparing!" Bottle: ummm, im not rice wine im tequila senior!? Small man: "I dont care"hic*" youre beautiful to me nomatter what youre name is!" Bottle: " watch out for the dogs senoir, they look angry!? Maybe you souldnt have partied so hard you bit one!?Hang on.. that grande puppy Senior!? Small man: "AhhhhAu!" Crowd of drunks: Noice party guys, run its godzilla!!!!AAAHHHH! [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: I combined your triple post into your first response. Remember if you need to add a response directly after a post you just made, use the edit button or wait until someone else responds. Double (and more) posts are against the rules of the site. Please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators if you have any questions concerning this. Thanks. -Panda[/COLOR]
  9. Can anyone make a cool banner of angels?Like a dark fighting light would be awesome and describe my personality perfectly!Thanks alot if you do. And perhaps you could write something like "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear", thanks!
  10. Hey everyone just made a link to say "hi", and to talk about my new manga(please tell me if its corny or stupid!) its called "family crests" and its about travellers on earth that run in secret societies in the cities and underground,unknown,places.One day a war breaks out from the start of a rebellion and its up to different families(that of which are to meet in the future) to protect the worlds greatest secret...
  11. The question I ask is like a game. Where is ozy! I cant seem to ever catch him. I saw his banners and I gotta give him credit. GOOD JOB! :animesmil
  12. I think your pretty good at drawing but the truth is you need more work on the head. I think you might need some inpiration then work a bit longer on the pics. But... thats just me! They look pretty good though. :p
  13. Hi! Can anyone answer why some people make letters so small? Its time consuming and harder to read. well..thats my opinion. And also does anyone have AOL?Really!
  14. i dont know what kind of clothes to draw and need ideas!
  15. Ramen! Hi im makin a new manga and ideas are runnin low its classical about a girl in highschool born with the element of wind. She is goin to an academy to harness this power to fight cockroaches? just messin but she is assighned a team and a sensei its really cool. ideas of nemes and pictures are usefull ill add you in. :catgirl:
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