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Master G

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About Master G

  • Birthday 09/05/1984

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  1. Apparently I'm the second best artist in my school, uhm, and my uncanny good looks... Actual talent? well then, that would be nothing maybe to spend money like I have too much of it when I have little. I can hussle like crazy & pimp girls like nuts
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]I once burnt a CD.....It melted and turned black. [/B][/QUOTE] ...*sigh*...:o Not that kind of burning...I hope you know that's not the kind we are talking about and if CD burning is illegal...ah nevermind..lol
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue][size=1][b]I like Clint Eastwood, but I also like 19/2000...which I didn't like at first. lol But now I'm really starting to like it. Their songs kind of grow on me...[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I like M1-A1 Alot...that might be my fave song, that and Man Research (or Main...i dunno)
  4. They are made up of dif members of diff bands like i said b4...2-D is from blur well, atleast he is Noodle is a 10yr old chinese girl murdoch & Russel...beats me
  5. Didn't know him and by what you say I dun wanna lates PS --> Fair Decision
  6. That would be either a bunny my grandma made for me, or my Guard Bear Guard Bear - n.; A big red bear that wore a green sweater and slept with him while I was little... That's it...maybe...nope, that's it
  7. School: Lots of ppl know me Work: Everybody knows me and likes me as far as I know..I've not heard otherwise...all the girls give me hugs and such
  8. I like all of the Cash Money Millionares and Ja Rule along with DMX and Jay-Z :)
  9. That's why vegeta cut his hair, and their hair changed in GT Vegeta looked kick *** in his street clothes!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]Sometimes i would go to ssj 6 if it was real......I cant control my anger sometimes..I explode [/B][/QUOTE] Heh...I can control my anger very well, but IO have SO much of it..I would go well past SSJ20 All the time..I wish that SSJ Levels were real... I can feel that, if I concentrate hard enough, I feel my power raising..it's cool
  11. Teenage Gohan was the best, there is no one better besides lil ol' gotenks :) Gohan was the coolest character
  12. SSJ4 is not a true SSJ Level...its a Saiya-jin/Oozaru hybrid But Gotenks in SSJ3 looks the greatest! :D
  13. Actually..... [size=4][b]WHO CARES???[/b][/size]
  14. Those fake SSJ pics are cool, well, they can be, and some are just really really bad You know what..you never see a PURE female Saiya-jin
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