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Everything posted by Raven's wing
Addictions...Let's see. (In this order) Rain...the embodiment of life, lol. If you don't dance in it, you'll never understand... :rolleyes: Dr.Pepper...the best drink ever...'nuff said. Anime, chiefly Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, Wolf's rain, and Ghost in the shell. Food...ummm.....I like meat. If I didn't respect the earth, I'd be a carnivore. :D
I'm not sure, to be honest with you ...sudden clarity. I'm not familiar with the series...my friends say it's pretty good. It was sudden inspiration, I liked the original pic. Rei was in a bit of sunshine actually, Mistress roxie...I tried to keep that effect against the chaotic background. I don't think it worked very well...I'd blame the program...but that'd be an excuse...so I blame it on my rookie status. Still new.
I don't draw the original art...I just wanted to say that. I didn't color it or anything...I wish I was that good. That's actually the reason I turned to Photoshopping, I'm not that good with pen and paper. About the texts...I'm working with an extremely limited range. I have an early system...(5.0) and it's very frustrating. I'm saving up for a better program. I'm experimenting with a few ideas...if I find something that works, you can bet I'll have a broader range. Sorry about the blandness, but there's not much I can do about it right this second. Thanks for the comments, by the way. I'm only sorry that Black Moon is the only one who saw what I was doing with the Wallpaper. Maybe I'll redo it, when I get a little better.
What made me want to cry....oh god where do i begin?....lesse. In trigun.....[spoiler]Wolfwood's death....*pays homage, lol*[/spoiler] In Wolf's Rain....[spoiler]Toboe's death...He was my fave.[/spoiler] In Witch Hunter Robin...[spoiler]When Amon was shot...when Amon returned...Amon...period.[/spoiler] Episode 7 Of Full Metal Alchemist...I think it's been said quite a bit. In cowboy bebop..... [spoiler]Spike (dying): " Bang." Me( dropping pillow and remote): " WHAAAATT!!!! NOOOOOOOOOoooooooo :wow: !......*pays homage*[/spoiler] Another in Bebop: [spoiler]" Hello self...How are you feeling? Did you sleep well? " - young Faye.[/spoiler] In Ghost in the shell: [spoiler](best episode ever....)" I'd thought I'd pretend I was one of those Meaf-Mutes." [/spoiler] 2nd best: [spoiler]The serial killer...aw crap...I'll edit when I remember.[/spoiler]
Well if you're past the DBZ stage, I'd recommend Cowboy Bebop...maybe Trigun. What you watch is really up to you...but...I warn you, Some series (Ghost in the Shell for example) are a little heavy. Give Witch Hunter Robin a shot, if you're looking for good characters, action, and drama though. The storyline is great.
I've seen the Witch Hunter Robin series three times, Wolf's Rain twice, Trigun twice, and I'm on my second run with Cowboy Bebop. The above stated anime are the best I've ever seen.
I'd have to say one of the biggest dissapointments I've seen so far would have to be the Poke' mon. I'm sorry and I know the show is for children...but that really shouldn't count as anime...Neither should Hamtaro. Definitely not Hamtaro... Misty and Bijou can burn... Yu-gi-oh treads a fine line as well. That's just my opinion, however, no offense to anybody. Besides these shows kind of lead the kids to the good stuff later on... I went from Dragonball, to Inuyasha and Full Metal Alchemist, to Cowboy bebop ( still can't get over this series...it rocks :animesmil ), to Ghost in the Shell [stand alone complex]. Eventually they get to the good stuff.......eventually.
This is a really good series...but i have to agree with R2vq...sometime the animation are a little extreme....But...anyway. I'm not exactly sure which episode it was...the [spoiler]chimera child..when she was killed[/spoiler]...talk about tugging heartstrings. I hated that episode :animecry: . Overall, I'm big on the alchemy theme. It just holds a certain appeal that other shows don't have. :animesmil
I've only seen one of the movies...I think it was number one...The one with Menomaru. I'm not a die hard Inuyasha fan, but my best friend is, and she made me watch it with her. Surprisingly I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. The fourth movie is coming out soon, as well, isn't it? The animation in the movies is so much better than that on the T.V. series, I will say that. I loved the movie, it's made me watch more of the series. Miroku is the best.
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/Raven1/Rei.jpg[/IMG] Here another one...I'm not fond of this one...Let me know what you think.
[QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1]Hey! I guess I'll evalutate your work. [B]1st picture[/B] was good... but you didn't really do anything to it. All I see is the text, which shouldnt've been to hard. [B]2nd picture[/B] I don't like very much. The blend (if any) was somewhat hard to spot. The rough transition from a black edge, to a picture of a girl, then back to the black is clumsy, and I had trouble spotting your text. That could use some position-tweaking and stuff... make it more noticable. [B]3rd picture[/B] is getting warmer. I like the blend... very nice. But once again, the text is misplaced and would look much better in another area. Play around with it. Only thing wrong is that the image of the raven standing is hard to see... I had to focus on it for a minute for make it out. [B]4th picture[/B] was alright. I liked the idea of tripling the girl's image, but it was done in a blocky-manner, so I can see the picture's outlines. I'd recommend cutting her out completely, so that you don't end up with those blocky lines. The flower is a whole 'nother story, as it is square and pretty much completely unblended. Again, the idea was good, with it looking like it's falling (I guess), but you need to cut out these images, so that it actually looks like a flower is falling. The text was hard to read. And when using elipses (...'s), you might want to only use three. Any more or any less looks awkward. ^_^ [B]The wallpaper[/B] needs improvement as well. The images didn't blend very well into one another, and so I'm left looking at individual cells of images. I'd recommend getting one really big picture of Ed, then maybe putting it over a [I]few[/I] smaller images of him. The text was in the middle and distracting... maybe next time try on an edge. Overall, you could use some work, but [B]Fear not![/B] You'll definetly get better with practice. Good luck in all your future art works.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Thanks for the comments...but in my defense, The pics you've described as "blocky" were supposed to be that way. Especially in the Wallpaper...those are supposed to be many cells of images. As for not doing anything with the first picture...here are the original two pics. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/Raven1/rose_red.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/Raven1/21810-259606.jpg[/IMG] The second picture was my first attempt at photoshoping, and i'm not happy with it either. I intend to redo it soon. The third pic...that's not a raven, it's a man. But I see your point either way.
Please note that I do not take credit for any original artwork. I would love to hear comments. I have used many of these as signatures on different sites. Most don't fit the requirements for this one, however, if you would like a custom banner, just PM me. I'm Raven, by the way :catgirl: . I have many more, but five's the current limit, so comment and I'll put more up in my response. I'm working with Arcsoft Photostudio. This was a personal siggy banner... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/Raven1/angelangel2.jpg[/img] Gabriel from Angel sanctuary... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/Raven1/gabriel01.jpg[/img] Cowboy Bebop ( a personal favorite...spike rocks.) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/Raven1/cowboybanner1.jpg[/img] (Advertisement for another creative arts forum.) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/Raven1/creativearts1.jpg[/img] And yes, this one is a wall paper...lol. [color=teal]I uploaded that last picture for you, since it expanded the screen a bit. Hope you don't mind! ^_^ -Syk3[/color]