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Everything posted by boxybrown305
[COLOR=DarkRed]I love Invader Zim, it's a great show! Gir is by far my favorite character. I love the randomness of it all, something Gir greatly contributes to the show. "I was the turkey all along!," it's just too good. I could go on for hours of all the greatness and great parts of it, but whatever.[/COLOR]
[quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=blue']*reads boxybrown's comment* Pokemon... XD That's priceless.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Finally someone got it! I posted that assuming this was about actual jokes about anime. This has quickly turned to anime insults, in which case i get none. Similar to Mugen i guess, either a lot of people at my school like anime/manga or no one cares (it's a mix of both). If the question arises, i say yeah i like anime, and the response is most likely, "that's cool, that's cool..." Fairly laid back. And i am an upperclassman, along with many of my anime loving friends, so we have no trouble with class.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I don't think that Nintendo is trying to out do Sony's PSP with a [I]second[/I] GBA remake. That's just silly, you couldn't possibly expect someone to get it over PSP. Although, i don't realy understand why they are making it in the first place, because you can already get a GBA for real cheap these days, and DS is backwards compatable with GBA titles, so for someone looking for a new handheld, either DS or PSP is the obvious choice. I never droped extra money on an SP, and certainly wont for this. I'm fine with my original GBA, besides i rarely play gameboy games anymore (or any games for that matter, i've just had a falling out, with some exceptions).[/COLOR]
[quote name='Generic NPC #3']I want to play video games. Consoles are slowly turning into entertainment PCs, not video game platforms. The fact that Nintendo is the only company stressing this idea of "Hey, this thing is about games!" makes me somewhat scared for the future.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Wow, i was thinking the very same thing. X-box, especialy the new 360, and PS3 are looking to be pretty much computers designed solely for video games. Kind of like Alienware, but to an even greater extreme (and cheaper). I have friends that are already talking about hacking the new X-box with an OS. Unfortunately, that'e why so many people don't like Nintendo. I've heard all too often, "does Game Cube play CD's or DVD's? NO, it sucks." WTF!? It's one of the companies that are still making video game systems, meant for video games (as crazy as that concept is).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]There was one stupid kid who used to go to my school who said, "What do you call a Jamacan proctologist?... Pokemon!" The joke wasn't too bad at first, especially since we were in 6th grade at the time, but he overused it way too much, to the point i just hated it. That and i didn't like the kid in the first place.[/COLOR]
[quote name='satan665']It really will be a bad idea if these new consoles cost more than $300.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Maybe, but the way they're all heading, they would cost $400 minimum, probably much more. As i said before, they need to tone it down, otherwise they'll just be too expensive.[/COLOR] [quote name='satan665']If they can pull off some heavy hitters the thing will sell like mad.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]This is true, a few good ones and everyone will be desperate to get their hands on it. I'd buy a PS3 for nothing more than MGS4 (of course there will be many other greats, but that's my big one). The problem with that is that then there would be lots of people selling it after beating the one game they wanted. Well i guess that's not really a problem, but it would be weird.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I agree with Yuka, but as dagger said, it was a feeling i developed over the course of the show. The reason for her jealousy about Nyuu, is that [SPOILER]Yuka loves Kouta (in [I]that[/I] way)[/SPOILER], which you'll find out specifically later. And if you sympathise with Kouta about his loses, wait till they portray how his family died. As for the box, i agree it was pretty basic. The extras were nothing special and the menus were very basic, but i generally buy it for the anime alone, so it doesn't make much difference to me. The only thing i had with it, is that it is represented as some "Bloodfest 2005" or something, as i've said before.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue']Looks great, and sounds like a great system. And the hardware sounds cool too. Hey, wait a minute. How much are games, and how much is the system itself? I'd estimate to about...$350 for the system, and $60 per a game. What do you think?[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Not with the specs they've been showing. Seeing all of this, it [I]must[/I] cost at least $400. The X-box 360 will be liquid cooled! That will be insanely expensive. The way i see it, one of three things will happen, 1) They sell these at an insane price, but everyone (including myself) will buy it anyway; 2) They will end up droping half the specs from the system, making it that much more reasonable, yet slightly less enjoyable; 3) They'll lower the price and keep the specs, and Microsoft and Sony will lose hundreds of dollars for every system sold. That last one is just a joke, but honestly, these will probably be ungodly expensive, or not nearly as good as they're made out to be (Though still good). Granted no matter what path they take, i'll eventually buy them, but i might wait a while. I'm also excited to see what Nintendo will be offering up. Perhaps they will expand beyond video games alone this time (not like i care, i only use my systems for games).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I've never seen 1000 corpses, but i haven't heard many good things. Of course i wont judge until i see it, and i do respect Rob Zombie very much, White Zombie is one of my favorite metal bands. Well, i respect the guy, so i should check out the first movie, then determine if i like it.[/COLOR]
[quote name='J2Assassin']I think that the main point here is that when we all fell like watching anime, do we go to the tried and true titles (Trigun, Slayers, Cowboy Bebop etc.....) or go into some new titles that we may not all know about, like a recent import from Japan, like Air, Samurai Champloo etc., you know the kinds of anime that you look at and have a fight with yourself on wheter or not you get it.[/quote] [quote name='Delta][COLOR=#78593E][SIZE=1]Get something your local networks would never show. The way I see it, networks can't help but stick with one or few anime genres. If one's trying to expand her horizons, one must go beyond her comfort zone (i.e., cable TV).[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]If that's the case, then as i said before, i don't have cable nor do i watch much TV in the first place, therfore my selection of anime is extremely wide. Ranging from the vastly poppulary Cowboy Bebop to the seldom heard of Elfen Lied. I vote for both i suppose. As for what a person should get, just get whatever you want. As people have already said, do a little research, and if it sounds appealing to you get it. This goes for popular or not. Just because something is well known doesn't mean it's bad, the same goes for an obscure title. This can be applied to almost all forms of entertainment. The only deciding factor in my mind is if it appeals specifically to you or not, popularity doesn't atter much.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Honestly I think punk is like Goth. An over dramatized clothing style that is the 'in' thing at this very moment. A way for global corporations to make money on today's youth by cashing in on the trend of the moment. Yes folks, these anti-establishment people are selling out to the man. :rotflmao: Why not take your hard earned cash other places than Hot Topic next pay day and buy something worth while... Like a pair of good running shoes, or the boxed set of Kare Kano or a new BBQ grill. Shop at Good Will and make your own clothing style. In conclusion, punk isn't dead, it's just gone main stream.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]That's the whole point of this. There are some people such as myself, who don't look punk at all, but still appreciate the real punk music. I'm not talking about all these new "punk" bands that are sprouting up, i mean real punk, like my favorite for instance, [B]The Clash[/B]. As i've said before, by looking at me, you wouldn't see some "punk" kid, you'd see a normal kid, who one you got to know, find that i like punk.[/COLOR] [QUOTE=Grammar Panzer][COLOR=Navy]In my opinion, "Punk" was never alive. I don't see a reason to get attracted to it myself. "Punk" has a few good songs. That's it. There's a slew of more legendary and more thought out music than "Punk". My favorite band, [B]Dream Theater[/B], is my favorite for a reason. It's different from all of this horrible mainstream music you hear nowadays. It's music is more thought-out, and isn't, "OMFG LIFE SUCKS SUICIDE". Sure, they have some angsty songs, like "Just Let Me Breathe". But the lyrics are more insightful, and filled with understanding emotion. Something I can relate to, when overcome with stress. And he music isn't the outstanding three chords you constantly hear either. The band can play, and they flaunt it. Here's my question to "Punk" fans. Why "Punk"? Why do you like these bands when there are ones that are so much better? Try some Rush, Tool, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, dear god, something![/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Well, whether punk was ever alive is arguably based simply on if someone likes it. You clearly don't like it, therefore think it never was. In your case this is true. However, i don't think that someone is limiting themselves by listening to punk. For instance, i like punk music, but also very much like all of the bands you had mentioned (well excpet for Dream Theater, that rings a bell, but i've never heard anything from them). In fact Rush and Led Zeppelin are some of my favorite "older" bands, along with Floyd, The Who, Queen... i could go on. As i said before, punk was a rebelion, a fight against the "system". No [I]real[/I] punk band i've ever heard was full of self hatred "i wanna die" kind of angst. A lot of people base their oppinion of punk simply on the newer bands, which is very bad comparisson because none of them (with the exception of underground bands) are actually good punk, that everyone here is talking about. Based on musical talent, your absolutely right, punk has none. It [I]was[/I] three main chords over and over. That's because the focus on punk wasn't the music ability, but to get the point accross, and fast. Not to mention it brought hope to the little guys that anyone could be in a band, despite how good you really are musically. I could easily listen to punk, and then immediately turn around and listen to John 5, or Steve Vai, someone with extraordinary talent. That's because i'm not what you were probably thnking of when you posted, i like many kinds of music, as i stated numerous times earlier. In fact, i too like more obscure bands that have a lot of talent. Judging from what Dream Theater seems like, and other bands you like, you may like [B]Porccupine Tree[/B] (i think that's what they're called). A friend just introduced me to their music, and it is very good. Kind of like Floyd in some cases, i suppose it would be classified as prog rock. My whole point to that is just to say, that not everyone who likes punk music is some idoit who wants to die and only listens to half-a**ed three chord music.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I'm not really sure what you mean by this. If by choosing the ussual, are you talking about buying an anime that is well known and aired on TV? If that's the case, then i still couldn't answer, because i don't have cable, and rarely watch TV in the first place. All the anime i get, i have discovered through either word of mouth, friends, stores, even right here on OB (if i hadn't ever been here, I would never have found out about great anime shuch as Elfen Lied, thank you very much Dagger for that). I'm just not sure where you're trying to go with this.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Leofski']As well as the points above, you have to be careful with regioning. Make sure you will be able to play the discs![/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Oh my god! I totaly forgot to mention region codes! He's right be sure that the region code is playable for your area. This means that the Animenation site you asked me about probably wont be playable where you are. This is because those are American DVD's and thus regioned for America only. I'm sure there is a way to mod a DVD player or Video game system to play a region specific DVD, but i don't know how. On the bright side, most (prboably all) bootleg DVDs are region free, meaning you can play them anywhere, on anything that plays DVDs. Chances are, the sites i sent you (if you can buy from them) are the best place to go. If you shop e-bay, make sure that what you buy is either coded for your region, or region free.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]There are three parts to the OVA. [B]Trust[/B], [B]Betrayal[/B], and [B]Reflection[/B]. Trust and Betrayal was re-released as a directors cut into one OVA. Reflection was also re-released as its own directors cut. Reflection is what you saw. Enishi, Tomoe's younger brother grew up (and got gray hair and all). He witnessed Kenshin [SPOILER]kill his sister[/SPOILER] during the events of Trust/Betrayal, and he never forgave him for that, so... well you should see it, then you'll know. Trust/Betrayal takes place before the events of the [B]Rurouni Kenshin[/B] series, and Reflection takes place after. Despite this huge time gap, they are related as the same story that was never quite touched in the series. Then there's also the movie, which takes place during the series, and has nothing to do with the OVA series except they share the same name, [B]Samurai X[/B]. Young Enishi (Trust/Betrayal): [IMG]http://www.ctrl-a.org/penguide/rkoav/pics/char-enishi.jpg[/IMG] Old Enishi (Reflection): [IMG]http://www.alltrees.org/anime/escherspace/enishi.himself.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]To my suprise, Best Buy already had it, so i went ahead and got the first volume with the art box, for the low price of only $27 (compared to its $40 retail price). I don't like the dubbing, which comes as no suprise, though the sub is very good quality, as expected. I am very pleased. Hopefully ADV will release the extra episode with the series, maybe even in the middle, where it fits, as a 14 episode series, instead of the "original" 13. They really make it off to be a pure voilent, blood/guts anime. As quoted from the box-stuffer:[/COLOR] [QUOTE]The viciously violent brand new television series. For mature viewers: Graphic violence and prolonged nudity. ACTION-PACKED BLOOD AND GORE MAYHEM![/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]While some of it is the necessary warning that it needs, that last line, along with the blood all over the box is a little unecessary. The whole series isn't about pure bloodfest killing or anything. I think it's just that Japanese are used to more mature themes than Americans, and at an earlier age. By this i mean that the Japanese release had art of happy girls and whatnot (even the manga covers), while the American release has pictures of girls in the fetal position, with blood everywhere. No matter where you are, this is deserving of a warning, and isn't for children/faint of heart, but i think they overdid it a bit. I had also seen the preview ADV made for EL on their site, and it was nothing but clips from the first ten minutes of the first episode, plus a few seconds of the [SPOILER]Lucy vs. Nana fight[/SPOILER]. But meh... whatever, it's all good.[/COLOR]
[quote name='kitsunekami']i luv it. the best thing ever. current obsession.i agree, they do dress really weird. the manga is amazing. can you beleive they ran out of money and that's why it just cuts off?(anime)[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Yeah, i was a bit disapointed by the lack of story (compared to the manga). However they are in the process of making an OVA series, to expand on the series, and stay much more true to the manga as well. I'm really looking forward to it. :D [/COLOR]
[quote name='Bloodseeker']boxybrown305: Rei's the more mysterious and poetic of the two. That's why so many people are drawn to the character in the first place.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Well, you got me there... alas, i already desire to change my vote. Ah well, i like them both, and i hate them both, what more is there to say?[/COLOR] [quote name='Bloodseeker']Speaking of Asuka, I'm about to see if Nana really is the better character of the two, like some of you claimed a few matches back.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]If you mean your buying the series (as it's coming out in America i assume), you'll have to wait at least until disc two before you see some of Nana's redeeming qualities. Before that, she's just another character, but you'll soon see her overcome her problems.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I own the full Platinum Version, and i never had the original. A friend had it though, so i wasn't at all new to the series, it just gave me a good excuse to buy it for myself.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yes, another competition that i've seen both animes! This one however, wasn't as obvious to me as the last (Asuka vs. Nana). I did vote for Feye. She was always out there, and ready to do it. She often got rough, and didn't take orders from nobody! These are qualities i sometimes like, and sometimes dislike. Rei is essentially the complete opposite, and yet it isn't as though i hate her. She [I]only[/I] takes orders, and is very quiet, which again, i like and dislike. I suppose i just favor the more active person here. With a little debating, i could easily sway to the side of Rei (though it's too late to change my vote anyway).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well, it can be worth it, and it could not be worth it. You have to be carefull with these kinds of things. In terms of international shipping, that will cost a bit more, but no matter where you are, your money should be accepted (excange rates are ussually done automatically). Another thing to consider is the quality of it. At least half of my anime collection is bootleg, and i'm fine with that. If you must have the official release of everything, it will cost quite a bit more, but many bootlegs are very good quality. I own three disc collections of [B]Trigun[/B] and [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B], and didn't pay more than $25 for either series. I also got the full collection of [B]FLCL[/B] on one disc for $8, all of which are very good quality, and i'm quite satisfied. However, you need to be carefull doing this, as i bought an import of the full series of [B]Elfen Lied[/B]. It is good quality visually, except that the English subs are very bad (blatantly fan subbed, with typos, and "Engrish" everywhere). For that reason, i am now buying EL as it is released in the States. Basically, if you want to, it can prove to be a good move, but if your not ready to put your trust into international expenses you may want to wait. I don't want to get in trouble posting links to sites selling bootlegs, or anything, but if you would like, i can PM you some of the better sites that i use. You could also go the way of the used anime, and try ebay. They are pretty reliable (only buy something with a picture, and be sure you KNOW WHAT YOUR BUYING!). My oppinion is, go for it! I don't think international shipping is much of a worry, as i have shipped anime from Japan. But it is all your choice. [B]Note:[/B] All money previously mentioned is American currency. If you really need to know the difference you'll have to figure out the exchange rate difference on your own.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I have the movie, and like it very much.[/COLOR] [quote name='Inuyasha311']Oh yeah I really did like this movie very good.Yeah the sex stuff could of been taking out but, oh well.There wasn't that much I watched this anime along time ago but I can remember little bits of it.I was wondering if maybe there would be another one.But I don't tihnk so.I did like the poison girl she was pretty cool.Doesn't Ninja Scrolls have a saga or something? I though I saw a dvd that has Vol one on it...Maybe it was something else.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Yes, there is a seperate series of Ninja Scroll. Jubei returns, as does the old man (but they don't know each other for some reason, it must be in a different "parallel universe" or something). There are a total of three volumes to the series with 13 episodes. I own them all as well, they are decent. Not super fantastic or anything, but still good.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yeah, Trigun was... meh. Cowboy Bebop had some of the best English dub ever though! I thought it was better than the original Japanese cast, which isn't too often. I agree that Freeman played Alucard to a tee, but i just don't like the accents. I think that Freeman's voice was better for that kind of role, though, because it didn't really work for me when he was the "evil" Fuma from X TV.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Grammar Panzer][COLOR=Navy]I voted "Other". And my "other" would be Progressive. With [B]Dream Theater[/B], [B]Liquid Tension[/B], [B]Tool[/B], and [B]Pink Floyd[/B'] being in Progressive, how could I not love it?[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]How can you mention progressive, and not Rush!? They were the kings of Prog rock. Anyway, i suppose i should mention that too. I'm not really sure why i didn't before, it is a genre of it's own, i just lumped Floyd and Rush into the old rock category.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]It is complete. I've lost respect for the man. I suppose i should have looked into it a little more before jumping to conclusions. :animedepr [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Crispin Freeman's not bad, but i can't stand the English accent. I can only watch it in Japanese.[/COLOR]