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Everything posted by boxybrown305
[COLOR=DarkRed]A few of my friends are in a band, and very good one. They call themselves [B]Ego Trip[/B], and have only played at three places before, including our school's local band concert. However, someone heard them and liked them very much, spent a little money, and they're already going to be playing at [I]The Rave[/I]. The Rave is a relativley small concert hall in Milwaukee, though plenty of big names have been there (more recently includes [B]Zakk Wylde[/B], and a few weeks later, [B]Steve Vai[/B]). They will be opening for [B]Otep[/B], which is an amazing step up from playing at a school concert. I won't be able to (go because i suck... :animesigh ), but i'm still buying a ticket to at least support my friends. Hopefully they'll get recognised and make it big, that would be real cool. I think this is great for them, it would be pretty cool to say that i'm friends with a relatively big band. Maybe in a year or two they'll be playing [I]Summerfest[/I] (a HUGE music event in Milwaukee every summer, often there is a few really big bands and tons of local bands). Well anyway, for the sake of discussion, does anyone else have a success story of the little guys? Also if you are in a band, or friends with a band that you like, and perhaps what you play. The fact that they're opening for Otep pretty much explains they're genre.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]A strong point by Retri there, i must rethink my post. I do still respect some rappers.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]To be honest i don't like rap, not at all. However there are some cases that i do still respect it. In this case, he has earned my respsct. Mostly for reasons listed above. Basically someone who can make a decent rap that actually has meaning to it (and is more than a string of the same synthesised "beat" repeated over and over/ same lyrics over and over/ random swears over and over), has my respect. I [I]really[/I] don't like most new rap. A lot of the older stuff, though, i don't listen to, i do respect.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]A bit off topic, my two favorite Floyd songs are Time and Money, which obviously doesn't help you at all. :p Another very good song is Echos, from their album Meddle. My favorite album from them, is Wish You Were Here. You [B]must[/B] hear it, i love the whole thing from beginning to end. All i have of FLoyd on vinyl is The Wall, which is ok. I want to collect some more Floyd vinyls, like some picture discs, or something.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]^ What your talking about is true, but seems to be completely different from what anyone is saying (well most people anyway). Sure people say something sucks just because they dont like it, and i agree that the deffinition of "pop" is overused, incorrectly, and i also listen to a HUGE rang of different music. However none of that is necessarily dealing with this thread. What this is about is the fact the original conception of "punk" is infact dead. The ideals, the sound, everything that started the genre as what it is, is no more. That doesn't mean that it's bad, it just means that it has changed. I don't classify music, and defend it to the death, it is what it is. Either way, this has nothing to do with genres, or an argument over that.[/COLOR] [QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]If one takes this route, then I don't understand why people don't get equally upset about rock music. Rock was just as counterculture as punk was, if not more so since there was even more to go against earlier in the century. Yet, despite only being in existance maybe 25 years prior to punk, I don't know of anyone that gets upset to the core of their being with some soft rock group that sings about love makes it somewhere. I don't see why this should be any more accepted, but it is. To me it just makes the whole concept somewhat ridiculous. If one is not willing to find what else is out there, then anything can be "dead" to someone. The recent punk "revival" isn't something I think was meant to revive the "dead", but was more of a need to get away from the sounds that were typical in the 80s and 90s that replaced punk as a major movement. Punk, obviously had to grow up in many senses and I do agree with the idea that other politics have overwritten the idea of pure anarchy, but anarchy never works to begin with. I think it's just gotten smarter lol. Punk died down, it never died.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]There is a lot of truth to that last statement, however, concerning why punk is more singled out as having died than most other rock, is that the ideals were different. As you said it was true that rock was just as much a rebelion against culture, but that was it. Punk was against the culture, against the government, against just about everything, which is much much more than rock. Other than that, the fans of punk were just as "hateful" towards the "system" that the ideals stuck, and were defended more to the point, for a longer time. Although by now, even here, we seem to be flogging a dead horse (pun damn well intened). Of course if we take this all the way back to the first post, this was created due to people wearing a shirt, when they dont really believe in that. This i find to be stupid to do, no matter what the conflict is about. If that is the case, this really has nothing to do punk at all, but all forms of "posing." I simply dont like it, and avoid it as best as i can. For example, my favorite band of all time, is without a doubt, Pink Floyd. However, ther are [I]TONS[/I] of kids (at my school anyway) who have Floyd shirts, a few of which are worthy i'm sure, but many of which probably only heard Dark Side of the Moon, and went and got a shirt. For this reason, despite my love for the band (much more than one album, i might add), i dont have a Floyd shirt, nor do i intend to get one. I just dont want to be labeld as a "poser" as stupid as the concept is in the first place. Much like the original poster said, i dont at all look "punk" but i'm probably more "punk" than most people. [B]*Note:[/B] i use quotations quite a lot. This is because i find that labeling in the first place is simply a stupid concept. Nothing more to say there...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]If you've been reading along, you'd see that it isnt a second season that their making, but an OVA series. There is no date released for it coming out, and it's not even done in Japan yet, so i'm not sure where you plan to order it yet. I will most certainly get it as well, it is going to follow along with the manga much better than the snime did. I agree it is a good series, especially the manga, but not the best...[/COLOR]
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Teaser Trailer Now Online!
boxybrown305 replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkRed]I've drastically fallen out of the Harry Potter phase, i havn't read the new book, or seen the third movie, though i must admit that this looks pretty good. *Reminiscing of "Goblet of Fire"* i'd love to see that competition in action. I'll have to see the third movie, then this new one, it looks to be very promising.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]My simple solution to this is easy. I dont watch tv, nor do care what other people say, unless of course it is something to my interest. For axample, i am a participating member of OB here, thought there are many discussions that i dont even bother viewing. In fact, it was pure boredom and slight curiosity that even compeled me to check out this thread. I buy my own anime/manga (or download it, mainly thinking of Naruto), i watch it, and if i care to i discuss it. Most of the time it's a series that isn't in America yet, thought there are still plenty of people to talk about it. The largest of which i can think of would be Naruto, with amazing popularity in the states, well before there was even mention of it coming to America. No doubt i see your point, Naruto will be coming to America soon, the fan base will grow tremendously especially since it is airing on AS, and many people will be talking about how great the fight is with Zabuza, while the rest who have been fans for much longer are well past this. My point is i just ignore them. Not that they dont matter, or that i dont value their oppinion, but its as you say, its boring. So, let them discuss what they want, and i'll discuss what i want.[/COLOR]
Anime If you could be in one anime show which one would it be?
boxybrown305 replied to IceRose's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]To be an actual character? If that were the case, i'd have to say [B]Hellsing[/B], because i love vampires (i'd be a good one of course). If we're talking about a normal bystander in an anime though, probably [B]FLCL[/B]. Like Epsilon_Genesis said, it would just be fun. Possibly [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B], space is so cool![/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well of course i agree with you there, i never said she did bad, or that anyone else could have done any better. [SPOILER]Shinji or Rei wouldn't have done any better at all, probably even worse than Asuka did. She was seriously kicking their a**es, i don't doubt that. I just think that she would have innevitably lost anyway, as would anyone. It was 8 (or something) mass produced Evas, with the ability to fly, regenerate, and armed with super weapon blades or whatever, versus a normal, prototype Evengelion, no flight, no regeneration. They would have eventually overpowered her. She did indeed fight amazingly though, and i agree that it was the greatest battle all throughout the series,[/SPOILER] and i give Asuka TONS of props for that, but if you just saw Elfen Lied, and all that Nana is capable of and deals with, i must stand by my oppinion to vote for Nana.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I'm getting a little agravated here. I can see everyones point and why they like Asuka, but i'm willing to bet that you haven't seen Elfen Lied. Having seen that, Nana simply is the clear winner. She dealt with extremely similar problems as Asuka (why this is actually a very interesting match) however, as i said before, Nana handles the problems so much better. As Dagger said, [SPOILER]she got all her limbs ripped straight off of her body, and still forgave the person who did it. [I]Then[/I] she even tried to sacrifice herself, to save everyone, and went out to the bridge to face #37 (don't remember the name), knowing that she would probably die.[/SPOILER] As for Asuka, [SPOILER]yes it is true that she put up quite the valient effort against the mass produced Evas, however i have to dissagree that she lost only due to power shortage. Had she had unlimited power, the other Evas had the ability to regenerate, and they would innevitably defeated Asuka anyway.[/SPOILER] A bit off topic, Dagger, i have actually found a box set of the Eva movies. As far as i know, you would have to import it from Australia (i've found it on several sites, all in Australia for some reason ^_~). [URL=http://www.madman.com.au/catalogue/item.php?catalogue=MMB037A]Here[/URL] you can get the box alone for $20 (considering exchange rate, that would be about $15 American, i don't know how much shipping is), or [URL=http://www.ezydvd.com.au/item.zml/225325]here[/URL] you can get it with both DVD's for about $47 ($33-$34 American) plus around $10 ($7-$8 American) for international shipping. Although i'm not sure of the Australian region coding. If you bought the discs there, they may not work in another country, so your best bet may be the first link (and buy the box alone), then buy the DVD's here (America).[/COLOR]
[quote name='Dagger']I believe that the OVA episode was released along with the final R2 disc (volume 7, or something like that). [/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Heh, to be honest i don't really know what that is. Although i found something, downloaded it and gave it a peek, and it seemed to fit the description quite well. It was called the 14th episode, but i thought it might be it, and it probably was. It dealt with [SPOILER]Nana having trouble cleaning in the begining, and then had a flashback revealing more on Lucy's past.[/SPOILER] Most of it seemed like it took place somewhere in the middle of the series, though a couple small things hinted that it did take place after the series, but the way most of it went, that wouldn't make sense (i'm just going to believe that it was in between the series).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I voted in this thread a [I]real[/I] long time ago, but i suppose that i'll post now. My votes went to [B]Rock[/B], [B]Jazz[/B], [B]Blues[/B], and [B]Regae[/B]. When in the right mood, i very much enjoy jazz/blues, and the same goes for regae. Most of what i listen to is rock. True, this is [I]very[/I] vague, and it would be more appropriate to have more options, but this is just a simple pole after all, so it will do. I listen and love many forms of rock. I like classic rock, or old rock or whatever you want to call it. Not slow stuff, i'm talking about [B]Led Zepplin[/B], [B]Pink Floyd[/B], [B]AC/DC[/B], [B]Black Sabbath[/B], [B]Rush[/B], there are many more. Also punk. The "original creators" as i call them would be the [B]Ramones[/B], the [B]Clash[/B], and the [B]Sex Pistols[/B]. I like many other punk bands as well, [B]Black Flag[/B], [B]Dead Kennedy's[/B], [B]Misfits[/B], again so many more. I also like harder/heavier rock, such as metal. I'm feeling done listing bands, so... Also ska seems obvious, being a sort of blend of regae and punk. Indie, techno, a lot of different kinds. I really don't like any kind of Emo/Screamo or stuff like that, though. As for rap, i have no respect whatsoever for any of the newer rap. Older rap has my respect, such as [B]Run DMC[/B], [B]NWA[/B], [B]Public Enemy[/B]. They actually had some level of skill to it (that and freestyle is ok). All of the newer rap groups though, are just horrible. They're all idiots who have an IQ just high enough to make a few words ryme, add in at least twenty random and unneccesary swears, and you have a rap star. To add to that, they act like they could have any woman, or kill any man with their bare hands, as if that means anything. Just no musical talent.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]This is the first girl competition that i've actually seen both anime series completely. This is of course why i voted Nana. Asuka was a good character at first, but then she ends up [SPOILER]depending completely on others approval of her, and when she fails once she completely fell apart, and was incapable of operating ever again[/SPOILER]. This isn't considering the events of the movie, but even with that, she just [SPOILER]lost again[/SPOILER]. As for Nana, she was the only Diclonious (or however you spell it) that was able to [SPOILER]overcome the mental torment that they go through. Even experiencing torture, she refused to kill any human, and only attack when she was attacked (not counting Lucy's split personality as Nyuu). She could handle [I]extreme[/I] mental and physical hardships, and even attempted to sacrifice herself to avoid harm to humans.[/SPOILER] Asuka went through many hardships as well, but Nana was actually able to [SPOILER]overcome them[/SPOILER], especially considering all that had happened to Nana (i don't want to go too in depth, to avoid spoiling it for anyone). See both full series, and it really isn't a hard desicion at all.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Wow, there is an OVA? Don't suppose you could say where you saw or baught it? I've looked around, and the best i've come up with was an unofficial rumor of it coming out in May 2005, but considering i've heard no official news, i doubt that, unless the person mistook the OVA for the series coming out or if the OVA will come out with the series.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Dagger]On that note, I completely agree that the [spoiler]happy[/spoiler] ending was incredibly effective in large part because everything up till then had been so [spoiler]hopeless.[/spoiler] Personally, I hadn't been expecting it at all. In this case, [spoiler]a dark ending[/spoiler'] would have been the easy way out. At least in my opinion. :animeswea [/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Ya, the series end threw me for a loop there. Even the way the second to last episode was heading, [SPOILER]i thought Shinji would just have a nervous break down, and become a vegetable or something. Of course it still left a liitle open to the imagination, as it just ends with everyone congradulating him, it doesn't neccessarily mean he was alright, just what was going on in his mind.[/SPOILER] Though it seems pretty obvious that it was meant to be a [SPOILER]happy ending[/SPOILER], so i'll just leave it at that.[/COLOR] [QUOTE=Dagger]I've seen a theory that the last two episodes and End of Evangelion actually aren't alternate endings... quite a few fans seem to think that [spoiler]EoE shows what's going on in the real world--while the last two episodes take place at the same time, but only show what's happening inside Shinji's mind.[/spoiler] Obviously I can't pass judgment on that until I get around to renting the movie, but I don't really like the idea of it, particularly since the movie apparently is a [spoiler]huge downer.[/spoiler] I don't even think I'd say [spoiler]the real world (or physical reality, or whatever) is especially relevant to the final episode of Evangelion. It just cuts brutally to the core of the series--the characters, and more specifically, Shinji.[/spoiler] So I guess it's a good thing that theories are just theories.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]I've never quite looked at it that way. I have ponderd the possibility that they were in the same... "universe," just occuring at different times, though that idea never really worked. I don't think it would work that they were one in the same, though. [SPOILER]Seeing the movie, the way that characters act compared to the movie and the episodes, not to mention some... things... that happen to a few characters in the movie (i don't want to spoil anything for you)[/SPOILER], they simply don't corespond in the same way. I'll have to go with you, theories are theroies, but that's half the fun of having an open ended, um, ending. Everyone makes their own conclusions! I doubt that theory is what was originally intended though, as i've heard the movie (EoE) was created due to many complaints about the last two episodes, leading me to imply that they were meant to be taken differently (as alternate endings). Like i said before though, i did enjoy the movie. It answers a few questions the series left (but similarly raises a few more), and it dives even deeper into the mythology of the whole thing. I could explain, but i'll save the details, since you (Dagger) haven't seen it yet, should you choose to.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Dagger][b]boxybrown305[/b]: I really need to get around to watching End of Evangelion, heh. At the same time, I'm afraid to watch it--I [i]loved[/i'] the final episode of the series, and I'm almost worried that seeing the movie might ruin the feeling the series left me with.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Note[/B]: I posted this in the Eva thread, for the sake of keeping on topic. I feel the same way, i actually saw the movie before i saw the episodes, and the movie just confused me. It wasn't bad or anything, but the series ends so much more [SPOILER]happier[/SPOILER], which is greatly needed with all the [SPOILER]depression[/SPOILER] throughout the series. If you really liked the episodes, you might not like the movie, though...[/COLOR]
Anime Only one anime the rest of your life! CHOOSE!
boxybrown305 replied to geekinthecloset's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]A lot of the previously mentioned is good. If you like blood and guts, but still a very good story line, you MUST see [B]Elfen Lied[/B]. Otherwise, the one thing i could probably watch over and over, and rarely get bored of is [B]FLCL[/B]. I watched it 4 times through just this weekend, but i also just got it. Another good gory anime would be [B]Hellsing[/B]. As for [B]Evangelion[/B], i thought the movie was good, though i don't know why so many people didn't like the last two episodes of the series. They actually gave a deffinate conclusion, unlike the movie, where i wasn't sure whether it was a happy ending, a sad ending, or what had even really happened. I'm not saying it was bad, when i watch the series, depending on my mood, i'll watch the episodes or the movie (or both). I think both forms of endings were just fine. If your going to get Evangelion though, don't waste your money on Death & Rebirth. All it is is clips from the show and EoE. If you own those (which you should) there's no need for D&R.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]Akira[/B] and [B]Ninja Scroll[/B] were certainly a bit high on the gore factor. However, i'm going to have to go with the concensus here, and say [B]Elfen Lied[/B]. Many people already explained much about it, so i dont feel i have much more to say... Edit:I suppose [B]Hellsing[/B] as well, though the manga is much more gory and violent than the anime was (there was one part that, in anime form, would easily be as gory as the first episode of Elfen Lied. Possibly even worse). Another reason why i'm looking so much forward to the OVA![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well, i dont have cable (assuming this is a cable show), but i know all too well about this kind of thing. My dad is the director of the Milwaukee City Detox. I hear plenty of these stories. It's just as SunfallE said, the help can be good, but so often, the person will just end up back where they started. Since this is on TV, though, i can only assume that they just show the success stories.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]It's actually Furi Kuri in Japanese, though it was meant to be Fooly Cooly. Due to Japanese kanji and whatnot they ended up with what sounded like Furi Kuri because they have no "L" sound. That's just the direct translation though, not what the person was probably shooting for there. I think they meant what does it actually mean. in that case, i think you could have it mean many different things. Kimon says it as something that would lead you to believe it was something sexual, where Naota's Grandpa said it was something you do with your hands. What makes the most sense to me is the liknk that was previously given. It explains that it means to do something "cool", but your really a "fool" because it isn't like you. Well, something like that anyway. You'd be suprised how much meaning everything in the series has. Even the eyebrows have a significant meaning to the story. Some of the things make more sense watching it in Japanese however, in its original form.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Kataryu]A dude with sunglasses and/or gun for Iago that is NOT Vash An idiot (person who actually looks like an idiot) for Roderigo A dashing blonde, perfurably in uniform, for Cassio (I'm thinking Alen from Escaflowne) A fat old dad for Brabantio (hmmm, think I got an idea for him too.)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]1) Spike (Cowboy Bebop), Alucard (Hellsing), or possibly Wolfwood (Trigun) 2) someone who looks like an idiot?... perhaps a silly pic of Kimon (FLCL, i think that was his name... you know the dad guy) 3) idk, Ed (FMA) 4) Coji's dad (Naruto) Those are some possibilities, hope that helps.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Sgt. Frog is being made into an anime! I love the manga, and now that i think about it i have some catching up to do. The series is already started coming out in Japan, the first volume is out on DVD in Japan. I will probably import it. I know nothing of when it will come out in America, or if it will at all yet, but its brand new in Japan, so not for a while i'm guessing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I think its terrible. It's like you said before, its one thing to get cold feet, but faking an abduction is insane! From what i had heard, though, she didn't originally intend for it to be a fake abduction. She got cold feet, and left... without telling ANYONE. The only thing anyone thought was that she was kidnapped. For whatever reason, she then went along with that, and then faked being kidnapped. Of course that doesn't change my oppinion, or make me feel any sympathy towards her. It was a terrible thing she did. Of course everyone's initial reaction is "Thank god she's alright," but she's got another thing coming, and well deserved. I fully agree with you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I applaud you, Lord Dante. Here is a man who truly knows what he is talking about. With world domination, nothing else matters, because any whim of yours is there for the taking. Not to mention the hardships and responsibilities that come along with being such a great leader, it takes true bravery to take on such a challenging "career" option. Heck, you could organise a series of lights all throughout Earth, and go view your anime from space. The one true big screen. If you ever become world leader or facist dictator or whatever you want, make me your advisor or something, cause i wnat in on that space viewing. I shall likewise do the same for you, should i reach my dream of world domination.[/COLOR]