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Everything posted by boxybrown305
[quote name='spawn']most shows that are brought back usually dont succeed. Every show has its time, and Family Guy's time is done.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Yes it is true that shows that are brught back don't ussually have much success, but this isn't some show from the 70's that they're trying to remake here. Family Guy had huge success only a few years ago, and the reason that they are bringing it back is because of the HUGE sale success of the Family Guy DVDs. I trust Seth MacFarlane to make the same old family Guy that we have all come to know and love. As for Simpsons, i completely agree with James, that there really isn't much that can measure up to The Simpson's better episodes.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=ReFlux][color=darkred][size=1] For one thing... Where's the Knives?! I voted Legato Bluesummers because he is an extremely cold, twisted, complex, and ruthless villain. He does everything in his power to spite, slow down, and torment Vash and everyone involved with him. He not only kills ruthlessly, but with a cause, which shows his complexity. He kills the guilty on spot, but has decided to post-pone the death of the innocent. Aswell, he kills his own allies, executing, or ordering the execution of all the Gung Ho Guns who fail. Legato isn't the master mind behind anything, but really a lacky himself of Knives, who is actually the ultimate villain in the show.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]In terms of the Lagato vs. Knives thing here, yes it is true that Lagato was just another henchman of Knives, but in terms of villainous people, given the choice i would vote Lagato over Knives. This is because Knives, despite being Lagato's better, he is nothing more than an equal to Vash. Aside from being evil, Knives is absolutely no different from Vash. Lagato on the other hand is much more unique. Not only that, but my main point is the fact that even though [SPOILER]Vash did end up killing Lagato, i believe it is arguable that Lagato was the only person to actually "beat" Vash. Lagato, with his unique mind controlling ability, forced Vash to kill, which is so against Vash's morals that it threw Vash in a completely reclusive state, questioning himself and his morals. Lagato had tormented Vash to such an extreme he wasn't able to do anything afterwards for a long time. He didn't even try to defend himself, or run away when people were about to kill him, since Vash thought that he did deserve to die for killing (Lagato). (That kind of torment kind of reminds me of the movie [B]Saw[/B].) The fight with Knives, on the other hand, hardly affected Vash at all (he was able to walk all the way back to the town on his own, and seemed not to have any particular brain damage).[/SPOILER] Well, thats why i think Lagato is much better than Knives, regardless of if Knives were a part of this contest. As for the manga/anime differences, [SPOILER]Lagato also forced the man in the bar to rip his heart out in the anime, it just wasn't as graphically represented in the anime as it was in the manga[/SPOILER]. However i do agree with you, ReFlux, that Lagato was much better in the manga than the anime, simply because he is much more violent and emotional in the manga than he is in the anime. In this poll, i had voted for Vicious, but now that i think of it, i really wish that i had voted for Lagato...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Wow, you are a nice guy. Perhaps your expecting something extra in return *wink, wink, nudge nudge. I find that ebay can be quite good for cheap, used things. You just have to be very aware of what your buying, how much it costs (always check shipping), and never buy something that doesnt have a picture. Otherwise Gamestop is a very reliable source for used games/systems, plus a convenient return policy. I bought my X-Box and a number of games from them used with almost no problems (only once a game didnt work, but it was easily returned). As for what games, that depends on what kind of person she is. If she likes random, funny things, i very highly recommend [B]Katamari Damacy[/B]. I love that game, so you really cant go wrong there. Otherwise it would depend on if she wants a game she can just pick up anyime, and play for as long or short as she wants. There are many RPGs for PS2, some of my favorite series are [B]MGS[/B], and [B]GTA[/B], but that might not be her cup o' tea. No matter what you get, i strongly recommend [B]Katamari Damacy[/B].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Here's my shot at it... Avi: [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/boxybrown305/revanavi.jpg[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/boxybrown305/revanbannercopy.jpg[/IMG] Hope you like it. :D [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]This thread is about the Manhwa (manga from Korea), Ragnarok. It basically deals with the end of an era of gods, for a new set of gods to come and take over. Anyway, there are 10 volumes of it out so far, and i have them all. In the past, they came out with about two to three month intervals, but lately there hasn't been a new one for half a year or something. I know that the series isn't over, because the previous volume left of at a cliff hanger, and the creator Myung-Jin Lee officially announced that there would be a total of 40-50 volumes. Well i was just wondering if annyone might know about any plans for the next volume, or the release date or any news at all that would be very nice. To keep this thread up, we can also talk about the manga in general.[/COLOR]
Gaming Online Morals....have we lost them?
boxybrown305 replied to Gelgoog Pilot's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkRed]I have never played an online game, and sometimes for reasons like these, i'm glad i don't. There can really be some mean people out there, but getting to the end of a game, then dying? By a team mate no less, is just awful. It's that much of a huge chunk of your real life that has just been thrown away completely, no compesation, no award, just that much closer to death. But this works on the opposite level as well. Those who are having these kinds of things done to them need to know how to keep their cool too. There was someone who gave an extremely rare weapon in an online game, to a friend. That person then gave it to someone else (without permission of the original owner, who was only lending it), for a lot of money (real money, mind you). So the original owner of this virtual item actually killed, i mean murdered in cold blood, the guy who sold it. FOR REAL! Read more [URL=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7341316]here[/URL]. It's an awful thing that people be so cold hearted in MMO's for no particular benefit even, but when someone actually dies over it, that's WAY over the top.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]My top five are... 1)Viscious (Cowboy Bebop)- He was just bad a**, and he had a sword. 2)Lagato (Trigun)- Also bad a**. He plays with your mind, so cool! 3)Seishiro (X)- He is also in Tokyo Babylon, but i only listed him from X, since he is good in TB, but bad in X. Anyway, Subaru is probably my fvorite anime character ever, so Seishiro surely isn't far behind, what with being practicaly the same, only evil. 4)Kimimaru (Naruto)- When a guy [SPOILER]pulls bones out of his body to use as weapons, and then makes a forest of sharps bones from his body,[/SPOILER] you know why this guy is cool. 5)Skurai (Ragnarok)- Oh man, oh man, Skurai was awsome. You simply can't beat him. [SPOILER](Until he got beat...)[/SPOILER] Well, ya so he's cool. Along with all the other guys...[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]SirPsychoSexy[/B] 5.) Fûma (X). I love him 'cause he's so damn twisted.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]I happen to be friends with the Cap'n, and he's not gonna count Fuma, since he, at one point was good. If you want your vote to count, you might want to change that. Same goes for Sasuke, and Sesshomarou.[/COLOR]
[quote name='x kakashi x']I'm looking forward to the Hypnotize as well, I noticed there was lots of NIN fans here, someone has to explain to me whats good about them, I've listened to them and its basically slow and technoish :animesigh[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Well it isn't just the band that is great (i think so anyway), but the fact that Trent Reznor is amazing. He can play damn near [I]any[/I] instrument. But i could see your point too, i need to be in the right mood to listen to anything (i like all kinds of music, ranging from classic rock, new rock, punk, heavy/hardcore, even blues/jazz). Anyway, there are some other bands that i hadn't mentioned before, that i am looking forward to (i just didn't feel like listing before). [B]Loser[/B] and [B]Two[/B] i'm definately looking forward to, but i don't know when they are making any CD's. [B]Audioslave[/B] is good too, i just didn't know they were making a new CD (i liked RATM better though...). As for [B]System of a Down[/B], i fully agree with Drizzle. Their firts s/t CD was excellent. Then "Toxicity", which was good, but i didn't care for "Steal This Album" at all. First they will be making "Mezmerize" in May (if i'm not mistaken), then "Hypnotize" is set to come out in fall. All i've heard was Cigaro, and i'm not very impressed. [B]Mudvayne[/B] should also be making a new CD, but i'm a little iffy about that too. Then there's [B]Korn[/B]. Head announced that he would be lesving the band a while ago, but they are still going to finish the CD their working on, which will be due sometime in the fall. As i said before though, i'm looking forward to [B]NIN[/B] more than any others right now. I heard The Hand That Feeds, and i loved it. Hope for more greats. :D [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I'm most looking forward to [B]NIN[/B]'s [I]With Teeth[/I]. There are a couple others that i'd like, but that's all that matters.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I fully agree, word for word with Generic NPC (except that i've never heard of Blue Oyster Cult). Other than all those previously mentioned bands, my favorite band of all time, and favorite classic band is Pink Floyd. I agree with Ozy, that everyone should have "Dark Side of the Moon," but i would expand that to "Wish You Were Here," and "Animals." And that's just what i suggest for a casual fan. Anyone more than a casual fan should own them all. Now i thought "The Wall" was good, but it's overrated. There's so much better stuff than that from them, but most people walk around with a Floyd shirt these days, and have only heard "Dark Side of the Moon," or "The Wall." In my opinion, "Wish You Were Here" is thier best album. Well anyway, after Pink Floyd my favorite classic bands in order are Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix (Experience), Queen, Doors, The Who, Rush, Rolling Stones, and AC/DC. AC/DC is last, because they are good, but it gets old. A lot of their music cosists of similar guitar lines, played over and over again (but Angus Young Is a great guitarist).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yes, Tarantino only directed one scene, which is roughly five minutes. I've heard that this scene is [SPOILER]the one when Dwight was in the car with the dead body of the police officer.[/SPOILER] Other than that Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller (creator of the original comic series) co-directed it together.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Harry']The movie is incredibly true to the books and that means it's very very very gory. I don't really know how it isn't rated NC-17. I was suprised how they left in the part with the Yellow Bastard in the barn.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]As far as i know, the only reason that it wasn't NC-17 is because it was is black and white. Had it been in color, there is no way they would have gotten away with as much gore as they did, but then it would have taken away from the effect of the movie, both the lack of voilece, and the wonderful graphics. I wouldn't be suprised however, if they made a special edition NC-17 (or "unrated") version when it comes out on DVD. Click [URL=http://www.dailyraider.com/index.php?id=3020]here[/URL] for a very good review of Sin City, though be warned, it has some spoilers.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]That's horrible. He was an excelent comedian, most likely my favorite. It's really sad, i wouldn't doubt that it was due to drugs. I don't know much more to say, except for that it's really really sad... :animecry: Rest In Peace Mitch, we will always remember you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Oh WOW! I saw a sneak preview of Sin City last night, along with my friends known here as Cap'n and The Drizzle. It was an amazing movie! The first comic book movie that was actually really, really good. I mean this blew all the rest out of the water. The basic theme being a series of small stories that are all [SPOILER]somehow interestingly intertwined.[/SPOILER] All the acting from everyone is excelent, and the method of storytelling greatly resembles that of a comic. This is because they often have the person talking, when he's thinking, a common comic form. It beats The Hulk's attempt at comic representation by far. At first I was a little concerned about how the black and white would turn out, but it was one of the best things about the movie. The graphics of it were fantastic. Certain colors of red, blue, green, etc. are added very nicely adding to the effect of the movie, whether it was strongly resembled or subtle. Ther are also quite good momments of a solid colorblack on a solid color white, which is equally good. All of this rolled up into a very unique 50's kind of era, giving it the perfect feel and theme to the movie. It was great. I'll definately pay to see it again, mabee even twice. I love it![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Well it took me quite a while, and i'm sorry for the wait, but here it is, and it should work... Avi: [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/boxybrown305/rinavi2.gif[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/boxybrown305/rinbanner2.gif[/IMG][/COLOR] Edit: WWAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! It all wrong! Hold on a sec. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Edit #2: OK OK, use the attached files, not the images.[/COLOR]
Gaming Best Battle System , Which RPG had it?
boxybrown305 replied to Sir Auron's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='x kakashi x']FFX is getting a lot of praise, but I really didn't think the battle system was all that great, it had basically the same elements as the other final fantasys besides the option to switch out chracters[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]It wasn't just the option to switch out characters. FFX was very different from the rest in terms of battle because for a very long time FF had been sticking to a time based battle system, alowing for almost no strategy, and never knowing when your opponent would attack. FFX on the other hand was different because it was turn based, which as James had said was very much better to form a strategy, and plan attacks and healing, etc. For that reason i did like X the most. Which is not to say that the others were bad, they made you stay on your toes, and act quick so that you would get more attacks in than the enemy. I also liked the battle visuals of the Golden Sun series. The battle system was good, but nothing to scream about. What i'm talking about is just how it looked. I liked that they showed not only the raw numbers for HP/MP (MP is known as PP in those games), but they also showed a meter to represent it. Similar to the transformation of health representation in previous GTA games to San Andreas.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]A lot of the previously mentioned games are all pretty funny, but another that i love so much that is funny on the side is Katamari Damacy. Most of the music is very funny, and the storyline is hilarious. :laugh: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Drizzle, you already have vol. 4? LET ME READ IT!!! (and get 5 while your at it) Anyhoo, yes the manga is way better than the anime, though the anime is good too. I also fully agree with the accents. I hardly understand a thing the stupid priest is saying. [SPOILER]I also highly suspect that the Fuhrer (i can't spell either...) is the master of Incognito. And that the Fuhrer is the rogue member of the round table thingy (is that what it's called, it's been a while since i wacthed the anime).[/SPOILER] Can't wait. Must read![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I just saw Saw (?) and it was great! I didn't even know it was low budget. Normally, i really don't get scared from horror/thriller movies. Like around halloween last year i watched a ton of horrors that i hadn't ever seen before, and i was completely unfased. After i saw this, i had so much trouble sleeping, that hadn't happend to me since i was in second grade or something. Not to mention it very, very rare for me to jump from a horror, but yet again, this one did it [SPOILER](only once though, when the Jiggsaw killer jumped out of Adam (the photographer's) closet)[/SPOILER]. Anyway, this was great, and i highly recommend it to horror/thriller fans, it's not for the weak of heart. I only rented it, but i will likely buy it. (Did that evil clown doll seriously freak anyone else out?)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]"To many Bytes?" i don't get that. I'll just make it more simplistic like the banner. And i'll try to make it more dark as well. :D It'll just take some time because i'm at my dad's house now, so i have to redo the hole thing from scratch. :animesigh (or i'll have it for you by Wednesday. That would be a lot easier.)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I haven't played many (umm, ANY) survival/horror games, but i liked to watch my friend play Eternal Darkness. It wsn't exactly that it was "scary," although some parts were, but it was the most freaky. It has GOT to be the number one game that plays with your mind. [SPOILER]The camera angle tilts, bugs crawl on your screen. One time it said that it restarted, and erased all memory, and my friend was so worried because he was really far, but then it ended up just being another trick.[/SPOILER] Plus the Twin Snakes remake of Metal Gear Solid was done by the same people, making the fight with Psycho Mantis ten times better (with similar effects as in ED).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I never really got into Animal Crossing. I borrowed it from a friend, but i just didn't do much. I just don't have the patience. I do find many RPGs like Final Fantasy, and especially GTA to be quite addicitng. I can honestly say the one game that i was most addicted to (even if only for a short time) is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (although the other MGS games were addicting as well). The night i got MGS3, i started playing it around 10:00 at night. I continued to play it until 1:00, the next afternoon (that would be about 15 hours straight), having only one break the whole time to go to the bathroom, no eating, no sleep. The only reason i didn't play it even more was due to my damn social life. (i had a play i had to go to, plus school the next day). I beat it two days later though, with 24 hours put into it, well over half from the one night. I haven't played it since, though. The second most addicting gamy i've played was Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Within the first week of owning it i had over 40 hours in it. I probably have close to 100 now, and i'm still no where near done...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Wait for me! i'll try again![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]EDIT: okay here it is, enjoy! :D Avi: [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/boxybrown305/rinavi2.gif[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y16/boxybrown305/rinbanner2.gif[/IMG] In order to fit the banner, i had to speed it up. Hope you don't mind. I could slow the view time of the solid parts if you want, but then it seems too slow... Also, if you want your name in the avi, let me know, and it shall be done. (sorry syk, i'll avoid immediate posting in the futrue :animesigh )[/COLOR]
Anime The Official Otaku Boards Top 50 Anime Series: Voting Thread
boxybrown305 replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]I'll be honest, I haven't seen enough anime in general to make a top ten list, however i will list some of my favorites in order. 1) [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B]- A fun anime with great artwork, interesting/unique characters, and some of the best music i've heard an anime to have. Plus Most of the episodes are random, not dealing mush with the story line, making it easy to watch once in a while, with out being lost as to what is happening. I was sceptical about the movie when it came out, i didn't really think anything could live up to the series, but they amazingly pulled that off as well, and it fits conveniently into the series as well. Of course my nomination is for the series, not the movie, considering the rules here. This is also one of the only series that not only wasn't bad in english dub, but was actually better dubbed. Coming from me, that means a lot. 2) [B]Neon Genesis: Evangelion[/B]- This had such a very deep, meaningful story, on many levels. You truly can't appreciate it without watching it at least twice, a masterpiece of an anime. Some people don't like the movies at all, i didn't mind them. They were ok, if you disregard the last two episodes of the series. But the series... just great. 3) [B]X (X/1999)[/B]- A similarly compelling story, with great characters who all have unique pasts and powers. Fun to watch, and similarly addicting to read into. Clamp certianly knows how to pul it off. 4) [B]Naruto[/B]- Intensly addicting, and fun to watch. After every episode, i already want to watch the next, wich is sadly imposible, as they are still releasing it in japan. But thanks to BitTorrent, i gratefully get a new episode each week. 5) [B]Trigun[/B]- I really don't know what to say here, it's just good. The moral value of the story is very rich and nice. Not to mention Vash rocks... 6) [B]Rurouni Kenshin[/B]- Quite similar to Trigun really, with the whole morals thing, only with a samurai atyle rather than wild west gunslinger. The movie was pretty good, and i loved the OVA's, but that doesn't really matter here... 7) [B]Hellsing[/B]- Vampires rule, little more to say than that. It's just awsome [SPOILER]to watch Alucard transform and kick some ***. especially in the last couple episodes.[/SPOILER] 8) [B]Ninja Scroll[/B]- This is where you begin to see the shortcomings of my anime watching. It wasn't a bad anime, kind of good really, but i know that if (when) i see more anime, this will quickly change. It's got some good fights to it [SPOILER](when Jubei stabbed the lizard man throught the mouth. it wasn't a big fight it just stick out in my mind).[/SPOILER] The movie was much better, but you know... Well, sadly that's it for me, and most others put me to shame, i know... :animedepr I've also noticed a few other people who had [B]FLCL[/B] in their list. Well it is good, but you apparently failed to realize that it is NOT an anime tv series, but an OVA series, thus disqualifying it from this tournament. :animeswea [/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=Havokio][COLOR=Indigo]My favorite has to be Rock Lee. I would type why, but I don't know how to Black Border it.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Read the sticky about spoilers in the anime section. It's got an easy tutorial on adding [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]spoiler tags[/URL] .[/COLOR]