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Everything posted by boxybrown305
[QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]It's funny that people cry out so much about pop punk and then hail the Sex Pistols. I like the Sex Pistols (their main three albums anyway), but without Rotten they wouldn't have been nearly what they are. He came up with the whole "hey, let's piss everyone off!" idea to the point that it was more an image than anything else, the same thing people cite as something that pisses them off about current pop punk bands. Hell, Sid Vicious couldn't even play his damn instrument. I'd still say that considering their two and a half years of existance (well, other than that stupid "reunion") they sure did a hell of a lot of damage to England's collective psyche lol. The Sex Pistols are really where this whole "anarchy" idea came from, which ironically was not from The Ramones (despite them being the first punk group). Considering these things were hardly even ideals held by The Ramones in the first place, I'm not sure why it is considered a requirement. I LOVE The Ramones, but I'd be hardpressed to say they wrote much that wasn't basic and, for lack of a better word, idiotic. The Ramones were more about the simple four chord sound (very against rock trends at the time), which really gives even more credence to that whole sound versus ideal thing, I think.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]What you say is true. Despite Ramones being one of the first punk bands, they weren't at all about anarchy. The ideals are kind of just half of what makes punk "punk." The punk theory is centered on anarchy, and represented through bands like Sex Pistols, Black Flag, or Dead Kennedey's to name a few. But then punk rock, strictly in the musical sense is also a sort of protest against all the complex rock. Punk doesn't involve any solos or anything like that because it is just about three basic chords repeated. That's why Ramones fit the category, not for their message necessarily, but their music. But then in the mid 80's the concept of anarchy essentially crumbled. This is what people mean by punk is dead. Punk, in the mainstream sense (which is an oxymoron, the reason why it's so bad), is mostly just about the fashion. That's not to say that the spirit of true punk is dead. It's as alive as the true punks make it. The only difference is that with the "fall" of anarchy, punk has moved to a new era of politics. Examples like Anti-Flag, Green Day, and Rancid Resemble this. It's still punk, and not bad punk either, people just abuse for the purpose of fashion, thus punk is dead. And earlier i said that the only good new punk is Rancid, well i take that back. there are others like The Distillers, The Cassualties, etc...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=elfpirate][b]I love so many different kinds of music...[/b] [b]But let's just go with the ones that are permanently installed in my sound system...[/b] [b][u]Mutiny-[/u] some wonderful pirate-style celtic punk from Sydney-- this band has the most astoundingly talented musicians and lyricists I've ever heard. They've got it all...[/b] [b][u]Dolomites-[/u] another great pirate/celtic/punk band-- Lobotomy Bay is one o' me fave's...[/b] [b][u]Flogging Molly-[/u] c'mon-- it's Irish, it's punk, it's oi, and [i]Matt Hensley[/i] is in the band. Freakin' Matt Hensley-- one of the coolest, most talented, down-to-earth and genuinely nice professional skateboarders to ever ride the earth...[/b] [b][/b] [b][u]Dropkick Murphys-[/u] nearly perfect Irish punk/oi ... gotta love the oi bands...[/b][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Excelent. I like that kind of pirate music as well, plus you listed some bands i havent heard of i'll have to check out. :D [/COLOR]
WARNING: do not read this unless you have at least seen X! [COLOR=DarkRed]I just saw the Tokyo Babylon movies, and have already seen X (both the series and the movie). [SPOILER]Now having seen Tokyo Babylon, it's nice to have more background info on Subaru, though i don't understand what events came to the point of Seshiro killing Subaru's sister, and led them to be enemies. I understand that they are enemies (in X) for the reason that Seshiro killed Subaru's sister (i don't remember her name right now), and that they were destined to be enemies in the first place what with being opposite dragons and all... BUT WHY?[/SPOILER] Perhaps it is because i haven't read the manga, although i definately will. If anyone knows please explain it... I MUST KNOW![/COLOR]
Anime (ANIME) more for kids or teens
boxybrown305 replied to FireDemon_Hoshi's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]I agree that it depends on the anime itself. There are many that are geared toward children, most of which is the common things that you will find on Saturday morning cartoons, and is therefore viewed as anime being for kids. But it's like Dagger said, around the midnight hour, they show more of the mature anime. Overall i think there are more anime meant for a slightly older audience. In terms of hentai, i don't even consider that anime, just a dirty kind of porn which disgraces anime on the opposite extreme of childish cartoons. I respect Pokemon much more than hentai any day.[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=DeathBug]Your race can only control and dictate your actions if you let it. And if you let it control and dictate your actions, you're admitting you have a preconcieved notion about what behavior is acceptable for your race. That's no way to live. Be yourself.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]I totaly agree, you should allways be yourself. The only problem is what i said before, it doesn't matter what yourself is, people will still judge you on that. It isn't you that determines your stereotype it's others. That's why it can be so bad if used or meant the wrong way...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]There's no real way to "be yourself" without somehow being stereotyped though. As unfortunate as it is, if you even sit down and think about what it is that you like, you'll just be ridiculed or judged for it. Example: A white boy, after seriously thinking about it decides he likes rock music, anime, and RPG's. Despite the fact that it was his choice, he will be stereotyep as an "average white kid" or a nerd. Likewise, if a black boy did the same and decided on rap, and basketball, he would be classified as an ordinary "black kid" or ghetto. Inverse being that a white kid who likes rap is ridiculed for wanting to be black, or a black kid who likes rock and all the rest is "white on the inside" and somehow that makes him weaker. :animeangr [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I am white, and i too am very much into harsher metal, and pretty much all kinds of rock. I think this is largely affected due to my race, although i'm not racist. I don't at all like rap, or much other things that are commonly associated with the "black" stereotype. The only thing i can think of is a friend i have who likes a lot of rap, and basketball. Me and my friends say he wants to be black, but that's more of a friendly tease than actually stereotyping him. I knew him before anyone else at my school though because he used to live in Milwaukee (one of the most segregated cities in the country), where my dad also lived at the time. In that case, i don't think it's all just race, but also where you grew up that will also effect what kinds of things you are into. I wouldn't like labeling though. Like actually saying "your white/black" in a racist way just based on what you do or like.[/COLOR]
[quote name='SakuraMinomino][B][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Well, I'm gonna say Trigun. I don't particularly ENJOY mangas about guns anyway, but everyone RAVED about it, and I was sorely dissapointed. I dunno, I only saw 3 episodes and read 2 chapters of the manga, maybe it gets better. Dunno, don't care. My boyfriend loves it, though, but he loves anything with violence. He's got that kinda psyco-evil thing goin' on lately...[/SIZE][/COLOR'][/B][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Trigun has like nothing to do psycho-evil violence! If you actually watched it and saw what it was about, you might find it quite interesting. The main character even refuses to kill people!!! And the title may imply there are guns, though guns don't play as big of a role as you may think. According to the thread, there are a good amount of disapointing anime, but i suppose one that comes to mind would be Ninja Resurestion. I wtched it with the intent of seeing a sequel to Ninja Scroll, but it is not only a completely different entity, but a bad anime to boot. They must have had the intention of making more or something, but never got around to it! [SPOILER]The movie (or episodes i guess) ends with Satan among other evil men killing innocent people... THAT'S IT!!!![/SPOILER] Well like i said, there are lots to say here but that's what has more recently disgusted me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Oh, boy. When i was in fifth grade (about six years ago...) we were working on something, i'm not sure what, that required scissors. So i, along with the rest of the class, got my scissors out. The only difference is that i had a weird kind, they fold to be more compact, it was a gift from my mom. Well i pulled them out to use when someone yelled that i had a weapon (reffering to my "different scissors") probably half joking. But the teacher idiotically took it serious, and before i knew it i was in the principal's office with my dad, trying to explain that it wasn't a weapon, but ordinary scissors. Well i got "in trouble" which i never understood, and still don't, and i never saw those scissors again... :animecry: That really pissed me off! :flaming: Which is why i sympathise so much with that girl you (original poster) talked about. It's so bogus!!!![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Angst is okay i guess. Most of what you mentioned i haven't seen, although Evangelion has a good amount of angst to it. Shinji is depressed almost all the time, but it's still a great series. I just have to be in the right mood to see it. Comodey is good to. I like an anime that can ballance the comedy and angst, and everything else. I'm thinking of something like Trigun now... In terms of Cuteness, blah! :sick: I just can't handle all the little fru-fru stuff. It's things like that that make people generalize anime as being childish.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Tigervx][COLOR=Teal][FONT=Arial]Well... If we're talking in a purely historically view >>... Myths are rampart of Samurai and Ninjas; they've been glorified and blown way out of proportion. Samurai: They were not the honorable fighters we've all come to love and know. Infact, it was very common for Samurai armies to be bribed and change sides. The only reason one samurai would commit seppuku, or kill one self is not out of honor but out of family. Should a Samurai be captured and executed, his belongings don't go to his heir of his choice, but should he commit suicide his will will be cared out. Basically, Samurai from the "Last Samurai" aren't a good comparison to history. Ninjas: They were never big, infact their numbers could never even become 1/10 of the Samurai during Sengoku Jidai. They were not really secret societies, more just assassins and spies that Lords kept around if they needed to break into a castle or for someone to be killed. And there have been documented accounts of Samurai Ninjas, or more simply a Samurai who has learned the art of stealth to assassinate. The thing is Ninjas were never as fast in real life as they are in say Anime or Movies, considering the fact allot of the stuff they do contradicts psychics. In the end, stereotypes get in the way of such decision making. It really depends what kind of weapons they're using. If it?s General Ninja vs. General Samurai, then the Ninja could probably take the Samurai out with some sort of Missile weapon. But if they both had muskets for example, I still believe the Ninja would come out on top since there have been documented Ninja Snipers that took out Lords with Musket fire from great distances. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]What you say about samurai is true, but i think that the rest of what other people said is true as well. To just say that all samurai took bribes, or all samurai were trusting and honorable would be a huge generalization. :rolleyes: And when i say that ninjas were quick, or stealthy or whatever, i'm not saying they jumped fifty feet in the air, or hopped from trees at sixty miles an hour. They were just more swift. A quck clean kill. As for using muskets... back in the day those were ungodly inaccurate. You'd have to be 20 feet away at best to get a good "sniper" shot. I'm not so sure about that... :o As for a ninja samurai. I would believe it, but it would most likely be a Ronin turned ninja (ronin being a samurai whos lord died while under the protection of the samurai. The samurai would lose all respect and thier carrer as a samurai was pretty much over. Thus becoming a ninja for hire was not uncommon). In that case, it would technically be a ninja, but with samurai skills. Like i said earlier, i like samurai better (though both are cool :D ) just for the honor (that most samurai had... not all), and that their sword was kind of like their spirit. Although in an actual 1 on 1 battle, i don't doubt that a ninja would win.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I try not to judge people from appearance, but it really is hard. :animesigh Example: A kid at school commonly wore generic striped shirts, blah blah blah. Anyways, I instantly just assumed that he was some prep or something, the kind of person i want nothing to do with. Well it turned out that he was friends with some of my friends, and we ended up becoming great friends! (and he is absolutely NOT a prep, we share a lot of interests) So you can see how it is generally a bad thing to judge people, though it just happens. :p [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Cowboy Bebop is good. Generally serious, though light when it needs to be. Neon Genesis Evangelion. All religious and stuff. Deals with depression and what not, a very serious anime. X is also quite good. It's also religious, but in a more dark kind of way. See the series though... the movie wont make sense otherwise. Hellsing is also good. A short series, that has a bit more gore and violence, although i highly recomend the manga over the anime. Ninja Scroll is also kind of gory. I would recomend the movie, though the series isn't bad either... Akira is a great movie as well... Hope that helps! :D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Cool beans! I have a little Beatles, though the majority of my collection lies with Led Zepplin. I have all but two LP's of theirs, plus a couple bootlegs. I also have tons of Jimmy Page records. Soon i'll be collecting a ton of Pink Floyd. There are some good picture discs to be had there, their covers alone were good! I got most of my vinyls from my dad, so their all really old, but there are some rare ones that i take great pride in (even though they were my dad's), like my Led Zepplin II is an original press! You can tell because it has the gold record sticker on it, which was only there for the first year it was realeased because it quickly became a platinum seller. I've got over 60 records, but my dad says that there used to be easily four times as much, but from lending them to friends, wel... :animesigh For that reason, i have a policy, where they don't leave the house! I also have "Who Are You", but it isn't a pic disc. The only Beatles i have is a couple greatest hits (red and blue, i hear they are kind of rare), and "Abbey Road." :D [/COLOR]
[quote name='Pumpkin][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1] True you do hold a valid point. Alot of credit wouldn't be given to you, but to me that would override working for someone else. Credit wouldn't really mean alot to me, and that would solve the people chasing me and everything. As long as the name stays intact, who cares if people don't know what you look like? thats a good thing. Like vash as example, he had the choice of going to a normal life, and not many people know his real identity so it's really easy to lie about something like that then people pointing you out. The people that did hunt him down did figure out his true identity because of his own actions, that part would be hard, but if you are careful and have a second one it would be hard for people to figure out your true identity. It's kind of like spiderman. [/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Exactly... :D Not to mention Spider-Man is like, the BEST comic in the world! The comics of Spider-Man go a lot deeper than the movies and really has a lot to do with the whole secret identity thing. Just wanted to point that out (GREAT example!) :animesmil [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Pumpkin][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1] Hmmm let me try and figure this one out. [b]Ninja[/b] [list] [*]Incredible Stealth Ability which pretty much lets you get away with almost everything [*]Learning Martial Arts in private [*]Get to be a Mercenary/Assasin ( I mean come on who hasnt heard of one that isn't cool?) [*]Get to work alone and have a better chance of making a name for yourself individually [/list] [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Most of that is true, except that because of ninjas being so stealthy, quick, and working solo so often, you wouldn't make a name for yourself. You would be just another nameless legend. You could never prove that you were that ninja... unless you showed off to prove it, in which case all of the people you pissed off would be out to kill you. Unless you want to be hunted, you would probably be a nameless, or at least faceless myth. Think Trigun... everyone knows the name Vash, but not many believed the actual Vash to be him... and those that did hunted him down.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]elfpirate[/B] [I]The ninja, as far as I know were samurai... they just took on secret missions on the side... and they were controlled by lords and whomever hired them. They, too, were expected to commit seppuku if for some reason, their mission was not a success--even if it wasn't their fault. Ninja did not receive adolation for their successes, either... simply a monetary reward or a favor.[/I][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Ninjas are NOT Samurai. They each heve very different teqniques and styles. And a samurai worked under a lord, but ninjas did not. They often had someone who had hired them, wether for one job, or long term, but was never a "master" to the ninja.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]A ninja isn't neccesarily a student of ninjitsu. Ninjitsu is simply one of many forms of Jitsu that a ninja can be skilled in. Ninjas generally are assassins, though they don't [I]require[/I] to know any form of jitsu to be a ninja.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]It looks to be a pretty promising game... I hear it has a lot of puzles and what not. Much more than just a fighting kinda deal. Seems like it would be hard too. I saw a shot of one of the first bosses, and it was HUGE! I'm allways up for a challenge though... :D [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Another annoying one was Navi from Ocarina of Time. That supid thing kept yelling "HEY!" just to tell you it was night time or something totally random and trivial that you could allready tell. I wish you could stuff her in a jar and throw it in lake Hyrule or something. :animesmil [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I am generally pretty shy on the outside. Although when you get to know me (if i'm in a good mood) i'm really quite sociable. If you would call that "fronting" then i guess i do. On the other hand, i do dress a certain way, to express things i like, etc. In that case i strictly would wear something that truly represents me in some way. I most certainly don't try to be "gangsta" or anything like that... then again i don't like rap. Generally, i try to express myself, though i similarly do change the way i act normally on occasion for reasons of politeness. I think it's best to be yourself! :D [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hey, cool! Thanx for explaining futher on the samurai... :D As for the ninja, i merely forgot to post about all the ninjitsu stuff. The thing about that is that there are different kinds of jitsus as well... skills, magic, etc.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Boy oh boy, i thought that the movies were great! :D It's so deep, and a good story at that. Some people say that it just doesn't even seem like Kenshin in the movies (compared to the series), but i think that makes perfect sense. In the first one (Trust&Betrayal), taking place before the series, Kenshin was an assassin (did i spell that right?), and a killer. Though as nails and all. [SPOILER]Then the whole incident in the end... and the events that took place in the motion picture (different from the OVA's), Kenshin chose to abandon his killing ways[/SPOILER], where the series picks up... Then there was Reflection. It makes sense that he was so serious in that one too. [SPOILER]He was much older, wiser, and had that nasty illness... [/SPOILER] In terms of the dubbing... i didn't even take the time in the first place to watch it dubbed, but i can say that the sub was pretty good. I don't usually watch anime dubbed, as i preffer to watch it in Japanese. (The only anime really good dubbed is Cowboy Bebop i think.) Just like manga. I preffer that "backwards" which is the way it was meant to be... :animesmil [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Recently, the form of music has greatly moved to a digital era, with CD's, MP3's, and downloads, and all. But sometimes id like to go back to the good old days, when if you wanted any music you HAD to buy it (or steal it if your that kind of person *shun*). When it was pertty much pointless to have a bootleg of anything because it sounded awful anyway. I'm talking about vinyl. I have a decent collection of records, and an ok turntable. I will probably buy a new set soon though. Something with two turntables and a mixer, just to have fun. But sometimes a band will only release something on vinyl (a single maybe), it's always good to have options open for a collector... Not to mention, if you keep them in good enough condition for a long time, they can really be worth something. I've seen a vinyl collection on ebay for over $600! Now i wouldn't put down that much money for a few records, but to be the one selling it... wow! Anyways, it's fun just to scratch records too. That's why i have such high respect for DJ's, or electronic bands like Jurrasic 5, Executioners, Chemical Brothers, Sid Wilson (Slipknot), and Joe Hahn (Linkin Park), just to name a few. Anyways, i would just like to see if anyone else likes collecting or has a collection on vinyl, and what you might have, if you scratch and play around a lot, or just stick to the digital age of things.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I'm quite into the ninja samurai thing lately, and just thought i could start talking about it. Just to see some other peoples reactions, opinions, etc. For starters, in case you aren't sure of the difference... A ninja is more focused on stealth, and though they do use a sword, also heavily rely on shuriken, small throwable objects, like stars, knives, etc. (many kinds really, my fav being a wind shuriken, it has four blades that fold out, and flys like a boomerang, back to the thrower). Ninjas generally work alone, however this is not always the case, and most often is like a mercenary, a hired gun of sorts... Samurai do not use any throwing objects. They rely very heavily on the sword, and skill. There is much more of an honor about being a samurai. It's a way of life, not a thing to do, and their sword is very much a spiritual part of the samurai. They tend to carry two swords, one for primary combat, and another which is shorter. Examples of this in terms of anime would be... Ninja- Naruto, or Ninja Scroll (not Ninja Resurection though... it's very inaccurate) Samurai- Samurai Deeper Kyo, or Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) Personally i prefer samurai, though they both are very cool! :D So please, say any opinion, or correct me if i was wrong with any of that.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I never had a cowboy or pirate phase... :o I was allways, and allways will be a vampire... just the way i am i guess... :devil: [/COLOR]