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Everything posted by boxybrown305

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]I did a report on phobias in health class last year, so i know a good amount about phobias... It was then that i found out that i actually have what is called social phobia. Now that isnt quite what it sounds like (i'm not isolated in home or anything wierd like that). In my case, i specifically would rather go to great lengths to avoid talking to people i dont know (i even feel uncomfortable saying hi to people when i walk my dogs...). That's why i like chating/posting online... it doesn't require person to person communication, though i still get to communicate. That's not to say, however, that i dont talk to people. I'm still pretty sociable... :animeblus Another, more extreme case of it that i have is the fact that i absolutely refuse to use a public bathroom, unless i really, REALLY have to go... Otherwise i'll hold it until i get home, or someone's house. :animestun Kinda wierd, but that's what a phobia is, a strong, irrational fear. Irrational being the key word there... In some of the cases that people posted earlier, it isn't exactly a phobia to avoid heights, that's just a common fear among many people. If it were a phobia, you probably wouldn't even go on the second floor of a mall, or over a bridge for that matter...[/COLOR]
  2. [quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=blue] [SPOILER]Vlad is another name for Dracula...[/SPOILER] Why else do you think [SPOILER]Bram Stoker[/SPOILER] based a movie off of him that was titled [SPOILER]Dracula[/SPOILER']?[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]I havn't heard of Vlad to be another name for Dracula, he was just the man that the stories were based on... And Bram Stroker didn't make the movie, he wrote the book... like in the 1800's or something. It's his book that the movie is based on, hence the name, Bram Stroker's Dracula.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]I havent actually read that much of the manga, so i'm not sure how it ENDS exactly, but it is pretty crazy (it has Nazi's and stuff in it!). [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]AzureWolf[/B] [I]Alucard in Hellsing isn't Dracula's son, but Dracula himself. The name ALONE was the reason why I didn't figure out who Alucard really was until the impaling.[/I][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]In the end, I was having trouble deciding who Alucard truly was. I knew he wasn't the son of Dracula (he hinted that Alucard was not his original name), but if he were truly Dracula, then how was it possible for him to have ever been restricted? I was having trouble determining if he was Dracula, the son of Dracula, or possibly Vlad the Impaler... Vlad the Impaler really did exist. He was a very powerful man in the Mideval time period. He would go around peoples houses, and basically take any man of the house that he didn't like and impale them on long spikes from a decent hight. He was the one who was the basis for the first ever vampire story (officially written was Bram Stroker's Dracula, though there were stories before that...). It made sense to me that Alucard could have been Vlad, what with the "old school" impaling and all. (Though it would make just as much sense if he were Dracula as well...)[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]I would sooo meet Alucard from Hellsing! He could turn me into a vampire (that would be so awsome!). :devil: But if he wouldn't let me be a vampire then it would be SUPER COOL to hang out with Spike, and the rest of the Bebop gang! :D :cool: Then we could go bounty hunting for Vash, and meet even more awseome people! I'd still soo rather be a vampire though...[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]If you have the thin one, that will make it harder, though still possible. The original size on the other hand... that's easy as cake (or a piece of pie... or... something...)[/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='Mavado-EX'] Halo 2's ending made me cringe...playing hrs upon hrs to get that "ending" was just insane.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]Halo 2 was TOTALY disapointing... nothing even happened! :mad: Pretty much along the lines of "Stay tuned for the next episode of Halo, here in 3-5 short years on a system that doesn't even exist yet, and you'll have to pay $300 MORE to play!"... *BLAH![/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=liam mc]But my most annoying would have to be [B]Tingle[/B] from [B]The Wind Waker[/B]. He just annoys me with his silly little dances and long conversations. Oh! If only Link had a gun:bellylol:[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Funny, i was planning on saying Tingle before i even opened the thread... it wasn't even just Wind Waker, all the Zelda games he was in, he sucked! :laugh: [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]A lot of the Final Fantasy games are vrey good, however my fav rpg of all time is definately Chrono Trigger. FF VII is a close second though. [U][B][SIZE=4]*SPOILERS*[/SIZE][/B][/U] [spoiler]Chrno Trigger just has sooo many wonderful aspects to it. Optional characters in the game, the main character even dies!!! That's just stunning. The game even has the option to (go out of you way) to get Chrono back! I love it! :D [/spoiler][/COLOR] [color=#4B0082]Added spoiler tags. For instructions on how to use them, please look at the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=40627][u]Spoiler Tags!![/u][/url] sticky thread at the top of the forum. Thanks. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]There are so many great band out there! I find it extremely difficult to limit my fav bands, but ill give it a shot... 1) Pink Floyd- hands down, the greatest band in the history of mankind! :animesmil This is where it gets difficult, so to save me some time from sorting out, i'll just list some of the good ones. Led Zep, AC/DC, QUEEN, Aerosmith, Rush, Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedey's, Black Flag, Korn, Marily Manson, RAGE!!!, Slipknot, White Zombie, really there are TONS! Looking at some other people's, i think most people here have the potential for better music tastes, but really need to explore more. It reminds me of ME several years ago, which is why i hate it so much... Linkin Park is an OK band at best, [I]but best band ever?[/I] Not at all... I (and my friends) have a HUGE selection of music, and wide range of tastes, so PLEASE talk to me if you ever want to know about new bands in any genre (of rock). I'm always happy to give my expertise. :cool: [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]It's true... Korn is no longer a band! :( About two weeks ago, guitarist "Head" left the band to "find god" *puke! :animeangr He may possibly join a christian rock band (that's all we need another horrible band like Creed...), and i highly doubt the probability of them continuing either without him, or with a new member. Korn is still going to complete thier new (and most likely final) album due to release later this year.[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE=TOTALIMMORTAL][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed] As much as I'd like to deny it and wish it wasn't true, what was once punk is now honestly dead. I consider myself "punk" but most people probably wouldn't deem me so because I don't exactly dress like all the other people who do think they are. I listen to Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, and of course, Punk. But this isn't about me. I think music keeps changing too much to stay popular with the times, and that's not what music should be about. And especially not Punk Rock. Punk Rock used to actually mean something back in the day, people either loved it or hated it. Now it's actually a [B]FREAKIN CLOTHING STYLE[/B]?!!! :flaming: I hate that. Way too many kids these days wear a Misfits shirt or something and haven't even heard a single song by them. Punk is sure as hell not about popularity, but thanks to places like Hot Topic, everybody's got a freakin studded belt and a Ramones shirt. Hot Topic is the Anti-Christ to what actually used to mean something. As much as I love Punk Rock, I can honestly say that places like Hot Topic, and those stupid "pop" punk bands like Good Charlotte, have brought about the demise of punk. Bands these days just keep becoming less and less musically talented, and more and more sing-along. Does anybody feel the same way as me, that punk has become way too popular and means practically nothing anymore? I wish it weren't so, but Punk Rock is either Six Feet Under or somewhere close to it.....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]WOW, you're ABSOLUTELY right! I've known this for quite a while, and it is truly disgusting. I too am a fan of punk music, though it is stricly the MUSIC i love, and even that has to be defined these days... Stupid wannabes like Good Charollette, New Found Glory, Simple Plan, Blink-182 and even... Ashlee ********ing Simpson (excuse me while i vomit in rage):flaming: claim to be "punk." [B]A list of actually good punk music...[/B] [B]The Who[/B]- now they really aren't punk, but many punk bands openly admit that they were inspiration.[B] The Velvet Underground[/B]- this is the same case as the who... [B]The Rammones[/B]- the ORIGINAL punk band, controversially the first [B]The Clash[/B]- old school like the rammones, though a "more punk" attitude in the lyrics [B]Sex Pistols[/B]- punk in its most pure form. just guys wailing on their instruments (with basic rithyms), and screaming about anarchy and what not [B]Bad Brains[/B]- i havent heard much of them, but definately real punk... [B]Black Flag[/B]- pretty similar to sex pistols (the name "black flag" is litterally a universal symbol of anarchy and punk in general), they just sing about beer, sex, etc... your average punk band [B]Dead Kennedey's[/B]- more of the good old punk at work [B]The Misfits[/B]- any punk list would not be complete without mentioning this demonic group of punks... Basically, the only new band these days that you can accurately define as punk (REAL PUNK) is Rancid. Pretty much a harder, wilder version of the Clash. Again, this is what real punk is, and i do unfortunately agree that punk in our day is dead. But hey, the true punks that still exist can show off their pride the way it was meant to be shown even in the golden age of punk... beating the s**t out of dumb poser wannabes! :devil: [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]I'm into Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Propellerheads, Crystal Method, Hive (not to be mistaken for "The Hives"), KMFDM and some other stuff like that...[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed]My friends' old band name was "Grade Zero"... I liked it, but they left it behind :( Good luck with your band, and to everyone else out there making music! [/COLOR] :D
  14. [QUOTE=TOTALIMMORTAL] [B][U]Underrated[/U][/B] 1. Led Zeppelin [/QUOTE] Under NO way is Led Zepplin UNDERrated. [COLOR=DarkRed]That being said... [B] Overrated:[/B] 1) All rap music... that's pretty self explanitory, it sucks. 2) All teenie boper crap (Britany Spears, Simpson sisters, etc.) 3) All this stupid "pop punk" (Good Charollette, Simple Plan, New Found Glory, etc.) 4) Green Day, Marilyn Manson... i'll admit that they are overrated, but it doesn't change the fact that they are good! 5) Anything else that sucks...[B] Underrated:[/B] 1) GOOD punk music (Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedy's, Black Flag, Bad Brains, etc. except for the Misfits... they arent underrated, but still very good.) 2) Most indie (Killers, Muse, Modest Mouse, Flaming Lips, Ima Robot, etc.) 3) Rush... 4) Miscellaneous (Presidents of the United States of America, Warp 11, etc.) 5) Most good music in general. [B]*NOTE:[/B] Just because something is overrated does NOT mean that its bad... just look at Pink Floyd, or Jimi Hendrix! However overrated bands usually are bad... *cough, Blink-182, cough...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]I've never thought of it as a "cult" film before, but now that i do think about it, it does make sense. In absolutely no way am i saying its bad though, i think its a great movie. Besides, cult movies arent bad. Another fav would be Donnie Darko, or SLC Punk...[/COLOR]
  16. boxybrown305


    [COLOR=DarkRed]Slipknot is just about the BEST nu-metal band out there! I'm glad enough to say that i will be seeing them in concert on April 30, 2005. Can't wait! Another fav band member would be Sid, but Joeys the best! :devil:[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hellsing is pretty good and its got some amazing fights in it as well, though by the end i found the story to be a bit lacking. I just needed more clarification. That's why i absolutely LOVE the manga for it, but thats another subject. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]Originally posted by [B]Sensei-San[/B] [I]"Did anyone notice that Alucard is actually "Dracula" spelt backwards?"[/I][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]This is true, but did you also know that the name "Alucard" was the name of Dracula's son according to some nostfaratu mythology. And the mother was Karmilla Miraluca, also mentioned in the series (and a prominent character in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust).[/COLOR]
  18. Just the little things that i want back on are Tenchi Muyo, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, whatever you know, it would just be nice to see them on tv again... Then theres Evangelion! It never even aired on tv! (If i'm not misstaken) That really needs to be shown, there are soo many aspects to it that make it so great, i just dont understand why it wasnt on the air in the first place. Another thing would be X. That's a great series too. :D
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]I soo identify with Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion. The whole depresed and abandoned thing (not to say i'm always sad or anything) i just really connected with him there...[/COLOR]
  20. Now I'll be honest, i havent seen all that much anime, but of what i have seen... my favorite would either be Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop. of course tons of peeps are saying that but they really are both soo great (and in their own ways).
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]1) Vash's whole getup (coat, boots, glasses... If I can only have one of those though it would be the coat)- Trigun :cool: 2) The Swordfish- Cowboy Bebop... flying in that would be sooo fun :D 3) Canada's motorcycle- Akira... man that thing is fast! :animeknow [/COLOR]
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