hello i have a question regareding the 2nd part to the saga dosew any body know how to beat the phase 3 boss in the net slum he uses death abd rebearth on me and it kills me every time. fyi lvl 49 lvl39 wepon use blackrose and elk both lvl 50. plz help
[quote name='Rubysand']ya we're in the same boat. how the heak do u get a grunty?[/quote]
the way you get a grunnty is got to a sever and look for a farm and there will be a littel ugly thing you take the food and feed it ( bloody egg, bear cat egg) and when it get older it tells you what it want and you feed it that and you will get a better grunty but if feed it anythig you will get a nobel grunty.
[color=#4B0082]Combined the double post. Please use the edit function instead of double posting. Thanks. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]