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Miss Pikachu

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Everything posted by Miss Pikachu

  1. I want to be in InuYasha! I think it would be cool to be part demon and have demon powers. :)
  2. Miss Pikachu


    Something I relate to....that would have to be "Soar" by Christina Aguilera of her album [I]Stripped[/I].
  3. Best Anime: Pokémon-Hey! It's the first one I ever watched, so don't complain. Best Comedy Anime: Love Hina-Don't ask. Best Romance Anime: Best Drama Anime: Best Action/Adventure Anime: Yu-Yu Hakusho-If it's not in this category, then please tell me. Best Mecha Anime: Gundam Wing Best Fantasy Anime: InuYasha Best Horror Anime: Best Male Character: Kai Hiwatari Best Female Character: Ryoko Best Soundtrack: Pokémon 3 Funniest Character: Kuwabara Biggest ***$hole(the one person you hate the most...): Kikyo Biggest Badass: Hiei Best Villain: Naraku Hottest Chick: Most Well Dressed/With The Best Style Character: Vash the Stampede Best Death: Best Anime Movie: Gundam Wing:Endless Waltz Best Anime OVA: Samurai X Best Anime Music Track: "Rhythm Emotion" (Techno Remix)-From Gundam Wing. Any blanks are ones I eathe can't decide on or don't like at all.
  4. [quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=blue']As far as movies go, you can't go wrong with Samuari X: Trust and Betrayal. I think it's also called Rurouni Kenshin: Reminisence. It's got action, drama, LOVE, a stupid teenager, and a little philosophy. It's very sophist when it comes to that little bit of philosophy, but most popular philosophical animes are.[/COLOR][/quote] There's a box set of the Samuri X movies. The names of the three are Trust, Betrayal, and Reflection. The first 2 take place during the revolution; the last 1 takes place after Kenshin meets Koaru.
  5. I want several different ones back. There's too many for me to name, though. :animecry: I'll give two of them I do wnat back. 1.[U]Outlaw Star[/U]-I loved this show. It was like a mix of the old west and the technologically advance future. It also had alot of action in it to. 2.[U]Case Closed[/U]-Simply because I love mystery stories. All the episodes had a mystery I couldn't solve until the end. I love things like that. :catgirl:
  6. I wore a shirt that said "You Pinch I Punch" over a green clover. Someone pinched me, so I punched them in the arm. Unfortunately, I almost got a referral for doing it.
  7. I'm doing a project on Renaissance food, but I need more info. If anyone can help me, send the info to me or to Sanada. My Otaku account name is the same as my OB name, and my SN is [email]Niknakk@aol.com[/email]. Just private message Sanada if you can't get me. Any and all help will be greatly appriciated. :catgirl:
  8. [QUOTE=Dagger]I'm going to have to disagree with the consensus here, heh. I believe that in general--that is, offline--male "otaku" (define it as you will) outnumber female fans. Online, it simply varies from site to site. For example, virtually all LiveJournal communities are female-dominated. It's easy to get a skewed impression because females of all ages tend to be more active in their respective fandoms than males (again, this is only a tendency, but I think it applies across the board). Yet there are also plenty of forums where you'd be hard-pressed to find more than a couple of women--Anime on DVD comes to mind. Of course there's been more of a balance lately, thanks in large part to the fact that manga has carved out a strong niche with female readers. In honesty, I'm much more used to seeing the opposite question ("Do any girls like anime?"), so this thread kind of surprised me. I guess that in itself is a sign of progress. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I don't think it really matters whether the male fans ouweight the females fans, or vice versa. All that matters, is that there are fans out there who freely express their love of anime. :catgirl:
  9. [QUOTE=Twilight_Kioku]ok, im a high school student, have about 30 manga novels, 6 dvd's, 72 gig of anime on my comp, and a hellovalotta wallpapers. recently, one of my teachers in my computer classes noticed my wallpapers i have up, and some other classmates as well. recently, mine has been DNAngel wallpapers, and negima. she gets kinda mad and tells us to get rid of our wallpapers, calling them cartoon porn. i was just sittin there thinking 'yeah, porn my a__, if she wants that, i can bring some'. not goin to, of course, but just the idea of excluding it from my computer classes when all i do in there is draw anime on the computers...well, i dont have anything to do in there anymore! and neither does a couple of my friends. we are now forced to BS our way through the day. i also bring my manga to school to read, because my parents dont really like it, when its nothing worse than whats on the local channels at prime time. i bring them to school, and some more teachers chew me out for reading that, and i contenue to think, 'wtf? itsa book, im an adult, GET OVER IT!' long story short, my teachers are anti-anime, anti-manga, and im stuck with nothing to do for a few hours. anyone else have this problem around school or anywhere similar? good new is, she hasent said anything about my .hack// music, yay[/QUOTE] At least you get to use your PC's for things other than school assignments. If we get caught looking at even using google to search the web for something like info on another country when it's not an assignment, we get a refferal. Actually, you can't even call it that. It's more like and order form for a detention or work detail. I can't stand there rules. At least they let use read whatever we want in our spare time. They don't have a problem with use playing something like Magic the Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh! during breakfast or lunch either.
  10. I cried a little at the end of Wolf's Rain. Darcia is an evil little brat!! I hate him!!
  11. [QUOTE=dark kitsune]I'm wondering if any of you watch it. I just finished watching episode 7 and damned if it didn't make me cry.... So anybody into this particular anime as much as me? From what I've seen so far this anime is incredible. The character development, plot and artwork are great. If you haven't seen it yet...then get busy![/QUOTE] I find it very exciting. There are sometimes when I want to cry, though. I can't wait for tonight's episode.
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