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Everything posted by TheBlackSkater

  1. heh, i get ehat you're saying. they wanna try sumthin new let them, ill support them. it just surpriesed me, but after listening to them a couple times i dont really think that their style changed, its just temperarily[sp?] meh i dont care what slipknot does, ill listen to them even if they turn into a jewish band wiht all that stuff. bad example, but you people should get what i mean
  2. i dont think you can get the english version of j-rock unless they know english. but try imesh or winmx. or you could go to [url]www.vnl-online[/url] .com its under ayumi hamaskai j-pop. they got anime, j-rock and j-pop music. if you need more help vist my myo site or pm me
  3. Man, now i cant really say anything deep about Manson now. i only have his greatest hits cd. ill have to go back and buy his old cds. as for his latest one, i have heard nothing about it. i checked Manson's site and it says nothiong about it. but both of you have very good veiws about him and i agree 100%. hopefully io can learn somthing more about him from you both.
  4. I do Love Manson. I got into him when i saw his Beautiful People song in Concert. It was Crazy and weird! I guess thats why i decided to buy his cd. it was different and i like different. his cover songs of sweet dreams and tainted love are pretty good. some of his songs are slow and some arent. I find him and the band very talented. Manson's voice is weird just like the lead singer from The mars Volta. I dont know why i really like him, i just do and i dont seem to have a problem with it. although it does give something to think about now.
  5. Well Its the only cd i have of him, i never heard any of his old cds.
  6. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]All You Marilyn Manson Lover Come Here. Personaly I Like His Lest We Forget Album[/FONT] :animenose
  7. You make a good point. But i agree Slipknot is NOT[U] an ACOUSTIC BAND, and tha kinda took me by surprise when i first heard it. To me, their old cds are the best. For Mudvayne their new cd just came out and i plan to buy it, i just hope its better than L.P.50. But i get waht you mean when you say who cares how long the band lasts. I just said that as my own oppinion. I LOVE SLIPKNOT AND I FOREVER WILL.
  8. hmm, vol.3 did suck a little, i mean they could do better. but you cant expoect them to continue music like their self-titled cd forever. Mudvayne on the otherhand when they came out with L.P. 50 that was ****. their old cds are better. they look cleaner and their music is softer, wjicj tells me that they'll proboly be over in 3-4yrs. like i said you cant expect them to last forever. maybe after they break up or sumthin they'll cime back for a reunion tour. but this is just my oppinion
  9. o man i remember getting caught. it waws fourth grade. i missed the bus on purppose with my little bro. we went on our bikes and went to target for a five finger discount a.k.a, to steal. we were in the parking lot when my friends mom stops right next to us rolls down the window and asks what we were doing there. being the retard that i am, i lied. i said that it was my birthday and on our birthdays we dont have to go to school. she said oh okay then. then she drove off. i went inside stole went home entered through my basement and we relaxed the whole day. then the call came, my dad answered and we got caught. the next day my friend asked when my birthday was and i said it was yesterday. but scince that day i never stole agian. but i still skip school and i try to keep close to women and say that they are my moms when i skip
  10. Oh yes i very much agree. Slipknot is the same just as they started, but they have very much improved. They are their own selves and and they've been that way scince the very first. I hope they dont change their style for future come.
  11. Yeah i know Mudvayne isnt masked anymore. but ya they have mellowed out since L.D. 50, like this morning i was watching, i think Happy, one of their videos. they seemed clean and everyhting. IT talkes place in a medow so you're watching it and like what the hell? why is it in a medow? but it gets destryoed so thats good. but yes i agree that slipknot is better. but they got like nine people, and only like five of them play instruments.
  12. Yes i very much agree with you. Mudvayne has not been as good as they used to. SLipknot on the other hand has been fantastic since their first album.
  13. [FONT=Times New Roman]Slipknot or Mudvayne? these two masked bands rock as hard as any other metal/heavy band. Who's better?[/FONT] :mad:
  14. [QUOTE=r3vival]Yea, it's all about practicing a lot and taking a lot of falls at that. I haven't skated in over a year but it was a great time when I did no doubt about that. My tips to beginning skaters who just wanna go out and have fun and get decent while their at it. Its not so much how fast you learn the hard stuff but get your basics down flat and its a lot more fun. A few basic grinds/ slides and a kickflip+ good ollie are great because when you master the basics you can incorporate them into a combination of things. Like i said before GAPS ARE THE BEST >.
  15. [QUOTE=Nate]To me, it's a fakie/nollie if your moving backwards when you ollie and when you land. How fast/how much, i dont' care. _-Nate-_[/QUOTE] ya i agree, its basicly riding backwards. so just lgo the regular way you always do and look backward or sumthin.
  16. [quote name='Blue Heaven']i've been skating for four years and can do alot. I can do 8 stair hand rails. Kickflip 10 stairs. I can 360 flip nollie flip nollie hardflip sexchange frontside flip 360 off ramps fs and bs boardslides crookeds, smits, feebles, ollie over 5 boards. Uhh.... i think thats it. Well and the basic tricks too.[/quote] man yor good, i can do most of the tricks cepct for the 8step handrail, i can to 5steps. im sponsered by me local skatepark. so are ya sponsered?
  17. [QUOTE=Cazzilla]I have tried to skateboard, many a time. But it always ends to same. Painfully. But it starts me boarding in a straight line, slowly, singing "I am a skater girl..something something somethign" and then being hurled off the board by the disembodied Spirit of Avril lavinge..She doesn't like to be mocked.[/QUOTE] lol well keep trying, some nvr learn to skateboard. its pretty hard [QUOTE=elfpirate][b]I forgot to answer the tricks part o' the question last time I posted, huh?[/b] [b]Well, right now I'm workin' on hardflips and fakie flips, but I'm tryin' 'em standstill, since I have to practice in the cellar 'till the snow melts-ha ha...[/b] [b]Hardest trick I've landed? Hmmm... I think it was a 7-stair dark-slide, 180-out... into a moving car--ha ha - no s**t - I [i]landed [/i]it--about half a second before impacting with the car... and ended up with a broken foot. (yes, yes it [i]is[/i] a funny mental image...)[/b] [b]I was happy to have landed it, though... I'd been trying it all day and was getting mad about not having any skin left on my shins and elbows... so I was pretty stoked that I finally landed it.[/b] [b]As far as a set-up, I'm sportin' a Zoo York w/ Black Panthers--suits me just fine...[/b][/QUOTE] hey man how'd ya learn to darkslide? i wanna learn. and how do ya het the hardflips? i cant get it evn thogh i can popshvit both ways. [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: I combined your responses since double posts are not allowed on the OB. Please work on your post quality as well. I highly recommend that you reread the rules of the site before posting anymore. If you have questions about the posting rules please PM myself or any of the moderators of the site. -Panda [/COLOR]
  18. milkshake by kelis[FONT=Courier New]12[/FONT][COLOR=Pink]pink[/COLOR]
  19. ya same here. i skateboard and im sponsered. im black big deal. they proboly do that cuz im the better skater. :animeangr
  20. im sponsered by my local skatepark. i can do the basic tricks and all. and i can nollie, nollie flip, switch ollie, tre' flip and i can 360 down a 7step. i can kickflip to 5-0, nollie to 5-0, switch 180 to 5-0, varial kickflip to bluntslide. etc. destructo trucks with abec7 bearings pig risers and a popwar deck is what i hav. i broke my element, they brak too eaisaly. and ive gone through a foundation and two mini-logo boards. all snapped while skatin. [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: I combined your double posts into one post. If you need to post directly after a post you just made please use the edit button on your current post versus creating a new one or wait until someone else posts a response.Please work on your post quality as well. Spelling and grammar are very important here on the OB. PM myself or any of the other mods if you have questions. -Panda [/COLOR]
  21. margeritas those are good! its soo sweet and stuff :animeswea
  22. i gots arachniphobia. scarde of spiiders :animeblus
  23. i like Dir En Grey and Moi Dix Mois and Pyshco le Cemu(or vise versa) :D
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