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Everything posted by azn_dude
Koji looked at his computer and saw an e-mail pop up. [I]To: Koji From: Mint Hi! Well I just got your e-mail. I was wondering. Can we meet somewhere else? Like, I dunno. Just somewhere and also did you meet the other hacker? See ya later. Bye! -Mint[/I] He began to respond back. [I]I haven't met the other hacker and sure...where would you like to meet??? -Koji[/I] He clicked send and waited... ------------------------------------------------------------------ Koji began to modify monsters while he was waiting. He sent it to "The World" and planned an attack on Kite and Blackrose. He watched intensely and then an e-mail popped up.
Koji went to his computer and typed up an e-mail. [B]Forward To:[/B] Mint, James [B]From:[/B] Koji [I]Hello. Today we have an event and I hope to see you there. I will be waiting near the bridge I told you about on my last e-mail. I hope to see you there all dressed up nicely so I will finally prepare or attack on the lengendary characters. I'll see you later and I hope you have fun. -Koji[/I] He clicked send and sent it to Mint and James. [I]Wonderful...this will be fun, won't it?[/I] Koji got off his computer and went to eat dinner. [B]OOC: Alright...I know I said 4 hackers but I'll leave it to 3 hackers since Who Am I? won't sign up for another character. This RP is going great. Keep it up! :animesmil [/B]
[B]Koji woke up the next day and logged on to the World.[/B] [B]Username:[/B] Koji [B]Password: [/B] ******* [B]He walked towards the bridge once more waiting for Mint. In ten minutes she came and waved hi to him.[/B] [COLOR=Navy]"Great timing!" Koji said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Thanks!" Mint said.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"Well we are still on the search for the other characters or hackers as you say," Koji whispered.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Yeah. I know." Mint nodded.[/COLOR] [B]Trumpets blared and a event came out. [/B] [I]Players are all welcome to a fun game that they can win to win a free item. It can be any item but only one. It will start tonight. Please join this spectacular event! Sincerely, The CCCorp.[/I] [B]Mint and Koji looked at the event and decided to enter in case the next hacker comes there. They played around the World and gained points. [/B] [COLOR=Navy]"Hey I gotta go," Koji said, "I'll meet you tonight."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Yeah, sure. See you later." Mint said goodbye and Koji left.[/COLOR] [B]OOC: Ok. Well if it's ok with you guys. Can someone play another character? A hacker. If not then I'll ask Innocent. Alright bye![/B]
[B]Koji met up with Mint at the bridge. She agreed to join the so-called 'party' and Koji was explaining it to her.[/B] [COLOR=Navy]"Well...right now I'm suppose to be looking for the other two hackers and then we will start my plan soon enough," Koji smiled.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"What kind of plan?" Mint asked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"A plan to destroy the legendary characters Blackrose and Kite."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Oh..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]"Well we will enjoy our time here and search for the other hackers, alright? And when we're done then we'll get started."[/COLOR] [B]Koji and Mint got off the bridge discussing the rest of the stuff and searching for the remaining hackers as well. They gained points and grew stronger. Koji had to leave and sign off.[/B] [COLOR=Navy]"Goodbye," Koji called to Mint.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Bye!" Mint called back and Koji signed off.[/COLOR] [B]Koji put his headset down and waited for another day to come.[/B] [COLOR=Navy]"This is going swell.." Koji said to himself and fell asleep.[/COLOR] [B]OOC: Apherion that's great if you can try to play another character. Just PM me on who you are going to be, ok? ^ ^ Well Innocent will try to play another character as well. This story is going great. Keep it up! ^ ^[/B]
[B]Kale watched as Kenneth and Jennifer were comforting each other.[/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I]Pathetic. It's not like it's the end of the world[/I], Kale thought.[/COLOR] [B]He walked to a different section of the house looking for a place he could stay. He sighed heavily and wondered how he ended up here. To tell you the truth, Kale did feel sad and worried on the inside but hated to show it. He was a loner and he was a cold hearted person at the same time. He began to lift rocks of the floor with his minds and started to play with them for entertainment. [/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen]"...well now what?" He said.[/COLOR] [B]Everyone was worrying and nobody was thinking about having any food or anything. Some people were crying and worrying about their parents while other people were confused. Kale continued to play with his rocks while thinking about something.[/B] OOC: Sorry if it's short... :animeswea
Koji went to his laptop and looked through his e-mail. [B][I]Welcome. You have won a fabulous contest. You are chosen to play this virtual game we have built. This will be the character you'll be playing.[/I][/B] A picture pops up. [B][I]Before you play, you must create a username and password.[/I][/B] Koji typed it in. [B][I]Thank you. Have fun. Sincerely, The CCCorp.[/I][/B] Six months have past and Koji was familiar with the game. [B]Username:[/B] Koji [B]Password:[/B] ******* [B][I]Welcome Koji. Enjoy your time in the World.[/I][/B] [I]Of course I will[/I], he thought with a smirk. He entered the World and began his search for three hackers just like him. [B]OOC: Alright. Hackers, you meet up with Koji somehow and people who are playing Oka, Blackrose, Kite, etc. you guys are new to the World and you guys become friends somehow (but not so quickly). Can anyone play one more character (please?) because we don't have enough. And if anyone wants to then change your color so we can tell the difference. Thanks. Just inform me that you have chosen to be another character by PMing me. Thanks again. Have fun.[/B]
Name: Gregory Perry Age: 36 Appearance: Get this later Personality: A gentle and calm man. During battle he gets a bit mad but he is still cool about it. He is a humble man and a kind and caring man but just don't get on his stressed out or bad mood side or then he'll get cranky. A clip of your person: Fill this later. OOC: Hi! I'm using my brother's sn. :)
I sorry about my spelling mistake please forgive me. I will start this when I get one more player and if not then I will start. Once again please forgive me about my spelling mistake and if this is taking too long to start.
[B]Name:[/B] [COLOR=Navy]Kale Himura[/COLOR] [B]Age:[/B] [COLOR=Navy]16[/COLOR] [B]Gender:[/B] [COLOR=Navy]Male[/COLOR] [B]Appearance:[/B] [COLOR=Navy]He has black hair that falls on his face and cold green eyes. He wears a white dress shirt as black trench coat that goes all the way down to his ankles. He stands about 5 feet and 7 inches (pretty short). He wears black baggy pants and wears a necklace. He has a fair/pale skin so he doesn't like to go outside much. He carries around a sword with him on his side for unknown reasons.[/COLOR] [B]Role:[/B] [COLOR=Navy]Discovered the house[/COLOR] [B]Character Excerpt:[/B] [COLOR=SeaGreen]Kale and several children discovered the house. It wasn't a cozy spot but it was a place for solitude. It was quiet and that's what Kale liked. After weeks of staying there one side of the house began to collaspe. "Ahhhh!!!!!!!!" the children screamed. Kale didn't really care for them but six of them survived and the rest died. [I]What a pity[/I], Kale thought. He took off and went to a different section of the house where he and the other six children stayed and played. Kale really didn't make friends but he stayed. He also has a power to use telekinesis. [/COLOR] [B]OOC: If anything needs to be changed PM me. Thanks. By the way this is Innocent, using my brother's sn.[/B]
I have a link but I can't like shrink it or anything. But the picture is pretty. Maybe if you ask someone to fit it for you then yeah but I can't do that because my comp won't shrink it. It's a girl looking up at the stars and it's like blue. Sorry but here's a like you might like. [URL=http://pantransit.reptiles.org/images/2000-06-25/cm08.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Oh yeah here's another one. It's a fairy thing. But it's your choice. You also have to resize it because it's big as well. [URL=http://www.sailor-stars.org/whitesun/concours_collab/edition2/faby_themis.jpg]Click Here[/URL] OOC: Oh yeah I'm on my brother's sn. I probably sound girly here huh? :animeswea
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2]This is a virtual game where you fight monsters and gain points. There are nine main characters named Ouka, Murai, Kite, Blackrose, Lord Balmung, and the four dot hackers. Oka is a werewolf that has amazing fighting skills. Murai is a young girl that collects rare items and uses spells to attack. Kyte and Blackrose are legendary characters. Kyte has to swords with incredible speed, and Blackrose has a gigantic sword but it seems like she swings it around like it only weighs like a feather. Lord Bulma is a great friend of Kyte and has a high level of points. Last but not least the 4 dot hackers. The dot hackers try distroying the legendary characters for they have the power to create level 45 monsters out of nowhere. The monsters they create are powerful and can regenerate their data whenever it gets hit. Unfortunately Kyte has a bracelet that can imediately destroy the monsters in one blow saying (data drain). Their goal is to save the world from evil[/SIZE].[/COLOR] My Sign Up: Name: Koji Age:14 Who are you: Hacker Weapon: (If hacker, you don't have one) Sign up name in game: Koji (if you are Blackrose, Kyte, etc. then your sign up name goes here). Appearance (in the game): Ice blue hair and bangs that fall to his face. Wear beige shorts(that goes down to his knees) with a white shirt and a green vest that's like a wind breaker jacket. OOC:The first 3 people to join and be dot hackers will be it and I will be the forth. All hackers make up your names.
[B]WARNING: THIS CONTAINS MUCH VIOLENCE, LANGUAGE AND SEXUAL CONTENTS IN THIS STORY. BE WARNED.[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]A very attractive woman walks through the streets making everyone stare at her. Her name you ask? It's Nora Slider. Unfortunately, she has a very bad past. Her husband was mudered before their honeymoon and she is very upset. Her goal is to kill everyone that was involved with her husband's death. First, she attracts men to her and gets married after a couple of months. She has unbelievable sex like never before. Then, she makes an omelet with a drug called opium. It makes them vomet and choke on it untill they can't breathe. She kills them right before their honeymoon to show how much she hated them. After the person dies, she goes into their account and steals all their money. She becomes filthy rich and buys a lot of stuff such as a bright new red mercedez-benz, a ferrari enzo, a hummer lemo, and a 40 acre mansion to live in. [/COLOR] [B]Sign ups:[/B] Name: Regular names please. Age: 28-35 Gender: Male or Female Personality: how they act Appearance: Pic would be fine. Try being descriptive if no picture. Bio: Has to connect with husband's death [B]OOC: [/B] I'll add my character later when other people sign up. Thanks.