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Everything posted by r3vival

  1. It's only recently I started to really delve deeper into the anime world and expand my horizons so I will strain in producing a top 10 list but here it goes... 1) [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B] - Definately without a doubt number 1. This is probably slightly biased due to the fact that this is the first anime I have seen (besides DBZ & Pokemon) that really made me develop an interest in anime. GREATT music. Funny fillers and an interesting story. Very likable characters (balanced as well).On top of that the perfect ending.... A CLASSIC 2) [B]Evangelion[/B] - Although as people continue to say it does have some fundamental flaws the psychological developement of the characters is captivating! I love how (also mentioned) it develops to a much darker anime towards the end of the series also a classic. 3) [B]Full Metal Alchemist[/B] - Amazing I haven't even seen the whole series yet and it's already safely claimd its spot up here in the top three. I have never seen an anime ( in my limited experience) make use of every episode to further the story when it is that long!!! I have yet to see a filler in the series. The psychological/moral ideas mentioned in the series are intriguing and really hit u right here (places hand on chest.) The idea behind the story is fresh and what more can I say besides I'm hooked.. 4) [B]Full Metal Panic[/B] - Wow awesome show. The characters are very likable and their personalities tend to bring forth quite a bit of humor into the series. The animation and music are great. The story has something for everybody romance, humor, and action. I can see this easily moving up on my list as I delve deeper into the series. 5) [B]Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex[/B] - WOW for the animation! A plus is also Yoko Kanno being involed ^^. I love the psychological ideas brought up in this anime as well but this time its often more the contraversial idea of man vs machine in many different aspects. Again only about halfway through this series but its blowing my mind. 6) [B]Rurouni Kenshin[/B] I'd have to say although the series had some great points (certain enemies more related with his past & aoshi & the whole shishio bit) it had some terrible fillers that its just... get the heck outta there. In fact, the only reason I'd put it up here is 1) my limited anime experience and 2) How AMAZING the OVA Trust & Betrayal is. WOW now taht is a classic. 7) [B]Trigun[/B] - Alright Nicholas D. Wolfwood has the most bad*** weapon conceived. The series has humor some of it doesnt quite strike me though... It still manages a spot due to Wolfwood's spot as one of my favorite anime characters of all time aside from that in my eyes its good and you should see it by all means but its not amazing... 8) [B]Chrono Crusades[/B] - Again I've yet to complete the series but for some reason I love it. The idea demon fighting aside is very original/cool. I mean come on a nun running around with a gun shooting up demons is that cool or what? I am once again out of the kindness of my heart offering this anime a spot due to its ability to hook me =D! 9) [B]Ninja Scrolls[/B] - Although I didn't find it to be exceptional overall some particular episodes really had me going. I watched the dvds and the first dvd I was uninterested until the last episode which sorta raised my brow due to my sympathy towards to one character a later episode really made me sympathize for them. Then the second dvd really picked it up and got me drawn in through the 3rd I was hooked. Some episodes were standouts but the series as a whole was only pretty good in my eyes but those standouts earned it this spot as far as I'm concerned. 10)[B]Wolfs Rain[/B] - Original, nice animation, Yoko Kanno ^^, Interesting story. Stress the originality and that's why it got a place up here I love it.
  2. I agree that in some sense there is a moral decay. I'd say its because of the generation that we fall into. A generation that came soon after the world wars, civil rights movements, and womans rights movements (not to say that the struggle still continues). Many major victories were already won and so progress slows down as people become "content" with the lives they have come to lead. Then you have people who choose to live to certain ideals such as 13 year old thugs who simply fall into a trend which is really what it is a trend. Everybody has more freedom so what do they do abuse it then the next generation is exposed to such things and come to accept it as the way it is and so continue in that sense. People only truly know as much as they have seen or experienced first hand. Since an overwhelming majority has fallen into these trends why fight it they think? I've seen kids who used to be so quiet and good in school grow with me and completely change especially by the time they enter high school in order to ease their life or do whatever they feel would ease their life. Fall in with the majority or you also have those that feel excessive rebellion is the answer. They do it because they aren't happy and to find the happiness they are/were lacking. People become more apathetic because such things become commonplace and in my case I can't say it even is apathy. Every time I hear of a killing I know how terrible it is but I don't act because there really isn't anything I can do on the matter. Not at the moment at least... I cannot say I want to act and undo what was already done of course there is hope of changing the future but that must be done as a generation not as an individual. A change of this scale isnt to be made by 1 person although 1 person can very well be the beginnings of a larger movement just because people are so cowardly and cannot do much of what they want if they feel they are the only ones. But really there is only so much we can do even then the influences will still be there it really all depends on the strength of the individual to hold true to themselves rather then fall into stereotypes so as nto to be separated from the whole. I'm stumbling on my own thoughts now though so I'm gonna cut it off here until other people state opinions that may generate a more specific idea or thought in my mind so as to make a better reply
  3. As far as dragons, gnomes, and fairies go I don't think they exist. I think they are just misinterpretations of other creatures such as the whole mermaind being confused with a manatee(may have spelled that wrong) deal. As for ghosts... I strongly believe that they do exist but also that no human has ever come in direct contact with one or seen one at least in terms of the definition of ghost meaning a "spirit of a dead person". I believe any experiences people claim to have are merely manifestations of their emotions whatever they may be in a visible form, a voice or noise, or even a feeling or chill. The things you see in dreams again are mere manifistations of your emotions. The only ghosts that affect us are the ones we create from our emotions and memories. These are the only "ghosts" that influence us. At least, this is what I believe.
  4. First, would be the element of shadow. I would say I relate to this because a lot of what and who I am I don't reveal to people up front. I often present people with merely a small idea of who I am as a person up front. This is similar to a shadow in the fact that a shadow is merely an outline of a person. In a shadow, although you can get an idea of what the person looks like, at least their outline, but the inside is unclear and cannot be made out from merely seeing a shadow. Next would be light in the sense that I am a fairly optimistic person about most things and intrigued by things like psychology and philosophy which attempt to reveal much about life in general and the human psyche (finding the light sort of). Then I would lastly say air(even though water gets the same point across). I am usually fairly calm but when I get mad I go off...(in some rare occasions). Similar to how the wind can be calm as well as devastating (tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.).
  5. Well said Generic. Religion really all comes down to a matter of faith and one's willingness to believe in its ideas in the end. Chabichou, in your previous statements you mock the fact that the greeks used their gods as a means to explain things that they didn't understand and that these beliefs were proven ludicrous in the end through science. On the other hand, you also claimed that you have a mixed belief in science and religion due to the fact that science doesn't completely explain such ideas as the existance of matter, energy, and the big bang. Correct me if i'm wrong but this is the exact same idea of using divine beings to explain what we can't through science. To use religion to explain what we don't understand. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe the ideas of the greek gods doing such things as the tails describe at least in physical terms any more believable then you do. Then again, religion is more of a supernatural matter. One that is to be taken far more spiritually then literally as I see it at least. Also, I don't think its so much what you believe as what your belief does for you in the end. It's all a means to feel a sort of completeness in your life in sorts or even something to live for. Religion pretty much states the guidelines to leading the ideal life. Therefore it doesnt seem to me that it matters very much which religion you believe in so much as its a matter of whether or not it can lead you to live a good life. I don't want to offend anybody with these statements as this is the last thing I have in mind but as far as right or wrong religions go I don't believe they can be classified in that sense. They are often different paths to the same end (not to be taken in a morbid sense).
  6. Man, even though I'm still only 17 I can honestly say I fell in love twice. Both of these girls were my best friends before I developed feelings for them of course in between I went out with ppl before and after too not so many but you know.. I knew it was love because there was something different it was a deeper feeling. Like anything else when it goes un-nurtured love does die off or rather fades away. Even though we lost our friendship due to circumstances taht are very complicated and will not be discussed I never forgot and will never forget how great it felt on our good days and how much brighter life in general was even though its just fine right now thats all it is fine. I think to believe in "true love" you have to believe in fate. I'm more for the belief that any love can be your last your "true" love. Its all up to how everything goes it could go wrong or go right but there will be more and eventually you'll get it right.
  7. Seriously... you can't be so close-minded about a topic such as religion its as if your brainwashed. Don't get me wrong i don't think people who follow religion are brainwashed but in cases like this your so closed to an idea or belief outside of your own it really is a matter of tolerance. I don't know what I'd be considered given that I don't believe in a specific religion. I tend to see them as guidelines to living a good life which is basically what it comes down to in the end far be it for me to offend anybody because I've nothing against religion so long as it isn't followed "blindly" so to speak. In fact even in that case its nto so much the religion but the individual that is at fault. There are a multitude of different religions out there with their own interpretations of the divine beings that created this world and continue to bless it. Nobody has the right to put down any other belief and attempt to impose their own in such a disrespectful manner... :mad: :mad:
  8. [QUOTE=DerelictDestiny][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I aboslutely judge a person by their looks. Whole heartedly. It's not intentional but during the first few moments before you even talk to the person how else am I suppose to determine if this individual is worth my time or not? How much do they care about their presentation? What kind of impression are they intending to give? Possibly social status. It says so much. Like someone else was saying, they don't really care too much and thus wear sweatshirts and jeans, that tells me they're a person comfortable with themself and really doesn't care what people think of them. Sure it's horribly judgemental but it's not something I can ignore. Afterall, a person's presented looks are a representation of their personality. At least I think so.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I agree that a persons looks are in some sense a reflection of their personality. This is judgemental but of course it doesn't mean I'm going to cut somebody off just because of their looks. My first impression on somebody is souly based on looks and EVEN MORE THAN LOOKS how they carry themselves what type of manner they act in publicly (laughing joking all the time, always looking depressed, etc.) Of course first impressions aren't the final impressions thats why their called first they are subject to change perhaps in getting to know that hey they arent exactly who I thought they were whether it be better or for worse. I think it is IMPOSSIBLE not to judge at all based on looks whether you admit it or not you make connections based on looks. Whether it be as insignificant a connection as "Hey, she looks polish" or something of the sort or even "She looks ghettod out I hate her" (NOT TO BE TAKEN OFFENSIVELY ITS NOT HOW I FEEL JUST AN EXAMPLE) everybody judges based on looks. EDIT: Dont take any of this the wrong way I strongly believe that judgements along the terms of he has long hair he's gay are horrible and honestly make no sense... There is no real logical connection personality wise (sure girls have long hair but so what?) its just like saying every girl with short hair is a lesbian its unrelated hair is fairly irrelevant when it comes to sexual orientation Also well put siren short and to the point also very accurate at that
  9. A friend of mine proposed the idea of course its not souly his im sure often people think of it this way but that god created us and put us here to do what we will with the time we are given of course theres much more to it then that but you can get the jist of it by my saying its a sort of "ant farm theory". One in which god watches over us but our doings are souly ours not to be confused with gods will. I myself don't think I'm ready to believe the idea of a single divine creator that placed us here in an Adam and Eve sense. Then again I find myself very unenthused at the scientific standpoint in which everything is based around logic and life is explained or so it seems by numbers ( not really by numbers i'm just expressing the dryness to their ideas) Their is no romanticism nothing deep about their explanation on our purpose our life. In essence I guess I'm very confused on the subject. I am not quite sure if I believe in the ideas of religion although many aspects of it I can say I BLATANTLY AND STRONGLY disagree with but thats a topic for another thread.. I would much prefer if that were the truth then the scientific standpoint. Personally I see it as a mix between the two although I'm being vague I don't have a specific enough standpoint to be any clearer. Although many aspects of life are based around logic and science there is that something more that is there. Similar to the way all these processes work in the human body and mind all these cells work together but are in fact individual cells and do their own jobs and thus have their own separate state of being but somehow from all that comes us... something more is there that connects it all brings it all together under a single state of being or perhaps we are just borrowing the use of these cells and we are in fact something completely different. (since again they do have their own separate state of being as well) Now that I think about it thats an interesting idea but i'm getting off subject.... The fact is theres something else that still isnt explained an X-factor that will ALWAYS be there. Such things will always be open to discussion and perhaps we're looking too much into it the fact is humans always look for a way to justify their existance and always will its a part of human nature the part that I feel separates us from animals our thirst for knowledge of a metaself a self outside ourselves of sorts and so the search continues... for the answers
  10. I am ADDICTED to gummies whether it be worms, octopuses, bears, !!!!!!!! CHOCOLATE COVERED GUMMY BEARS!!!!!!! .... yummmm. I have to also admit I EASILY get addicted to final fantasy games when they come out I find myself spending hours trying to get through it asap and see what happens. Sadly, this hasn't applied as of late with X-2 and 11 being err.... not quite my taste in games. The worst example of this addiction is probably the 1 sunday I spent 20 hours playing FFX when it first came out :animeswea . Even though I do get so into the games I usually manage to beat them (as far as the story goes) within 1-4 days so it doesnt put much a damper on my social life as it does seem to do (FFXI typically and now World of Warcraft) for some people I know... I just get soo into those damn stories =Þ
  11. First off, I'm sorry but I love my Wendys thank you very much. :D On the note of taking risks its really a matter of personal standards as to how to deal with them. You know yourself better then anybody else and your ability to deal with the consequences of certain risks. I don't follow my own advice all the time and it lands me in trouble sometimes :( . Sometimes I do admit the positive seems too desirable to allow even the worst of consequences to prevent you from taking that risk but I've always gotten by through good and bad even though I've landed in some vulnerable positions and took my share of emotional beatings. No matter what, I was always able to persevere and somewhat be expectant of failures in these situations which is why ESPECIALLY in relationships I am quite the pessimist which is a bad thing I prepare myself for failure thus perhaps making it inevitable but what can ya do. The type of risks that generally mean trouble are the ones that you find yourself too caught up in the moment to even consider the negative outcomes then you can do some stupid things that can land you in pretty bad spot (heh speaking from experience). :animeswea
  12. [QUOTE=Zenriek]I got a skateboard a few months ago... I tried it, but I'm not so good at it yet. Plus I can hardly ever get out [I]to[/I] skateboard. I gotta practice...[/QUOTE] Yea, it's all about practicing a lot and taking a lot of falls at that. I haven't skated in over a year but it was a great time when I did no doubt about that. My tips to beginning skaters who just wanna go out and have fun and get decent while their at it. Its not so much how fast you learn the hard stuff but get your basics down flat and its a lot more fun. A few basic grinds/ slides and a kickflip+ good ollie are great because when you master the basics you can incorporate them into a combination of things. Like i said before GAPS ARE THE BEST >.
  13. We have genuine goths in our small lovely town. In fact two gothic themed stores opened called Spellbound and The Annex both selling a variety of superstitious items related to witchcraft along with spellbooks and the likes along with items related to the worshipping of the devil so I would have to say that's as genuinely gothic as you could get
  14. I'm pretty okay with my appearance overall although there are a few slight adjustments I may want to make. The first one being that I wouldnt mind being just a little bit taller not much just 2 inches or so would be fine (5'8" currently). I'm pretty light well was but now that wrestling seasons over i packed on a few which is what i wanted but any building of muscle mass is more for the sake of being stronger then looking stronger so that isnt really for appearances sake. The final change I would make is my hair. I'm half japanese and so I do have that typically asian hair that just seems to grow out and theres just not much I can do with it other then shave most of it off every month or so haha. Even though I cant imagine myself doing anything else with my hair it would just be nice if it were a bit more manageable that is WHEN it grows out (it just goes out like DBZ or somethin haha) I'd wouldn't say my appearance doesn't affect my self esteem or rather my personality as a whole. The fact that i'm, for lack of a better term, "chilled out" about my appearance (I dont like to put forth any really unnecessary effort unless its on a special occasion for appearances sake) I'm typically a chilled out guy too because I notice on days I'm dressed to impress I'm typically more edgy I don't know if thats what you were looking for but its typically the only way I can see it applying because this attitude in turn has its own specific effects on other matters such as socialism which is all good in the end I'm just typically slow to get to know people and shy on the spot but once i'm comfortable talking to somebody (have somewhat of an understanding of them) i open up a bit more conversationally I suppose this could also translate to my appearance being that I dont exactly see myself as the kind of person who can just automatically reel somebody in through charm alone
  15. I would say that I have a pretty short fuse but its in i guess a different sense. I can get into extended arguments with a great friend of mine that may have a major effect on the friendship itself and although of course itd work me pretty good i'd keep my cool through it all. Then you have these stupid little things thatll just set me off more out of frustration then shear anger. Example is when somebody says something so stupid that you wonder how they could've existed for the amount of time they have on this earth and still lack common sense specifically in one of my science classes (junior highschool) a girl asks "If I use soap does that make me fat?" (referring to the lipids/fats used in making soap) im sorry but stuff like that is irritating to me i must say with no intent to offend anybody....
  16. I'd have to agree that stand alone complex looks amazing in terms of such long running anime. FLCL was beautiful visually (even though it wasnt one of my favorites) and i also have to say I'm impressed by how well cowboy bebop is done and its ability to convey moods through its visuals the colors etc rly set the tones for the episodes (darker for Real folk blues obviously, and lighter/funner for mushroom samba) of course other anime do these things well as well but these are the standouts in my mind for the moment im sure more will come the second i post this and ill be extremely frustrated at my thoughtlessness but too lazy to repost them oh well here goes nothing.....
  17. Almost forgot until i saw my icon of samurai X upon exiting the thread Samurai X: Reflection was among the saddest stories I have seen I shed a tear or 2 at quite a few parts and found myselves covered in them at the end (but i wont ruin the ending for those of u who have yet to see it and plan on doing so)
  18. I cried out of sadness during that same episode of full metal alchemist somebody else mentioned during which the girl that had been combined with her dog through alchemy by her father was cruely murdered by scar. I also cried at the end of cowboy bebop but these were tears of joy at how beautifully and perfectly the series had ended although the ending wasnt entirely a happy one everything felt like it ended the way it had to the way it was meant to.
  19. I agree that super milk chan (although i expected nothing) still managed to be worse then I thought it would be. I also thought FLCL just .. wasn't for me. I heard so many good things about so I watched it and though I was able to get a few laughs out of it thats really all it gave me. I just like to come out of an anime with more then just a laugh or 2 (it wasn't even THAT funny) but it was respectable. Another disappointment which was already mentioned above would be Blood: the last vampire. My friend and I heard nothing but good things about it so we bought it and watched it that night and it was .... alright. I just couldn't get engaged in what was going on at all perhaps I merely set my expectations too high such that they could only be doomed by failure but oh well ...
  20. Well to I would think from the definition you have given to the word that everybody "fronts" sometimes. As mentioned earlier when you have a job that involves your working with people you can't so much wear your emotions on your sleeve. There is also the case that was mentioned of putting on a smile when you dont so much feel like smiling I suppose i'm guilty of this as well sometimes being that I prefer not to put my own burdens on others and even at the shear annoyance of people asking "What's wrong?" and having to answer all the time. Generally, i'd have to say that I don't "front" that often though. I don't see it as a bad thing so much in small doses I guess you could say although it is not the best way to say it. I see it as becoming a problem when you can see that people clearly live their lives behind this "front" or a mask of sorts. Then it comes down to the fact that a lot of what they are to you as a person isn't really them so obviously you can't really take a liking to them personally at least thats how I feel. Its somewhat ironic that these people who go out of their way to put up such barriers to the core of what they really are are often the easiest to read.
  21. I love anime first obviously because of the art. It is BEAUTIFUL. It also does a great job stylewise in conveying the emotions of specific scenes and allowing you to understand how the character feels or even what they are thinking merely by seeing his expressions . The second reason I love anime is the depth of the stories at times and the humor at other times. In many cases it is a nice mix of both a good share of action doesnt do much harm either :D not at all.. The third reason which somewhat ties into the second is the (at times) amazingly involved character development. The characters often display signs of growing over the course of an anime or rather maturing. You are able to see how a character is effected by the events of the anime and these in depth characters often lead to very meshed story lines. Meaning multiple micro stories underlying the single macro plot. It is amazing to see everything tie in in the end and to get an understanding of each character throughout the course of the anime on a more personal level. Fact of the matter is ANIME ROCKS MY SOCKS =Þ.(for lack of better words)
  22. I agree that anime does have a profound effect on my life. As mentioned before every anime has its own underlying moral lessons and its up to the viewer to interpret them as he will. In reality what you can get out of an anime is so open ended the same anime can have different lessons to different people. Then there is the matter of the rise in western popularity of anime. I have to agree with what was mentioned earlier that it was a gradual process of more people in western nations being exposed to it. I think that it has only recently come to the point where the western popularity had rose to a point high enough for the general public to gain more exposure to the anime and then as was also mentioned earlier you generally dismiss it before giving it a real chance calling it a "childish cartoon" (ignorant)... or you fall in love with it but i'm also sure some people do give it a fair chance before dismissing it (respectable) but I cant say I agree with them :D . But the thing is who could help but fall in love with an anime of choice if given a fair chance. There is the nostalgic feeling of the cartoons of our past but now in the form of a much more mature show. There are so many different kinds of anime there are those that offer intense humor, some are action packed for those more into the action category, and some are as deep as many soap operas try to be, but in most cases you find a nice mix of all these qualities and more. The fact of the matter is in anime, if you look for it, there is something for everybody.
  23. I have to agree with Dagger that it really depends on the anime. Some are aimed at the older anime buffs while others specifically target children. There is also that in between that could go either way as far as I see it and I think you can't really get everything an anime has to offer until your a little older and able to understand matters that arent placed in front of your face and require a little thinking to notice. Most anime has much to say that isnt given up front and it would generally require a more "matured" mind to catch a lot of these references (generally of course).
  24. [QUOTE=elfpirate][b]Um... you apparently haven't been talking to the right girls. :animesmil [/b] [b]And I'm not offended, (oh, no- it takes [i]much[/i] more than that to offend the elfpirate) but I think that there are an equal number of shallow and/or moronic guys out there as there are females with those particular...flaws-- don't you?[/b] [b]I mean, let's not be sexist- idiots come in all forms...:animesigh [/b] [b](Did I just sound like a know-it-all? *smirk*)[/b][/QUOTE] Of course i'm not saying that idiots come in the form of a female. I am by no means sexist but one can only speak from experience and perhaps I haven't been talking to the right girls but really what can you do. I won't get too much into it because its a discussion not meant for this thread. But I am by no means attacking girls i was merely stating what it is that I look for in a girl generally. Its ironic that everything I look for is pretty much the opposite of the experiences I've had thus far.
  25. [QUOTE=JenniKate] I found the Samurai X OVA's to be very somber and didn't feel much joy when watching them. It was also very strange watching the different drawing style with characters that I felt I knew so well from the series seeming very different in the OVAs. Jen[/QUOTE] Thats true its very different but its great because its a sign of the times. Trust and Betrayal (also my favorite as somebody else just said themselves) took place during at time of war and strife thus the personalities would naturally reflect that. There is also Reflections which (for the characters involved) was also a dark time [SPOILER] being that Kenshin was deathly ill and everybody knew it was only a matter of time before the lovable hero of RK met his end soon after to be followed in all likelihood by Kaoru. Its a sad story and the character's attitudes reflect that.[/SPOILER]
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