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Everything posted by r3vival

  1. i am in the process of watching SAC on adult swim and as of now I love it. It is incredibly complex and really gets you thinking in some episodes. The music is GREAT. The artwork is incredible. Its definately the kind of show you can watch multiple times over and get something new out of it every time... good stuff
  2. I first saw the series and got hooked its good stuff but then i saw samurai x: trust and betrayal and i was blown away. The story was so deep [SPOILER]the lack of emotion from kenshins part seems fitting as when it shows him younger he is very emetional but later on he's much more apathetic naturally because he was hardened by his days of manslaying and then you see him soften up in the end only to...well you know with tomoe and all.. [/SPOILER] It rly made me sympathize with the character and almost share in a piece of the pain he felt. Then there is Samurai X: Reflection. This OVA is as mentioned by somebody before very nostalgic and I won't lie i was in tears at the end... The movie was really good too but had a tone much more similar to the tv series. Dagger, I saw your comment towards the beginning of the thread WATCH THE OVAS IN JAPANESE with subtitles, the american voice acting is terrible and is so dry it ruins it I hated Reflection when i chose to watch it in english one day it just doesnt do it justice
  3. [QUOTE=Dagger]Dammit, Armstrong! Why did you have to interrupt Ed's big confession? :animeangr Now I'm going to be in horrible suspense for heaven knows how long. I hope his secret is revealed soon, because I know so little about the situation that I can't even be bothered to start speculating properly. I also hope it's as shocking/horrific as his tone of voice (and his reluctance to tell Al) seemed to imply. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Man i was thinking the same thing! maybe it has some connection the note inside the watch thingy he left himself. It also came up right after Al's whole lack of memory sad time... so if i had to guess it would have something to do with the fact that maybe that so long as hes in that suit of armor his memory will deteriorate over time until he's nothing but a lump of metal without a soul again i dont know thats my guess if i had to make one
  4. Wow... i wish we had that in our school EVA sitting and drawing manga afterschool.. I only experienced 1 teacher that ever said anything about my background and maybe a few students but thats no longer a problem because they had to make it so you cant put a background on the computers (....) I can't say I got it bad at all though a lot of people in my school like their share of anime and if they dont like it they still respect it (so long as its not on the level of pokemon and the likes). I don't understand i mean i don't know how obscene your background may have appeared but It is used in an artistic sense so it is incomparable to porn. It isn't made to be masturbated to.... therefore that was a pretty ignorant thing for ur teacher to say
  5. I never really had a cowboy/pirate phase either although pirates are definately the better of the two. I personally wanted to be a teenage mutant ninja turtle when I was little :D . That's what my preschool recesses consisted of michael angelo/ rafael all the way 2 best although I was usually michael angelo. (it's the name)
  6. ooo man i don't skate much at all anymore but its great stuff. I'm not great more of a flatland person at that but i could do 50-50s, backside boardslides, noseslides, half cab (fakie 180), kickflip, frontside and backside 180s, fakie backside flips (fakie 180 kickflips if u dont know the terminology), fakie heelflips, heelflips, double kickflips, fakie kickflips, fakie shove-its, pop shove-its, fakie 360 shove-its, and i think that might be just about it as you can see the flatland GREATLY outnumbers the grinds/slides haha i just never got as comfortable with them even though they're fun. I'd have to say though THE funnest thing is gaps gaps gaps get good at ollies and do gaps they're so fun eventually you can trick over them whether they be stair gaps or whatever GAPS ARE FUN catch the earlier post but yea id say go and get swiss bones too even though their kinda expensive your full board can cost 160.00 thats how much mine cost but on the truck matter i'd say get tensors my independents were kinda crappy independent trucks are heavy and the pin in my back independent truck broke in half one day. Even considering I got a good year out of it I still wouldnt recommend it I currently sport the grind kings for the sake of trying something new but I have to say taht tensors were the best as far as my experiences go and deckwise my experience has told me that alien workshop is the best but pick one you're comfortable with first rule of thumb when u get a deck though DO NOT LET IT GET WET EVERRRR haha good luck and have fun [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: I combined your double post. Please use the edit button if you need to add something to a post versus starting a new post directly after one you just made. If you don't want to do that then wait until someone else responds to the thread and post after they do. If you have questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. -Panda[/COLOR]
  7. This is the only anime message board i'm in I don't like to overcomplicate things with multiple boards and I'm not really big on the whole message board thing normally but it seemed like this site had a nice one and it would be a nice way to spend any spare time and it turned out i was right =D
  8. I have to agree with what a few people have already stated. The difference in genders is built off of stereotypes. The male and female stereotypes of masculinity etc. Since birth as mentioned early in the thread males and females are treated differently according to the stereotypes. This is what keeps these stereotypes alive because generally when you're raised to a stereotype there's a good chance you're gonna grow to fit it in some matter. It seems that as time goes by these stereotypes are slowly fading though. Seeing that now the line between male and female crosses over from time to time as far as personality goes.
  9. I'd have to say that humans are inherently good. If you think about it when your really young all you care about is yourself. All you want is to personally have a good time all the time and although in doing so you may hurt somebody it isn't as if you had any malicious intentions towards them in doing so. Before taught otherwise all you try to do is be happy all the time. Once tainted by the ideas forced upon you by society things get a little more complicated and you can go either way but inherently humans don't have malicious intentions for one another or anything else for that matter its all about making yourself happy.
  10. I have a lot of people that I talk to fairly regularly but i consider that more of an acquaintance relationship. I've only got about 10 that I hang out with fairly on a regular basis outside of school.
  11. Cowboy bebop- at least 6 times through Samurai X Trust & Betrayal OVA- 4 or 5 times Other then that i've watched some individual episodes of shows multiple times through or im generally in the middle of watching the anime for the first time through like Evangelion but i've seen episodes 11-17 about 5 times each
  12. I can pretty much go for anything with a good story but i do like some action thrown in there. Anything that has deep controversial conflicts or just a generally deep core storyline. Some comic relief is good but i can't say i'm much of a fan of the type that are pretty much one big joke that get a little too wacky for my taste.
  13. Life is as i see it simply meant to be lived. In doing so you'll do what you have to do to live it to the fullest and thus leave your mark on the world. Just live life as you feel it should be lived so long as your happy with it you'll find your making some sort of positive mark in the world as i see it then again my views on such things are always evolving seeing that i tend to think about things like this a lot lol its what i do i like to think myself to sleep at night ist a habit
  14. i'm not a girl but id have to say i would want a girl to flat out tell me that shes not interested if its the case. I mean if i did like them id probably feel pretty crummy but its not nearly as bad as not knowing and getting mixed messages from the person you like so if he doesnt get it just BE DIRECT but hey go easy on the guy its one thing to say i dont like you like that its another to say I HATE YOU lol im sure u get it
  15. What i look for in a girl... -somewhat of a physical attraction usually has to be there to develop some sort of interest in getting to know them not to be shallow at all im not but its true that you have to be comfortable with somebody's looks or you dont rly get as close to them a lot of the time it just works out that way - funny/ fun to hang out with - TRUST is very important - a HUGE plus is a girl that can have an intelligent conversation. ( I dont want to offend anybody of course but in my experience girls are either too stupid to carry on a deep conversation because they themselves are shallow or arent capable of making a point and supporting it. Othertimes girls act like they no it all and just come out to be close-minded . This doesnt apply to all girls but plenty in my experience could fall into either one of the 2 categories.) - I like a girl that has self confidence and a little flirty but lets not be ridiculous here. - They SHOULD show they care // trust you in return as long as that understanding is there its all good. Naturally, when you trust and care about somebody you hope for the same in return. - I like a girl with self respect too and morals I mean it doesnt mean she has to be a prude but you can generally tell when somebody gets around just for the sake of getting around without even caring for the person especially. Thats about it off the top of my head all that and good conversation make for a great girl in my eyes
  16. You know i think that you're really the only one who can decide to how to go about it being that you personally how close or not u are to that person. Just do it however you feel most comfortable going about it. If it isnt meant to be it wont happen no matter how you go about it. If you believe in fate but its less about fate and more about if the attraction isnt there now going both ways its unlikely to develop unless u are very close. So just take ur shot at it and have no regrets either way ya know. If it works out then it wouldve worked out no matter how u went about it pretty much (without being ridiculous) So best of luck and all this basically says is do what comes natural haha.
  17. I also bite my nails =Þ I drink straight out of the container (only in my own house though) I procrastinate (last minute kind of guy) I get hyper sometimes for some reason or other i dont know exactly why only sometimes though And I tend to over analyze things
  18. If your going for power mind control beats all but id have to say that id want either flight or even better nightcrawler's ability of teleportation it just seems like so much fun except itd be nice if i didnt have to be blue with a tail and 3 fingers and toes etc to go with it
  19. I have to agree with many of the threads i have seen that episode 7 is the best. It's a real tear jerker. I personally think FMA is great because it has such memorable characters, a well developed story, and especially the fact that it deals with such deep moral issues. The ideas brought up in the series are so deep that they really just get you thinking and interested i'd have to say its among my favorites.
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