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Everything posted by Break

  1. I love Parks & Recreation. Tom Haverford is the best, but everyone is really good in it. Reminds me of the Office (US) in the way that it's able to run for a long time and build on its characters and really flesh them out rather than relying on a star main character or couple of characters. (Please say nothing about the finale, I've yet to get that far!)
  2. where is everyone? this is so so sad.

  3.   HELLO!     Yeah it's crazy isn't it? I think my original summation of 7, 8 years is definitely off. More like 10+. Wow. Wow, wow, and triple wow.   Loved every minute. I even tiptoed onto OB on Christmas day of all times, as I'm sure many others did. What a jolly good old time we all had. It seems like a dream now. A dream.
  4.   Haha. I thought the same thing about everyone in my hometown in England. I'd actually sink into a terrible malaise every time I came back from holiday and think, 'Why can't I just live in [wherever I'd just been]?'   Where did you go in the Caribbean?
  5. e.e. cummings.   Get on board. He's the best.
  6.   Yes. Big time. Ah kuja... You say it seems like such a long time ago, but it actually was, it was like 7, 8 years ago that stuff. Jeh (Jamas Hazaa, is how it started if I remember rightly), Weh, etc. etc. The huge AIM chats everyone used to have. All that stuff.   The RPGs were amazing though. Two that really stick out was a Zelda one, but I can't remember the pretence, and a Megaman one that went on for ages and ages - both really enjoyable.   Those were kind of the 'glory' days, for me. I was younger, I used to come on OB like every night after school until late into the night (early in the morning) posting and, mainly actually, talking on AIM. I was a lot different back then, but a lot stays the same doesn't it? I mean, I'm back here aren't I? Haha.   Mainly, I remember the community. Yep. Amazing people. Hello everyone.   EDIT: Lady Asphyxia - I remember you! "losing all the connections I had on here just sort of makes me want to cry. You guys were my childhood. And it was a good one. " And I can totally get on board with that. Totally.
  7. "One Piece - Let's be honest, it's a very ugly series." Yes. One Piece is something that I kind of caught when I was younger, but never again for many years until a few months ago. My brother absolutely loves One Piece and although, yes as you say, it is a little "ugly" and all that (and can drag out sometimes longer than a saga of Dragonball Z and I know that's saying something), it is at the same time amazing in terms of characterisation. Everything about the One Piece world makes me want to live there (not forever, you know, that's crazy) or play a videogame based there (all those based on it so far have been terribly anticlimactic).   Shame there's like 500 episodes to get through. I can't find the time!
  8. "do not, do NOT, label yourself a tourist or an American if you are an American"   I can imagine why. I even feel that being an English person it's kind of the same stigma. It's actually part of what makes me scared to go 'proper' traveling. So many parts of the world feel off-limits, so to speak - places I'd love to see, because they're beautiful, like Armenia, Georgia, places in the Caucasus, the '-stans' in central Asia. It's a shame really. I'd love to follow the Silk Road but PFFT as if that would ever happen in today's climate, right?   As for where I've been, quite a few places when I was younger (my parents gave me the traveling bug): Jamaica, Venezuela, Honduras, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, Cook Islands, Tonga, Western Samoa, Tunisia, South Africa, Fiji, USA (Miami), Canada... I think that's it. As an adult I've done hardly any traveling myself. A few times to Paris with work and my girlfriend, and Marrakech with a friend, but aside from that - nothing. There's so much I want to see though. It's only fear that holds me back, but what's traveling without a little fear, eh? There's plenty of time left to get around. I'd really like to go to India, too. 
  9. [SIZE="4"][FONT="System"]Currently I am reading [b]THE BOOK THIEF[/b] by Markus Zusack. I've been wanting to read it ever since I read its blurb in a book shop just around three quarters of a year ago. I think it would be hard for anyone not to be intrigued by the words on the back of that book. Essentially, it is narrated by Death. He is no ordinary depiction of Death, however. And then the way it is written, well it is rich, like a thick chocolate gateuax or a New York cheesecake; Zusack revels in wordplay, colours, character and detail. It is clear that he takes great care to mention the things that people never really notice, like taking your shoes off by using one toe of one foot on the heel of the shoe on the other - little gems like this make it a thoroughly enjoyable read. What I don't particularly enjoy, or rather, what is actually a little bit irritating at times is the character of Death. It is so obviously put across that he is 'different' from the very start, and blatant shows like this don't sit very well with me. I can, however, appreciate what he has done here, and like I said, the book's fantastic. If I were all of you I would read it if I got the chance.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. Desperate Housewives, The IT Crowd, Heston Blumenthal's show whatever it's called (anyone?), and Grand Designs are my current addictions.
  11. Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii, it's very addictive. Tetris on the Gameboy, it's very addictive.
  12. I thought you would be talking about Open Water or The Strangers.
  13. [quote name='Søren'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I am the last of a dying breed: a prude.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I think everyone's gathered that perhaps that is what I am as well. Good night. :sleep:
  14. [quote name='The Boss'][size=1]A comedian once said "Homophobia is the only phobia that you can be called an intolerant bigot for having... It's like, maybe these people were actually traumatized by homosexuals in their childhood. Like maybe a homosexual fell on them as a baby or something, jumped out of a closet and spooked 'em."[/size][/quote] lol... [quote][i][size=1]I understand the state of your "discomfort" and I know it's not a hostility. I suppose that makes it the truest defintion of "homophobia", heh. I suppose I'm trying to get you to probe your own mind into finding out just why you're uncomfortable about the concept in the first place.[/i][/size][/quote] Feels like I'm at a psychiatrist's lol. Seriously though, I would not say I am homophobic in the least. I'm not scared of being turned gay - that is ridiculous. Maybe I just like to be controversial. Who knows! [quote][i][size=1]I heard the examples that people are scared of "being turned gay". I think that if you are as comfortable with your sexual orientation as I believe I am, that you really won't be so uncomfortable. Maybe it's an issue of knowing yourself better (I'm not directing this directly at you, Break, but all people who have this as an excuse).[/size][/i][/quote] I'm comfortable. I think I probably blew out of proportions how I feel about homosexuals expressing themselves in public. I do not like it, but only a little more than I don't like seeing heterosexual couples doing the same thing. That's only in public though. I really don't care for what they do in private. It would have been simpler just to say "I think it is wrong" and leave it at that :animeswea [quote][i][size=1]I mean, instead of finding arguements to defend your reasons why you are against homosexuality, why not look into yourself and find WHY you are in the first place.[/size[[/i][/quote] Because I'm a terrible upstart and make mountains out of molehills lol. I still believe what I believe though. I must sound very ignorant at the moment, sorry! [i][quote][size=1]I understand that it's a personal opinion, but then again, I don't think it's agreeable if your personal opinion on black people or asian people is a negative one. It's a fellow human being, and you shouldn't be afraid of them (unless you're afraid of people or something, haha, then it's understandable). Or uncomfortable around them.[/size][/QUOTE] Nope, I am a generally quite liberal person, believe it or not. Rights for everyone! But I still think that homosexuality is wrong - it is not the way things should be. If I could find the sources and the evidence I'd write a thesis on why I hold that opinion. There are many reasons that I probably don't even know yet. I'm not uncomfortable around homosexuals, or anyone of differnt ethnicity. As long as they don't plan to insult me, hurt me, or kill me, that's fine. I am so tired. I need to go to bed. Anomaly: I was just being pedantic, it's alright lol. The philosophy of language and rights are bad enough on their own, but when joined together and mingled with sexual orientations I don't think I have the mind to be able to comprehend what I am even saying myself, as much as I'd love to get more in-depth. :sleep: ARGHEDIT: [quote name='Darren']For everyone else who can't justify their feelings: It's predjudice through and through. Even if you say you find yourself uncomfortable being in the presence of a homosexual, it's still predjudice. Wanna know why? Think of it in terms racism. After the civil rights movement, do you really think that most whites were "comfortable" around blacks?[/QUOTE] It's much [i]less[/i] of a prejudice than hating different ethnicities, I am very sure of that. So am I basically being called a bigot? Fair enough. I have said a million times that I tolerate and accept homosexuality, but I still think it is wrong. If I were prejudiced it would mean I judged people before knowing them for themselves, not for being homosexual or [i]whatever[/i] - I don't do that. I think I've argued into so many corners and proved myself a hypocrite more than once. Bed.
  15. [quote name='Sesshomarufan']I don't see why people hated their newer stuff. It's practically the same as older albums like Blood Sugar Sex Magik or Californication. I liked By The Way and Stadium Arcadium, which I believe was their crownining achievement.[/QUOTE] I don't hate it, I just don't enjoy it as much. Perhaps because I've spent more time around the middle-albums than the newer ones. I mean, I don't think they are terribly amazing, they are not in my favourite genre (and I prefer stuff that's easier to play on guitar :p). Of course they are talented, and they have been around for a long time - I'll give them that. Just doesn't tickle my ear drums like other things do.
  16. [quote name='Sesshomarufan']You just argued yourself into a corner then, lol ^_~[/quote] It was a poor show :( [quote]Break: You have a good point in your argument. We wouldn't procreate and we would die out. Sounds good. But the fact is, we don't have an overwhelming gay population in most countries. It's in the bigger, more developed countries that have larger gay populations than other nations such as Trinidad and Tobago for instance. I'm not saying that you're wrong for going against Homosexuality. I actually applaud you for being a person who will take a stance against it. Everyone here is taking a on the fence sort of attitude towards it, including myself. You aren't afraid to say "Hey I think it's wrong and I don't like it". So kudos to you.[/QUOTE] I know. It seems a far-fetched rationale at best. I was trying to come up with something. I can't really think of anything else. Thank you for the kudos though. If I deserve any lol. I can't just say "It's wrong, I don't like it." I need an argument to back up. Anyone could sit there all day saying "I like this and that, but I absolutely detest whatsit - and don't even talk to me about this thing!" and give no reason for it. [quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1]Were you victimized by a group of homosexuals in school or something? [/color][/size][/QUOTE] Hahaha, far from it. I think you misunderstood me, what I meant is that I [i]feel[/i] that it is wrong, but I don't know why I feel that it is wrong. I'm trying to everything I know, so I can figure it out. Seems I don't know much. But no, unfortunately it's nothing as sinister as you think. [quote name='Retribution'][size=1]I'm not sure [i]why[/i] they'd stone disobedient children, but I'm assuming it's serious if it's in Leviticus. And of course homosexuality was outlawed because Israel needed to keep their population up. Antiquated, anyone?[/size][/QUOTE] Of course it's antiquated - [i]I'm[/i] antiquated. I still think it's wrong though. [quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Georgia"]My basic point is that you gotta tolerate it. I don't care if you don't like it, nobody said you had too. You don't scream at homosexuals in public; don't start doing it now ;D People have a right to be true to themselves in public, and I guess that's why it bothers me when people openly hate on gay couples or get weirded out seeing two guys or two girls holding hands. ( I'm not getting a bad vibe from you, you're expression your opinion and so am I. No worries =)) I can understand why some people find it awkward to see... I don't think they should, but they do and what I think won't change it. I know that it's a new thing, particularly for older people. [/FONT][/QUOTE] The screaming wasn't specific, it could have been any number of horrible things towards homosexuals. Just wanted people to know that I am not horrible because of my opinions. As for people having a [i]right[/i] to be true to themselves in public, it depends how far you want to go on the "people can do whatever they like as long as it doesn't harm anyone else", and how you interpret the word 'harm'. It doesn't traumatise me, but it is something that I don't like to see. Perhaps I am in the minority, and - in actual fact - a lot of people are fine with homosexuality. Perhaps not. I could say something about 'rights' as well... but I'd most definitely end up arguing in circles, round corners, down really deep wells and all that malarky. [b]EDIT:[/b] [quote name='Sesshomarufan']It's a funny situation when you have homosexual friends and you are a person who is personally against homosexuality. You start getting this feeling that somehow, someway, they are going to turn you gay.[/quote] That's odd, I've actually never thought that! [quote][i]It's funny that you think that we're thinking you yell at Homosexuals, Break. I assure you we think of you as a person who is open about their opinions and not afraid to defend them. You say you don't know what your opinion is and that is a good thing. You are starting to let yourself be open to new ideas and lifestyles. You may not personally start advocating homosexuality or have a homosexual relationship....but you will learn to eventually learn to accept that it's there and that it may not be a bad thing necessarily.[/i][/QUOTE] It's just that nowadays I've been afraid to say anything because there are so many advocators. It's like there are skin heads that will bite your head off (verbally) for saying one thing against homosexuality. But then they're the opposite of skin heads. I accepted it a lot more when I was a little younger. I don't know why. Perhaps I'm just a radical who likes to be against the norm all the time (the norm this time being [i]for[/i] homosexuality). I think when I was younger, I presumed that everybody thought that it was horrid, so I just said the opposite to them. Now I think this is actually what I believe, possibly one of the only things on which I have a firm opinion. Of course I accept that some people are homosexual - it's unavoidable. I don't mean to sound rude, but it sounded just now like you were trying to force your non-religion down [i]my[/i] throat! ;)
  17. [quote name='Sesshomarufan']You've heard their song "I ran (so far away)" on the radio and probably didn't even realized it was Flock of Seagulls. It goes something to the tune of "And I ran/I ran so far away/I just ran/ I ran so far away/ Gonna get away." There are plenty of rock artists that were around before metal came about. Elvis? Bo Diddley? It doesn't have to be old bands either. Just a non metal or hard rock band. I love alternative bands. Like Green Day before American Idiot , U2, the Red Hot Chili Peppers.[/QUOTE] I have definitely... probably heard it somewhere. Oh yeah I did quite like Green Day - even the not-so-widely-acclaimed Warning. Everyone probably says this, but Dookie I like a lot. Chilis are good too. I think I very much like, not their earlier stuff, but not their very new stuff. In between. U2 I find boring. On a more guitar-related note, I used to be able to play the bass from a few Chilis' songs. On Mercury was my absolute favourite to play. Close second is probably one of the songs from Blood Sugar Sex Magic - they are a little harder for me, though.
  18. [quote name='Sesshomarufan']I'm not a big religious person, so I don't read the Bible very often. I just get tired of people saying the Bible says that Homosexuality is immoral. If you wanna be a stickler about it, fine. I won't judge you. Just don't heave your religion on me and expect me to believe that it is the utmost truth in the world. Everything is flawed, I realize this, but religious zealots have heads thicker than the walls of the Vatican. On an unrelated note:Where is the smiting of people by the lord if we have all these sinners here? God used to strike down people on the spot for blaspheme and such and now, I don't know. God seems to take the "Full Circle, What goes around, Comes Around." approach. It works, but's it's just not as flashy as the stuff depicted in the Old Testament.[/QUOTE] I don't think I'm heaving anything. I'm not even that religious. Look at it in a more scientific way, if you will. A hypothetical situation: everyone is homosexual (I know that would never happen, so don't even bother taking me up on it) and cannot [i]bear[/i] to sleep with anyone of the opposite gender so that they can procreate, let alone think about it. What happens? We die out. It's all well and good following love and what you enjoy the most, but even though my hypothetical situation would never happen, surely it points to [i]some[/i] kind of logic at least? I am talking more back when the Old Testament was written, or if you like things un-Biblical, back in the Roman Empire, when IVF was unavailable. Surely you can understand why religions (especially back then) would have found it... but then there are accounts of Romans being homosexual. I'm getting no where! But I still don't agree with it. EDIT: [quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1]Though I suppose the arguement, "It's the way I was raised" has a valid point, being that you are usually a product of your enviroment.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] I wasn't even raised a Christian. I don't know why I'm using religion to support myself, but I suppose it seems the most concrete out of the two things that could argue against homosexuality, the other being my irrational opinion. And I don't [i]do[/i] irrational opinions. I have to have a reason behind things.
  19. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]And Break God didn't destroy Sodom and Gommorah because of their homosexual inhabitants. He destroyed them because of their treatment to some prophets and visitors. PS I like repeat threads because sometimes people's veiws change on a subject and there are new members who missed the last thread on this topic.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] Oh I know that, I said it was [i]part[/i] of His reasoning; they were greedy, horrible, generally a sinful lot (what a clever pun). I also know that the homosexuality is conjecture - I should have said "possibly a part..." but, oh well. I like repeat threads, but only after months and months have passed. A year ago I probably would have said "yeah I don't care, do whatever you like" - and now I'm like some fascist lol. I don't know why I disagree with it now, although there still is that I-don't-care attitude swimming in my brain somewhere. EDIT: And, of course, how can new members talk about [i]anything[/i] if some threads aren't repeated once in a while?
  20. [quote name='Sesshomarufan']Admit it, you only like Smoke on the Water. That what everyone I know says about Deep Purple. I'm like "Okay. Name another song besides Smoke on the Water". Not to bash on you or anything, I just don't like bands for just one song. I tried to listen to the rest of the Flock of Seagulls album, but "I ran" was the only song that got stuck in my head. ^_~ Oh and by the way, Deep Purple was an early metal band, as was Led Zepplin. They were some of the progenitors. Zepplin, Purple, Sabbath...etc etc.[/QUOTE] Highway Star, The Mule (I love the drum solo, I know this is a guitar thread but what[i]ev[/i]) and Child In Time are songs that I like by Deep Purple. I do like Smoke On The Water, too lol. I didn't take it as a bash, do not worry :) Early metal? Um... then I really don't know any real rock artists lol. Are Flock Of Seagulls good? All I've seen and heard of are the hairdos. My hair used to be really weird - once my uncle walked into our house and one of the first things he said to me was "Flock of seagulls!" No explanation or anything, just that.. lol.
  21. [quote name='Dagger']Very very debatable, but I don't want to go into it; I'm sure you can find plenty of material about the theological & scholarly back-and-forth if you're curious. Frankly, though, since it seems safe to assume that none of us are Biblical experts, I'd say that using the Bible to justify anything other than love, peace, turning the other cheek, etc., etc. is really a bit dicey. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Neither do I lol, but I am pretty sure that was part His reasoning. There are passages that support it. I was more making a comment on Retribution's wonderful use of rhetoric than trying to support [i]why[/i] I was against it. What [i]does[/i] interest me most is why we have this word "sodomy". EDIT: [quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Georgia"]... so mind your own business![/FONT][/QUOTE] I do. I would love nothing more than for it not to be my business - like I said, I don't like seeing it or hearing people talking about it. I don't know why. But as it becomes more acceptable in society, there will be more openly gay couples in public - surely. With regards to what I said about not liking to see it, is it not increasingly becoming my business anyway? EDIT (again!!): Just to clarify, I don't scream at homosexuals in public lol, if that is the vibe I'm conveying! (I'm worried that it is!) I tolerate it, but I do not like it. I have homosexual friends, and I don't care. In fact, I don't even know what my opinion is.
  22. [quote name='Retribution'][size=1]Do you also follow the passage that says you can stone disobedient children?[/size][/QUOTE] Don't be so silly. Following the rules against homosexuality makes a lot more sense than stoning children and you know it :animesigh God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for rampant homosexuality, I am certain (not that He did, but that it says that was the reason in the Bible). Where do you think the word "sodomy" comes from? And I'm pretty sure God didn't destroy a city full of disobedient children.
  23. [quote name='Sesshomarufan']Here's a new point of discussion.Can you name some bands that play rock music and you love what they play, but they don't belong to the Metal or Hard Rock Pantheon? I personally liked the quirky new wave sound of the B-52s. Rock Lobster is just one of those songs that I love to play, and I love to hear people's impression of Fred Schneider. I also liked that they blended in the surf sound into their music. That made it just that more fun to listen to in my opinion[/QUOTE] Would [b]The Smiths[/b] count as rock? If not,[b] Led Zeppelin[/b] probably. Although I don't [i]love[/i] what they play, I still don't think they are terrible. [b]Deep Purple[/b] are another - I think I may like them more than Led Zep, actually. I'm suprised no one's mentioned Vai or Satriani yet, they are brilliant. If you have mentioned them, sorry for not reading close enough :animeswea
  24. [quote name='Endymion'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]Console-wise, I would say any game from the [B]Harvest Moon [/B]series (aside from Save the Homeland for PS2 - not a true HM game IMHO). My favorites are probably [B]Harvest Moon 64 [/B]for the Nintendo 64 and [B]Harvest Moon: Magical Melody [/B]for the Gamecube. How great is it to choose between letting your farm rot and working your butt off and making it the star of the town - making friends, winning races, and getting married in the process.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I've been addicted to [b]Harvest Moon DS[/b] for a while now. I've lost interest as of late, but in the glory days I played on it [i]so[/i] much. Not what I'd call epic, but fair enough! Getting married annoyed me a bit. I couldn't choose who I wanted - I'm very indecisive. It's a bit off topic but the new Harvest Moon game, [b]Rune Factory[/b] looks as if it's going to be a bit more epic than the rest of the titles. Farming [i]and[/i] fighting for the greater good!
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