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Everything posted by Break
[size=1][color=CC0000]TN, System of a Down are not crap at all. I think you just don't like them, if they were crap, I'd ask you to learn all of the guitar tabs for every single song and learn to sing every song perfectly... Then please tell me how crap they are. Anyway, SOAD is like.. my favourite band, besides AFI and Blink. Daron's riffs are nice and crazy, Serj's singing is some of the best I've heard, Shavo's bass is fast fast fast and the John's drumming is also some of the best I've heard. If they are utter crap, why are they really good at what they do? You can be really ignorant sometimes, you know that?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I thought it was excellent, in my opinion. I saw it on Friday with a bunch of friends and they would all agree. In fact I loved the way they planned the whole thing out. If any of you have seen the remake of Ocean's 11 (an equally clever, clever 'theif'-type movie), then did you think The Italian Job was like it? I did ^^;; Oh and yes, Seth Green is a funny guy and his part in The Italian Job was played very well. I also also agree with Piro, if it was a movie about revenge, there could have been more action and killing and stuff.. but I like it the way it is, so yeah. lol Good stuff. :)[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000] Well, here it is... [center]Please take me by the hand, It's so cold out tonight. I'll put blankets on the bed, I won't turn out the light. Just don't forget to Think about me And I won't forget you "I'll write you once a week", she said. Why does it feel the same To fall in love or break it off, And if young love is just a game Then I must have missed the kick off. Don't depend on me To ever follow through on Anything, but I'd go through hell for you and I haven't been this scared in a long time, And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine: Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody. This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful to me. I'll think about the times She kissed me after class and, She put up with my friends. I acted like an ***. I'd ditch my lecture To watch the girls play soccer. Is my picture Still hanging in her locker? I haven't been this scared in a long time, And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine: Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody. This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful. I haven't been this scared in a long time, And I'm so unprepared, so here's your valentine: Bouquet of clumsy words, a simple melody. This world's an ugly place, but you're so beautiful.[/center] It's [i]Going Away to College[/i] by Blink 182. I am not sure why I love these lyrics so much, I haven't lived through stuff like that yet, lol. But I can understand how whoever wrote the song felt. I find it quite.. powerful, I guess.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I'm not sure if.. Latin counts.. it's kinda old and dead. lol I took latin because I like all the kooky words you find, and how much all of these words relate to modern english. It's amazing that from one day in a latin lesson, you can learn maybe 5 or 10 new words and also 5 or 10 new english words derived from the latin. It's so cool. *tries to think of something cool to say* Um... [i]caudex es? nonne haec intelligo es?[/i] That means "Are you an idiot? Surely you can understand this?" ^^;; I know a lot more; I use super cool words to make depressing, poetic sentences, lol. [b]Edit:[/b] Oh yeah, I'm just starting my second year of latin at school and [i]hope[/i] to take it further.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]*scratches head* I have no idea what this game is, but I'm here to say that even though no one else is posting in this topic, spoiler tags must be (preferably) used. Thanks.[/size][/color] [color=indigo]Um, I've never played this game before either, but I haven't seen anything that really needs spoiler tags. There hasn't been, as far as I can tell, anything that's going to spoil storyline stuff. Spoilers about how to do things, where to get things, and such are pretty much assumed in help threads, considering that's what the threads are about. - Desbreko[/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Eeek! AFI are so cool! (many thanks to Piro to introducing me into them *bows a lot*) I recently, last week, bought Black Sails In The Sunset. I was also going to buy the All Hallows EP, which was cheaper, but if I did that I wouldn't have been able to get home, so maybe another day. u_u; But, before I'd done that, I had loaads of AFI songs downloaded, from every album, I couldn't find any on Kazaa from the two EPs.. bleh. But yeah, I first heard Girl's Not Grey, then Piro told me more and I downloaded all of those songs. I was surprised that there was such a difference (like.. major) between the first and last album, and of course the phases between them. I like them.. because.. because they're really cool. :P Nah, I love Davey's singing, I love the sound of.. just everything really. AFI's like... the Offspring times a million, that's how much I like them (and I like the Offspring quite a lot). I can play a few songs on my bass, well.. the only song I can play all the way through is Your Name Here. But I can play the intro to Death of Seasons. On guitar I can play God Called In Sick Today, Morningstar, and the funky pre-chorus riffs in The Leaving Song Part II. Anywho.. yeah. AFI rock! ^^;[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OlgaTheDwarf [/i] [B]I'm sorry mister Moderator, but isn't the thread about punk bands not just the "Ramones killing disco or such," I thought that if i was to post another thread about punk music that would be considered spam, but no, it's what I'm supposed to do. I said that the current conversation bored me, what I should have said was the current conversations bore me. Because all I was trying to do was open up another conversation about punk music (in OMG, a thread about punk music). Maybe I chose the wrong wording and shouldn't have said I was "trying to change the subject", but dude, if you didn't want to be involved in the punk music quiz and you wanted to talk about the other conversations than ignore my post. But don't go all high and mighty on me. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]High and mighty? oO All I said is that if you want to create a punk music quiz, don't do it in here; it isn't a quiz. Geez..[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OlgaTheDwarf [/i] [B]Because the current conversation bores me I'm going to try and change the subject.[/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]If the conversation "bores you", then post a new thread with your new and improved "Punk Quiz" in it. Don't just change the subject here, it's what is considered to be spam.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MaceDavis [/i] [B]hm... interesting band, most people don't like them for extremely stupid reason the people that think they are punk, which to me, THEY seem to be the so called poser, do not think good charlotte is punk enugh for them, it's so stupid, but I like punk rock therefor I like good charlotte, a PUNKROCK band, and a **** good one(everyone else is wrong by the way) [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]I gave very good reasons for not liking them; and, yes you are right, they are "so called" posers; and I do, surprisingly, prefer bands that are punk enough for me. Like.. uhh.. not pop? lol[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Geez *neither can Weh believe this* Good Charlotte, as I have said in another topic, are crap. They truely are. If you go to their website and read their biography, Benji says "we had to make up our own stuff because we weren't good enough to play anything else!", which is so true. Note that this is one or two years after they made Good Charlotte, which really screams at me "cannot play". And just because they "dress goth" it does not mean that they are goths [i]at all[/i]. Seriously, I do not think you should judge things like that anymore, don't come in here acting like you know everything, it doesn't get you anywhere. It gets you laughed at *did laugh*[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Well.. *thinks*... after Piro introduced me to AFI I've had a kinda different view of punk. But I still like all the punk bands I ever did, plus some new ones. Anyway.. I like the Offspring, I have done for ages. I would say that their earlier stuff appeals to me more, but it's all good music. Unfortunately, they fail to change their style at all and some songs sound like ones from other albums, silly stuff. Um, Greenday are pretty cool too. I was amazed when I bought their latest album, Warning, a couple of weeks back. It sounds completely different from anything they've done before. Dookie is still my favourite album though. Am I allowed to include Blink into this liking of punk? I do like them quite a lot, all of their albums have different styles and each is unique to that album. Good stuff. ^^ I also like AFI loads, as I've said, Goldfinger, Pennywise and NOFX. Yeah, they're all my favourite punk bands.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by doukeshi03 [/i] [B]However, having said that some of the songs are quite catchy, even though the voicalist's voice irritates me. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]Yes the songs are very catchy. That's why I don't like them, I don't want crap songs stuck in my head all day when I could be humming a much better tune in math class. I don't like them (at all) because they have possibly some of the worst guitar riffs I, personally, have ever heard. I mean, if they're trying to be a punk band, then at least they should try and sound a little more punk than they are. Also, I don't like the way that the singer and the guitarist with the dumb hair (big spikes) dominate all of their music videos. It does sincerely suck. I can sing, play guitar, play bass and play drums better than they all can, seriously. *finishes rant* :)[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I used to like Rammstein quite a lot, I think it was James who told me to download "Engel" at first. I really really liked this song, so I downloaded a few more, but never got any of their albums. My taste for Rammstein has kinda.. died now though. I don't really like them now, but I can stand them.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I haven't read anything about it, I don't feel the need to. I'm pretty sure I'll get it, everyone is saying how great it's gonna be, and I have never played FFT, so FFTA will be very new (and hopefully very cool) to me. In fact, I have never played a strateg-- wait, I have. ^^;; But I want to get a GBA SP first, before I get anymore games.[/size][/color]
[color=CC0000][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Sade Ivwynde (iv-wind) [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Origin:[/b] Near Wutai, a little village called Graata [b]Allegiance:[/b] The Ramza Battalion [b]Rank:[/b] ---- [b]Job Class:[/b] Lancer/Dragoon [b]Weapon:[/b] Naganita [b]Bio:[/b] He left home at a young age, thirteen, after his family and friends were massacred by a group of theives that pillaged Graata. Having acquired enough fighting skills from watching his father fighting the theives off in vain, he left with his father's Naganita and Dragoon Armour in search of a better life. Three years later, whilst travelling down a lonely road in a forest, Sade was ambushed by four theives. The clothes they wore were the same as the costumes the theives had worn when they pillaged Graata. These theives seemed to recognise him as well and instantly were intent on destroying him. However, Sade seemed to have a natural ability and beat three of them with ease. Like a coward, the fourth jumped just as Sade was off guard and shoved a knife into his back and ran off. Luckily the thief's knife had not hit his spine, otherwise he'd have been done for. He pulled the knife out and examined it, the crest of the Kelost Monarchy was on the pommel. It suddenly all made sense; Kelost wanted rid of all rebels, Graate was full of people (including Sade's family) in favour of the Ramza Battalion, and it was a well known fact. He swore that every single thief and spy sent from Kelost to kill him would be destroyed without question. Nothing could make up for the death of his family, so he may as well send a message to the Kelost Empire that he was not happy. That night, he bandaged his wound, which was still bleeding. He did not get a wink of sleep.. he was up all night thinking about Graate, and missing everyone he'd known desperately. But he knew that he was going to avenge them someday. Sade has been wandering the land, without a map, to this day. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.icybrian.com/fftactics/lancer.jpg[/img] Pretty much the guy on the left, but with more beaten up armour and black cloak thingy instead of red/brown.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Jesus Christ... -.- I assume you've yet to read the rules? Man you are silly.. Someone close this topic please... PS. It's not that great a drawing, I wouldn't call it CG really..[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Wow... these are all really nice. To improve, I think that maybe instead of just character and funky background hoojiwotsit, there should be a funky pattern thing maybe around the character or more text or one funky background that merges into another. But if you just keep doin' your thing, you'll improve on your own. ^^[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Stereyotypes are smelly. I get called the weirdest things sometimes.. I normally don't care what they say, unless I am really offended, lol. I guess normally I wear any old t-shirt/shirt, if it's cold I'd wear my trenchcoat thingy too, 3/4 length shorts (if I wear shorts I pull my socks up too =P) or loose fitting pants. I sometimes paint my nails.. depends if I can be bothered to. If I'm going out somewhere, like arranged and stuff, I may. I also adorn myself in many braclets, necklaces and accessories. Where I live there is this constant grudge against different stereotypes. If I don't walk the right way home at night with my friends at any time, I risk getting beaten up because I wear what I want. It sounds really stupid, but not very fun when it actually happens.. and I never fight back because they'd get their friends on me, and their friends' friends also. It's so dumb.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I have lots of phobias and fears. Hmm... I think my biggest ones are the dark (yes, poor Weh), dark forests (hate forests >
[size=1][color=CC0000]Only one from me.. There's a bad typo in the text when the guy at Chocobo Farm (FFVII) says that there's a Zolom in the swamp. If there is only one Zolom, [i]why[/i] is there another one every time you defeat the Zolom or revisit the swamp, hmm?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I'm gonna merge this with the [i]original[/i] help thread, which evidently is still on the first page. Xra and Haze, you guys should have checked to see if there was an existing topic on FFX Help in this forum. Next time you start another topic, check to see if there's something already on the first page of the forum. There's no point having two threads talking about exactly the same thing, despite different opinions in each. Merged..[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Oooh.. tough one. >
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FF RENO [/i] [B]if anyone want good final fantasy forum, just click my banner. Yes, this board is new, so My friend made it in two days ago. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]*sigh* RENO, please do not advertise in your posts. If you're going to do it, put it in your sig, above or below the banner you are using. Speaking of banners, yours is huge. If you had read the rules, you would have known that the dimensions for a banner in your signature is 500x100. Please change the banner or get rid of it. Yeah, anyway.. I recommend that you read the rules, it will save you a lot of time and trouble in the future here. Oh, and uh.. welcome to the boards! ^_^[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Haruko_Kagome [/i] [B][color=cc99ff]is it just me, or have more people noticed all the stuff that has to do with love, like tifa lockHEART, squall lionHEART, rinoa HEARTilly, and in the begging of ff7 the billboards say loveless! could some body please clear this up for me! thanx!:box: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]I'm not sure what you mean, Haruko. What exactly do you need us to clear up? Isn't it simple enough? All Square do is make things similar in each game, or at least all of the 3D ones, that almost ([i]almost[/i]) are a way of connecting them. I feel that there is no need for any further discussion on this silly thing.. Thread closed.[/size][/color]
Gaming Kingdom Hearts: is it the inspiration for Evanescence?
Break replied to IloveBebop's topic in Noosphere
[size=1][color=CC0000]I agree with Semjazoo on this one. And if you guys want to talk about music, please feel free to in the Music, Movies and TV section. Thank youuuu. Thread closed.[/size][/color]