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Everything posted by Break

  1. [QUOTE]1. Brain power 2. Strength-Fighting skill 3. Appearance 4. Personality 5. Economic-Financial 6. Rank in society[/QUOTE] Gohan!!!!!! 1=he is very clever 2=he is VERY strong 3=he is pretty cute 4=he has a nice personality 5=he's better off, pretty rich 6=well, at the end of DBZ he's a scientist, ain't he? trunks does this: 1=quite clever 2=pretty strong 3=he is pretty cute 4=he's quiet, shy and is quite kind 5=well, he doesn't live anwhere!! 6=a rebel against androids!!!
  2. i feel sorry for vegeta, goku's always stronger than him, thats why i say.................Goku.:p
  3. actually.............pan shes kool.
  4. Break

    Take DA quiz

    i don't know any of these cos theyre all from gt and the movies. i do know that piccolo (when he was growed big) squashed granpa gohan, is that right?
  5. Break

    Best hair

    my hair is exactly like trunks', i might dye it purple, lol!!
  6. i would not now, have'nt seen that far (toonami really sux) i asume had his vocal cords replaced when he was 2!!!
  7. Break


    [QUOTE]Why wouldn't he go SS4? And he did go SS2 during his fight with Cell after Cell beat Vegeta like he stole something, he just didn't do it right.[/QUOTE] ...errrrrrr.......i hope you know that......Trunks only went as far a ussj, and he does not go ssj2. why did you think that, probably his hair...i think EVERYONE will agree. he wouldn't go ssj4 cos he's half saiyan, therefore, he does not have the true saiyan power to go that far. If he was fused with gohan or someone else, they maybe able to, dunno really. well, if vegeta's hair in ssj4 is black, and so is goku's (that is their natural hair colour) and (i am just assuming that trunks COULD go ssj4) then trunks' should be purple, cos its his natural hair colour, and the fur on his body would be red as well.
  8. yeah, chi chi or bulma would kill you!!!!!!
  9. Break


    No, when i say Subs i mean dubs, but i cannot speak japanese, but i like it cos they are just way better because they haven't cut anything out.
  10. **the gundam gets up from the attack and launches miisiles at vegeta, he dodges them all. Then the gundam jumps up into the air and snaps his scythe into a beam cannon. He powers up, spheres of energy dance into the barrel and then create a ball of light, bigger than any spirit bomb and it fires at vegeta, dead on hit!!** GundamHP:1165 VegetaHP:(double damage)1200
  11. yeah cos pikeon was talkin about shovin his thumb up animals' a5ses!!!!!and kicking dogs, just check out page 2!!!!! sideways kirby ^( " )^ arms-up kirby ==========((((((((((()))))))))))))) kamehameha/massenko/makkankousappo kirby (>")>* * * * * * shuriken kirby (>")>WW3 announcer kirby £----------------------[] chain hammer kirby (>")>--} pickaxe kirby (>")>==[] longhammer kirby ")>")> fusion dance kirby
  12. Break

    Best hair

    yeah, exactly, =Gohan is best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [COLOR=deeppink](>")>[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]:::::[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]{[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]==========>[/COLOR] Kirby with the Destiny Sword!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. well, how come then mr altron, why does vegeta get very very bulky muscles and they increase 10 fold. that, my friend, in the crap dubbed versions, is called "ascended saiyan" now, when gohan and goku are training in the room of spirit and time, Goku reaches "ascended saiyan" and says to gohan: "Yeas, i've reached a new level. But this level has a disadvantage, and that is speed." something like that anyways, DON'T CALL ME A MORON I WAS JUST STATING THAT VEGETA AND GOKU GO "ASCENDED SAIYAN" USSJ TO YOU GUYS THO SO DON'T CALL ME A MORON JUST COS I AM NOT A MOD, JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALL THE UN-SUBBED EPISODES, DOESN'T MEAN SOMEONE WHO HASN'T SEEN AS MUCH MIGHT NOT KNOW ANYTHING, THEY MAY KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [QUOTE]GRRRRR YOU ALL SUCK[/QUOTE] NOT REALLY BUT I AM ANGRY......which makes me sad....[SIZE=1]that i have to shout at ppl who don't like me, so just dont talk to me so i dont get you angry, i am dearly sorry...[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]i belive, though, that i am right[/SIZE]
  14. Break

    Best hair

    gohans hair pretty much roks in all levels!!
  15. [url]www.kol.com[/url] see, simple just type man!!!!:tasty: :tasty: :tasty:
  16. DB:none DBZ: Saiyan saga, vegeta saga, namek saga, frieza saga, cell saga, and right now, im watching the cell games saga. DBGT:none
  17. youre, kwite annyoing as hot head sez
  18. Break


    ahem...i have a poem: Dubs suck big time, As do subs, Even for a dime, Dubs are not good grubs. I think they really bite, especially when they cut stuff out, maybe they just might, show japanese ones without doubt. one day i will get my wish, for perfect manga flicks, but for now upon my dish, Is subs that suck dicks. i hop you get my piont, point. :tasty: :tasty:
  19. well, teletubbies suck, thats quite derranged to put blood and knives and guns and swearing into teletubbies. it would be an 18 and it would be scary...reeallly scary!! but, japanese know how to put blood and gore into a manga film very effectively, but yet, it would be exellent without the blood... :D
  20. Break

    LEts Fly

    videl's cute!!! thats why i'd be Gohan...hehehe
  21. good, pic, the eyes are squiffed, i could do about the same quality of a Gohan pic, i have 1 of gohan doing a kamehameha, i wish i could get a scanner. keep it up.:p
  22. to be perfectly honest, i have never seen DB or DBGT!!!!!!:wigout:
  23. kool!:p Pikkon seems really kool and strong, i guess he is! but he gets defeated by goku or somthin like that doesn't he, in a martial arts tornament in hell? PS.where canm i find japanese videos + dvd's of DBZ, cos the subs are getting on my nerves. did you know? that at leaast 1/3 of all DBZ episodes are cut or changed on every Sub?
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