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Everything posted by Break

  1. [QUOTE]gbgt is more hahahah like db i guess i like those a lil but i like the bang bang ko +kamahamahamah =dead ya like dbz best hehehe[/QUOTE] yeah i agree, DBZ rools!!
  2. Well, I would love to go on a date, (lunch probably) with Videl or Pan. They're both cute and I like their attitudes.:tasty: :tasty:
  3. yeah, so don't laugh¬!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. i sed: [QUOTE]what, not even when Vegeta goes: [/QUOTE] answer!!!!!!!!!!
  5. why are you laughing at me?
  6. yeah, i guess so... i also love the Massenkoha and the MAKKANKOUSAPPO, beam cannin for those who dont no.
  7. i have never seen it, but i guess it is made for younger kids, its like a tom and jerry cartoon, well maybe not, but its more light hearted than the, errrr, DBZ/GT.
  8. what, not even when Vegeta goes: BEBI VEGETA SUPER GOLDEN OOZARA, or somfin like that...
  9. Break

    LEts Fly

    lady, no i called pikkon a lady!:flaming:
  10. Break

    LEts Fly

    ok, i like Gohan, he's kool. i wanna marry Videl or Chi-Chi or Pan.:tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :ball: :ball: :ball: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: ;)
  11. hehehe, ok, dye it blonde first! and add light brown streaks. yeah, do his idea ok?>:tasty:
  12. Break

    Best hair

    1.USSJ trunks 2.USSJ trunks 3.Gohan Ultra ssj trunk's hair breaks out its ponytail and goes up crazyly!!!
  13. same here, i will scan a Gohan pic which est kool!!! he is SSJ2 in mine. yeah, its pretty kool, i liked the saiya-man one better tho, you went to crazy with the black on the last one, its good nonetheless.:) :tasty: :tasty: :sleep: :sleep: :ball: :ball: :)
  14. yeah, gohan + gohan are the best looking, in GT is goten alive?? :wigout: :wigout: :ball: :ball: :confused:
  15. **The gundam rears back and double strikes with the scythe and double damages vegeta who is smashed into a mountain** VegetaSSJ2 HP:860 Gundamshield2 HP:1265
  16. **The GundamShield starts to buzz with energy, emitting a high pitched ring. It's body glows a bright white, like a solar flare, Vegeta is paralyzed from the light. The Gundamshield then glows a blue colour and a green aura surrounds it. The ground starts to shake and Duo clenches his teeth. The ground beneath Gundamshield and Vegeta starts to Crack, and then the moutains are levetated off of the ground. The Gundamshield then glows an angry shade of red and a yellow green fire surrounds it. It is now GundamShield II and adds 400HP** GundamShield II HP:1390 ***PaRalyZed*** VegetaSSJ2:1040
  17. Break

    Take DA quiz

    lol :laugh: :sleep: :sleep: :tasty: :tasty: :wigout: :wigout: :flaming: :flaming: :ball:
  18. no, its the "new adventures of johnny quest"!!!!:laugh: :tasty: :laugh: :tasty: :laugh: :tasty: :laugh: :tasty: :laugh: :tasty:
  19. Break

    Take DA quiz

    not quite, pikkon, you got 30%!!!! LSMMEWAFC!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :tasty: :tasty:
  20. Gohan, go to [URL=http://www.xara.com/]www.xara.com[/URL] and then click on XARA X. its a program for making gif's and jpg's, kool huh?:tasty: :tasty: :ball: :ball:
  21. i think mines better, cos we get Gundam Wing!:tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :ball: :ball: :ball: :ball:
  22. Break

    Help Me

    Gohan, your knowledge abilities exceed that of mine in the DB/Z/GT part of life!!! as it states in my SIG
  23. yeah, it is kool, colouring is a bit:laugh: lol naaaaah, its good!
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