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Everything posted by Break

  1. naaaah, its kool!!!!:ball: :ball: :ball: :ball: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: seee!
  2. does any1 no the name of the attack me and pikeon are talkin about?:confused: :ball: :ball: :ball: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty:
  3. in UK we have DBZ, Gundam, Tenchi, Batman!!!, X-men!!!, and jonny quest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :ball: :ball: :ball:
  4. i dunno, maybe its just called Dimesion attack?# he used it alot on namek, he shouts, "TIME TO SEND YOU TO THE NEXT DIMESION!! YAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!" he killed guldo like that...:flaming: :flaming: :ball: :ball: :ball: :tasty:
  5. hahaha!!! :ball: :ball: :ball: :tasty: :tasty: :sleep:
  6. oh, ok...:confused: :flaming: :flaming: they should be able to!!!
  7. wellm, i think gohan and goku and goten and chi-chi and videl and ox-king and pan reaalllllyyy RULE!!!!!! how old is goku in GT? 70!!! i think its sexist that Pan and Bra can't go ssj!!!!:flaming: :flaming: :mad:
  8. **Duo jumps into his Gundam and raises the Great scythe and smashes into Vegeta's Armour, Vegeta is knocked flying and crashes into a mountain** Duo (in Gundam)HP:1000 Vegeta (ssj1)HP: 420 PS.i am changing the amount of damage done by my Gundam from 100 to 80, k?:flaming: :flaming:
  9. goodly good i like the finalflash bettea.:flaming:
  10. i love letting my anger go crazy!!!!!! i love to just run into an empty field or desert and Scream for ages and run around punching the ground or a tree! anyway, make sure you dont' hurt your hand when you punch thru walls Pikeon.:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :tasty: :tasty: :ball:
  11. ........errrr.............ok....right. kamiccolo is piccolo and kame fused!!! Do you like The Kamehameha wave? [list=1] [*]Yes [*]Maybe [*]No [*]I don't know [*]Don't care [/list=1] [PHP]ooookll[/PHP] [CODE]"hello my name is gohan, now i know cell is very scary, but instead of thinking for the worst, lets all hope for the best."[/CODE] [FONT=century gothic]Enter your destiny little Goten...[/FONT]
  12. yeah, well, its better than what u got!! lol :tasty: :tasty: :ball: :ball: :ball: :wigout: :wigout:
  13. yeah....well...i don't know any GT songs, so, yeah. do you like the POKEMON JOHTO song? its kool!!! :ball: :ball: :tasty: :tasty: :flaming: :flaming: :wigout:
  14. Break

    LEts Fly

    _________ | COURTS |_ |----------------| (0)----------(0) [COLOR=red]())crayon))>[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]())crayon))>[/COLOR]
  15. Break

    LEts Fly

    [COLOR=deeppink] ^( " )^ [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][U]click here[/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]O[/COLOR][COLOR=darkred]::::::::[/COLOR][COLOR=orange]{[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]================>[/COLOR]
  16. i will accept your challenge. **I cock my pistol and shoot at Vegeta, he catches the bullets and throws them back at me, I dodge them** "****" Duo HP: 100 your turn...:flaming:
  17. mix some gel in a bath, so its all....errr.....gelly! and stick your hed in it. and then go out side, finda tree and hang upside down in it. and the gel hardens and stays like that. it might be boring hanging upside down for half an hour, take a comic or sumfin. :laugh: :flaming: :laugh: :laugh: :ball: :ball: :tasty:
  18. thanx man, the pic is kool i have loadso them!!!!
  19. [QUOTE]Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon, Dragonball Z! Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon, come get me! Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon, Dragonball Z! Dragon! Dragon! Rock the Dragon, come, come get me![/QUOTE] that.....music.......roks.....so.....hard.......that.......it........craks!!!!! :wigout: :love: :tasty: :ball: :ball: :flaming: :tasty: Everbody wants to be a master! Everbody wants to show their skills! Everbody wants to get there faster, make their way to the top of the hill! Each time we try we get just a little bit better! Each day we say, "one more step up the ladder" It's a whole new world we live in! [I]do do do do do do doo[/I] It's a whole new world to see! [I]do do do do do do doo[/I] It's a whole new place, with a brand new attitude! But you still gotta catch 'em all! Be the best that you can be! [I]do do do do do doo[/I] Pokemon Johto!! POKEMON JOHTO!!!!
  20. [COLOR=blue]darnmeeka[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Navi they are cute. trunks looks like hes wearing a bra. heh.[/QUOTE] yup, trunks has had implants!!!! :laugh: :flaming: :ball: :ball: :sleep: :love: :ball:
  21. kool, theyre kool. theyre so cute they are eatable:tasty: :tasty: :sleep: :blush: :angel: :ball: :ball:
  22. i have an idea, in this thres we will create a battle, like you can be any anime character ever created and we have battles. like you type what you do, or, make up a character. when you choose a character, choose their stats, like so: Name: Duo Maxwell HP max: 1000 (in Gundam) 100 (normal) Weapon: Pistol--20HP Deathscythe Hell Gundam--100HP Skills: Controlling a Gundam choose them all, and we decide who battles who in a turn based combat, ok. PS.don't give your characters 600,000,000HP or attacks that take away more than 300. ok>?:flaming: :tasty: :love: :ball: :sleep: :blush: :angel:
  23. it is one of lifes mysteries, y don't we fly to japan and ask why they make their characters so godamn cute!!:flaming: :flaming: anyway...i like Videl and Chi-Chi...:tasty: :tasty: :sleep:
  24. well, in the UK, they show a rerun at 5pm and a new one a 5.30pm. its kool :tasty: :flaming: :tasty: :flaming: :ball: :ball:# yyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh[COLOR=blue]hhhhhaaa[/COLOR]
  25. yeah, but he shouldn't get beaten up at skool for just watching a program. they may watch a program like teletubbies, i love watching cartoons, especially manga films. everyone at skool thinks theyare babyish. "yeah sure" i say to them, "do you want do borrow one of my manga films, its street fighter." i say again "oooops, forgot, the blood, violence, swearing and Chun-Li in a shower naked might be too babyish for you." see, pokemon is japanese, i watch that, ok not the best but i love Gundam, its in real life, and everyone isn't japanese, eg. Duo is from the US of A. see, japanese videos, cartoons, people, toys and artists all rock, they are the cartoonists of the future. don't be beaten up just because you watch a masterpiece. it makes :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :ball: :tasty: :confused: :laugh: :love: :sleep:
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