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Everything posted by Break

  1. [color=669900]"What brings you here to the Mushroom Kingdom, Makar?" asked Samus, as Makar was about to sit down on the table. "Oh. I had an adventure like this before.. but there weren't so many people. I just wanted to get away from the Forest Haven for a while." "Forest Haven?" "Mmhmm," Makar nodded, "An island in a place called the Great Sea. It's very scary to venture out even past my little island, let alone to this place." Samus chuckled to herself so that Makar couldn't hear. Compared to all of her missions, his 'adventure' seemed like nothing. She might as well just ask him what it was anyway. "What was this adventure you went on?" She asked, "It couldn't have been that bad." Makar looked down, and made a quiet humming sound. "It was.. in a temple. It was big and scary.. lots of monsters were trying to get me," he hummed again, "But then I could leave, after the Great Sea was safe from evil." "Heh, looks like I was wrong about you." Samus smiled. There was a small silence, in which Makar shifted around, uncomfortable. "Why have you come here, I thought this festival wasn't for Next-Gens?" Makar asked slowly, looking up at Samus' visor. "You think I'm a Next-Gen?" Samus laughed. The little creature was so cute, with the curious look it always gave. "You're.. you're not? But you're so tall, and that armour too.." "No, you've no need to worry," she smiled, "Anyway, I've come here for business." Makar cocked his head, "...Business?" "Yeah. To help Mario defend the Mushroom Kingdom against the Next Gens... I expect him to pay!" Samus laughed at her own little joke. "You're going to kill Mario?!" Makar replied, shocked. Samus laughed and shook her head. If she would be defending the lives of things like the little Korok before her, then she would definately help Mario to protect his Kingdom.[/color]
  2. Break

    Two things

    [size=1][color=CC0000]Oooh, the first one is nice, but you can't see the text very well. Maybe a different colour, white? I love the second one, the picture is perfect in every way. I suggest that you add some comment or text on it and add a 1 pixel border around the outside. Other than that, it's really great. 9/10[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=CC0000]I wrote this one because I've been feeling down as of the start of this week, just to get my mind off of things really.. Here it is. [center][b]misery11[/b] dark crows cackled overhead, as wind whispered through twisted trees. the trail is long forgotten, not truly dead, yet has been unlocked once more with ease. through this wasteland, the boy must tread, and erase all evil with a couragous face. finally, he lies slumbering in his bed, and must save the remaining grace. the journey he takes is a fearful one, thankfully guidance has been given, and he, in that place must trust none. by the wise man's words he is driven: 'take heed to my words, boy. you must listen. destroy the evil and stop its ploy, then save the thing that does glisten. a door to that thing is rare, I am sure, it must be certain, but a riddle I will leave you to bear: "eyes on the wall are but a curtain." now come along, you must leave, for you, I've opened the gate. remember the riddle, and always believe, that a little courage can make you great.' the boy stepped into the trail, and gasped at the twisted darkness. 'a latern', he thought, 'that will not fail.' he lit it quickly and saw a mess. it covered the cobbled path, a thick crimson stream. 'this may be the aftermath.' he said, hearing a scream. quickly, he turned and glimpsed evil. pure evil, purest it ever was. fear began to burrow, like a hungry weevle. frozen, he fell onto the ground's moss. this was to be the end. the boy was very sure. now he understood the riddle, it now was completely clear. as evil stood over him, and the boy succumbed to pain, its eyes opened like a curtain, and he saw the glistening rain.[/center][/color][/size]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sora [/i] [B]I'm sure the topic explains it's self. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]This was more of a thing to do over the PMing system, rather than create a whole new thread. But I think Charles is still letting people change their names, just PM him and tell him what you want your new name to be. PS. Ask nicely. ^^;[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=CC0000]Haha! It is Weh! Yeah, AJ, these are verrrry good. I like the style and the quotes are funny too. *throws rocks at Breko Pantsz*[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=CC0000]That's a lot better than the first two. The new pictures are nice, but I think the banner would look neater if it was smaller. And also, may I suggest putting the text into the center, it stands out more. ^_~[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=CC0000] [b]When was the happist moment of your life?[/b] This one crazy night with an ex-girlfriend.. [b]When was the most pressured monment?[/b] *shrugs* Uh... maybe when I used to canoe/kayak for a club. Man the coach was harsh.. oo; [b]When was the saddest?[/b] Don't know, not really sad, just depressed.. like all the time. But.. I cover it up. :p[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=CC0000]Hmm.. *thinks* I'm just English. Living in England. Yay. Unless you count the fact that I'm 1/16 Danish. Woo! :p[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=CC0000] [b]Who was your first kiss?[/b] My ex-girlfriend, Emma. [b]How old were you?[/b] Four Teen. [b]How was it?[/b] .. Uh.. really great, in dark... eeee! ^_^ [b]What were the circumstances? (Where, Time, etc)[/b] Well. Me, Tom (hahaha, he's so dopey!) and Emma were sleeping over at our friend Clare's house. Um.. then we --*laughs insanely*-- all decided it was a bit late (3am) and went to sleep. Kinda. See, me and Emma stayed awake, and that's when we kissed.. in pitch black, yay ^^. Can't tell you the rest... hee. [b]What was your Worst/Best Kiss?[/b] Best was Emma. Haven't had a worst one. :)[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=CC0000]They're really, really good, but I have absolutely no idea what the heck is going on in any of the pages. :p[/size][/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Okay ANYWAY! You were a murderer... O_o[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]Really? *would like to know how you came to that conclusion*[/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=CC0000]I totally believe in past-lives and reincarnation. Apparently, when I was very young, I used to draw swords, maces and other strange weapons. My mother asked my babysitter if I'd seen any films or shows on TV that had these in, and she said no. It's pretty strange that I can draw things like that without even seeing them, at the age of three. Not only that, but now I'm good with every weapon I try out. And it feels comforting and familar to hold something remotely like a weapon. I wonder what the hell I was in a past-life. oO;[/size][/color]
  13. [color=669900]Makar had always wanted some time to get away from the Forest Haven and the whole of the Great Sea. He'd heard about 16-Bit Festival, and of all the great things he would see there. Visiting other places had never been great fun for Makar, the only time he'd strayed outside of his home was to enter the Wind Temple to help save the land he lived in. He thought it was all a bit too scary for him, so he wanted to take it easy this time and just go have some fun at this festival. After asking permission from the Great Deku Tree, he and the other Koroks were transported from the Great Sea to the Mushroom Kingdom to enjoy the festivities. But now he stood lost in a crowd of people, having no idea where the other Koroks were. He felt slightly intimidated by all the strange-looking things that surrounded him. Most of these things were taller than him, so he could barely see the sun through the bustling crowd. Nevertheless, he made his way through the crowd, brushing past everyone's legs as he went. He had no idea where he was going, mainly because he couldn't see where he was going. He had squeaked "Sorry!" quite a few times now, and was getting annoyed that people didn't notice him at all and kept bumping into him. He wasn't [i]that[/i] small after all, and he was sure that these people were able to look at the ground. Jingling, he ran from something that nearly kicked him and straight into something very hard. Makar toppled right over and squealed, he looked up and saw that he had ran into someone else's leg, but it was covered in orangey-red armour. He got to his feet and looked up curiously. A tall person, covered in the same armour, with some yellow parts on it and some kind of green glass for an eye. It looked kind of menacing for something Makar's size, so he took a few steps back as it turned to look at him.. [/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mei [/i] [B][color=green]EDIT:Gahh...you mean he wasn't sure on his answer to Des' question?--[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]Damn straight... we need 'Brekkaaah back!!11[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=CC0000]*fears that the quiz has taken a turn for the worse* I don't think you should post a question if you doubt your answer... *is still stumped on 'Breko's question*[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=CC0000]Wow.. that's.. very good, just like everything else you've written. It's all too confusing for a small mind like mine though.. eee... [/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=CC0000] Little cookie sitting there, Why you sit without a care? Oatmeal, chocolate, chewy, crunch, Cookies are often eaten in lunch. Nutty cookie, I have lots spare, Three at once is just not fair. I see that cookie, again I wonder, Why this cookie lays asunder.[/size][/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]I'm really surprised that Lulu is so young. She seems to be at least thirty in the games...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]She looks young, but acts, as you said, like she's a lot older. Since she is so young, Paine couldn't possibly be her daughter.[/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=CC0000]I think that, rather than Kokiri Forest, Forest Haven sounds more like the Deku Palace from MM. Maybe it's a mix of both? *shrug* I've also noticed that certain places are very similar, or slightly at least. Especially Windfall Island, it's like a mini-Clock Town.[/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=CC0000][b]Answer:[/b] Martha's Bay [b]Question:[/b] On MM, there's something with a pattern of faint Pokeballs on it. Where is this something?[/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=CC0000][b]Answer:[/b] If you don't go to the Seashell Mansion when you have collected 10 seashells, you will miss the one you receive for that, so you have to find one somewhere else. *thinks* I got a hard question ^^ [b]Question:[/b] On Link's Awakening in Eagle Tower, what are the Keese that the Grim Creeper uses called, and how many of them are there?[/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=CC0000]Love the diagrams AJ. ~_^ Time Travel, in my opinion is simply not possible. To go back into a specific era in time, say Renaissance time is just... impossible. I can't explain how to do it, yet I also can't explain why you can't. oO But, I think it could be possible to go back a few minutes, or hours [i]maybe[/i]. This could be done by travelling so fast that you instantly get somewhere, or even faster so that you get there before you left. If something goes faster than sound, it breaks the sound barrier and produces a sonic boom, right? So, what would happen if something travelled faster than light, no one knows for sure, but I'm think it'd be something to do with time and a very loud noise. ^^;[/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=CC0000]Whee.. I thought that my second banner was a bit 'busy', but if you guys like it, that's cool. ^_^ *did make another simple banner*[/size][/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mei [/i] [B][color=green]Actually...going back to kumkuat's question, you can get it from a grave in the graveyard as a kid.^^()*Isn't sure whether to let Break just keep his question, or to ask one herself*Oo[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]*smacks head* If you had a question in mind, ask it and everyone can forget my question or I can delete it or something.. *is silly*[/size][/color]
  25. [size=1][color=CC0000]Ah, I see what you mean. I fixed, is it any better?[/size][/color]
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