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Everything posted by Break
[size=1][color=crimson]With the trading sequence, go to either Bomb Island, Greatfish Isles or Rock Spire Isle and stand there and trade with him. I mean you have to trade Town Flower with Sea Flower, then trade the Sea Flower back, and carry on like that. After that you can go to the one at Greatfish Isles to get a heart container, then travel back to Windfall and talk to Zunari and he gives you the Magic Armour. That's pretty much it.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I wouldn't call cel-shading lazy at all. Nothing graphic-wise in any Zelda game I've played has been created lazy [i]or[/i] easy to create. And personally, I love cel-shading, it's just too bad that so many people think it's 'lazy' and 'cartoony'.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Clowns.. are the scariest thing ever (if you're scared of clowns, try a crappy film called Camp Blood.. eugh). The Ring would have been [i]so[/i] much scarier if I didn't ask James to tell me everything about it before I saw it. Originally I wasn't gonna see it because it sounded so scary.. but overall it was mediocre-ish scary. [b]Edit:[/b] Jeh told me about this... [email]samaramorgan@aol.com[/email][/size][/color]
[color=chocolate]Tabrett and Delete began walking in the direction of Azure city, when they heard a call from behind them. They both turned to see a girl with a travelling cloak running towards them. She stopped in front of them and began to speak. "Hello, I'm Raye.. uh.. do you know where I can find any monsters to fight?" "Hi!" Tabrett replied with a smile, "I don't know where to find any monsters, sorry. Delete?" "Monsters? Let's see.." Delete got out his leaflet of Azure Sea again and read through the locations again, "Um, Orbit Island would be a good place to fight monsters, I don't know exactly where it is though. Are you sure you'll be able to handle yourself with really dangerous monster ambushes there?" Tabrett nodded and looked at Raye, "Well.. I think I might be able to handle myself against a few monsters." "There are probably a lot more than a few there though, Raye. Perhaps you should come with us," Delete looked at Tabrett for an agreement, "what do you think?" "It'd be awful if you were beaten by monsters on your first time on logging in. But with three of us there we could easily hold our ground against some monsters." Raye looked at the ground, considering their offer. She then looked up, "Sure I'll come with you," She suddenly laughed softly to herself, "I'm sorry, I haven't asked your names yet. What are they?" Tabrett giggled, "I'm Tabrett, and he's Delete. Raye, you're a Sky Runner right?" "Aren't you clever?" laughed Raye, "Where are you guys headed anyway?" Delete scratched his head and took out his leaflet again, "Well, we're going to Azure City first, stock up and look around a bit. That okay with you guys..?" Raye and Tabrett nodded. "Cool. Okay, we have a choice. Silver Oyster or Orbit Island?" "Um.. what is Silver Oyster?" asked Raye. "It's a massive underwater place, gambling, apparantly illegal things being traded and fun things I guess." Delete said back. Thinking about it now, Delete decided that he'd much rather try his hand at monster slaying. "Oooh sounds [i]great[/i]. I'd think I'd much prefer Orbit Island." Raye laughed. "Me too, I wanna go fight some monsters," said Tabrett, "what about you Delete, monsters?" "Ah yes, now I think about it, I would like to go let off some steam on monsters, we may get new items or something," Delete put his hands in his pockets, feeling the silver coins again. "Once we get to Azure City, we kinda need to ask around about Orbit Island; we have no idea where it is!" Tabrett turned to Delete, "What direction is it again, Delete?" Delete furrowed his brow and turned to look at the big rock again. He remebered the direction he'd looked at Azure City from earlier; left from the rock. He looked up at the sun and judged that in The World, it was about midday. "It's north, directly from that rock over there," he looked at the sun again, shading his eyes, "it would take about.. two or three hours to get there maybe?" "...You are joking." Raye said in a flat tone, looking weakly at Delete. "Well.. our speed is.. speedy. And Tabrett' is.. not." Delete explained to Raye. "Hey!" exclaimed Tabrett, "That was mean!" "Heh, but it [i]is[/i] true. No offence intended!" Raye smiled, "So are we gonna get going or not, slowpokes?"[/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I wish I could do martial arts, but I'm afraid that I'd quit too quickly (I'm a known quitter, I hate myself for that). Plus I don't know of any martial arts centres that use butterfly swords, spears, broadswords or any weapons that I consider myself good at.. *sighs* I hate England.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I haven't got it, but I'm thinking of getting it. First I need to know two things: how much the broadband connection costs and how good the online gaming is. I'll most likely get it, just not sure if my parents would be happy with me paying the extra price every month.[/size][/color]
[color=chocolate]"[i]All right, I'm in![/i]" Newly logged in Delete was admiring the new Azure Sea surroundings. The field he stood in was.. vast to say the least. Something inside him wanted to in explore every which way at once, he was so excited. The attitude he'd logged in with was "new World, more exploring", this is what he expected and what he had received in a breathtaking manner. Already he was relaxed and began to forget about all the things that frustrated and upset him in real life. It was great feeling, as if there were no burdens to carry in The World. He felt this is the best character base that he had ever designed for The World (and he had designed about five). It was the first time that he had used the recently turned offical class Light Warrior. For this class he had to design some light clothes that would be comfortable whilst he was using his greater speed in battles. He had designed a black tunic, with white embroidery pattern on the lower half (below the belt) of it. It was belted at the waist with a brown, heavy-duty belt with a silver buckle. Under the lower half of the tunic he wore a pair of dark blue trousers with the same white pattern embroided down the side of the left leg. On the right leg, a strip of red material was sewn on down the side. Over the top of his tunic he wore a crimson trenchcoat made of a light, leather-like material with cut off sleeves just above his elbows to prevent interruption during battle. On his left hand he wore a leather bracer, which stretched up his forearm. Then armour on the bracer was shining silver plates. This was fastened with four buckles on the underside. Delete quickly patted his sides with his hands and glanced down, on each side of the heavy looking belt he wore were buckled two glistening Butterfly Knives. Itching to try them out, he unbuckled the catch on the belt next to the two knives and slowly eased them from his belt. He grinned. The hilt of each knife was excellently crafted, due to him configuring them to whale bone with suede wrapped around them. A gentle breeze ruffled his spiky white hair slightly as he span round, practicing all sorts of cuts that he'd learnt in real life. This practice had edged him toward a large, grey rock, embedded in the ground. "[i]Excellent.[/i]" He quickly scrambled onto the top of the rock, shaded his eyes from the warm glow of with the sun and looked around for an interesting place to explore. He had an excellent view, it seemed that he was on top of a hill with a gentle gradient, sloping toward a dark green forest with tall looking pine trees, covering an area just as great as the field he was in. To his left, but in the distance, there was a city skyline which jutted out from the beautiful countryside quite suddenly. Behind him was more field and lush, green grass and on his right a lovely looking aqua blue sea glittered in the sunlight. Delete jumped from the rock (higher than he expected) and buckled the Butterfly Knives to his belt again. He felt something in one of his pockets and he reached in to see what it was. He pulled out a folding leaflet with the title "Azure Sea" on it and a little pile of silver coins. He unfolded the leaflet and was met with lots of information about places in Azure Sea (he was in a place called Summer Grove apparantly). They all looked really interesting (some restricted to ones below a certain level), but one caught his eye so he read it aloud.. "The Silver Oyster Azure Sea {TM} isn't just a sea with islands scattered over its surface; it contains a vast array of underwater fields, caverns, cities and towns. The Silver Oyster is perhaps the most noteable area under the ocean; it's the place where everyone goes for a good time. It's even been said that illegal actions take place there (such as the trading of bootlegged anime episodes, distribution of hentai and other materials). Go there to gamble your Player Credits away or simply have fun with your friends and enjoy the ambience." .. Sounded like a pretty happening place to him. But, it'd be a lot better if he could form a party with two other people first. He thought that he should maybe go to Azure City first and explore there a bit. Up to now Delete had been oblivious to the other newbies chattering excitedly with their companions. He shrugged that thought off and he noticed them no more and sat on the rock he'd used as a lookout to think of a game plan. [/color]
[size=1][center][b]|| 100% complete, Azure Sea design process beginning ||[/center][/b] [color=crimson]"Ah good, now I can design my new character.." thought Sammy to himself as the warm glow of the computer moniter turned blue; the design screen for Azure Sea. Three mugs of coffee, two sandwiches and four hours later, his character design was complete. He sighed and felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Very proud of himself, he leaned back on his computer chair and gazed at his new sprite that he'd be using in Azure Sea. [IMG]http://www.kongming.net/i/p/dw3/s/luxun.gif[/IMG] "Excellent!" he grinned and hit the return button on his keyboard.[/color] [center][b]|| Please type in a username and password ||[/b][/center] [color=crimson]"Username..? I'm no good at thinking them up!" Sammy got up from his chair and wandered exhaustedly from his room to the stairs, where he looked desperately around for hints that he could use as a username. Sighing again he continued down the stairs, he glanced into the living room where his mother was sat watching the news on TV. As he walked into the kitchen he caught sound of the words "coma" and "The World". He stood still for a second, then shook his head and went into his kitchen. Back upstairs, he sipped a tall glass of cool orange juice as he thought what he could use as a username. When he put the drink onto his desk, the ice clinked against the side of the glass. He looked at the glass.. "Maybe c- no.. no.. that's stupid." He started to tap on his keyboard impatiently as he sat idley staring at the screen. He glanced to where he was tapping on the keyboard, near the 'delete' button.. "Woah.. better not get too close to that... wait, that's it, Delete!" He hurridly typed in his new username and password (one that he used for a lot of other online things too). He then filled in the registration form and waited for confirmation.[/color] [center][b]|| Welcome new [u]Azure Sea[/u] Member! ||[/b] - [b]Username:[/b] Delete - - [b]Password:[/b] ******* - - [b]Address:[/b] Not speicified - - [b]Age:[/b] Not specified - - [b]Sex:[/b] Male - [b]|| Please ensure that headset is not taken off without logging out of Azure Sea, enjoy your session! ||[/b][/center] [color=crimson]Sammy fished around under his desk for his headset, plugged it into the back of his computer and put it on. A sharp beep sounded before everything went black and he felt as if he had just fallen asleep, but could still hear the whirr of his computer and the outside noises. "Weird." He thought as the welcome screen for Azure Screen popped up in front of his eyes..[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]-[b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] Uh... I think that an age restriction thing would be a good idea, but I know that so many people are against it.. -[b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] I have no idea.. ah yes I do ^^;; A Sega forum would be cool (though not popular).. -[b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com?[/b] Yes, in every aspect. -[b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b] No, because the other boards would leech members from here (unless they were already big + popular boards, then I don't mind). -[b]Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards?[/b] Nope, we'd be swamped with strange people. -[b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b] No way, call me strict but I think that we are [i]way[/i] too lenient on some more-than-one-occaison spammers. -[b]If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way?[/b] I would if I had any of them. -[b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?[/b] Either. But I'd say that we have to keep members' different likes + dislikes in mind on this one. -[b]Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works?[/b] I would say completely original, it's nice to see what people achieve from a blank canvas. -[b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b] Yes. :) -[b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies?[/b] Yes, yes I am.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I have no advice to give, but all I can say is to try to accept the fact that she is gone (trust me, it's happened to me too).[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] Zidane, it says what you're asking right in the interview.[/color][/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]lol.. yeah it sure does, and just for you; here it is:[/size][/color] [QUOTE][i]Guy at site says:[/i] [b]It will, without doubt, be completely free at every phase. We will not be asking any money for any aspect of the game. As for where you can get it, we're still working that one out, but hopefully from 40-50 sites and various dedicated servers by the final release. We've been networking with friends of ours to get a massive release party, online celebrations and everything (if the game drums up enough support). So it'll be a big event and everyone can get a copy from many different places, for absolutely free.[/b] [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]*is completely mesmerized* This sounds really spiffy. I really don't know anything about the .hack stuff, though..[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]*shakes fist* Sign up then! I don't know anything about .hack either! *laughs insanely*[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidane [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I just cannot understand why Square gave the permit out.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]They haven't, it's got totally nothing to do with Square whatsoever.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1](It still pales in comparison to Photoshop, though ^_~)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Sure does -_- *wants my computer to be unbroken* Thankee everybody for your opinions and stuff.. *is out of ideas now*[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Thank you, I made all of these to catch people's eye but only one does. The mind boggles oO The need to make nice landscape photographs into nice landscape photographs with lines and weird things on them increases:[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Very nice, it would have been so much better with a dulled down shine effect. Good work 7/10[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson] [b][u]Category One: Your Online Character[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Delete [b]Character Base/Type:[/b] Light Warrior [b]Weapon/s:[/b] [URL=http://www.superiormartialarts.com/images3/20132.jpg]Butterfly Swords[/URL] [b]Appearance:[/b] Later.. I can't think right now ^^;; [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b][u]Category Two: Your Real Life Character[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Sammy Westfield [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Occupation:[/b] High school, freshman year [b]Location:[/b] England, but has recently moved to Perth, Australia with his family [b]Biography:[/b] There is not much to tell about this boy, up to this year when they moved to Australia (this is because his parents really liked it there when they went on holiday) Sammy's life has been normal by most standards. He received his copy of [i]Azure Sea[/i] on his 13th birthday. Now he plays it whenever he gets the chance. [b]Personality:[/b] When around people, Sammy tends to acts as friendly as he can, but can change moods extremely quickly; one moment he'll be laughing his head off, then he'll be silent and moody looking. Some people say he's really weird, due to liking things that 'normal' people don't like. When people say this to his face, he just shrugs it off. Sammy always tries to desperately hide his dependence that he has on all of his friends and his family, his greatest fear is being alone and having no one to trust or depend on. [b]Interests:[/b] Sammy likes playing video games, hanging out with friends, collecting swords (he only has five so far) and going shopping too.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]*remembers in future to not make silly orange and black boxes ^^;* Thank you everbody for your opinions, now for the final one:[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I agree that the sunset one is forced, it's nothing like the other, I give that one poop/10 ^^; Numero tres:[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Thank you, that wasn't intended, but thanks anyway ^^; Here's number two (it's not as good, but this was the most experimental one):[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I ponder whether it is worth killing someone who is trying to steal something as mundane as a radio... [b]Edit:[/b] But then I wonder why someone would want to risk their life to steal something as mundane as a radio. The circle continues.. oO[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I was bored today without my good computer being able to work, so I decided to experiment with stuff in MSPaint. I ended up making these "sample images" you get with XP into.. into.. I don't know, judge for yourself =P (I can only post one image after a post and so on. I lack hosting capabilities ^^)[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]It looks alright I guess. As Tony said, having someone like Chow Yun Fat casting in a movie, then using all of these special effects and stuff just defeats the object of casting him. Anyway I'll most likely go and see it with my friends.. yay.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Hmm *tries to remember*, ah yes. Kill the two Guado guards with Seymour with Wakka and Tidus (others are too slow), then smash Seymour with Kimahri/Auron. When he summons Anima, call Yuna out straight away and summon the "????" Aeon ([spoiler]this is Shiva, if you don't already know[/spoiler]). Concentrate on healing it with its own ice attacks, and when you get an overdrive, obliterate Anima with it and heal straight after. When Anima is destroyed, Seymour will come back out. Just attack him with anyone really, he's pretty easy.[/size][/color]
im shipwrecked on a desert island. where did this CD player come from?
Break replied to treton_noir's topic in Noosphere
[size=1][color=crimson]Hmm, I couldn't live without lots of different songs! I'd throw the CD at someone, or stamp on it, or throw it in the sea.. o_o but here's what I would have: 1. [b]Reel Big Fish-[/b] Somebody Hates Me 2. [b]Greenday-[/b] Waiting 3. [b]New Found Glory-[/b] Hit Or Miss (old version) 4. [b]New Found Glory-[/b] My Heart Will Go On 5. [b]Slipknot-[/b] Diluted 6. [b]Slipknot-[/b] Surfacing 7. [b]Blink 182-[/b] Rock Show 8. [b]Reel Big Fish-[/b] Sell Out 9. [b]System of a Down-[/b] Boom 10. [b]System of a Down-[/b] Toxicity 11. [b]Finch-[/b] Letters To You 12. [b]Offspring-[/b] Bad Habit 13. [b]Offspring-[/b] Why Don't You Get a Job? 14. [b]Koji Kondo-[/b] Market and Gerudo Valley and Clock Town theme, one second in between each song on the same track! Genius! 15. [b]Limp Bizkit-[/b] Stuck Yup... variation city for me.[/size][/color]