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Everything posted by Break

  1. Break


    [size=1][color=crimson]Yes, James, this repitition is rather spammy. If you didn't notice that Cajones had already posted [i]every single[/i] cheat and code, then you're very very stupid. Sufficient information has been said in this thread, come back to it when you feel the need for codes. Thread closed.[/size][/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sniglefager [/i] [B]There are a few bugs they needed to fix on that game [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]A [i]few[/i]!? Man, that game is bug and glitch infested to the point of insanity![/size][/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=royal blue]I have to agree with that. Rikku, I understand, but YUNA?! >.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=royal blue]I haven't the foggiest idea what the dashes in the guys' names mean--I don't claim to know katakana at all! :bluesweat[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]At least you tried. ~_^ I was having some theories to the color coordination that trio have going on. The most obvious would be that they're some gang (they definately look the part). Lastly (not many theories :P), I was thinking that the woman may be a summoner and the two guys; her guardians. But then I remembered that in FFX-2, machina is widely used again (as I've said) and I wondered if they'd need summoners anymore. o_O;[/size][/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidane [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I said it... No body cares about me. o_0 Anyway, ''Ahem''. I havent played Final Fantasy 7 in a long time, looks like I better refresh my memory. But I'm not just going to agree with other people, I'll be difficult by saying 8! Mwaha. Though I must be wrong, I tried... ^_~[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Shattered. -_-; Go ahead and ask, Zidargh. [b]Edit:[/b] Ginny, it was the tank that blew up when leaving from Earth; the one that Shera said was faulty, but Cid didn't take her advice (and gotted his leg hurty as a result ^_^)[/size][/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hiei Jagashi [/i] [B]I am new here and I didn't know. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]It doesn't matter whether you're new here or not. The fact is that you didn't bother to post in the existing FF:CC/FFX-2 thread, you may or may not know (don't care either, personally), but I've merged so many threads for people that don't bother posting in old theads; it grates a little. From now on I'm deleting them. *closes and leaves as an example to others*[/size][/color] [color=indigo]Yeah, I know what you mean. I've merged a few, too, and it is getting annoying when they just keep popping up. From now on, I'm just going to delete them too. - Desbreko[/color]
  7. [size=1][color=crimson]No! You have to kill the Black Waltz #1 first, it's very hard to do it the way that you're talking about, just keep your HP up and barrage the BW and Sealion with attacks. I would advise maybe levelling up another two or three levels in the Ice Cavern. :)[/size][/color]
  8. Break

    Pokemon Black?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Hopefully they'll have a new plot for all of them, because the current has become quite boring over the past five or so years....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Gah, you can say that again, they're all along the lines of: Get start Pokemon, do lots of gyms, meet Team Rocket and beat them, do more gyms and get very rare last Pokemon. Nevertheless, I still like the games very much. ^_^ *yearns for 3D-adventure Pokemon game with good story*[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=crimson]Nope, all wrong! *laughs maniacally*[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=crimson]I need help trying to make people stop posting new threads that already exsist.. *merges* [b]Edit:[/b] My God, this thread is confusing now. o_O; It has three FFX help threads merged into it. Stop posting new ones![/size][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=royal blue]Ah, question. Does anyone know if the Aeons have options as to HOW to fill up their Overdrives (for the characters, it's stuff like "Ally", "Victor", "Warrior", etc etc etc)? If not, does the Overdrive filling depend on what Yuna's is set to? Or are the Aeons' Overdrives like the Limit Breaks of FF7--damage=energy (plus the Boost option). BTW, everyone, Valefor is female. Just FYI. ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]I don't think it matters what Yuna's Overdrive filly-up thing is. Becuase, I've noticed that the Aeon's Overdrive bar goes up when they attack, when they are attacked and even when the opponent's attack misses. :) *didn't know that Valefor is female, had a strange feeling she was though* oO;[/size][/color] [color=indigo]Indeed it is confusing... *goes through combining the double posts that resulted from the merge* - Desbreko[/color]
  11. [quote][i]Originally said in an AIM conversation by Tasis[/i] [b]you be like "for lack of currentererere queshigs, i am makerke one!"[/b][/quote] [size=1][color=crimson]So, ahem, for the current lack of questions I am going to make one. ^_^ [b]Question:[/b] [FFVII] Which tank inside the rocket in Rocket Town ([spoiler]after Shinra try to use it to stop Meteor[/spoiler]) blows up and crushes Cid's leg?[/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=crimson]There's already an FFX help topic; you should have posted in that. Never mind, just remember next time. *merges* [color=royalblue][size=1]*actually merges it* -Tasis[/color][/size] [color=blue][size=1]Quiet you -[b]Pokel[/b] (Break's husband)[/size][/color] [color=royalblue][size=1]*eats Pokel* Who's quite now? -Tasis[/color][/size] [color=indigo][img]http://www.desbreko.netfirms.com/Misc/DancingBanana.gif[/img] - Desbreko[/color] [color=royalblue][size=1]*eats Peh, the dancing Banana* -Tasis[/color][/size] Anyway, back on topic, yeah, keeping all of your Aeons on overdrive is mightah helpful. A healthy mix of Shield and Boost when battling with them should do the trick and get the Overdrive bar to get up quicker. :) I've also found out this weird thing: when you use Valefor's Sonic Wings technique when fighting one enemy in battle, it lets you use it over and over again (which is good, since each connecting hit raises the overdrive bar a little). Has anyone else had this happen?[/size][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sniglefager [/i] [B]yeah, I hate blitzball. I was also wondering if you really do need to win some blitzball matches (and do some other things) to get Wakka's Legendary weapon. Cause if you do........ [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]*covers ears* Blitzball.. eugh! And if anyone is posting how to get Wakka's Legendary weapon, do so in the correct manner (spoiler tags, please). :)[/size][/color] [color=indigo]Merged the double post that resulted from, well, the merge, lol. - Desbreko[/color]
  13. [size=1][color=crimson]I mean, [i]this[/i] attachment:[/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=crimson]Weh did never see this topic o_O [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Weh [u][b]Magic Type:[/b][/u] Thunder [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Mech. [u][b]Picture:[/b][/u] (see attachment) [u][b]Special:[/b][/u] [b]Weh Shuffle:[/b] A strange dance, confusing the opponent [b]Break Attack:[/b] A strong physical attack[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=crimson]Malcom in the Middle is very funny, one of the few TV shows that actually makes me laugh (hard) out loud. Um.. what else, oh yeah. Futurama is just funny and pretty insane sometimes (my kinda style), and you cannot forget the Simpons. They're too cool. I too, have lost interest in TV, haven't watched a whole TV show in ages o_O;[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=crimson]Once on GTAIII, I used the better car handling cheat to jump onto the roof of the hospital on Staunton Island. I got out the car and managed to walk through the wall into Blue Hell. Then, I walked around in Blue Hell then fell off of something and ended up on the first island (I forget) o_O;[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=crimson]Ah! I beat the Sinspawn! *dances* I tried rotating the stick for Fury, but which way; I will never know. And guys, try and keep it on topic, so if anyone has any help for FFX, they can just posty it in here. *nods*[/size][/color]
  18. Break

    Pokemon Black?

    [size=1][color=crimson]Yeah, I also wouldn't believe anything that Nintendo themselves haven't announced. Pokemon Black does sound pretty convincing, but whilst still only releasing Ruby and Sapphire in Japan, they may just be in the beginning of planning it (that's if the rumour [i]does[/i] turn out to be true).[/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=crimson] [b][u]General Awards[/u][/b] [b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] James [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] AJeh [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] ShyGuy [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] PiroMunkie [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] BabyGirl [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Lady Katana [b]Most improved Member of the Year:[/b] Tommy Vercetti [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] which otaku member would u like 2 meet in real life? [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] *longs for the days of "What's your favorite type of sock?"* [i]Honorable Mention:[/b] -- [b]Funniest Member:[/b] James [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Desbreko [b]Silliest Username:[/b] Mith'raw'nurundo (However it is spelled) [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Medra (:P) [b]Member most likely to be here in two years:[/b] ShyGuy [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Lady Katana [b]Avatar of the Year:[/b] Semjaza Azazel - "Puddin'!" [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Medra - Nuclear Explosion [b]Signature of the Year:[/b] Semjaza - Dancin' Hitler! [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Me - "Have you got any G-Strings?" [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] PiroMunkie and Queen Asuka [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Me and Pokel [b]Best looking Otaku:[/b] ssj chic [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] BabyGirl [b]Otaku clique of the Year:[/b] OtakuBoards Moderators (can that be counted?) [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]Best Newbie:[/b] Jinzouningen17 [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Tommy Vercetti [b]Best Oldie:[/b] Sephiroth [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] ShyGuy [b]Best Otaku-Related site:[/b] ShyGuy - Otaku Pike [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Queen Asuka - Many Faces of OtakuBoards (I think you should update the names/pictures on that) [b]Most likely to become a Staff Member:[/b] AJeh [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Juuthena [b][u]Otaku Writers[/u][/b] [b]Poet Laureate:[/b] -- [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] -- [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] ShyGuy *loves his 1st person posts* [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Final_Flash [b]Brawler of the Year:[/b] -- [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]Role-Playing Game of the Year:[/b] James' - Final Fantasy Online: Another World/The Return [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] The Legend of Zelda: World of Ruin [b][u]Social Otakus[/b][/u] [b]Otaku Social member of the year:[/b] Solo Tremaine [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] James [b]Entertainment Otaku of the Year:[/b] AJeh [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] James [b][u]Anime Otakus[/b][/u] [b]Otaku of the Year:[/b] ShyGuy [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]DragonBall Guru:[/b] PiroMunkie [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]Digipeep of the Year:[/b] Digital_Monster [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b] -- [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b] -- [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b][u]Otaku Gamers[/b][/u] [b]Gamer of the Year:[/b] James [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Semjaza Azazel [b]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/b] James [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Desbreko [b]The Sony Award:[/b] -- [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] James [b]Xbox Gamer of the Year:[/b] Big Cajones [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Alexus_Bing [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b] DeathKnight [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [u][b]Otaku Artists[/b][/u] [b]Best Graphic Designer:[/b] Syk3 [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] James [b]Best "Traditional" Artist:[/b] Transtic Nerve [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] -- [b]Best Spriter:[/b] Final_Flash [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Warlock [b][u]Series Otaku[/u][/b] [b]Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b] Desbreko [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Me? [b]The Chocobo Award:[/b] Desbreko [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] AJeh [b]Liberty City Award:[/b] Medra [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] NeoCactuar [b]Mushroom Kingdom Honors:[/b] James [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Semjaza Azazel [b]PokéPlaque:[/b] Lady Katana [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Desbreko [b]The Triforce Award:[/b] Desbreko [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Etarah's Maverick *fingers fall off before fainting into a lage full of keyboard-fish*[/size][/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidane [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] Right, yes I had trouble with this too. This battle is a VERY long and repetitive battle but bear with it if you want to see a very impressive cut scene. Now, I know it takes a long time, but you HAVE to attack the arms first OK? As the arms guard the body, and that's your main source of damage. Now always constantly heal Auron, perhaps Yuna should have all her Summons on Overdrive at first. (Basically, use Yuna alot on the monsters, and purposely have the summons be attacked)^_^, with me so far? Now, when the creature moves its head funnily, summon immediately, and use guard or something. You have the option if you press the 'right' directional button. You are now displayed with another command menu that displays 'boost' and things like that. Anyway, use the guard option (It should sound similar to that) and the attack should not do terrible damage to your summon. You wont raise your Overdrive bar on this by the way, but it prevents you dying. Now repeat, and attack the head with either magic from Lulu or Wakka with his 'ole projectile attacks. Repeat this process, and remember to save Russ. ^_^ I hope i couldve been of help. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Thank you, Zidargh, I will try that right now. If I don't succeed, I'll wait for a while then try again and again ^_^ Oh, and by the way, how the [i]Hell[/i] do you do Lulu's overdrive (Fury)?! O_O[/size][/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tommy Vercetti [/i] [B]I haven't had that happen to me i usually just jump out in mid air when the black smoke starts to happen, but i usually kill myself when i drop out but its funny to do :) [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]You know, you can use the health cheat to repair any vehicle that you are in, it's pretty useful to do (since I'm a not-very-good driver).[/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=crimson]Blargh! I really am getting annoyed at Sinspawn Gui; the Sinspawn that you fight at Mushroom Valley-Ridge. My current strategy is to get rid of the head first (Wakka's attack or summoning Valefor or Ifrit, etc.) before I move on to destroy the arms. These arms are really annoying since they regenerate lots. V_V But what annoys me the most is that the Sinspawn gets about 3 attacks in one turn! The head would "move suspiciously" then it would attack, then use Thunder, then Venom, all in the space of one turn; without any of my characters attacking! Lulu manages to die straight away, closely followed by whoever else I have out (Wakka/Auron or Tidus/Auron). Please, someone help me get past this highly annoying Sinspawn![/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=crimson]I would [i]love[/i] to raise a Ledyba, Scizor, Ryhorn, Spinarak and a Smeargle. I tried a Ledyba once and got it a few levels before its evolution level and I just gave up because it was so weak. I did manage to get an Ariados once, but I put it back into the PC as soon as it evolved, but its a very cool Pokemon. Scizor, well, I have one and I find it really hard to train (since the lower-level wild Pokemon are too weak and the higher-level ones are too strong), so I just kinda gave up. I find that Ryhorns are just very cool and can be really strong when at a high level (I don't like Rydons though o_O). And Smeargle, yeah, I guess they're just interesting with their Sketch move. :)[/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][color=crimson]Just helping out, but isn't a purple rupee included in the LTP remake if I'm not mistaken?[/size][/color]
  25. Break


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]In FF games, I generally keep the original names. Changing them kind of pulls me out of the story for some reason. I only do this in games where the main character speaks a lot though. After beating them a few times, I sometimes pop in whatever names I feel like though. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Yeah, I found that it kinda pulled me out of the story too. But, my brothers have named a few on FFVII: Cloud- SOLDIR Red XIII- NANAKI Aeris- Erisboneris Tifa- GIRL (something like that)[/size][/color]
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