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Everything posted by Break

  1. Break


    [size=1][color=crimson]Well.. if Square managed to fix all of the glitches and bugs that arose when the Beta was first tested in Japan, then hopefully it won't be taken down after a year. But after all the time and planning they've put into FFXI, I highly doubt that Square would turn back now.[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=crimson]We were writing these poems in english, based on a photo we were given. I had to write one about this lady sitting at the station, looking sad. So I wrote away and the teacher said it was good. So I was pleased, what do you guys think? [u][b]The Shell[/b][/u] Emotions; they fail me Keep my writhing throughout the night Keeping sane will be my key Trying not to lose sight Of this spirit that I see I fear, it's slipping away, my emotions may be right Binding and constricting me Lock me inside my shell tonight He's wandered from this place Wandered far from life Wandered far and slowly fallen from grace I accept this and live in eternal strife The shell; it keeps blank my face But inside, my hearts been slashed with a knife I have lived my life with style and grace Now all is meaningless without him The shell; I know he's gone Love says no more The shell; I know he's gone My life is no more[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=crimson][b]Answer:[/b]The four Poe Sisters are Amy (green I think), Jo (blue I think), Beth (red I think) and Meg, who is purple. [b]Question:[/b] How much MP is in the standard Magic Meter on Majora's Mask?[/size][/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zanarkand Abes [/i] [B]Wait till you get to Senior High. and isn't grade 10 the Sophore year? [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Heehee.. yeah, I can't wait. And in England, I said YEAR 10, which is the equivelant to Freshman over there in the US. *carries on being happy*[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=crimson]I have never [i]ever[/i] given my Pokemon nicknames, but my brothers had some funny ones, until one told the other to name all Pokemon in his party "Yellow", which is so original because he has Yellow version.. My other brother called his Beedrill; Beebum.[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=crimson] Thank you everybody for your advice. ^_^ I'll try to be happy over the next.. next.[/size][/color]
  7. [color=crimson]Dareigen and Voleur continued to walk together from Lake Hylia. They were headed for a road with some torches dotting the sides and they hoped to take one so that they could make a fire to cook the freshly killed Octorok. Dareigen liked his new company, for it had been long since he engaged in a conversation with anyone since he was in the village. He sighed, wondering if Voleur had thought him to be quiet, but he was just nervous, talking to a Gerudo that he would have never thought possible to find on a journey such as this. He kicked a small stone in his path, sending it rolling along the dirt road. He look to the west where the sun was slowly disappearing beneath the horizon, giving off gleams of orange and pink as it did. The sky above him, however, was getting darker by the minute. Desperately wanting to converse with Voleur, he tried to think up a conversation in his head as they walked along the dirt road. Finally, he thought of one subject that they both may be able to talk about... "So.. I.. have never encountered a Lizalfos, are they hard to beat?" He asked, painfully. This was followed promptly by a short chuckle from Voleur. "What?" Asked Dareigen. "Oh, I just find it strange that we talk about killing and eating different monsters. No one else would want to." She replied, with another short laugh. "Yeah.. so how were they?" "How were what?" "The Lizalfos." "Oh. They are good fighters," she indicated to the mark on her arm, "as you can see. Their fighting style is not unlike the guards' at home.. or the guards that were at home.." "Sounds like a formidable foe." Voleur nodded and another awkward silence somehow made the air tense up. Dareigen hated these, he wanted to get to to know his new companion better, since they might both be together for a long time from now. Then, a thought popped up into his head. "[i]Maybe she's nervous too, but just doesn't want to talk.[/i]" He considered and figured it wasn't a good reason not to talk. After more walking, Dareigen and Voleur noticed a row of bright lights dancing in the darkening day. It was possible that these were the torches. Spontaneously they both stopped and turned to look at each other, as if they were thinking each other's thoughts. "Hey, Voleur, we better get a move on. Night isn't the safest of times to be out." Suggested Dareigen. "I was thinking just the same." Voleur said back, with a smile.[/color]
  8. [size=1][color=crimson]*nods* I will stop worrying so much; I'm too paranoid/worried all the time, so I really should try to stop and lighten up a little. I'll mix Ken and Keisha's ideas together, I'll take a day off school, and then stay at home all day, spend half of the day in the bath, then (OB is the only place I like to hang out, without friends that is) come on here, talk to people that I enjoy talking to. Thanks guys. :) (I'm all embarresed now, because it doesn't take much to cure me, I just wanted to get it all off of my chest) [b]Edit:[/b] I just asked my mom, and she ****ing said no, and then asked why. I said I was really stressed, and then she threatened to take me to the doctors (as I kicked things lots) I don't want to go!!.[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=crimson]A vacation? *sigh* I do don't I.. but, school will not allow vacations in school time. So I'm ****ed. Wheehee. Slipknot will help me, yes. (Help me please)[/size][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=crimson]Well.. ever since I have gotten back to school in September to start year 10 (or Freshman year as you may say) School has been such a drag. This continued until we broke up for Christmas, when this.. drag.. was at its worst, I could barely get up in the morning and nearly fell asleep in lessons (just for information, I [i]never[/i] acted this way in year 9). The school managed to somehow affect my social life, and now I sometimes dislike being with my friends. I don't know why, so that's why I'm annoyed at myself. As for the title of this topic, every day is a repeat. A bad repeat. It's just the same every single ****ing day and I'm sick of living like this. Maybe its stress, maybe its depression, but can someone tell me what to do to get out of this grey repeat? Please.[/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=crimson]Wow, this is very surprising, like James said, that Nintendo are bringing an updated GBA [i]already[/i]. I wonder why. Anyway, I'm not complaining, this is a great new pocket console that I'm sure will be another great hit, as the GBA was, due to it's size/stylish looks. There's no more craning my neck trying to get some good light in, and no more annoying people that crowd around watching you play now that the back-light is in place, I'm gonna love this so much. ^_^ I'm surely going to get one of these, since I don't have a GBA, and I think it still connects to GCN (well it better), because of those ports (on the picture showing the rear of the GBASP). Nice stuff. :)[/size][/color]
  12. [color=crimson]It had been an hour or so since Dareigen had entered the canyon area at the east of the Desert of Mystery. Despite being attacked by a more gangs of Leevers on the way, he arrived at the Swamp Ruins virtually unscathed. He had been here before, when he had set out a year ago before the Fall. The Swamp was less green than he had remembered and it now had a disgusting stench that was carried by a gentle breeze that made Dareigen feel cooler than he had done, but it was also rather humid in the swamp. He would sweat a lot here, he could already feel droplets of perspiration running down his forehead. "[i]I would have said that the Desert is worse,[/i]" he thought, "[i]but this breeze is hardly a sandstorm.[/i]" Sighing, he walked further into the muddy plains of the Swamp Ruins, his boots squelching as they had been since the middle of the Desert. He felt that his feet were swimming in sweat almost, although it was better than having them full of sand, which was very itchy and annoying as he had found out too. His nose was almost hurting from the reeking smell of rotting.. things and his ears rang with the sound of buzzing flies in every direction. He swatted a few with his hands whilst he walked around a huge, green colored puddle that bubbled every now and again, a strange gurgling noise escaping when the bubble popped. He stood for a second, motionless, looking at the puddle with a feeling of disgust and amazement running through him. Something inside Dareigen was telling him to walk closer to the mud. He decided not to do this when he saw a large pair of angry-looking green eyes staring at him from the mud's surface. He shook his head and backed away from the large puddle slowly, then he turned around and carried on walking, with occaisional glances over his shoulder. He noticed the trees were very different to how they had been since his last visit. At least last time they had some foliage, but right now, they were just gnarled and dead-looking Swamp Trees. He had noticed that these were host to a number of black birds, that he knew as Guays. They looked like they were roosting right now, but there were so many of them that Dareigen didn't know what he would do if they were all to wake up and attack. He gulped as he imagined what that many birds could and would do to him. He found his throat to be dry and deprived of any moisture, struggling slightly to swallow again, he stopped, took out his bottle of Leever Juice and hurridly gulped down the remainder of it. Not liking it, but being glad that he was rehydrated, he put the empty bottle back into his pouch and exhaled loudly. A loud, throaty squawk alerted Dareigen of impending danger and turned his attention to the roosting Guays, who weren't roosting anymore, but rustling their feathers and getting ready to fly. Not liking this site one bit, Dareigen took out the dagger from his boot, figuring that his huge Scmitar would be too slow against these birds. He held his dagger behind him in a fighting stance and jumped at the first bird that flew towards him, grabbing it by the neck and driving the dagger through its back, resulting in a low squawk before it became limp. He took his dagger out of it and threw the dead Guay at another, knocking it out of the sky into some sinking mud, which swallowed it instantly with a gurgling sound. He failed to notice another bird flying for his chest until it hit, knocking him backwards slightly. He looked at the bird that hovered there for a moment, a bad move on its part, as Dareigen took this small amount of time to deliver a round-house kick to the bird, smashing it into its tree roost with a cracking sound. The next two that came to attack him were caught off guard as Dareigen delivered one horizontal slash, catching both of them in the middle before they hit. Both Guay fell squirming on the floor before he kicked them away, awaiting the next bird which-- "OW!!" Exclaimed Dareigen out loud. --had already attacked his left forearm with its sharp beak, leaving a small cut. Blood started to run from the wound straight away. He wiped it clean and brought his knee smashing into the head of the Guay, killing it instantly. Only three Guay remained, hovering on the spot twittering angrily among themselves. Suddenly they darted toward Dareigen in a triangle-formation, but this wouldn't help them, as he had already thought out his move. As they flew even closer, he ducked, so the birds merely flew over and stopped once they had noticed that there was no impact. Dareigen backflipped and did a half-twist in the air, so he landed facing the three birds. Smirking, he delivered three lightning fast slashes with his dagger in exachange for three thumps as the Guay hit the muddy ground; Dead. Wiping the warm blood from his dagger off on his cloak, he put the dagger back in his boot and stood, looking for signs of anymore Guay. "[i]I guess there aren't any--[/i]" He started to think, before a huge number of squawks sounded in the distance. Suddenly, countless black silloettes came into view, flying toward Dareigen with a furious flapping sound accompanying them. He staggered backward, astounded at the huge number of Guay that were not accounted for. "--more. Dammit!" He finished his thought quickly, turned and began running. He bolted his way through the Swamp Ruins, scuffing his boot on the odd gnarled root that poked out the ground, almost wanting him to trip and fall to his death. He guessed that he was in the center of the Ruins right now, because he could not tell the difference between the ground and sinking mud (unless he stepped in it, of course), but he managed to avoid the liquid-looking ground. Again he looked over his shoulder to see where the Guay were. He gasped as he found they had caught up to him considerably and were now nearly in range to attack him. As he faced forward, he had not noticed the big root that protuded out in front of him. Before he could stop, his foot got caught and he hit the ground hard, covering his front in dirt and mud. He closed his eyes for a moment and just listened to the hurrendous noise of the incoming Guay. Then suddenly he sprang up to his feet and took out the empty bottle that once held his Leever Juice and he threw it down on the ground, just in front of the Guay. It shattered, sending shards of glass everywhere and made a huge crash. It also seemed to slow them down slightly. "[i]For some reason, I thought that would work.[/i]" Thought Dareigen as he sprinted to a grey-stone building a few metres away. The Guay continued their pursuit until Dareigen made it to the grey-stone building. He remembered someone in Kakariko Village telling him that there is an old Watergate in the Swamp Ruins, so he thought that this must be it. He carried on running at full speed but saw a tunnel, so he dived straight into it, the birds just sped past, sqauwking and flapping loudly. Dareigen got up inside the dim tunnel and brushed all the dust and mud from himself. Glancing around, he noticed that he had dived in pretty far since the entrance of the tunnel now appeared as a doorway for faeries or something. Apart from the gleaming light from outside, the passageway inside was nearly pitch black. He wiped his forehead with a gauntlet and gently took his Scmitar from its sheath and then procceeded to walk forward very slowly. "[i]I don't like the feeling I get from this place one bit,[/i]" he thought warily, still breathing heavily from the mad sprint from the Guay, "[i]If there was any light in this stupid tunnel then I'd know where I'm goi--[/i]" His thoughts were again cut short when his slow and careful walk through the tunnel was intercepted by a flight of stairs, which he went on to tumble down. Many "Ow!"s, "Oof!"s and "Argh!"s sounded before he reached the bottom, bruised and aching. He lay in a crumpled heap on the floor, trying to figure out what just happened. He stood up, and picked up his Scmitar, which had slid a few feet away from him. This tunnel was different, because it wasn't a tunnel. He was slow and was startled to find out that he was actually in a lit room, with four laterns burning brightly on each wall. In front of the staircase he had just fallen down, on the other side of the room, there was a massive statue of a monster or beast of some sort. One thing very strange about it, well two things is that it had one, huge fierce-looking eye on its head. And it was also wearing a Power Bracelet! Dareigen had heard about this amazing item, once you put it on, you became much stronger than you were and then get the ability lift things that were very heavy, like boulders. But, he had never heard of it making you more powerful in battle situations. But, maybe the one this monster was wearing was different than the others, stronger somehow. Dareigen, wanting the Bracelet, walked slowly to the statue, sword ready in hand and touched the hand the Power Bracelet was on. Instantly, he was thrown back the sheer magical power of it and the beast's eye exploded with light, almost blinding Dareigen. He stood, sheilding his eyes from the white explosion until it had gone back to its normal brightness. He slowly took his arm away from his eyes and struggled to beleive what was in front of him. The statue was one of the legendary Hinox beasts he had heard tales about, but he thought they only lived in the Dark World. This Hinox stood as tall as the Geldman he had fought in the desert, but maybe twice as broad. Muscles bulging out from the skin, looking as if they were going to burst. Dareigen, still not able to take in the greatness of his new foe, took a step back to where the stairs were. He bumbed into something solid.. iron bars now blocked the way out. Perhaps the only way was through the Hinox. Gritting his teeth, he made the first charge at it. The Hinox merely swiped his hand to the side to knock the charging Dareigen flying to the right, landing painfully on his left shoulder. It seemed that it was the Hinox's turn to attack now, it clenched one of its huge fists and made a slow attempt to crush Dareigen with a massive punch. While it concentrated on trying to hit him, Dareigen sidestepped and jumped into the air, bringing his Scmitar down into the creature's shin. He landed uneasily again, but managed to keep his fighting stance. The Hinox did nothing in turn for that hit but grunt and try again to hit him with a fist. Dareigen backflipped and then tried to inflict some damage on its hand by delivering an upwards vertical slash; Nothing. This annoyed the Hinox slightly and it sent another hand to attempt to hit Dareigen, but this time, it opened up and grabbed him. It began to squeeze him with its hand, all of the air slowly being forced out of him, he was losing his breath slowly and painfully. He desperately sought of means to hurt this monster in anyway whist the Hinox grunted with joy. "[i]The eye![/i]" He thought suddenly, it was worth a try. Then the Hinox let him go and he fell heavily to the floor. He got up weakly, but took his dagger out from his boot quickly with his free hand and threw it straight into the centre of the massive beast's eye. This resulted in roars of rage and revenge as the Hinox stupidly waved its head around, trying to get the dagger out. Smiling slightly at this, Dareigen ran to the beast and jumped up onto one of its fists, and the Hinox caught him again in his grasp. But this time, Dareigen made sure that his hands and Scmitar were free from the grip. As the Hinox squeezed him hard, Dareigen threw his Scmitar like a spear into its eye. A jerk of pain rippled through its body and it threw him a little way into the air, just enough to land on the beasts head as he shook it. He held on tightly to the hilt of his Scmitar, trying desperately not to get thrown off. With all the strength he had, he continued to drive the sword deeper and deeper into the Hinox's eyeball, he twisted the blade and moved it from side to side, boring a bloody hole into the beast's head. It roared louder than ever as Dareigen pulled his sword out and again, with mighty strength, stabbed it back in again so forcefully that the tip of the sword could be seen protuding from the back of its head. Deciding to give one final blow before it died, the Hinox took a revenge punch and caught Dareigen on his already injured left shoulder, crushing it against the wall as well. As the beast fell, so did Dareigen. And then it was quiet. Silence, apart from the tiny patter of falling dust and small stones. A loud groan signalled that Dareigen was still alive and wearily sat up, propping himself up against the wall. He gave a big sigh and forced a smile as he took out his bottle of Red Potion. "I knew I'd need this.." He said aloud. He took out the cork and drank the rest of the potion down quickly. Since he only had half left, it didn't heal his shoulder completely, but all other injuries seemed to fade away. He got up, dusted himself off and put the empty bottle away in his pouch. Then Dareigen walked over to the fallen beast and took both his sword and dagger from its unrecognisable eye. He sheathed his sword and put the mukky dagger back in his boot. Now for him to take his prize. He edged slowly around the body of the Hinox and gently unclipped the huge bracelet that would have fit around Dareigen's waist, but it shrank slightly to his wrist size and he excitedly clipped it onto his own wrist. He grinned at his new found item and was eager to test it out. He looked at the Hinox and hurried over to its head, he put both hands under it and began to lift. Magically, Dareigen was slowly lifting the massive dead beast into a sitting position. "Wow.. I did that?" He said blankly, not believing what he had just done. Suddenly, he looked over to where the statue had been and noticed a boulder blocking something. "[i]What? That wasn't there before. Was it?[/i]" He asked himself, puzzled. He glanced at his Power Bracelet and wrapped his arms around the boulder, then began to lift. It was easier to lift than the Hinox had been, strangely enough, so then he set the boulder down next to the square hole that he had just uncovered. He could see a ladder that led into a black nothingness. Not wanting to fall down any stairs this time, he decided to "borrow" one of the laterns hanging on the nearest wall, he tied it to his belt. Now he was all set and began the descent of the lader, the latern brightly lighting his way for him. He got down from the ladder, untied the latern from his belt and held it up for better sight. It only let him see a few metres in front of him, but he was glad he had something to light the darkness. This tunnel was smaller and Dareigen had to bend his back slightly to travel through it. Nothing was in here, nothing at all, it was just a tunnel going in a straight direction. He had walked for about twenty minutes when he caught sight of some stairs at the start of the latern's light. Glad he was on his way out of this mind numbingly long and boring tunnel, he smiled and began the ascent of the stairs that let off a great sunlight.. ..He emerged into the warm sunlight, the smell of fresh water and grass floating in the air. He looked around and saw that he was at a huge lake, he couldn't remember the name, but he thought it was something along the lines of Lake Hylia. From where he was standing, it looked nearly as if this was one of the places he had always dreamed of when he was small. He walked over to the edge of the small cliff that lead into the Lake and peered over it. He could see a small figure swimming around slowly in the water, he then noticed he was standing next to some clothes, a sheathed scmitar (much like his) and a death Octorok. Finding this discovery rather strange, he looked down again at the swimmer. "[i]I need to wash, all this sweat needs to be washed off. I need to clean my Scmitar as well..[/i]" He thought, so he edged over the edge of the cliff and carefully made his way to the bottom. Here, he unsheathed his Scmitar and waved it around in the water, trying to get the Hinox blood and eye gloop off of the normally shining blade. He used his gauntlet to rub it off as the water soaked the blade and washed all the stains away. Admiring its restated shinyness, he sheathed it and tried to get his dagger out of his boot. This was hard, because he was trying to grip to the cliff with his other hand and his feet. "Come on, why won't it budge? Nnnnghh--Aah!" He exclaimed as he finally got the dagger out of his boot, but he also succeeded in slipping off of the cliff and splashing into the cool water below. It took his breath away at first, the extreme cold of the water, but he quickly adapted and enjoyed the feel refreshing water on his skin. He almost forgot about cleaning his dagger, so he quickly rubbed off the blood and other strange thing that were on it and placed it back in his boot. Dareigen looked over at the swimmer who was coming towards him, he thought that the clothes and stuff on the shore belong to her. Maybe even that smelly, dead Octorok. He got a hold onto the side of the cliff with one hand and hung in the water and called out, "Hey, is that dead Octorok yours?"[/color] _____________________________ [b]Current items:[/b] Power Bracelet, Latern.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [B]Okay Okay so FFVI and FFVII it is. Zelda and Pokemon both come out in Spring some time over in England. :mad: Chronicles won't come out till November, FFXI and FFT are TBC at the moment so I would be waiting for a while so I will have to get use to the game on FFVI and FFVII. Thanks for the help I hope I enjoy the games as much as you lot do. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Good, I'm glad you're going to get into them, because right now, you really don't know what you're missing. :) Andy, I not craze'd![/size][/color] [size=1][COLOR=royalblue]Then what are you? *looks at title again* -Tasis [/COLOR][/size] [color=indigo]He is, like his title says, an idiot. ;) - Desbreko[/color] [size=1][COLOR=royalblue]Sure... that's what they all say 'sko -Tasis [/COLOR][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=crimson]Well, you can't really compare Crystal Chronicles to FFXI, simply because that one is [i]completely[/i] different from the other. FFXI is a huge MMORPG and will include many different quests that you can take from people in towns and such. To help you with these quests you can ask other players to join your party, if I'm right I think you can have seven other players with you, apart from yourself. The battle system is more your style as well, with a more "hack and slash" air about it (also called an Action RPG), so you actually control their moves. Before you start the game, yes you can edit your character's clothes, face and race, but also define its class. This will determine what weapons your character can use and which (if any) magic it can use. I would get FFXI if I were you, but before it comes out here, get FFVII. Make that PSX game an exception. ~_^[/size][/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [B]Do you ever get lost and stranded without anything to do though? I usually give up when that happens you see, because I get bored easily. I hear there are loads of moves, items and magic is it really confusing? Is it like pokemon in anyway as in enemies having weaknesses or just an all out battle knocking off your enemies HP?[/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Yeah, you can become lost and not able to find your way out (Temple of the Ancients, Fossil Roo, etc.), but you can always post in here if you need any help, or ask someone over AIM. :) Ah! Yes there are many moves and stuff! The commands you can get are like Attack, Magic, Item, Summon, but this differs with every game. But yes, there are [i]loads[/i] of moves, for example; in FFVII, there is one Materia called the Enemy Skill Materia. This basically teaches you the move that the enemy attacks you with, and there are loads of these. Good fun collecting those. :) And yeah, there are loads of weaknesses for enemies in the FF games. All of the elements (that I can think of right now) are: Ice, Fire, Water, Lightning, Dark, Holy, Earth and Wind. These are all effective against different opponents (yes, much like Pokemon, lol) and some don't even affect some monsters. Hmm.. A game to recommend you.. I'd say FFX, it's good for beginners (since every one [i]says[/i] it's so easy :P) and has very cool visuals and the battle system is pretty great too. :) [b]Edit:[/b] Actually, no, get FFVII or both VII and X. They're both very tasty, but I prefer FFVII myself. You may not, it depends if you are a person that goes for more realistic characters or weird. You decide. ^__^[/size][/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [B]Well I know absolutely nothing about the Final Fantasy series. I was wondering if someone could explain to me what it's about and why so many people like it? I know it's an RPG so that's kind of why I haven't been interested in it. Suppose I shouldn't judge like that. HELP me to understand and maybe my mind will be changed as I know of several people to be addicted to the Final Fantasy games. I hear all the games are different though (I think), so could be hard to explain ARGH! :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Well, I'll be glad to help you understand it, Grant. :) The Final Fantasy series started with the original Final Fantasy on the NES, people refer to this as FFI. This was to be the start of one of the most poupular gaming series ever known. It was an RPG and incorperated a turn-based battle system, which gave time for players to select to use a physical attack or magic-- --I'm rambling, so I'll cut this short. :P Yes, every game is different, there has never been a direct sequel to an FF game in its history (but that is soon to change if you look in the FFX-2 thread). But of course, all of FF games are similar, the random battle style, the great stories, and you can't forget the all of the trademark characteristics (such as Chocobos and those damn annoying Marlobos). Hmm.. I guess you'll want to know why people like the series so much. Well, the interaction with the characters in each game is very good. You kinda get to know them and know how they'll react to certain situations. There is some pretty funny humour and very moving moments in the games too, which comes from you getting attached to the characters. This sounded.. rambly, sorry. But I hope I helped. :)[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=crimson]I must say that I do like Link's Awakening, simply because it is the only one I have gotten furthest on, lol. Not only that, but it was the first Zelda game I had played and I just fell in love with it. Another would be Ocarina of Time, even though I'm totally useless at it, the story and visuals are breathtaking. For a console like the N64 to have a game that big and with so many beautiful graphics in it was amazing for its time. And last, but definately not least, I choose Majora's Mask. First, let me say that I [i]adore[/i] games that have interaction with the people in it, so Majora's Mask was my type of game. I love collecting all of the masks and helping out people with the Bomber's Notebook. The dungeons are also so much easier than OoT's, but still are hard enough to give a challenge.[/size][/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Etarah's Maverick [/i] [B][color=teal]I think it was six.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]][color=crimson]Yep. Your turn. ^_^[/size][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Millennia [/i] [B]I know this is probably off the subject of the final boss, and you may think I'm an idiot, which is fine, because i'm a chick gamer and i'm used to it, but when you're in the Shinra building after Jenova breaks out and Sephiroth supposedly kills the president, you have to get into that glass elevator. I know there are at least two bosses there because I somehow managed to beat the first one after sixteen tries. Can someone please tell me an easier way to beat those bosses? I'm only on the first disk, and my sister is already DONE with the game. That's killing me guys, so I'd be really grateful if you could give me some tips! [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]You mean the 100 Gunner and that other one (I forgot it's name)? Yeah, I had trouble on those too. What you need to do is get some long range attacks, since you cannot use any physical attacks. If you have Barret on your party, use a Hyper on him so that his status changes to Fury. This will mean his limit bar goes up a lot quicker (and deal big damage to the bosses). Use magic attacks also, Bolt seems to work the best against machines. Designate the other person as a healer, with some magic too and you should be able to beat them both. I hope this helps you. :)[/size][/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B][url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15322[/url] Few threads down buddy :). The game was in the works far before any mergers. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]*nods* I'll just merge this with the other thread.. next time look to see if there is a thread already like you're about to post. :)[/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=crimson][b]Answer (I think):[/b] I'm not sure (well I think I may have seen it before), but is it FFV?[/size][/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BunnyBunny05 [/i] [B]I sat down and watch my brother play this game plenty of times. It's pretty scary, and yet, it leaves me in suspense (i like it...). Ne way, that evil Ganondorf holds power (he also steals Zelda's part of the triforce when he kidnaps her), Zelda holds the part of wisdom (Ganondorf didn't get ne smarter when he stole Zelda's piece, and my brother beat him), and Link (MY FAVORITE!) holds the part of courage, which my brother had throughout the game, BUT ME! I cried because so many parts scared me so bad (I was like Courage the Cowardly Dog)! The skulltulas in the beginning really gave me the creeps (and somehow, the Gold Skulltulas were worse), then that big ol' roly-poly guy in the sea that swallowed up the princess (wasn't her name lulu?), and the mountain w/it's weirdness, but what really had me scared was the battle against Ganon. I cried until it was over (From this u should tell that I liked Part 2 better). Part two was much better, because it was more of a challenge w/the mask and stuff. What really freaked me out in this game: THE MOON! The Skulltulas (still) The skullheads The skullkid w/the mask the new world when that mask came to life (EEEK! it was also pretty funny) Did I mention......THE MOON? And the guy who wanted his mask back (wasn't he in part one?) I don't know....something about that guy....he really gives me the shivers w/those mood swings.... :faint: :worried: :nervous: :glasses: :help: :twitch: :confuse2: :crying: :whoops: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :eek: :( [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]..What..? O_O; Anywho... question.. hmmm. [b]Question:[/b] [MM] How many warp tiles does Wizrobe use the second time you fight him in Snowhead Temple?[/size][/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bremma [/i] [B]In Majora's Mask, what does the Master Swordsman say he will do to the Moon? [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Argh! I'm really not sure. Doesn't he say something along the lines of "I'm going to fight it", well basically anyway?[/size][/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tommy Vercetti [/i] [B]ok but i thought it was the moderaters job to say that to me and loads of people say stuff about what they find out and i didnt really talk about my life [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]True, only moderators can act like moderators really. You didn't say anything about your life, so I'm confused at what Zidane meant. :drunk: And Zidane, the post you just made was completely off topic, [i]you[/i] in fact didn't say anything about the game and just lectured Tommy, here. [b]Edit:[/b] But on topic, I did use to have lots of fun on the old Toejam and Earl games, but didn't really understand them. I doubt I'll get this game, because it just isn't my taste anymore (I couldn't anyway, I lack the X-Box).[/size][/color]
  25. Break

    Ssb 3?

    [size=1][color=crimson]I would want to make some of the moves harder to pull off so people can't just come round your house, pick up the controller, and kick your butt with cheap moves. That really annoys me that people can do that. Also, maybe add some more characters from some more recent games, like E.Gadd from Luigi's Mansion/Super Mario Sunshine, he would be a pretty funny character to be. Maybe a mode in which you could play in a certain game series, like Super Mario, Donkey Kong or Zelda, and pick some characters from those games (Toad, Diddy Kong, Malon [Breko would like that], etc) and it should be like the style of Adventure Mode from SSB:M.[/size][/color]
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