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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC]The loss of the Sphere Grid is disappointing, but if the battle system is significantly different...it may not really matter. Hopefully the battle system is great -- it can really make or break a game like this.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]I have yet to sample the greatness of the Sphere Grid that everyone has been talking about, I haven't got FFX yet. But, yeah, a more "active" battle-system would be very cool. I wouldn't mind one like FFVII's, I really love that, but I'm sure it will be somewhat similar to FFX's because it is its sequel.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Mmm. I recommend having a lot of Softs, or whatever you do to cure Silence. Gizamaluke tended to use Silence a lot on Vivi, and I didn't have any Softs (or whatever) so I just had to make use of his puny physical attacks. V_V;; [b]Edit:[/b] I am [i]so[/i] silly. When I said soft I meant Echo Screen (thanks for telling me, Valen). [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I find it a lot easier to get to Wanted Level 5 by going on a Tank rampage. Thems sure are fun, just tearing through police cars that are dumb enough to drive straight into you. Yeah, anyway, you can't get to Level 5 if you haven't travelled onto all the islands, at least that's what it is like on GTAIII. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson][b]Answer:[/b] It's too easy, because I can answer it. :P Odolwa, Goht, Gyorg, Twinmold. And if you want the Majora things as well; Majora's Mask, Majora's Incarnation and Majora's Wrath. :) [b]Question:[/b] In Majora's Mask, how many different things can you put in your bottles?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Hmm... I'd have to say that you [i]need[/i] to get Zelda: A Link to the Past, it's a really great game. Other than that, my friend says that Metroid Fusion is very good and I hear nice things about Golden Sun too. :)[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]If Square had any sense, they'd wait for FFX-2 to get millions of sales and praise, then they should think about making a sequel or prequel to FFVII. Well.. Square have to see how their first direct sequel turns out, don't they?[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Etarah's Maverick [/i] [B][color=teal]I think she means Blue Fire, and if so, the answer's no. If it's anything else, I have NO clue what it is.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Yeah.. that's what I was thinking. :drunk: *waits for Bremma to post again*[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rancid [/i] [B]"Cuban crimelord (alleged) DIAZ and companions only known as "the twins" [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Do you read? Here.. *points at quote below* It has already been said, my friend.[/size][/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth[/i] [b]..."Diaz, along with the twins"...[/b][/quote]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bremma [/i] [B]That would be the all night mask, bought from the Curiousity shop on the third night. Sorry about the repeated question and missing a name.. I was only thinking the instumentalists. Anyway... In Majora's Mask, can you be hurt by carring fire? If so, how? [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Correct, only you forgot to mention that you have to prevent Sakon robbing the Bomb Shop Lady on the first night. ;) As for your question.. I don't understand it, v_v;; sorry. What do you mean by "carring fire"?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Playing my friend's copy, the trails were already switched off, but what really annoyed me is that [i]stupid[/i] sun glare. You couldn't see a damn thing when that happens! Ahh.. at least I can check out the visuals in detail on Christmas day. Yum. :) And, NeoC, does this really need to be a sticky? o_O *unstucks it*[/size][/color] [size=1]Just thought it was something people should consider before they begin to play the game - NeoC[/size]
[size=1][color=crimson][b]Answer:[/b] I know this one (finally one I know :P), Anju shares the same character model as the Cucco Lady in Kakariko Village. [b]Question:[/b] How can you stay up all night to listen to Anju's Grandmother's stories? And how do you get this item?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I bought a magazine today, and was happy to see some information on FFX-2! So, I scanned all of these images in (well not all of them, that would be too many), and here they are. Warning, these characters are.. quite.. not clothed very much: [img]http://www.sovietbreak.netfirms.com/FFX2-1.jpg[/img] Rikku is back as the final of the Trio, looking slightly like Christina Aguilera. [img]http://www.sovietbreak.netfirms.com/FFX2-2.jpg[/img] Another Rikku picture. Although there is another strange character with her in this, I am asuming that this may be the "bad-guy" for this game, but I'm not entirely sure. [img]http://www.sovietbreak.netfirms.com/FFX2-3.jpg[/img] Rikku and Yuna. Yuna looking pretty worried about something.. [img]http://www.sovietbreak.netfirms.com/FFX2-4.jpg[/img] Yuna walking inside some kind of building. The map in the top right reminds me slightly of a Zelda:OoT/MM map. There's also some kind of strange machine on the left of Yuna. [img]http://www.sovietbreak.netfirms.com/FFX2-5.jpg[/img] Some kind of battle situation, although it looks like there is no battle screen. It could be an Action RPG. Another Zelda-style map in the corner and another person standing nearby. [img]http://www.sovietbreak.netfirms.com/FFX2-6.jpg[/img] It's the woman who has no point of wearing clothes, showing a lot, compared to Yuna (and I thought [i]she[/i] was bad). I think that the big/fat guy next to her is her bodyguard or something, but she is definately seeming not on Yuna's side. Then again, I could be wrong. [img]http://www.sovietbreak.netfirms.com/FFX2-7.jpg[/img] Swordy sword not many clothes swordity no clothies sword sword (I'm sorry V_V). ____________________ [b]The Basic Story:[/b] The events of FFX-2 are set two years after FFX occurs. They return to Spira and it is a very different place. "Machina" (previously prohibited under the religion of Yevon) has now entered everyday use. Vehicles like hovercrafts and motorcycles have replaced the once common Chocobo. All it says, is that "A new, mysterious evil is brewing on the horizon." [b]Changes:[/b] Well, firstly, Overdrive, Overkill and the Sphere Grid have all been dropped completely. In their place, Square promises a "much more realistic" interface. Yuna now has a number of abilities that she can only perform in the field. These include running, jumping and climbing, FFX-2 is turning out to be a sort of Action/Adventure (which would annoy a lot of people). There have been some theories as to why Yuna has such skimpy clothes.. well, you can't really see the old Yuna climbing huge rock faces and jumping across big gaps in that big ol' dress can you? There have also been some rumours that [spoiler]an offspring of Tidus and Yuna[/spoiler] could be in the game too. [spoiler]Lulu[/spoiler] will definately be making an appearance too. [/size][/color]
[size=1]OOC: Alright Drake. I was kinda thinking the same thing, but I didn't think of what to do (if you understand). So, that means that Zephyr is now at Lake Hylia? Right, so forget the last part of my last post, lol. Sorry, I've got a bit of writer's block and don't know what to write next. Bah.[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]I can help you through it, but I'd kind of need to know where you are, and be able to talk to you over AIM or something. Ask me sometime when I'm on AIM, and I'll help you.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Thanks Breko, I'll contact you whenever you are online next. :) [b]Edit:[/b] Wahaa! I got past it. It was actually very suprisingly easy when Brekobeans just told me that I needed to go down another set of vines (which I had not seen before o_O). But, damn, that Demons Gate thingy [i]was[/i] hard and [i]very[/i] annoying. It took me two tries (Cid dying first both times, strange). I was pretty lucky with that boss though, I killed it when both Cloud and Aeris were on around 200HP left. :P[/size][/color]
OOC: Zidane, sorry to ruin your post a bit, but no one knows me. If you read some of Piro's post up a bit, you'll understand why. And, I'm a Gerudo; not a Goron. And remember, try to keep me in character. I'm not too friendly with non-Gerudos and I try to keep myself to myself. Thanks. ^_^;; ______________________________ [color=crimson]As Dareigen limped slowly towards to canyon he made a mental complaint about his injured leg. It was starting to really hurt a lot now. He was sure there was something to heal him, but he just couldn't remember what. The bright sun was almost blinding him and he failed to see a small rock in front of him until his foot caught on to it and he fell to the sand with a painful-sounding "THUD!" [i]"Dammit, stupid sun!"[/i] He uttered aloud. Sighing loudly, he turned onto his back and sat up, looking blanky at the sand. He had heard a "clink" sound of glass as he had fell, turning his head he saw what he had needed since that unexpected Leever assault on his leg. [i]"Red Potion! I must have forgotten about it. At least I can get rid of this painful cut now."[/i] Thought Dareigen, a sense of relief swelling through his body. Dareigen stood up and picked up the bottle from the searing sand of the Desert. He swished the red liquid around the bottle, he couldn't remember the taste of this, so he hoped it was a little better than the "Leever Juice" he had created earlier. He pulled the cork out and drank the contents of the bottle quickly. The taste of the Red Potion was refreshing, almost like splashing cold water on your face in the early morning, it tasted slightly like water, but with a more tangy and sweet taste. He liked it. It took away all of his fatigue and he slowly felt the pain go away from his leg. He looked down at where his cut had been and saw that all the blood was gone from his skin, but the tear remained in his tunic and underclothes. These were Dareigen's best "adventuring" clothes, although he had only wore them once before. Before the Fall.. He had almost let his mind wander into deep thought again. He knew that he couldn't do that, as it would take his mind off of the task at hand. This did no good though, thoughts just kept coming back into his head. He cursed himself under his breath and turned to look at the huge canyon ahead of him. Now, it seemed further away from him than it did before. Puzzled, he blinked and put the empty bottle back into his back-pouch. Obvlivious to everything around him, he stood and wasted time for a minute. Just looked ahead and thought of what could come. [i]"This.. quest. It's going to be very hard. It's taken a lot out of me already. No one else would want to join me. Gerudos are not liked anymore. I really cannot see why though. Sure, our race had theived and.. theived, but doesn't every race have its theives. It's Ganondorf's fault. He's given his own race a bad name and kills them as well! It's disgusting.."[/i] He stared into space, thinking why Ganondorf has done such a thing. [i]"He has made my life a misery. My village, when I left, had few fellow Gerudo in it. The others were killed after venturing into the desert, defending the others. My race will soon go the way of the Sheikah, extinct completely."[/i] He frowned upon this thought, but still considered it valid; as it was most likely going to happen. [i]"If only there was someone like me. Another one of my kind, who has been what I have been through. Who is alone. If only I wasn't alone..."[/i] As these thoughts swam through his mind, Dareigen felt a shrill ringing in his ears. He tried his best to ignore it, but it got louder and louder. A sharp pain cracked through his head, as if he had suffered a very bad headache, but just for a second. Dareigen stood confused, in a silent Desert. Yet, this ringing persisted to get louder still. He found that he couldn't speak, he just couldn't find words, so instead he screamed and dropped to his knees. Memories briefly flashed through his head; finding his village destroyed, watching his 'mother' die, leaving his village for the last time. He wondered what was causing all of these thoughts and the ringing in his ears. A bright flash was now appearing in front of his eyes, it began to get brighter than the sun, which was already very bright. Dareigen shut his eyes tightly, in fear of being blinded. He just wished it would all stop right now. ..And it did, with a loud thud that came from in front of him. His ears were no longer in the agony that they were in and were numb from all the noise. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see a blue figure, crumpled on the sand in front of him. He wondered what it was, so he stood up and took a couple of wary paces towards it. He stared at the strange physique of the creature. He had never seen anything like this before. It was tall (Dareigen could tell, although curled up) and was a lovely aqua-blue colour. From its arms extended large, fin-like things, about half the size of its arm. And from its head, a large.. tail thing came down to the middle of its back. [i]"What a strange being."[/i] Dareigen thought to himself, scratching his head. Dareigen guessed it was some kind of aquatic creature. Used to being in the water, so what was it doing in the Desert of Mystery? Making a mental shrug, he checked over the body some more to find a beautiful chain around its neck. This held a dark blue crystal in a pendant that lay on his chest, slowly rising and falling. [i]"Phew. So it's not dead."[/i] He said to himself with relief. He had to get this thing to some water quickly, otherwise it would surely perish quickly in the hot Desert sun. It would take Dareigen ages to find an oasis in the Desert, so the next best thing was the Swamp Ruins. It was dirty, and full of monsters, but at least this aqua-being could be revived. Sighing, he picked up the body (which was surprisingly light), and put it over his shoulder then began on a swift walk to the canyon.[/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]School? School is a load of crap for me. It's maybe partly the reason I come on the boards, because of all the stupid stuff that happens there. I go to bed pretty late, after midnight most days and then have to wake up at 7am for school, sometimes only after getting four hours sleep. This doesn't help my sanity or my moods at all so at school, I'm generally very sleepy and crazy. There are some real bad people at our school that I know. If I didn't go to school, I would'nt know these foul mockeries of human life (although, then I wouldn't know most of my friends either ^_^). The learning bit is great though, everyone wants a good job or just the job they want. Me? I want to design characters or worlds for videogames, Nintendo I would love. I will probably never get this far, this would be because my graphics class at school is full of people who don't even work. All lesson, the sit and talk, throw stuff around the classroom, take the piss out of me, be violent a lot. The list goes on. :rolleyes: Overall, school is okay I guess. I'd give it 5/10 if I had to. :P[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Elite [/i] [B][b][color=003399]I've actually got plans to go to the States and do a massive road trip, hopefully meeting OtakuBoards members on the way along. However, it'll have to wait until I can get a drivers license and learn to drive. -_-[/color][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]I'll come with you, us two Brits on a big road trip around the States, heehee. ^_^ That'd be very cool though. We'd have to get a plane to Oz sometime and meet the few people who reside there. *thinks* We could buy a bus in the US and pick up random OB members.. we could. o_O[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I think someone should tell me how to get past that damnéd Temple of the Ancients now. I'm in the mood to play FFVII again. Someone tell me and I'll beat it. I'll have a try on it first, and then I will edit this post later.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Well, a prequel (in my opinion) is going to shed some light on some confusing matters in the game. A sequel would be hard to do, considering that the story isn't left with an open ending, really. A re-make for the PS2 would do just dandy though. :)[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I think you should use the SPOILER tag a lot more than you are using it now. Not everyone wants to know how to kill these things, well at least before the point where the challenge becomes annoyance. Please use the tag next time, thanks.[/size][/color]
[color=crimson]Dareigen was starting to limp even worse now, blood ran down his leg from the slice in his thigh. It didn't show up on his black undergarment, but he could feel the blood seeping through the material. He winced slightly everytime he stepped down on his left leg, opening the cut each time his foot hit the sand. [i]"Ow! I wish there was some kind of healer around here, or something to help me not be injured."[/i] He thought, glancing down at his cut again. Suddenly, in the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a glimmer. He turned to face it and he saw something in the distance, shining a bright white colour. [i]"Ah, it can't be [b]that[/b] far away. I'll go see what it is.."[/i] He thought. He often thought out situations in his head, sometimes pretending someone else was in his mind, to talk to. And since there was no one in the desert, he was doing just that. He had noticed that he may have left that path that held all of those Leever. Although, he would have been glad if he had left that path, those Leever sure were annoying. Before he knew it, he had reached what had been glimmering. Something metal and shiny poked up from the sand, curious, Dareigen pulled it out and found that it was [i]not[/i] metal, but another bottle. He was about to put it in his pouch when he noticed the peice of browned and old-looking paper in there. [i]"And what is this..?"[/i] He asked himself inside his head, whilst he was shaking the bottle, trying to get the paper out. Finally, he got the paper out, and found that it was a map of the desert, and other places around it. It had marked on there where he was, he wondered why the map knew where he was, but he shrugged, as he knew this could prove useful. He looked closely at it, the little yellow dot (which he thought was himself) which was close to the Eastern exit. Right by it in fact. Dareigen whirled around quickly to see a huge canyon behind him. He checked the map again; it was still there. [i]"This wasn't here when I first picked up this bottle. How odd."[/i] Thought Dareigen, scratching his head. He stood there, puzzled, staring at the map and then looking up at the canyon. If this was the real exit, he would be very happy, as he thought that his journey was going to be very long and tiring. Tiring, yes. Long, not yet, although he had walked for a long time. He pocketed the map and put the bottle in his pouch before he started limping towards the canyon.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Medra [/i] [B]Ah, Hell. Asuka still owns you all. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]*votes Asuka* I voted. :)[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I am pretty not good with money. So this christmas, I have not much to spend on people. But, I will strive to get my mother the By The Way album by the Chillis, maybe some smelly bath salt things too (she likes them :P). I've already got my dad this Billy Conolly video he wanted, he loves his comedy, so that's good. I'm still deciding on what to give my brothers though, I guess I'll just pick up the coolest thing I can find them (in my price range) when I do some more shopping on Saturday. I've also done 'secret santa' with my friends, but the person I am giving to has dropped no hint of what he wants, so I'm stuck for ideas. v_v;; As for me.. I want an amp for my bass guitar, some new earphones for my CD player (mine are [i]so[/i] busted), some videogames (Agressive Inline, Capcom Vs. SNK 2: EO and GTA: Vice City), the NFG album; Sticks and Stones. :) That's about it, lol. I wish all of you a very merry christmas! ^_^;;[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]Ok....I just posted a bunch of SPOILERS.....Sorry!! You kind of did too Cloud....we BOTH gotta watch out. Sorry mods! Anyway, sorry about getting off topic! Now, where were we..... [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]That's ok, just next time, remember to use that [ spoiler][ /spoiler] VB tag. Thank you. :)[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The GC is very simple to mod, and places will add a switch on the console to play between US and Japanese games. Howver, this won't fix the PAL problem. I've read most PAL TVs in Europe have an NSTC option(NTSC? I get it mixed up) lately, and if yours does you're okay. However, Freeloader supposedly will bypass all that PAL stuff completely, so you'll want to watch out for it.[/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]I'll have a check on our TVs, see if we have that option. Tony, do you have any idea when this Freeloader is coming out, or is it already out? I will have to wait until March otherwise. v_v[/size][/color]