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Everything posted by Break
[color=crimson]The sun's shimmering rays of light bounced from the bleached sand into Dareigen's eyes, causing him to squint wherever he looked. Through squinting eyes, his vision was impaired slightly, should he come under any monster attacks. Occaisionally he would stop, put a hand just above his eyes to shade them and then he would look around, in case there was anything of interest in sight. Although he was used to it, he could feel that his feet were almost swimming in sweat created by the extreme heat and weather conditions of the desert. Each step he took produced a squelch from his boots, which was starting to annoy him. His tongue was so dry that he thought he could probably sharpen a wooden sword in no time. His mouth was so dry and he had only half a bottle of water left. [i]"Oooh... should I drink it?"[/i] He asked himself in his head. Contemplating this valuable choice, he didn't notice the two Leever that had popped up behind him until... "Ow! What the--?!" he exclaimed as he felt a sharp pain in his left thigh. Looking down, he saw a deep gash that cut neatly through the bottom of his tunic. He put a hand on it and lifted it to his face, dark red blood covered his hand. Gritting his teeth, he pulled his small dagger from his boot and turned round to see two Leevers spinning slowly on the spot. He held his dagger behind him and stood where he was, staring at the eyes of the Leever. Suddenly, the one nearest to him made another attempt to attack, but Dareigen was fast and extended his right arm pushing the Leever to the side, avoiding it's spikes. He then turned to face it again and slashed it three times in the side. Squealing, the Leever made for him again, he vaulted over the top of it. When he landed, the other Leever took an unfair advantage and smashed into Dareigen just as he had landed, knocking him over. He quickly got up, ignoring the pain he felt in his back as he had fell, and ran up to the second Leever and delivered an axe-kick to the top of it before ramming his dagger (and his whole arm too) through it. It squealed and stopped squirming. Dareigen tried to shake his arm out of the large, gaping hole that he had created in the dead Leever. Seeing this as an advantage, the other Leever went straight for Dareigen's left leg again, spinning wildly. He saw this and made one last attempt to yank his arm out. [i]"Come on!"[/i] He thought as he struggled against this huge pulling force and the remaining Leever that hurtled towards him. Finally he got his arm out and pulled his scmitar from its sheath quickly. The Leever had come within about three feet from him, so Dareigen rolled to the side of the incoming Leever and stayed on his knees. He threw his dagger at it with amazing accuracy, hitting one of its many eyes. It stopped its mad rush towards Dareigen and began spinning on the spot again. Shaking his head, he struck the top part of its body off, killing it. He wiped some of the green watery stuff from his scmitar and placed it back into its sheath. Looking at the green Leever-looking splodge on the sand, he quickly remembered his knife and put it back into his sweaty boot. [i]"There's no debate about this now. I'm drinking the water!"[/i] He thought to himself again. After this sudden thought, he took out the bottle half-filled with water and drank deeply; it was finished before he knew it. Sighing, he put the bottle back and took another look at his injuries from the Leevers. He had one deep gash down his thigh, a few inches long. A sand-covered graze on his elbow from when he fell over onto the sand. And his back hurt from the fall too. Other than that he was fine. Dareigen made a quick glance over to the fallen Leevers and wondered if they were edible. He knew this was a sick thought, but you have to survive on something. [i]"Leevers are just.. cactus.. things anyway, so they're plant/animal monsters."[/i] He thought as he took his dagger out from his boot and walked over to the nearest Leever. He kneeled over the fallen beast and cut a small square from then squidgy, green body. Skewering it on the end of the dagger, he slowly lifted it up towards his mouth. He took one bite and chewed for a moment. [i]"Tastes... tastes like... water," he thought in between taking small nibbles from the peice he had taken, "Water and... slight taste of blood..."[/i] He stopped chewing and looked at the dagger. He had managed to get some of his own blood on the dagger and into the Leever Meat. Shrugging, he put the rest in his mouth and chewed on it. Thinking of another good idea, he took out his bottle and placed it on the sand next to the dead Leever. Then, he slowly cut out a big square of meat from it and squeezed it over the bottle. Drips of green liquid came out gradually as he squeezed the meat. It felt cold and wet in hands, like a fish. Soon he had filled up the bottle, he smiled and took a gulp. Wincing slightly at the minute sourness in its watery taste, he put the cork back in and put it back in his pouch. [i]"This could [b]easily[/b] get more popular than Chateau Romani. 'Leever Juice'.. Yep."[/i] Thought Dareigen to himself as he squelched/limped along through the Desert in his sweaty boots and bleeding leg.[/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Clone #2? Could he be in the inn, in that bottom floor bit with the barrels..?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I thought that was.. o_O I didn't know she had a REAL name. *shrugs*[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidane [/i] [B]Eh, why did you suddenly go towards and emulator in the first place.[/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]He didn't. He had a copied version of the PC game from a friend. They're dodgy, thems, very dodgy. :([/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson][b]Answer:[/b] Her full name is Princess Garnet Til Alexadros 17th. [b]Question:[/b] In FFV, what is Siren's weakness when she turns undead? (I think her name is Siren, she is the boss after you get off the Ship's Graveyard) PS. Can you guys try to ask better questions, not just these quick-fire questiosn?[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [B]South Africa have to live in conditions like the ones on Vice City everyday in places like Johansburg. People shooting people through car windows and then stealing their cars.[/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Um... no. No they don't. :drunk: What ever gave you that idea?[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]I had my first feeze up yesterday *Sniff.. hic..* It was like Vice cities first steps. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Well, it happens so often, lol. Umm, Cojones, you should take it back for scratch repair, as NeoC has said. But, you could also take it back to the shop you bought it from and tell them the problem. See if they'll give you a refund or tell you what to do.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]But no, it's not the Lv.3 Sword (Tempered Sword). If you don't know it, it's not what you'd expect, which makes it tricky. :toothy:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Just a guess, but is one shot from the Golden Sword equal to one spin attack from the Master Sword? Or did you mean just one normal hit? *gets confused* *shrugs*[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]I reserved my copy at Software Etc., which is pretty much the same as GameStop. (I think they're owned by the same company, or something). And yeah, you can reserve a copy at GameStop.com. I haven't heard anything about a release date for Europe. Probably sometime in summer, though, if it comes out in March over here.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Are there any peripherals for the GCN that allows you to play imported games? Because, if there are, I might go ahead and reserve a US copy of The Wind Waker.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=crimson]*glares at sage's rumor spoiler* Lies, [i]lies, ALL OF IT, LIES!!!![/i] *notices everyone staring at her weird* Ah...um....nevermind, heh.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Don't worry Ginny, I'm on your side. :) I think that this Pain character person looks more like Lulu anyway. But the sword she's got looks like Auron's.. so.. *starts making theories* Oooh this is gonna be one messed up FF game. :whoops:[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [B]My favourite game with Mario in would have to be Super Smash Bros Melee!!![/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]He asked for favorite Mario game. I have no idea why you said SSB:M. oO;; EDIT: Noryko did it too? *hits you both over the head with a NES* Blargh! Anywho, I liked one of the ones on the NES. I can't remember what it was called (probably the second one). All I remember, is I used to go round my friend's house and he would turn it on and we'd take turns in a two-player game. The thing I remember most distinctly about this one is it had that raccoon hat that made you fly and you could get loads of items (windpipes, mushrooms, etc.) in these little toad houses. You had to jump on the box you wanted. I always got something crappy like a mushroom, he always got rare items. V_V If anyone could tell me the name of that game, that'd be great thanks. Apart from that game, I'd say that Super Mario Bros: Yoshi's Island was my favourite. I found all the different types of worlds that you could visit (by worlds, I mean areas, like the Donut Plains), and the different items and enemies you found in that world unique and had a nice.. touch to it. Plus, it was one of the first Mario games that I pretty much completed.. apart from the last area (the ones with names like Gnarly and Groovy).[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B]I remeber that my cousin got Sephiroth, and he got him to help defeat his clone. I forogt how he did it, since it was so long ago, but i think its on some rumor site. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]*slaps you* It's really annoying that you talking about the story so freely like that! Hold your mouth shut, if all you can do is spill out obscenities that ruin things!! :)[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Other than EB and Gamespot and all those; plus any random online game sellers like Smoky Joe mentioned... Normal department stores like Target or Best Buy or whatever else are supposed to start taking reserves in February. I have no idea what European countries will be getting the game, but probably not for a while after. Datel is supposedly in the absolute final testing stages of the Freeloader now (it kind of sounds like problems with Interact might have been tying it up), so maybe all the European people can import the US version and not suffer so much longer heh. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Damn this damn country! Maybe I can import the US version, but I need to know more of this Freeloader product. What be it exactly, and what does it do?[/size][/color]
[color=crimson]OOC: Sorry, this'll be a short post, I'm at school right now and there's 10 minutes of this lesson left. ____________________ [i]Dareigen continued trudging along the barren face of the Desert of Mystery. Still, not a thing in sight, and he had yet to catch sight of a Leever in this path he had taken. Making a mental shrug, he dismissed these thoughts and began to think about the task at hand; retreiving the Master Sword. "Maybe.. I could just cut through the Swamp and head north to the Castle," he thought to himself, "..But then there's the problem of not being seen by all those guards." He stopped walking and found a nearby rock. He slowly sat down and rested his head on his knee, staring at the dismal sand beneath his feet. "If only there was another way to get in, some secret passages maybe. I'm sure there will be some passages hidden within that Castle." He thought this with some hope in mind, but still couldn't dismiss the fact that he would most probably fail in this task. "I should stop putting myself down!" He cursed himself, frowning at the sand. He tapped his sword on the ground a few times lightly. Suddenly a green sillohette appeared from the sand, about half the size of Dareigen. "Ahh! A Leever!" He thought to himself. Holding his sword aloft again, he jumped from his perch and circled the Leever that had emerged from the ground. It quickly span towards him, trying to get a hit with one of its spikes into Dareigen, but he was too quick and jumped to the side of it. He held his sword high above his head and brought it down, slicing into the Leever, spilling its green blood everywhere, staining the sand. It squealed, spinning crazily again towards Dareigen. He crouched low, awaiting the Leever's arrival and when it came, he made one, swift jump over it. This confused the Leever intently, and it began spinning around on the spot, making random squeals every second. "Poor thing..." Thought Dareigen as he drove his sword into the side of the creature, killing it. He sheathed his sword and continued walking along the path.[/color][/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]*refrains from reading spoilers* Must...resist...temptation! AAAGH!!! *feels like he's being torn apart* >_
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=crimson]*beats Spikey over head a few times with a Nerf Bat* That's a SPOILER! Some people don't KNOW [spoiler]you're supposed to fight the "kindly" Seymour.[/spoiler] I didn't when I first started. But it was spoiled for me here back in early August when I first got the game, so I wasn't shocked/betrayed by [spoiler]Seymour being a boss[/spoiler]. It was spoiled for me, please don't spoil it for others. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Why, thank you Spikey for spoiling it. I'm sure I'll have a great time knowing the friggin' game all the way through when I eventually get it. *sighs* [i]Please[/i], everyone remember those spoilers, it can really really ruin a good game. :([/size][/color]
[color=crimson][i]Dareigen managed to take a few more steps from the village. Struggling to take another, he turned back and stared at the gate and small wooden houses that stood behind the fence. He remembered all the days he had spent inside that place, all the happy memories that were fused into his mind. He tore his gaze away from the village and continued a slow walk across the Desert of Mystery. He heard a vague rumbling sound that vibrated from the ground into his feet. Taking no notice of this, he carried on walking. It happened again, more forceful this time though and he stopped. He stood for a second. Silence. Silence apart from a wind that occaisionally swept up some sand and blew it elsewhere. Dareigen placed his right hand upon the hilt of his weapon and pulled it from its huge sheath. He held it by his side and continued walking again. He stopped walking again and looked around. He was surrounded by sand and dunes. There was nothing else in sight. He put his left hand over his eyes and squinted into the distance. The village was no longer visible. He knew he probably wouldn't see it again for a long time. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by another sharp rumble that nearly knocked him over. Stumbling backwards, he regained balance and stood, ready, with his huge scmitar aloft. The wind blew around him, making his cloak wrap around his body, he brushed it off with his left hand so it blew freely behind him. His eyes quickly were trained on a small movement in the sand, about five feet in front of him. He took one step back and lowered his stance. The sand in front broke and something a colour darker than the sand emerged. It looked vaguely like a head. Dareigen took a step closer, curious as to what it could be. He could remember seeing something in the Desert like this before, but he couldn't remember exactly what it looked like or how big it was. A sudden jolt of the sand in front of him exposed more of it's body. Dareigen gasped slightly as he realised that it's shoulders must be at least as big as he was tall. His eyes widened as its arms started to move and hit the ground, trying to pull the bottom part of its body out of the sand that covered it. Successful in doing so, it stood motionless for a second. Its eyes slowly opened up to reveal shining red slits in its head. A huge roar escaped its mouth as it made one step toward Dareigen. He remembered now that this monster was called a Geldman. He couldn't remember how he killed it though. Quickly, he backflipped to avoid being smashed over the head with the massive fist of the Geldman. Landing, he ran onto its fist and up its arm. He stood on its shoulders, but was quickly swatted off and fell onto the sand behind the Geldman, which slowly turned around. Dareigen rolled over onto his front and pushed himself up onto his feet. He quickly looked up at the advancing bulk of sand that towered over him. He stared at the creatures chest for a second and then jumped high into the air, bringing his scmitar down into the main bulk of the Geldman and slicing down to the Desert ground. It roared a long scratchy roar as sand poured back into the Desert's sand and made another swing for Dareigen with its fist. He ducked and made a horizontal slash to the Geldman's wrist, turning its fist to regular sand which dropped to the ground. The Geldman reeled back and leaned backward slightly. This gave Dareigen an idea and he ran straight up the creature's leg and onto his chest. He took his scmitar and drove it deep into its head and then made another hit to the chest before he cut into the arm whilst falling to the ground. He hit the ground awkwardly and was covered with sand from the Geldman. He had seemingly destroyed this monster, as the sand covering Dareigen wasn't doing anything apart from being sand. He got back up to his feet and lightly dusted himself off with his hands. He took out one of his bottles, filled with Spring Water, and took a long swig from it. Finishing, he wiped his lips and exhaled heavily. He put the bottle back in his back pouch and carried on walking for another twenty yards or so before he came to a sign. This sign read:[/i][/color] [center]______________________________________[/center] [color=red][center][b]DANGER! MANY LEEVERS SIGHTED IN THE AREA BEYOND HERE![/color] _____________________ AHEAD: Swamp of Ruin[/b][/center] [center]_____________________________________[/center] [color=crimson][i]Dareigen knew the Leever well, strange cactus-type things that would pop up randomly from the sand of the Desert. But now, according to this sign, there were more than ever.[/i] "This should be a challenge.." [i]He murmured softly to himself as he forced a small smile. And he knew he was soon going to be overwhelmed with this journey he had set himself. Shaking his head, he carried on beyond this sign.[/i][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]I think one way is to equip Cloud with Cut Materia I think.. ..But the KoTR way is a lot easier. A lot easier than any way really..[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Anyway, I have some new FF:CC pics. I'll try to put them in this post later tonight. It appears to be an action RPG though, somewhere along the lines of Secret of Mana. Apparently you can start the game off with different characters and the choice affect the story greatly... [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Ah yeah, CC does look like it will be an Action RPG, as I've seen an advert for it. It looks much like the style used on FFIX (which I liked a lot), I think it's going to be an interesting game. I also looked at the spoiler. V_V Silly me. I hope I forget it.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuruBlu [/i] [B]Does her sword kinda look like Auron's or is that just me? [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Actually, looking at it again closely, I think that could be Auron's sword. So Ginny, at least there's a bit of Auron in it. ;)[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Ah right.. I was kinda thinking that. Hey Ginny, didn't Dembrekkah tell us that as well when you asked it?[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi [/i] [B]I remebered someone! Break ;).^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Well aren't you sweet. :) lol.. Yeah, an anime convention for everyone who replied to the topic. Although not everyone here likes anime.. oh well, it'd still be cool.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=crimson]Easy there with the final boss talk--thso could be considered spoilers, ya know. Auron+First Strike+Flee+MUCH Hp+Crest and Sigil'ed Weapon=Great Warrior, Easy Game, heh. And yes, I agree that the "heal at the save spot" bit [i]was[/i] a little cheap. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Yeah, please watch out for those spoilers people! That's [spoliers]this is for you silly guys[/spoilers]![/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]My favorite game would have to be Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This was the first time I had encountered a game in the Zelda series (I remember having a long go on LttP at someone's house when I was very young though) and I was absolutely gobsmacked. It was (and still is) the best game I have ever played and has yet to be replaced. It's my favorite because (visual wise) the game is absolutely amazing. Even the intro sequence, where you see Link galloping across Hyrule Field, impressed me and gave me a good taste of the game before I played it. Those big areas in the game (Hyrule Field, Lon Lon Ranch maybe and Lake Hylia) still manage to get little "whoa"s from inside my head, as I love just roaming around so much in a great looking 3D environment. I also find it (up to this day) [i]very[/i] challenging indeed. I still haven't even completed it. I've just started playing it again after one of my friends had got me past Jabu Jabu's Belly (that is so confusing/hard!), and I am now (stuck)on the Forest Temple. This is one of those games that I will, after I eventually complete it, I would want to complete it over and over. :) A really really great game. Challenging. But very great indeed. 9/10 (I keep getting stuck!)[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=crimson]Hmm.. interesting character. Doesn't really look like anyone, but reminds me slightly of Lulu because of the colors on her clothes (lack of ~_^). Anyway, this sure is going to be one strange game.. o_O Is there even a story for it yet?[/size][/color]