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Everything posted by Break

  1. [size=1][color=crimson]Who was the owl? Um... I don't know oO; I think Ginny should tell us before we fall over. Mmm.. anyway ask away Bremma..[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=crimson]I would like to meet Desbreko because he is a polite/funny boy. I mostly want to meet him so I could look at his sharp and shiny knives and taunt him with random sayings. How arbituous would that be? :P I would also like to meet Jeh, just because I want to meet him because I always talk to him online and he's a good friend. It seems silly not to see him in person. AJ would be nice to meet to, we would laugh a lot. That crazy boy! *taps head* I think we should all have a big Otaku Reunion in real life somewhere and everyone should go and meet everyone else. ^_^[/size][/color] EDIT: [quote][i]Originally posted by Desbreko[/i] [b][color=indigo]But, uh...why would anyone freak out? I mean, sure, someone recognizes you from a picture you posted of yourself. So what? If you'll talk to them on the board, why wouldn't you talk to them in person?[/color][/b][/quote] [size=1][color=crimson]Some people just get nervous at meeting someone they have never meeted before. Or they just don't act themselves online. I know I sure do, but I might still be nervous. If you stab me with one of those knives, you'll be sorry! *shakes fist* EDIT: Because I know you would wanna stab me, Like Like boy :D. Anywho I missed out some people, so I will mention them here: BabyGirl, Final Flash, Tasis.. *forgets everyone* .. How about I just say everyone I ever talked to? Yeah that's fair. :)[/size][/color]
  3. [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Race:[/b] Gerudo [b]Character Class:[/b] Knight [b]Gender:[/b] Male (I'm allowed to, thanks Desbreakfast^^) [b]Appearance:[/b] Dareigen is of a tall and slim stature, true of all Gerudos. His face looks tired and worn, despite his young age, which is a contrast to his short, dark red hair. He wears clothes similar to those of Ganondorf, but less heavy looking. He has some knee-high, light brown coloured boots, over the left one he wears a sharp dagger for quick attack. He wears a pair of sturdy leather shoulder pads, dark brown in colour, these are dotted with golden studs, but some are missing on the right shoulder. He also wears of a small chestplate, much like the material used on the shoulder pads, but slightly lighter. This chestplate has many scratches and wear marks on it, presumably from previous encounters with monsters. Under all of this he wears a brown tunic of sorts, which is short sleeved and only goes midway down his thighs. To cover these up, he wears a black coloured undergarment (like Adult Link's white thingy in OoT), this also goes down his arms as well. On his hands we wears a pair of big, sturdy (fingerless) gauntlets that run up his forearms to his elbows. These are brown, with a red and dark red pattern around the edges. Sometimes he may wear a long, straw-coloured cloak that goes down to his ankles, this is to protect him from sandstorms and rain too. On his back he keeps strapped a huge sheath, in this he carries a [i]huge[/i] Gerudo Scmitar (like the ones the guards use when you fight them in OoT/MM). [b]Background/Bio:[/b] Dareigen's parents are unknown, as he was found in a bundle of blankets during a sandstorm in the Desert of Mystery near an isolated Gerudo village. Here he was brought up by the women of the village, who almost worshipped him because he is a male Gerudo. He was mostly cared for by the leader, Naira, who wanted the honour of looking after him. As the years passed, Naira and Dareigen's bond grew stronger and closer. In early childhood, round from about the age of 6, he was taught how to use a bow along with other youngsters in the village. This, he wasn't so good at first, but managed to get the hang of it after a year, and by the time he was 10, he had mastered the bow and was a very good marksman. A year later, they gave him a shortsword and let one monster into the village, instantly he knew what to do and hacked at this monster over and over until it was dead. Naira and the other Gerudos were impressed with his effort, but needed to teach him a little more about technique and skill. Soon he had become quite athletic and could do an array of acrobatic evasive moves. After 6 years, they made him his very own Scmitar. Dareigen was very pleased and couldn't wait to use it. They pit him against some of the girls he had grown up with and had become vicious fighters, all of whom he could beat with this huge sword he had now. Overcome with joy, he now knew that he was a fighter and had no need to stay in the village, he wanted to go out and see a new place other than the dusty brown of the desert. After a saddening goodbye, Naira and the Gerudo parted with Dareigan and he left with only a sword, some water and plenty of courage. On his travels he traded and talked his way to Kakariko Village, where he stayed and enjoyed a busier, town life with some very friendly people. But a couple of months later, this happiness was shattered after the Fall of Link. This story rapidly shot through Hyrule and an evil being known as Ganon broke free from the Dark World, which Dareigen had heard of once before, and he had now taken control over Hyrule. Monsters were much more abundant than before, he became worried about his village back in the Desert of Mystery. It was already a hostile place full with monsters, so he thought that it must be a death trap now. Stocking up on more food and water, he left Kakariko Village a week after Ganon had seized power and slashed and fought his way mercilessly back to the desert. The desert was a complete death trap, as he suspected. Barely making it back to the village, he arrived to find it completely destroyed, his friends lay scattered about wounded or dead. Realising that this was indeed real, he ran quickly to Naira's house to find that it wasn't Naira there, it was her daughter, Rakille. She told Dareigen that Naira and some other fighters had gone out into the desert the following day and had not come back yet. He feared that they were dead and there was no point looking, he talked to everyone to see if they were okay and then got some sleep. The following day, Naira was brought back by a companian, dead. Dareigen was absolutely devastated. This was basically his mother. The one who had taken him in and cared for him as her own son. He swore from that point on he would protect the village, no matter what. The remaining Gerudos rebuilt some of the houses and tended to the sick and wounded. This was a day that he would never forget.. Four years later, present time, Dareigen had heard of rumours of a Master Sword that lay deep in Agahnim's Castle. A deep desire to fetch that sword was sweeping through him. He eventually told the rest of his friends in the village. They understood that he should leave and find the Master Sword. With another sorrowful goodbye, Dareigen left the village for the last time.. [b]Starting Location:[/b] Just outside an isolated Gerudo village in the south east of the Desert of Mystery. [b]Primary Weapon/Spell:[/b] Gerudo Scmitar [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] Boot Dagger [b]Items:[/b] Bottle (empty), Power Bracelet, Latern [b]Spells:[/b] None __________ Whew... *is very tired*[/color]
  4. Break

    Too strong?

    [size=1][color=crimson]Yeah.. I'm afraid I found that a lot of the bosses in OoT were pretty repeatative..[/size][/color]
  5. Break

    Too strong?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]If, however, they had made Ganon just follow one set pattern of attack, only using one or two different attacks throughout the whole fight, yet still made it so you hand to land the same number of hits, it would seem like the fight would just drag on and on. It would get boring dodging the same couple attacks over and over and over again.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Ooooh that boss battle sounds fun, how long did it take you to do the first time? The fight you described *points at quote* reminds me a bit of the end battle between Ganondorf (and later on Ganon) in OoT. It's sorta the same thing over and over again, and the battle against Ganon is even more basic (in my opinion). All they do is make you use the Megaton hammer as a twist, that's what I used anywho.[/size][/color]
  6. Break

    Too strong?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][color=crimson]Scary thought, Break. Heh--fear my tiny sword! *tiny swing!* *Giant Boss grunts in bored anger at you for scratching his favorite talon* :eep:[/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. :mrt: I mean, call me psychotic, but isn't it fun to repeatedly hack away at a boss or strong monster, every time to hear to hear the thing scream in pain and flash with red (which means it got hurteded). I'm probably the only one here that thinks that is fun. oO; Ha! The Market in the future Hyrule is [i]so[/i] cool/fun. It is good just going around and hacking all the zombies a few hundered times then running out to the field.. hee.. And 'Breko, TLoZ sounds like good fun then! ^_^ (WOOHOO! 2576th POST!) ;)[/size][/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by EMU [/i] [B]...from emulators (couldn't find any good ones, If u know of ones that work well I would be happy to know of them)... [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Emulators are a bit illegal, if you didn't know. ;) I'm sorry (well I'm not really..), but we're not allowed to make any links to Emulators/ROMs, etc. But about your problem.. I have no idea what's wrong.[/size][/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]It sounded like the voice in OOT and MM when you swing your sword, only higher pitched and not as good quality, since it was coming from the GBA.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]..Ick. It probably is because of the quality of the IGN videos, but then again, how do we know what the sound like in real life yet if we haven't got it? Ah well.. even if it isn't the same as on the GBA, I can probably guess that it's gonna start to grate after the first 20 swings of the sword.. :P[/size][/color]
  9. Break

    Too strong?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]I dunno, maybe the N64 just can't handle lots of enemies. OOT and MM both have less enemies than any other Zelda game, so maybe that's it.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]lol, yeah that is probably it. I wouldn't really know because I don't have any other games apart from OoA/S and LA. I guess there is a pretty big difference between LA and MM/OoT, lots of enemies in LA, probably the same in LttP, right? I guess you're right about the overworld in MM, I mean.. Termina Field (after playing it again yesterday :P) there are only a few Chuchus in the place leading up to the Southern Swamp, maybe 5 Leevers in the little sand bit near Great Bay, few Dodongos (very easy to beat compared to OoT oO) near the Snowhead bit and some Real Bombchus/Blue Bubbles near the Ikana Canyon. Now, I'm sure that on LA there are at least 3 enemies on each screen in the Ukuku Prairie, so there I can see the point of a stronger weapon (which isn't really much stronger than the LV1 sword.. strange). But in MM they just should have left you with the Kokiri sword through the whole game.. hee..[/size][/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Samgee Gamwise [/i] [B]My favorite [size=1](get ready this is really lame)[/size] cut scene on the 64 was by far the ability to hold Z when choosing a course and then you get to see your racer verbaly abbuse the track favorite. Its just so funny! [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]oO;; What game is that from? Uhh.. I think my favorite would have to be from OoT, the one from Link's dream (which does become reality) where it's dark and raining and you see Impa and Zelda on a horse, followed by Gannondorf. I don't know why, but I think the mood of it is really cool. I also do like that goddess one that you're talking about. Good stuff.[/size][/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]I dunno if [i]that's[/i] easier than just straight up catching a chocobo... They're piss easy to find around the Ranch. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Hee.. yeah, catching chocobos around that ranch is simple. Your way of getting past the Zolom is just... complicated. :p[/size][/color]
  12. Break

    Too strong?

    [size=1][color=crimson]I think the reason for not many enemies in MM is that it is a more interactive game. You need to interact with the people, more than defeat bosses, etc. So I am thinking now, why did they even put strong stuff in it if all the monsters and stuff are pretty weak?[/size][/color]
  13. Break

    Too strong?

    [size=1][color=crimson]Yeah, the weapon kinda progresses with areas in the game. But, in MM you can get the Guilded Sword as soon as you finish the Snowhead temple pretty much (which is quite early in the game). So once you get to Ikana (as I've said) beating stuff their is [i]pie easy[/i]. I stronger weapons are better for defeating stronger bosses/monsters, but I think there should be an option to switch between swords on MM, like you could on OoT, well only between two swords really. Ah.. but the thing about FF, is you raise power as well as getting new weapons, you don't raise levels/power in Zelda, just get more powerful stuff. And also in FF you switch between weapons. [/size][/color]
  14. Break

    Too strong?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC]Doesn't that sword actually break after too many uses?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Noo, that's the Razor Sword that breaks after you use it 100 times. I'm talkin' 'bout the Gilded Sword, the one you make with the Gold Dust..[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=crimson]I just got the Gilded Sword on MM yesterday (after playing.. all day :P) and it's 4x more powerful than the Kokiri Sword, right? I've fought a Garo with a Kokiri Sword, and it was really fun (well I thought anyway). But after getting this sword, it's kinda.. boring, because it's just one hit with the Gilded Sword and you've beaten them. And also, I really [i]love[/i] hacking Gibdos to peices with the Kokiri Sword, but it only takes three hits now, and it's not fun anymore. :( So does anyone else find that stronger weapons kind of take the fun out of Zelda?[/size][/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]There are some tiny additions to LttP... The only big one is the addition of voices. Link grunts and stuff, and according to my friend, Zelda says something somewhere near the beginning. I'll have to see for myself though. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Yeah.. 'Breko was telling me about this. I guess the little yells and grunts Link comes out with are bearable, but if I had a sword I would yell like that with every slash I made.. my voice would begin to hurt. He should only shout on the jumping-slash and maybe the magic spin attack thinger..[/size][/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]I had some trouble w/ Materia Keeper...altho that is probably cause I had vincent and (stupidly) used his galian beast, so every time beast flare came up it'd super-heal the materia keeper >
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Yes, the multi-player mode in the Zelda: A Link to the Past remake will definitely add more than the Mario Bros. multi-player mode in the Super Mario Advance games. Mario Bros. is quite old, while this new multi-player Zelda is brand new, afterall. :) While I'll still be buying it for the A Link to the Past remake for the most part, the multi-player definitely makes me all the more eager to get it.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]I'll be getting it mostly for the LttP remake a)because I haven't got the original and b)because I want to get a little futher than the Hyrule Castle.. lol. But I may also get it because of Four Swords mode, I mean, 2 of my friends have a GBA and like Zelda too, so they may get it. I'm gonna [i]make[/i] them. Next problem.. I need a GBA. :p[/size][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]And the temple of the ancients is on the southern most island, to the mid-east. Near Mideel, below Fort condor.. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]The temple of the ancients is the [i]devil[/i], it's so damn hard! I'm still stuck on it, and can't be bothered to play it because I know that I don't know what to do (if that makes sense).[/size][/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zanarkand Abes [/i] [B]Those are all great ideas. But I think I will go between Zanarkand Dome, and Blitzball Stadium. But thanx for all of your comments and input. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Cool cool. So can I close this now if you have a name? :)[/size][/color] [color=indigo]You still shouldn't close it, even after he decides on a name. If someone else needs a name after this, they could post in here instead of having to make a new thread. - Desbreko[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Etarah's Maverick [/i] [B][color=teal]Okay, okay, too hard. The class is wind mage, and the character's name is Vaati. In D&D, the Vaati are a race of lawful, immortal wind mages. Anyhow, new question. [b]Question:[/b]What Zelda game/s contain/s no different sword apart from the one you start with? Meaning, you start with a sword, end with the same sword. No Master Sword. Tempering doesn't count either, so count Majora's Mask out![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]I'm not sure, is Link's Awakening one, because you don't actually get a new sword, or temper it; it just gets magic. But I'm not sure, so I won't ask a question.. yet.[/size][/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]Actually, I think Gaia is used only in FF9, though I'm not sure... but I don't remember any mentions about it in any of the other games. So, I guess you [i]were[/i] dreaming, Break. ;) SAGE'S INFO-PUNCH: If somebody didn't know, Gaia is actually "earth" in ancient Greek, and Terra is latin for the same thing. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Are you sure it wasn't mentioned in FFVII? I swear it was.. wait, wait. No.. they called it "the Planet". Blah, it's still a good name anyway, so just leave it alone. I do latin at school. Go me! Ahem, another name you want? Let me see.. Destination:FFX, ImagineFFX, FFXBase, FFMAX (clever isn't it? ha!) and maybe.. no, I ran out of ideas. Sorry, that's all I could come up with.[/size][/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Dangit, I'm not going to be able to get Zelda: LTP/Four Swords until Christmas... Looks like I'll have to sit out on the questions about Four Swords until then. >_
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=red] There is already a site of that name, Zidane.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]He thought that Z was looking for a site, not trying to name one. It's quite a hard mistake to make when the title of the thread is "What is a good Final Fantasy site [i]names[/i]". And Zidane, it isn't advertising if you're just telling someone a site to go to for help or information. Advertising is something along these lines...[/color][/size] "hey guyz, i just wondered if u wanted to visit my new site [url]http://www.geocities.com/thisisatest/index.html[/url] i think its pretty good, can u guyz visit it to make my counter go higher? thnx" [size=1][color=crimson]Well, maybe that's overdoing it, but that's what advertising is like on these boards. :p Umm.. I thought of another name to your site - Destination:Gaia. I think it sounds cool, like an FF site name should be. Gaia because that is the world that the FF games are based in.. right..? Or was I dreaming or something.[/size][/color]
  25. [size=1][color=crimson]Wow!! That sure is a cool poster, I want it now! :p I think the logo is okay where it is, but it would look [i]a lot[/i] better in the middle or the top, middle would be best methinks. But if they did use it for box art, I sure wouldn't complain.[/size][/color]
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