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Everything posted by Break

  1. Break


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B]Go to gamewinners.com or to cheatcc.com [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Please put some more effort into your posts, as that was just a poor effort. Thanks.[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=crimson]Mine would go something along the lines of Jet Set Radio, since I love that game and I love skating too. [b][u]Southside Blades[/b][/u] [b]Boss[/b]- Wheels [b]Wear[/b]- 3/4 length baggy shorts or cargo pants or something like those, in black or dark blue, or dark red. Red/Blue/Black T-shirts with gang logo on them. Always wearing inline-skates, some wear gloves or fingerless gloves in black. [b]Weapons[/b]- Skating right into you, hand-to-hand, some carry pistols or other small arms (Uzi, etc.), a few carry swords (hee..). [b]Hang Out[/b]- Skate parks, busy shopping streets, parking lots, anywhere skateable really. [b]Hobbies[/b]- Graffiti (of course, JSRF ~_^), leading the police on wild chases around the city, skating, throwing insults at people from across the road. [b]More Details[/b]- Hang in large groups, rarely seen on their own, find the cops hilarious to mess around, and hate people who hate skating.[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=crimson]Who need's police cars, lol. I tend to just get as much ammo as I can for the Pistol or Uzi and aim at one person, start firing and keep running, switching between targets (people) with R2/L2.. so fun, but it's even better if you do it in gang territory. :whoops:[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=crimson]Did it really go below 30 FPS? If it did, then I never noticed, I never do really. I think that the X, Y and Z buttons would be a lot better for the secondary items, because with the C-Stick, I can just imagine selecting a wrong item (like whipping out the bottle, instead of firing the Fairy Bow oO). And it would be better, simply because of the fact that they are buttons, like the C-Buttons, so we would be used to using them.[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=crimson]The Wind Waker? Mmm, it's okay. But yeah, there have been better names for the games (I made a rhyme). Is this name what Kaze No Takuto was translated to, or just made up?[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=crimson]Well, if you know all of the Weapon Cheats, just use them over and over again because each time you input the cheat, it gives you more ammo for that weapon. ;)[/size][/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stook [/i] [B]I'm getting it for Christmas. You know, that way I don't have to pay for it myself. I'm not too excited about it, but maybe just because I am a passive Video Game player. You guys are all insane mofos with messed up minds. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]That wasn't really on topic, was it? I'm insane, I've a messed up mind, I'm not sure about the other guys though. Make more of an effort in your posts, please. :)[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=crimson]Ah, that's easy. :) Tail Cave - Tail Key Key Cavern - Slime Key Angler's Tunnel - Angler Key (something like that) Face Shrine - Face Key EDIT: Eagle's Tower also has a key! I don't know the name of it though. [b]Question:[/b] In OoT, where exactly do you find Farore's Wind?[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=crimson]Happy now? Geez, your topics are [i]so[/i] annoying. I look forward to a good topic started by you. :) EDIT: My master wished that this stay open.. so do whatever you need to do although I really see [i]no[/i] point in this staying open, but there we go. Your opinion is more valid than mine.[/size][/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sniper314 [/i] [B]i think it is ok but not to get off track what about Yunas Wedding Dress that is cool. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson].. But you just went off topic. Try to make more efforts in your posts. This thread has served it's purpose and no one seems to be posting in it. If you want it open again, PM or something.. Close'd.[/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=crimson][b]FFVII:[/b] Either Golden Saucer or the Temple of the Ancients.. that be a confusing place. oO;; [b]FFVIII:[/b] Probably the inside of the trains (they're so cool ^^), I also really liked Balamb Garden's architecture. [b]FFIX:[/b] Burmecia.. :( It's so sad, all of the destroyed things..[/size][/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [b]Everyone else (Nova included ;))[/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Good. :) PS. YOU FORGOT ABOUT THAR GIGABYTE! Never worry. He are be run away. (sorry, I'm in a crazy mood.. I'll post once I've calmed down)[/size][/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Medra [/i] [B]Well, I had misunderstood Warlock's post, so things played out differently. But now, he's run away, so all's well. And I'm so confused I can't post...O-o;; [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Me too. oO; Where is Nova got to? Ow my head hurts..[/size][/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by severous84 [/i] [B]Hey Break, sorry about that. I'll make sure to post in the right forum.[/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Hey, don't worry, I won't eat you (not sure actually =P). Anyway, yeah, just make sure you don't post off-topic posts in here, or anywhere really. Thanks. As for time.. I haven't actually got Vice City o.O, gettin' it Christmas though. :)[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=crimson]Ah yes, this happened to my GTAIII. After playing it for an hour or so (from when I turned the PS2 on) the sound effects went and I got really frustrated. Soon my PS2 would not even [i]read[/i] GTAIII and other games. The problem was actually my PS2. I gots a new one now and it works perfectly well, so, yeah the problem could most likely be your PS2, sorry. :([/size][/color]
  16. Break

    Vice City

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by electra [/i] [B]My ps2 burned out on me again. :mad: Oh well.. Christmas is around the corner. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson].. Does that have [i]anything[/i] to do with the topic at hand, laddy? :drunk: Hmm.. a favorites topic. Just make sure you guys keep it un-spammed-up (yeah I confused me too with that word o_o) and it'll stay open. :) On topic; my favorite car would have to be the Infernus or the BF Injection. Both superly bumtastic cars.[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=crimson][i]The three Hunters stood facing the Replimasters, the Comm. Tower slowly being destroyed beneath their feet. A huge part of the roof had broken away when the missle had shot upwards, where the floor was cracked, power generators fizzed and hissed as wires came loose. Reverb looked upward and stared at the missle, ascending into the red sky. Looking down again, he turned to face Nova and Iota.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] Nova, Revolver obviously wants to kill you, so you can have him. [b]Nova:[/b] Oh [i]thanks[/i]. [b]Reverb:[/b] Don't mention it, Iota you take Tracy over there and I'll have Gigabyte.. [b]Iota:[/b] Alright. [b]Nova:[/b] Okay, let's go **** those Replimasters up! [i]Nova engaged his MXRSabre and his Buster on his left arm and sprinted towards Revolver at full pelt. Surprised at Nova's speed for his size, Revolver stood and was heavily knocked by Nova, who fell over after. Revolver kept his balance and revealed his chest miniguns, aiming at Nova he opened fire with a hail of bullets which seemed to travel at so high speeds that he had no time to react.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] How the hell are they so fast?! [b]Revelvor:[/b] Railgun. Uses magnets to fire bullets at an extremely high velocity. [b]Nova:[/b] .. My memory tells me that the idea is fr-- [i]Nova was interupted by a huge explosion, Reverb had just fired his Buster at Gigabyte, hitting him offguard. Nova smiled grimly at the fighting and fired his own at Revolver, who sidestepped and sent another volley of fire his way. This next lot tore metal from Nova's left shoulder, sending shards of titanium everywhere. Getting angry, Nova set his Buster to grenade and fired one at Revolver. He again sidestepped, but failed to realise that it wasn't a shot; it was a grenade. Revolver was lit by a small, green explosion that sent him crashing into a power generator, breaking it in half. Spinning his guns around on his fingers, Revolver suddenly sprung up and vaulted onto a power generator. Aiming both pistols at Nova, he fired four shots into Nova's chest, he was caught off balance by another rumble from the building and fell over, his chest smoking. Nova got up to his knees, gothic runes on his visor told him he was running at 23% damage to his shoulder and 35% to chest. Punching the floor with his Sabre arm, he thought "How the hell am I gonna hit him? I'm gonna lose this battle.. unless.." He got to his feet and disengaged his Buster and with his MXRSabre, he carved delicate arcs into the air with the red heat blade, leaving a blood-red trail. He put his left arm over his body for defence and charged at Revolver, spinning his Sabre. Revolver jumped off the roof and opened fire with his railguns again, hitting Nova hundereds times all over his body, metal and paint ripped off, circuitry and wires were torn to dust. Nova didn't care about himself anymore, he just wanted to save the city. He jumped into the air and, with a beautiful display of red, cut into Revolver's chest. Revolver stumbled backwards angry and shocked at the damage that had just been inflicted to him. Nova landed heavily on the collapsing building, breathing heavily. The runes flashed on his visor again: 58% damage all over his body. He slowly heaved himself up and propped himself against a nearby power generator and looked towards Revolver. Revolver was staggering about, still trying to accept the fact that someone had hit him, not much damaged was caused, but still.. He was really angry now. Shouting with rage, his back opened up and two more railguns folded out and attached to two sockets on his shoulders. Smiling, he opened fire with all the firearms he had on Nova. Bullets hit Nova at an alarming rate, he could do nothing to stop them but stick his armoured arm in the way. Suddenly he had a thought. Quickly he dived behind the power generator, still he heard the maniacal laughter coming from Revolver as he poured more and more bullets still in Nova's direction. Nova flexed his left arm to reveal his Buster, loading in two grenades, he quickly rolled to the side of the generator and fired both at Revolver. In his stationary, firing position, he didn't notice the grenades rattle next to his feet. "Three, two, one.. lift off." Nova thought in his head. The two grenades exploded, destroying the part of the floor Revolver was standing on, he fell down the hole. Straining for something to hear, Nova heard nothing of Revolver. He slumped on the floor, sitting down, leaning against the generator which was hissing violently. He did another scan of damage, 76%. The damage wasn't as much as it felt, but for some reason, the bullets felt more energy draining than any other firearms Nova had faced before. Suddenly a whoosh came from the hole in the roof, Revolver had jumped out and had a missle launcher on one of his arms. The whoosh had come from the missile launcher. In a split second, everything seemed to pass within a minute, the missle ever reaching closer to Nova's stomach. He clenched his fists but they didn't move as he suddenly realised he had been hit with the missile. All feeling in his lower body had gone. Blindly, he shot another grenade into the air. Losing track of time, it seemed hours before the grenade exploded. He grabbed the side of the generator and hoisted himself up. Gasping for air, he did another damage scan... 94%. He threw himself behind the generator again and waited for the fight to end, he had finished his part in this mission. Or so he thought...[/i][/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=crimson][i]Putting his Comm. away, Nova had found out that the rest of the squads were on the Fifth Floor and moving up. Sighing, he ran up the stairs to the Fifth Floor to find that the others had already moved on. Cursing, he turned to face the next set of stairs, but suddenly he heard footsteps coming from behind him, up the stairs. Looking around quickly for a place to hide, he found some large boxes next to the wall. Pushing them quickly out of the way, he dived behind them, as he did that, three large sillohettes came from the stairs. They got to the middle of the room and stopped, looking at hiding places. Nova supressed a gasp as he realised that they were Replimasters. The one in front looked like he was the leader. He wore dull grey armour and a white peice of material around his left arm. Open circuitry showed on his head, where he also wore red sunglasses. The second was smaller than both of the Replimasters, but he must be awfully quick. His armour was very elaborate in design, it was simple, just a shiny, silvery surface. He held in one hand an old "material" sword, which was also polished. On his head he wore some kind of device on his head, looked like a scanning headset or something of that sort. The last one was different to the other two. His armour was red and, unlike the others', was scratched and marked from numerous battles he had been in. In both hands he held old revolvers, six-shooters, Nova wondered what he could do with them. He wore on his head a black eyepatch and a black Western-style hat. On his chest were two flaps which looked like they could conceal something. Nova, crouched on the floor, began to listen in as they spoke. [/i] [b]???:[/b] Tracer, check around this floor. I sense there is someone or some[i]thing[/i] in here. [b]Tracer:[/b] Yes sir. [i]Tracer (the shiny armoured one) pressed the side of his head and a red beam shot out of the scanner device. Nova thought that it was probably some kind of X-Ray device. Tracer moved the beam around the room, licking his lips, he pointed at a set of boxes opposite Nova.[/i] [b]Tracer:[/b] ..There. [b]???:[/b] Revolver, flush them out. [i]Revolver smiled.[/i] [b]Revolver:[/b] My pleasure. [i]Revolver faced where Tracer had been pointing and the flaps suddenly opened up and revealed two miniguns. Nova also knew that these were old, shell-using firearms. Grinning, Revolver suddenly fired at the boxes with the guns. A tremendous humming noise that Nova had never heard echoed through the room. Shells ripped up the boxes, sending bits of metal and wood everywhere. As the smoke cleared, Revolver saw that he had destroyed a load of boxes and one little Gunner Drone.[/i] [b]???:[/b] Tracer. Check over there.. [i]The unknown Replimaster pointed to where Nova was crouching. Tracer nodded and began the scanning process again. Smiling, he turned his scanner off and suddenly disappeared. Nova knew he had found what he wanted.. Suddenly, Tracer appeared next to Nova and slashed his left side hard with his sword. For a primitive weapon, it was powerful and sent Nova sprawling out of his hiding place. Tracer laughed and walked back over to Revolver and the other Replimaster.[/i] [b]Tracer:[/b] I think we found what we were looking for, Gigabyte. [b]Gigabyte:[/b] He's a Hunter? Excellent. Revolver.. kill him. [b]Revolver:[/b] I will enjoy this. He looks fairly strong. [i]Nova got up and stared at Revolver, walking over to him slowly, spinning the revolvers around elegantly in his hands..[/i][/size][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]I know for a fact that you can change the player skins... So I'm sure you could probably make different NPC skins. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson]Rockin'! :) You could make Bill Gates. :p[/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=crimson].. I take it this is the PC version of GTAIII. Right? Anywho, they look pretty cool. Can you get any more stuff for it, like different NPC models? It would be cool to make your own..[/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=crimson][i]Nova stood in the destroyed Fifth Floor. For another second he thought about Reverb's incredible vetranary skill he had used against Sabre. He glanced down at Sabre's body, wires and pipes writhing and crackling at the point where his arm was cut off. He thought what Reverb could really be. "Could he be..? No.. no, of course not" Nova quickly dismissed the thought, as it was an impossible suggestion. Shrugging it off, he turned to face the Heavy-Artillery Droid, who was whirring quietly in the corner.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] We'll keep going up. Come on. [i]He waved to the Droid which followed him to the foot of the stairs. Taking one step up, Nova thought of something quickly and turned round to the Droid.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] You stay here and cover me, I'll go up. [i]The Droid stayed put as Nova slowly made his way up the stairs, which creaked with each step he took. Suddenly the step he was on started to crack, he turned to run down the breaking stairs, but they quickly buckled beneath his weight and he soon found he was running in the air as he fell to the floor. He waited for a thud of his falling body, but instead heard a crash as he smashed straight through the Fifth Floor and landed on the Fourth Floor. As the dust settled he noticed he had landed on the Droid and crushed the bottom section of it. It was seemingly dead. Cursing, he slowly rose to his feet and brushed the dust that covered his body.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] Dammit, this is just my luck..[i](taking out his Comm.)[/i] better inform Demos-- [i]Just as he was about to speak into his Comm. he suddenly heard a knocking coming from the lift shaft at the other side of the room. Sighing with disbelief he walked slowly over to the shaft and ripped the doors to it open with a quick slash from his MXRSabre, he disengaged the beam and put it back on his belt. He wasn't surprised to see that the lift wasn't at the door like it should be, but was halfway to it's stop. Nova heard the knocking again, it came from inside the lift. Thinking quickly, he grabbed the cable nearest to him and pulled it as hard as he could backwards. The lift slowly began to move down as Nova walked back with the cable. Straining with the weight of it, he shouted out to whoever may be in there.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] Who's in there? [b]Reverb:[/b] Me and Fenir.. Guh, this lift is dumb. [b]Nova:[/b] Yeah, I know. I have an idea that could help you get out. [b]Reverb:[/b] .. Go on. [b]Nova:[/b] Well. Put your energy-field around Fenir and yourself. [i]Nova flexed his left hand and his Buster opened up. He flicked a switch on it and switched to 'Grenade'. At the same time, Reverb engaged his energy-field inside the lift.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] .. Okay, done. Can I ask why? [b]Nova:[/b] Hmm? Oh, you'll see. [i]Nova loaded in a plasma-grenade from his brown satchel into the barrel of his Buster. Still holding onto the cable with his right hand, he flicked another switch and the grenade was ready to fire. With a loud 'put' sound the grenade fired out and hit the door of the lift, bounced off and landed next to it. With a sigh Nova counted.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] Three... two... one... Bang. [i]With a green light the plasma-grenade buzzed quickly before emitting a violent squeal of power and exploding, ripping the lift door off and tearing the floor slightly. When the smoke cleared, Nova caught a glimpse of Reverb's mouth open in surprise. Shaking his head, Reverb ran out of the lift with Fenir under his arm.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] Holy **** man. That was crazy! [i]Nova smiled.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] Yeah I know. [i]He let go of the cable and let it run through his right hand and into the lift shaft. The lift jerked sharply then fell down through the shaft, crashing into various things on the way down.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] .. You like destroying things, don't yo-- [i]Reverb was interrupted by a huge crash which echoed through the shaft. The lift had landed on the bottom floor. Nova grinned, Reverb shook his head again.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] .. Hang on.. how did you get down here? [i]Nova pointed up at the ceiling which had a huge hole in it.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] I fell through. Damn stairs collapsed while I was walking up them. On my fall, I also crushed the Droid to death. [b]Reverb:[/b] So what now? Are those stairs over there okay? [b]Nova:[/b] Why don't we throw Fenir down and check? [i]Fenir looked up, frowning at Nova's suggestion.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] Anyway. Do you know what floor Squad Two are on, Reverb? [b]Reverb:[/b] Yeah, they're on the Second Floor. [b]Nova:[/b] Hmm.. okay. What about Fenir? [b]Reverb:[/b] ... Surely he's coming with us? [b]Nova:[/b] Not so sure about that. The Third Floor hasn't been checked by anyone yet and there is a high chance that there is still hostile opposition on that floor. Fenir has a higher chance of being killed if we take him than if we leave him here. [b]Fenir:[/b] But you can't-- [b]Nova:[/b] I sure can. Come on Reverb. [i]Nova turned and started walking towards the stairs. Fenir looked desperately up at Reverb. He sighed and called after Nova.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] Nova! [b]Nova:[/b] What now? [b]Reverb:[/b] I'll.. I'll stay here with Fenir. He can't take care of himself in this state. That means.. you'll have to go down on your own. [b]Nova:[/b] ... [b]Fenir:[/b] Please! [b]Nova:[/b] Oh, all right then. I don't know what the hell's down there but anyway. See you soon Reverb. Fenir. [i]Nova nodded at both of them and took out his MXRSabre and engaged it's beam. He began walking towards the stairs and descended down them..[/i][/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=crimson]When I'm in the pit, I'm gonna punch and kick.. o_O; Sorry I haven't posted for a long time. ____________________ [i]Squad One walked warely around the Fifth Story. Fallen rubble lay scattered on the dust-covered floor, Nova kicked aside a peice of concrete which clunked along the floor until it stopped and a metallic clang sounded as it hit a metal desk at the other side of the floor.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b].. Hmm. Fenir, go over there with the Droid and check out that desk. [b]Fenir:[/b] Alright. Come on.. [i]Fenir signals to the Droid to follow him and they walk over to the desk, which seemed to be the only object that was intact on the whole floor. Nova nodded to Reverb and the Medic and they followed him out of a door into a corridor. Only one other door was on this corridor so Nova walked up to it and pushed a button next to the door, which quickly slid open after he pushed the button. Slowly Nova, Reverb and the Medic walked inside. Instantly Nova and Reverb put up their Busters and held them at the black-armored figure slumped over a desk in the corner. Reverb approached it and turned the body face up, he jumped backward upon the site of the Reploid's front. It's whole circuitry beneath it's chest and stomach areas had been ripped out, it's armour was ripped and torn, the black paint shredded, revealing shining metal underneath.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] What the hell happened here? [b]Nova:[/b] Just looks like an attack. But by what I can't be sure. Medic, go and check him. [i]The Medic nodded and walked cautiously over to the limp body of the Reploid. He flicked a switch on the side of his head and a set of lenses extended over his right eye, and a small torch over his left eye. He then took some kind of instrument from his belt and began rummaging around in the chest section of the Reploid.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] How is it, Medic? [b]Medic:[/b] In bad, bad shape. It seems to have it's [i]entire[/i] circuitry taken out.. apart from.. ahh yes the brain area.. I wonder.. [i]The Medic shuffled the body over a bit so the head faced towards him and he took out another instrument, he pushed a small button on it and a tiny red laser-blade appeared, glowing above the handle. He smiled and began to very slowly cut into the side of the Reploid's head. Reverb rolled his eyes.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] ..Medics. [i]Nova smiled and nodded.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] Hehe, yeah I know what you mea-- [b]Medic:[/b] Oh my! This Reploid has [i]no[/i] form of power at all, I wonder how it's brain circuit was taken out without the head being cut. Strange that is. All there is inside the head is a small visor unit, as you would have, and a little battery unit of some kind. [i]Reverb suddenly noticed a red flash on the floor under the desk. He leaned over and picked up some sort of red gem. It was smaller than his palm and looked like it had a carving on it which merely said "SABRE01". He tapped the Medic on the back.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] I found this on the floor. Maybe it belongs to the Reploid? [b]Medic:[/b] It might do! Good find. [b]Nova:[/b] Medic, do you know what it is? [i]The Medic shook his head.[/i] [b]Medic:[/b] No, but I'm guessing it's some kind of battery. But how it could power this Reploid I'll never know. Ah, it's always best to try, give me the gem. [i]Reverb handed the red gem to the Medic who placed it inside the Reploid's head where the battery holder was. Suddenly it jolted and a red glow came from it's eyes. Quickly it faded and the Reploid again went limp.[/i] [b]Medic:[/b] I think we had something there.. [b]Nova:[/b] ..Wonder what made it stop? [b]Reverb:[/b] No idea. [i]Nova sighed and turned back to face the door.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] We'd better go check on Fenir and the Droid now, there's nothing else in here apart from the Reploid. [b]Reverb:[/b] Yeah, let's go. Come on Medic. [b]Medic:[/b] Whoops, hang on, I dropped my Las-Scalpol. [i]Reverb sighed and walked outside the door, waiting with Nova for the Medic. As he mumbled to himself, the Reploid rose and it's eyes shined red. With a silent whir, two large Beam Sabre handles appeared in his hands. Flexing his left hand a huge beam blade shot out and became a Beam Sabre, he then walked behind the Medic and swiftly stabbed downwards into his back. The Medic dropped the Scalpol and opened his mouth to call out to Nova and Reverb, but by the time any sound came out his mouth, the Reploid had brought the blade upwards, slicing his head in two. He dropped to the floor with a small crash. The crash and an electrical crackle brought the attention of Nova and Reverb into the room, the glanced in to find the Reploid they thought dead hunching over the Medic's broken corpse. Immediatly, the Reploid looked up at them, it's expression still as calm as it was when they found them.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] It's alive?! [b]Nova:[/b] Medic! [b]Reploid:[/b] .... [i]As Reverb and Nova ran at the Reploid, it pushed a button on it's arm and the air around it blurred as it slowly disappeared. Nova took out his MXRSabre and engaged the beam before slashing at the air in which the Reploid had been standing. He cursed and flexed his left hand, his Buster appeared.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] How the hell did it do that? [b]Reverb:[/b] Some kind of teleportation I'm guessing. [b]Nova:[/b] Well we've gotta find him. Oh **** what about Fenir? He can't take something that can teleport, we have to get back to that lift room we were in. [b]Reverb:[/b] Right, got ya. [i]They both ran down the corrider and kicked down the door to the main room door. It was locked but Nova quickly ploughed through it with one strong kick. Within the room the Heavy-Artillery Droid tried to hold the Reploid back with various heavy plasma shots that missed every time, it was way too fast for heavy weapons. Fenir had realised this and was trying to hit it with his Buster and an occasional charge to try and hit it with his beam sabre, but no luck so far.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] Fenir! You look like you need some help. Are you okay? [b]Fenir:[/b] Nova, Reverb! I could really used some help! [b]Reverb:[/b] All ri--woah! Watch out!! [i]Fenir had turned to Reverb at the wrong time, with incredible speed the Reploid had charged at Fenir and had delivered an upwards slash, cutting through his chest and sending him smashing into the wall next to the Heavy-Artillery Droid.[/i] [b]Reploid:[/b] .. Sorry about that. I didn't kill him. [b]Reverb:[/b] That's a bad thing?! [b]Reploid:[/b] Of course.. [b]Reverb:[/b] Who are you? [b]Reploid:[/b] [i]What[/i] am I. [b]Reverb:[/b] .. Whatever. [b]Reploid:[/b] I am a Maverick. A Maverick of the Sabre class. Only one made. And you're talking to it. [b]Nova:[/b] Sabre? [b]Sabre:[/b] Yes. Sabre, Nova. [b]Nova:[/b] Nova? How did you know that? [b]Sabre:[/b] From those scrawls on your armour. Let's get down to business. One, you're not going upstairs. Two, I doubt your friends will help. [b]Reverb:[/b] What do you mean? You want to fight us..? [b]Sabre:[/b] Exactly. [b]Nova:[/b] We'd would be glad to! [i]Nova nodded at Reverb and they both ran at Sabre, Busters blazing with plasma energy fired at the blur of Sabre as it moved at impossible speeds around the room. Suddenly he stopped running and darted towards Nova, dodging the plasma shots as he dashed. Sabre slashed horizontal at Nova, Nova held out his own sabre to deflect the hit. Quickly he glanced at Reverb, who ran over behind Sabre as the two struggled in a blade-lock. Sabre's other hand glowed slowly and delivered a small shot of energy to Reverb, it was a very light hit and Reverb then jumped into the air and delivered a back hand hit with his Buster hand to Sabre's head, he flew backwards and fell on the floor.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] Fast. Strong. But poor defence. [i]Nova smiled.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] Yeah, they're all the same. [i]Sabre rose suddenly, like a puppet with no effort at all. A manic grin was spread across his face, his red eyes thinned to mere slits.[/i] [b]Sabre:[/b] What if they are fast. Too fast that they don't need defence because the opponent cannot hit them? [i]Sabre began dashing at Reverb at an impossible speed..[/i][/size][/color]
  23. Break


    [color=crimson][size=1]AJ wanted me to post this 'cause he can't reply for some reason. Just pretend I'm him. *transforms*[/color][/size] [size=1][b] Draw Regen from Rinoa and cast it on her. Also give her the odd Curaga. Whenever Adel does Ultima on you (or was it Flare? Or both?), cast Curaga on your party. And if you have the LionHeart, try Renzouken-ing Adel, as 70% of the time I tried, LionHeart came up against her.[/b] Basically, make sure Rinoa's alive, and you'll win easily ;-)[/size][/b]
  24. [size=1][color=crimson][i]The six Hunters headed down the corrider from the office. They kept silent, glancing warily from each other to Demos every second, in fear of him snapping. Moments later they were at the door of the armoury, Demos pressed a button at the side of it and it gracefully slid open with a quiet swishing noise. They all stood for a while looking around at all the add-ons for their Busters, shelves and shelves of sabres lined the room everywhere and various sheilds hung on the wall, or were balanced against it. Then they all went off into seperate parts of the room, looking for different things. Nova wandered slowly over to get some add-ons for his Buster. He was wondering what to get when a voice interuppted his thoughts.[/i] [b]Reverb:[/b] Hey Nova. [i]Nova nodded at him.[/i] [b]Nova:[/b] What're you getting here? [b]Reverb:[/b] Heh.. it's a surprise. You? [b]Nova:[/b] Oh in that case, mine's a surprise too. [b]Reverb:[/b] Hmm, I'll catch you later Nova. [i]Reverb walked off towards the more powerful Buster additions, Nova watched him walk off before looking back at his choices. He was stuck between Grenades and Cyanide Gas Grenades. Shrugging, he flexed his left arm and his Buster extended over it. He took the barrel off, put it in his brown pouch and attached the Grenade barrel, locking it into place by twisting it once. He then opened a small flap on the side of his buster took out his normal Plasma shot chip and put in the Grenade chip. With all this done, he smiled and flexed his left arm again and the Buster folded back into place. He glanced at the shelves of sabres and lances that surrounded him, but he quickly remembered his own MXRSabre in his belt. He didn't need a sheild, due to the heavy armouring on his left arm, up to the huge shoulder-pad he wore on that arm. He looked around, everyone was still choosing. Sighing, he leant on the nearby wall, crossing his arms and closing his eyes for a minute..[/i][/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=crimson]Yeah, this sequal has got [i]tons[/i] to beat, or even match the greatness of FFVII. I mean, if they really massacre the sequal, I will be very sad. :( Let's just hope that they [i]will[/i] do a good job on it. :)[/size][/color]
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