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Everything posted by Break

  1. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I've liked about half the songs I've heard on [B]Waking the Fallen[/B], and disliked the other half. The ones that sound too much like [B]Pantera [/B]or somethig annoy me because I don't like Pantera, and the ones with too much of that horrendous screaming are of course ruinous. The one song that they had as their single was pretty cool, and I kind of liked [B]Chapter Four [/B]and one or two others. Really, though, nothing I thought compares to CoE.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I would say about half on that album too. There is something about Shadows' screaming that makes me want to run out of the room screaming... probably better than he does. I am impressed with the drummer of A7X, very much so, and I am impressed with the guitarists. The sound is like nothing I've heard (and I don't know much Pantera, or any metal band, so :p) But if there's ever a screamer it's Daryl Palumbo from [b]Glassjaw[/b]. He is brilliant. If you can be brilliant at that sort of thing. I think you can. Shadows sounds like a gurgling drain next to him. CoE... Church of England?
  2. [quote name='Clurr'][FONT="Arial"]I've been playing guitar for about seven years now. I'm self-taught so I'm definitely not as good as a should be over that amount of time.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Same. Well, except for a shorter period of time. Four or five years. I own an Ashton classical guitar and a Yamaha acoustic. Don't ask me to name what [i]types[/i] - I don't know them lol. I play classical (finger picking) and regular guitar styles. I dunno which I prefer. I really like to shred it up on a friend's electric sometimes though. I want an electric, something cheap but decent. Dunno if any of you could help me out? Favourite song to play... Study no. 7 in Am by Matteo Carcassi. You can listen to a midi version of it [URL="http://www.classtab.org/mc60_07.mid"][b][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]here.[/COLOR][/b][/URL] Also I like to play Romance ([URL="http://www.classtab.org/zanroma1.mid"][b][COLOR="royalblue"]this one[/COLOR][/b][/URL]), which is an anonymous piece. It's one of my faaavourites! As for electric guitar - I'm a little rusty on anything, since I don't own one. I could bore you with classical guitar music for ages though lol. I do like Brand New songs though because a lot of them are acoustic. The ones I love to play are "Play Crack The Sky", "I Will Play My Game Benath The Spin Light" and "Soco Amaretto Lime". I can sing these songs while playing so it's even fun..ner. To be honest, they are quite easy, only chords, although the strumming patterns can be hard to figure out. Guitarists? Tom Morello, simply for his innovation and creativity. I preferred his work with Rage Against The Machine rather than with Audioslave, but he is still good nonetheless. I also like Johnny Marr from the Smiths. Some of his melodies were brilliant, and the chords in some songs make me melt lol. I used to play bass guitar, too, and I could play literally every single Rage Against The Machine song except for 5 or so. It definitely helps guitar if you start playing bass. I was self taught on both and I don't remember having any problems with either.
  3. I think the worst thing was just not even mentioning the earthquake in the first post... But can we leave that now? lol. Even though the earthquake didn't kill that many people, it did, if I understand rightly, take a lot of homes. I can't begin to imagine how hard it is to lose your home and most of your possessions. Of course I would be thankful for being alive, but - materialistic as I am - I can't say I wouldn't miss all of my possessions. Being in England I naturally escape this natural disaster. Perhaps my sympathy for them is even heightened by this, since I've not been through it myself, since I'm not embittered or hardened by the experience. If I was I could say something like, "It happened here too, big whoop." I [i]could[/i], but I wouldn't. I'm too nice. :) Oh gosh, I can't leave it lol. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']I know I am sick of the instant, this person suffered more or we shouldn't forget others that pops up every time something bad happens.[/QUOTE] I couldn't agree more. Bringing up past tragedies is so ridiculous. I will demonstrate that: someone says "10 British soldiers have died in Iraq today :(" and I could respond, "So what? Millions died in a few months in World War I." You see? It is insensitive to the 'current' tragedy. Of course we should always remember the past tragedies, especially if they are still continuing - but, while they deserve this remembrance, they shouldn't be brought up with every new tragedy. I promised myself I wouldn't do that. Oh well :animeswea
  4. The first line was intriguing, but the next sentence ruined it for me. I didn't read on. But I did gather, as I scanned through, that you use colloquialisms. Now, that [i]can[/i] be fine, but too many really aren't very interesting after a while. Actually, I'll read a bit and find you some examples. I've put the colloquialisms in bold. "[b]If nothing else[/b], this corpse was much more disturbing than the previous one." "That was [b]all that could be said[/b] about his surroundings, [b]really[/b]" That one annoyed me the most. You [i]say[/i] nothing can be said about his surroundings, then go on to describe them in great detail. "[b]Either way[/b], he kept walking." "There wasn’t much to be gleaned from studying his appearance, [b]either[/b]." You're making your own story sound boring with sentences like the one above. But, yet again, you go on to describe his appearce in detail. "[b]literally, at one point[/b]" With these colloquialisms, you are telling the reader too much. Can the reader not connote his or her own meanings from the word "bloodbath", especially given the tone of the story at this point? "...he was [b]most likely[/b] due for a haircut [b]sometime[/b] soon." Those really aren't needed. They distract away from what is being said, well, for me at least. In fact, forget the whole of that sentence. Perhaps have him say "I need a haircut" or even something simple in the description, "his hair was getting too long." Your decision. "...nothing had been left afterwards – the second time, [b]that is[/b]." You can get rid of the dash, and "that is" to change it into: "...nothing had been left after the second time." Perhaps you could tweak it a little because even that doesn't sound right. But you get what I mean? Add more intrigue by getting rid of superfluous clauses. "The boy folded his arms on his knee, [b]like his earlier position[/b]." Surely we'd understand that he'd done it before? Just get rid of the comma and say "again". "Brittany almost spoke, but the man in white [b]beat her to it[/b]." I don't care if Brittany [i]almost[/i] spoke. I do care that the man in white [i]interrupted[/i] her. Try that. Those are all I will tell you about. I'm sure you get the jist of it by now. The opening of a story is crucial, and you caught my attention, then cast it aside again. Try to get rid of the obvious remarks - it will be a much more readable story. What confused me the most is that you mix all of the above with much better descriptions like "The girl lay prostrate, her head tilted to one side, her face contorted in disgust and horror." Your knack for visual description is good, but t's a bit too much of the same for me - you could extend the first paragraph; how does he [i]feel[/i] about his surroundings? What colour, if any, is this "empty space"? Does he feel anything, smell anything, hear anything? I think perhaps you need to pay more attention to the other four senses - you seem to have sight pretty sussed. [i]Can[/i] he feel anything? I've just seen something else: "For Brittany, it was an incredible sensation." Wouldn't it be an "incredible sensation" for [i]anyone[/i] if that happened? This is more a grammar gripe. The "For Brittany" makes me assume, wrongly, that it would only feel incredible for her. Perhaps make it something like "An incredible sensation pulsed/shot/drove/ran/exploded through Brittany"? It would sound a lot better. Other than all that, it is fine. It's an interesting story. A little far-fetched in places (I am a terrible realist when it comes to writing, I'm sorry!), but definitely good. I get what Sloth Girl means about the no dialogue to basically all dialogue. Perhaps you could change that. Also, I'm not sure if I like the man in white speaking without speechmarks. But then it is your story, and these kinds of things are out of reach of critique. Perhaps all of it is. Oh well - good effort, anyway!
  5. [quote name='Retribution'][size=1]You know that massive tsunami that swept across South Asia a few years ago? They still haven't recovered from that in many places...[/size][/QUOTE] Other things [i]do[/i] happen you know. People could still claim to not have recovered from the Holocaust, it doesn't stop the world. As for the earthquake itself. It's a bugger, I must say. Hope people can get back on their feet soon enough.
  6. [quote name='Goodbye, Face'][font=arial][size=1]Because he's with Good Charlotte. A [COLOR="DarkOrange"]dead cat[/COLOR] would sound good next to them.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] So true. As for Waking The Fallen, musically it was brilliant. The vocals ruined it for me, though. EDIT: All these genre classifications remind me of Pokemon Cards - in a bad way. It is so silly! :(
  7. [quote name='James'][color=#606060]It comes down to a self-fulfilling prophecy much of the time. It's amazing what a difference attitude can make.[/color][/QUOTE] When it's part of a culture it's a little harder to get rid of, lol.
  8. Coolest song in the world right now? For me? Can I say two? "Ok, Time For Plan B" by [b]Enter Shikari[/b] and "Orchestra Of Wolves" by [b]Gallows[/b]. Both are full of energy, and I think that's what music needs more of. That's just me. Actually, I bought the Gallows album ([i]Orchestra Of Wolves[/i]) today. If you like hardcore kind of punk rock, you'll definitely think it's the coolest thing in the world right now. And Enter Shikari, too.
  9. [quote name='Semjaza']We're in a situation where somehow "indie" is a genre and if no one else finds that ridiculous, I'm not sure what to say. Genre whore-ism has to die.[/QUOTE] It is pretty silly. But then, I am often lost for words when people ask my what kind of music I like. I can never name a genre correctly, so I just list a load of bands. When people ask me now I just say a bit of everything (even though that is a bit of a lie, it is just so much easier to say lol). As for rap? I don't think there are different genres within it - only those who do it well, and those who do it not so well. It is usually the lyrics that I can't deal with, as I've said. And the possible lack of musical scope or variety. That's why I like things that are a bit different.
  10. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="goldenrod"]I can easily see how the idea of being forced to carry the child of your attacker would be inhumane. :animedepr[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Abortion is the only way out in that particular case. I think I will stick to: it is the woman's choice; it is her, more often than not, who will have to deal with the child the most - so surely from that (almost) fact, she can decide whether or not she [i]wants to be a mother[/i]. It is a life-changing thing.
  11. Thanks retri! Hybrid, "Eat My Dust" is very cool - "Flight" is something else though, well done! As for me... "lodnodndn" was taken in London, near Southbank. It looks pretty at night. "flower123" is just a random flower that was on a table. I took a picture up close and personal. "ferrrisweheel" is the sticker inside a ferris wheel in Yokohama (or [i]the[/i] ferris wheel), which I thought looked very cool. I like the angle. "brothers" um.. are my brothers lol. Also on said ferris wheel. "trrrain8" is a train pulling into the station that was near the '06 Expo in Japan. I can't remember what it was called. Anyways, I just wanted a photo of a train in Japan lol.
  12. Connection: Motor vehicles [IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb53/catchinzees/motorsleep.jpg[/IMG] There was a guy asleep on his motorbike at the side of the road - I couldn't resist. It was taken in Yokohama, just so you know.
  13. I get what you mean about Kanye talking about himself a lot - but I do love a few of his songs that have been on the radio (can't think of names right now). I definitely don't think I could sit through one of his albums without getting a little bored. Snoop is ok. At least his voice is different! His subject matter, and that of a lot of that kind of rap, is pretty boring though. That's what gets the most I think. If rappers chatted about something half decent I'd like them a lot more. That's why, in my opinion, Kanye is one of the better ones!
  14. [quote name='Jiazu']One thing that's always bugged me about superstitions.. airplanes don't have a row numbered 13... that's never made sense to me.. it's not like it matters if you number it 14, it's still the 13th row....[/QUOTE] 14 is unlucky is East Asian countries, as is 4. Anything with 4 in it, I think. The character for it is the same as the character for death. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, please, I am borderline unsure! You may have even known it, so sorry to sound patronising if you do!!! :animeswea At a hotel in Kuala Lumpur I stayed at, there was no fourth or fourteenth floor. But at university I lived on the fourteenth floor of the halls I was in lol. EDIT: Oh and I think it's just the presence of the number that bugs people. You may sit in the thirteenth row, but if it were numbered as "13" people would have fits and go nuts and stuff.
  15. Break

    12 Girls Band

    They are pretty good! Currently listening to a track that reminds me both of battle music in Wind Waker, and some random music on FFIX. Well, some bits. Other than that, it's really energetic. I was expecting something kinda... boring, I guess, and I got [B][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOpgzm24QUg"]this![/URL][/B]
  16. [quote name='I'm Not Nomura'][COLOR="HotPink"][B]Aha, don't be too afraid by that stuff. It's there to make them seem more badass than the next band. lol Good thing you don't live in [I]Norway.[/I] P.S. Kudos to Kev.[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Metal [i]and[/i] in Norwegian? x_x I'd hate it so much. That reminds me, I also hate this genre in the UK called Garage. Look it up on Wiki if you don't know what it is. It's terrible. Honestly.
  17. [quote name='I'm Not Nomura'][COLOR="HotPink"][B] Ahhhh. Well, Brand New and Aiden rool. Those are Punk/Post bands, like Post Hardcore and etc. I do have to say though...Worst mucal artist= JT from HH. Man, I can't stand him. He messes up the vibe of the rest of the band, you know? But the guitarists are cool, but they need to work on originality a little. [/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Fair does, you like what you like. :) Oh and I think it's thrash metal I hate. Anything with a pentagon or a detailed cross or vampire ladies with wings or people bathing in blood on the album cover screams "Russell you cannot buy this!" Too dark and way too unoriginal for my liking. Of course you can't always tell by the album cover... I think I've probably just covered about 8 types of metal. I don't really like it that much :animeswea EDIT: Face, alright alright! I've just always thought of emo as "emotional"! EDIT: And that's why I like that bands I said I do. Not in the proper classification of emo. Man this is silly lol.
  18. While I do also like Death Cab For Cutie, Brand New, etc. (now we're on the subject of different [i]types[/i] of emo), Hawthorne Heights and other such bands - Aiden included - turn ears into sea urchins. I cannot stand that kind of sound. And can everyone calm down, surely you are all entitled to opinions? EDIT: Umm... nah it's definitely [i]a lot[/i] heavier than screamo lol. EDIT: But then I also love stuff like Gallows, Enter Shikari, and Glassjaw...
  19. While I can tolerate most rap, 50 Cent makes me want to bust a cap. Generic indie bands that pop up here in the UK can get so annoying too. My most hated music is a type of metal I suppose; some people in this thread seem to know their stuff, so they could probably guess the type. It's like... all instruments are a thousand miles an hour, distorted guitars, no solos of any kind. Lots of low/high screaming. Is it speed metal? Does that even exist? lol
  20. I love PRINGLES. Once I pop I really, really, really can't stop. I also am addicted to peanuts. Basically anything you're supposed to share... lol.
  21. [b]Noon Grass[/b] In the noon grass there are electric crickets and grasshoppers snarling like generators. To decorate the scene, angular butterflies rise and fall like jagged stock charts through the air. Then the heat really lays into the day - old women rest on benches, delay the arduous ramble; In the brambles beetles worship the shade. And in the distance, summer children gulp down lemonade. [b]Bloackade At The Word Stockade[/b] I've a date with inspiration, So I'm staying up late to meet her on her way - I'll catch her midstep and ask, confirming I'm her two o' clock. the night will drag on, uneventful, her saying all the wrong things - me with eyelids closing, trying not to fall asleep. but she'll catch me unawares one night, maybe frighten me so much that worthy words will spill like persipiration. Good evening inspiration, we've a long graft ahead of us till dawn. [b]Monday, 03:17[/b] Tried to keep it Short and sweet; I'm much Too bitter. [b]Taking Ages[/b] i'm sorry that i didn't look my best last night. this old face takes time, i am afraid. be patient - good days can be rare. pair this with my lazy hands, and you'll soon get the idea. i fear that being photogenic is also not in my genetics, but keep the camera ready in case i feel steady enough for the flash. despite all that, i'll take my chances. i'll wait for memorable advances. -------------------------------------- And that'll be it.
  22. I don't like it when people behind the counter stand there and don't serve you, and you carry on waiting and they even look at you, then someone they know comes over and they start talking. That's a bit annoying. Other than that, nothing wrong with it. I don't work in retail or anything so I don't get any horrid customers. I did work at an ice rink once, and an old, aggressive-looking man and his 20-something daughter came to the skate hire counter. I asked what size they wanted and everything, did all that. And then I started to walk off, when I heard "OI!" and I turned round to see this old man right close to the counter looking really angry at me and then he started swearing, "It's ****ing Christmas, don't be so ****ing rude!" Turned out that his daughter had asked for wristguards; I just hadn't heard. I told him that and he swore some more. I threw the wristguard in the air and walked off in between the shelves lol. Some people... :animesigh
  23. [quote name='Flash'][b][URL="http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ll8Qm8yDj-8"]Indian "Thriller"[/URL][/b] I don't think this requires any further explanation[/QUOTE] I stopped watching that halfway through, I couldn't take it anymore :animestun
  24. Best moments were probably when I actually used to talk to people on here, rather than wander in and out like a ghost every couple of years. I tend to miss rather a lot lol. I remember Maverick Hunters! That was really cool. I don't have time for stuff like that anymore. Not that I don't care, but I physically do not have time or energy for it these days.
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