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Everything posted by Break

  1. Well, perhaps - this is only a hunch - as people grow older, they can fathom different levels put into anime; then again: it really does depend [i]who[/i] the anime is aimed at. There is definately a line between adult anime and kid anime lol, that much is true.
  2. You're asking about six thousand questions there. It depends what anime, whether it's a movie, whether it's got a sad, violent, or a happy story, what the drawing style is like, or all these other variables. Classical might fit, jazz might fit, rock might fit, hip-hop might fit. I don't think one genre of music can aptly describe anime. The music for Cowboy Bebop was great, there is a good example of music fitting an anime.
  3. [quote name='Xander Harris]Excuse me? People back then couldn't tell if someone was dead or not? Come now. Credit our ancestors with [I]some[/I'] modicum of intelligence.[/quote] It's true. Even the Victorians used to bury 'corpses' with strings attached to their fingers which went out of the ground onto little bells they could ring if they woke up. Apparently it was quite common. Anyway, less of that. I've said already that "I think some people take everything very literally, the immaculate conception and all that. There are metaphors abound in the bible." Perhaps we should not take all of these miracles as we see them. If I remember rightly there are all stories behind all of these little miracles, the fish and loaves of bread and the water into wine and that stuff in the woman's cupboard that kept filling up. Just maybe it is true that we should look deeper rather than taking it at face value.
  4. Cubicles - My Chemical Romance
  5. [QUOTE=Lore][color=#6699cc]I've had a history of teachers with hard-to-read names. First grade: Mr. Schuessler. (Shess ler) Second grade: Mrs. Cycenus (Sigh seen us) Third grade: Mrs. Dziekan (Duh zee can) Fifth grade: Mr. Koepke. (Kep kee) Eighth grade: Mr. Zuelsdorff. (Zeelz dorf) High school: Rognsvoog (Rons voag), Luchterhand (Luck ter hand), DeKeuster (Dee koos ter), Bruening (Brew ning), Thieme (tee me), Guethling (Get ling). I might live in an area heavily populated by Germans. [/color][/QUOTE] No, it's because your teachers are most likely foreign, as no one 'native' wants to be a teacher because it pays badly. ____ 2_D: you can just edit your post, its much easier..
  6. [quote name='Retribution][SIZE=1']Is it in the realm of possibility that neither are correct? What if God created the universe, and we created religion to worship him? I don't understand why you have to rule out that possibility.[/SIZE][/quote] What if God didn't create the universe and we didn't have any decent technology way back when and we needed an explanation and we created religion to account for these mysteries such as rainbows and earthquakes?
  7. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] Ok, than man Created religion. See what I'm trying to make you figure out? That means that Religion is a creation of the Human imagination. Get it now? By the by, I didn't mean that 'God' is a narcissist, it was an analogy to point out that either, A, God is flawed or, B, he was created by man.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] People need something to believe in, people without answers look to the church; it's quite simple really. It's hope, really, to believe that there is salvation for the most lost soul. Keeps the masses happy. Myself? I wasn't baptised or christened or anything like that. I'm interested in religion, particularly Christianity... the principles seem good, but I think some people take everything very literally, the immaculate conception and all that. There are metaphors abound in the bible.
  8. My full name is Russell Thomas. I don't think it's that weird, though, often, people find it hard to fathom that Russell is my first name and Thomas is my last name. On school registers because the names are set out like "Thomas, Russell" - even though the teachers know that - they call out "Tom Russell?" and my friends find it funny, because it has happened a lot. But, weird? I don't think it's weird. Not very common I suppose either, I only had one friend with the surname Thomas, and that was ages ago.
  9. [quote name='Siren]And even in light of those issues above...America has [i]still[/i'] made more progress in under 300 years than other nations have in 2,000 years.[/quote] America progressed along with other nations, along with Britain, mainly. America was our colony and therefore it started from where we were in our progression, it did not progress from scratch. I don't think America has more freedoms than Germany or Holland; or even Britain, for that matter. I think that there is a lot of negative freedom over there, as in any country (even then ballots mysteriously go missing...). True freedom is a matter that isn't really considered, to be honest: in any democracy, when would you think we are actually "free"? Because we are never free, the only time we are free is when we vote for the candidate we want in elections. That is our one day of freedom. As for the implications of what I said before, I apologise, I did not mean for them to have that effect. Of course, Iran is much more oppressive than America.
  10. [quote name='Siren']political freedoms..enjoy the same types of freedoms Americans possess.[/quote] Ha! Which Americans, the Native ones whom the American government exacted genocide on for four hundred years? Or the Afro-Americans who were slaves for hundreds of years before their life 'got better'? Or those Muslims who can now be arrested for pretty much nothing and detained in Guantanamo Bay? Oh, yes, [i]those[/i] freedoms!
  11. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]If you can't help the way you feel, God still expects you to obey him. It's a challenge you must face. And personally, I don't think abstinence is the biggest challenge. Even for heterosexuals. If a man has a burning passionate desire for a certain woman, he is still forbidden to touch her, unless he is married to her. It doesn't matter how he feels. He still has to obey God.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Exactly. Self control is key, not only in religion, but everywhere: Think, if we were to act on impulse all the time we would be ruined as a people. It is this quality to think and judge what would be better that makes us valuable as humans. We have an ability to supress our [i]Id[/i], the animalistic part of our brain, whereas animals do not. Are we animals?
  12. [quote name='Patronus']What is this world coming to?[/quote] Well, while I admit that this is a abhorrent crime against human life, there have been things like this happening for years - centuries even. Iran is a theocracy and therefore a lot their laws are from ([i]certain[/i]) verses in the Islamic holy book; I'm sure somewhere in there it says "Homosexuality Is Wrong" and if this is adopted as law, we cannot - especially as outsiders - interfere with how this country is run. If it keeps the country stable and keeps the people under control, then making examples of certain people, such as these boys, will continue, unfortunately.
  13. Break


    I think Audioslave have had quite a hard time with people saying "oh they're just like Rage with Soundgarden as vocals" so I commend them for being so [i]not[/i] like that. I admit, there are a few songs of theirs that have similar riffs to Rage songs, but the way they are going, it sounds as if they have made their own sound now; their second album moreso than the first. On their most recent tour Audioslave have started to play songs from each of the members old bands, I want to see them live now for sure! However, I really can't imagine Cornell rapping along to something like Killing In The Name, it'd almost be a joke I'd say!! Out Of Exile is a great album, really good stuff on there, the title track is my favourite, Cornell's lyrics are pretty easy to relate to on that - and others besides, like Dandelion and Doesn't Remind Me. The live version of Like A Stone is pretty cool too. I do miss Zack though. All I've heard since Rage broke was that March Of Death song he did with DJ Shadow, and there were rumours of him going solo, don't know if anyone could confirm it for me.. But as for Audioslave, I give a thumbs up.
  14. "He's a nice guy," says my sig, avi and username, "he doesn't have a masculine face and he likes AFI and he was looking at the keyboard when he thought of his username (Break is near scroll lock, pause, page up and home)."
  15. Solipsism is an egotistical way of looking at the world. [quote][size=1]If I throw a hammer at the back of someone's head, it will hit them, regardless of whether they perceived the flying hammer in the first place--ergo--it can't just be perception.[/size][/quote] What? Perception isn't just what you see with your eyes. It's what you touch, smell, see and hear. Of course touch is also a perception; if you threw a hammer at the head of a really drunk or stoned person, they would not feel it as much. Or if you threw it at a baby's head they would feel it a lot. Perception, despite what a lot of people say, is altered by what we physically and mentally possess. What we touch, smell, see and hear depends on our state of mind at the time and also our physical abilities, e.g. being able to see further (Australian aborigine), having a high pain threshold, being blind, having good hearing. So what you say is certainly not true. Everything in this world is a perception - as long as it can be picked up by at least one of our senses. Take for example a table. One half of a table has the light from a window across it, the other half is in shade. If one were to touch [i]only[/i] the bright side, one would say that the table is warm, however if one were to touch only the shaded side, one would say that the table is cold. Also, if from one angle one was to only see the bright side, you would say that the table is a light brown colour (also depending on whether you were wearing sunglasses or not the table would appear a different colour). Again, however, if seen from another angle so that one was only to see the shaded side the table would appear a darker brown. "Ergo" it can be, will be, was, had been and is merely a perception.
  16. The funniest thing I've ever seen is when my friend was hanging upside down from the top of a bunk bed dribbling and making a "blauugh" sound. Verry funnyy.
  17. [quote]So, in the end, shouldn't we all want Michael Jackson NOT guilty?[/quote] [size=1]No. I'd prefer it if he wasn't.[/size]
  18. Does it count if my cousin is autistic? It is crazy behaviour because he runs around or used to run around the house making weird noises and waving soft toys around. He was echolailic as well, which means if you ask him a question he will repeat part of it back to you, "Do you want dinner now?" the reply, "Dinner now." It's kinda sad cause my aunt sent him away and she just lives on the benefits she recieves from the government, which goes mostly to her own pleasures, only part pays for his boarding school fee (he's 18). She has a sports car now and my cousin is almost a commodity, a cash cow, for my aunt.
  19. [color=darkorchid]Jade Puget of AFI is pretty damn good on guitar. He writes all of his stuff and performs well live as well, so I hear. Anything past All Hallows by AFI features Jade, and he gets better with every album. He's amazing, anything from a ripping solo to a beautiful picked arpeggio of notes. Go Jade![/color]
  20. [color=darkorchid]Three songs? [b]Your Name Here, AFI[/b] - I guess because it is probably the first AFI song I listened to first, and is now probably my favourite song. The music is good and I can relate to the lyrics (though I'm not sure that's what Geoff had in mind when he wrote them). I feel like listening to it now. [b]This Time Imperfect, AFI[/b] - What a poweful song! This song, despite what mood I'm in, makes me go quiet and reclusive for its duration. The guitar is beautiful - **** it, the whole song is beautiful, vocals, lyrics, music. Everything about this song is great. It's good to listen to if I am not feeling great. [b]Freedom, Rage Against The Machine[/b] - Again, powerful. It's very energetic and well constructed. I was hard pressed to choose a RATM song, because I like nearly all of them. Basically, any RATM song with a funky beat, great tune and good vocals is good for me. Any of them really, lol.[/color]
  21. [color=darkorchid]Britain! Britain! Britain! It's not snowing. It probably won't snow 'till January sometime, at the moment it's just grey and overcast and quite windy. Not that cold out - cold enough for coats though, brrr. I like Britain, but because I've been travelling like everywhere, you tend to look at a country's bad points when you return from somewhere really cool, e.g. Samoa, Australia, Tonga, Malaysia, South Africa, Raratonga, Honduras, Denmark, Fiji... my parents like strange places. EDIT: Hahaha, I forgot to give details ^_^; I live in a town in the south east that's like.. a 25 minute train ride from London, called Hersham, which is part of a bigger town called Walton-on-Thames.[/color]
  22. [quote name='Zidargh']Take religion for example, there is no solid evidence that God exists, people only go by their beliefs, and to them, God really does exist. Therefore, how can you show them that this specific religion is a load of BS? Because you don't have any solid evidence to back your opinions either.[/quote] [color=darkorchid]Gotta love the coherence theory. I do that praying thing, even though I am not any religion in particular, though I am totally into the "what-goes-around-comes-around" theory.[/color]
  23. [color=darkorchid]Buy Galaxy hot chocolate. Add cointreau when it's made. Yeeaahhh..[/color]
  24. [quote name='wrist cutter][i']Right. And if anyone had proof, it wouldn't be a choice anymore. Again, it's like saying "I don't really wanna believe 2+2=4 today." But if 2+2=4 couldn't be proven, it would be up to the individual to believe. Why would they believe it in the first place? Somehow, 2+2=4 has gotta reveal itself to the individual.[/i][/quote] [color=darkorchid]It isn't at all like saying "I don't want to believe that 2+2=4" because I study philosophy and 2+2 definately does =4. Mathematics is. God is and is not. Oh and I'm agnostic, though I've prayed a few times before. I don't know why, nothing much came of it.[/color]
  25. [quote name='Zeta][i']If we aren't the patrolman who will be? The Romans were the patrolman in their times. THe British were the patrolman during their reign. Why should we be any different? We feel the need to help better civilization across the world. And when people decide to attack us for it is their own fault that something may happen to them. We don't like to see children starving on the street due to a civil war between the people and some rich idiots who want control of everything. We try to help others people. We try to bring order to the world so a small conflict doesn't explode and turn into World War III.[/i][/quote] [color=darkorchid]No one really needs to be the patrolman. Yes the Romans were, but compared to America's power now, they were a [i]much[/i] mightier force in their time. At least the Romans actually had an empire. Again, the British were so much more powerful than you. We had a huge empire, I can't remember the exact figures, but we owned something like half the world - if not that it was somewhere in the region of 40%. And by the way, we weren't patrolmen, we were just greedy for a big empire. You are being patrolmen. You don't like seeing children starving on the streets? Do you want to go help in Sudan then? "rich idiots who want control of everything." Be careful what you say and think about that statement. Do you know any rich idiots who want control of everything? *cough*America*cough* If there ever is a World War III, I'll know who to blame: America, for not trying hard enough to bring "order" to the world. Do something good or do nothing at all. Oh and the difference between America and the old British Empire and the Romans - there is a media around now and it is a very powerful force. You seem to get a lot of airtime on the news because of what you do around the world.[/color] [QUOTE=Boba Fett][i]Two words. Armenian Genocide.[/i][/QUOTE] [color=darkorchid]So true... the Ottoman Empire was not ideal at all, by the 1900s it was the weakest in the world too.[/color]
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