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Everything posted by Break
[QUOTE=Raid3r]How have we helped Japan? You must be blind. We gave them the opportunity to become mighty.[/QUOTE] [color=darkorchid]After you completely ****** them up, yes. I just think America should stop being the ******* patrolman of the world, it is annoying a lot of people. Why does it feel the need to do this? Because it has the world's resources, the world's finances, and the world's population under its control.[/color]
[quote name='ThatOneOddDude']And Linkin Park has some songs in this category. Theres One Step Closer and Faint.[/quote] [color=darkorchid]Just like any other LP songs - rap verse, chorus rock with singing. Gets tiresome.[/color]
[color=darkorchid]At the moment I'm thinking about when I'm gonna do all the assignments I was set over this two week school break. Other than that not much else really, a girl at work, the sandwich I just ate. I'm listening to Led Zeppelin so I'm not thinking of much at all, normally I'm quite reclusive but not when listening to music. My brain tends to fall asleep with music.[/color]
[color=purple]Oh in that case Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple are two of the older rock bands that I like quite a bit. I don't think you could class AFI as "proper" rock, don't think they are rock. Led Zeppelin because I like the weird country sound they have, some songs have really really good basslines. The vocals are great, the guitar is amazing at times and the drummer is really quite good as well. Deep Purple are just really good - guitar solos and drum solos.. they're great. AFI are like one of my favourite bands ever, though they went from whiny punk to really dark rock in the space of ten years (a change I am still undecided on whether I like or not, each style has its pros and cons). The guitar work on the latest album is nothing short of amazing, lyrics are quite deep and moving. Yeah, they're good all over.[/color]
[quote name='Zidargh']We used to have this Jet Li Friday Night thing on for months on Channel 5. The dubbing just made it hilarious. (Break enjoys my 'dubbing voice'.)[/quote] [color=purple]Ahh yes... those Jet Li films set in ancient China can be so funny. Your dubbing voice is great, very wise you should say that. *strokes beard*[/color] [QUOTE][i]However, despite my gripes, I especially [i]loved[/i] some of the sets. Especially the set where Nameless fights Sky. That chess court was beautiful, plus, love rain, lol.[/i][/QUOTE] [color=purple]I also loved that, the rain had an amazing effect on the scene. However, I'd have to say that my favourite scene was either the fight between the two girls in all the red and yellow leaves. Autumn is great. Hmm, I liked the calligraphy scene too, quite powerful in the fact that the calligraphers are so strong willed that they are willing to die whilst practicing what they devote their life to.[/color] [QUOTE][i]I'm surprised nobody has complimented the film in how the colours represented the different emotional perspectives of the film. Grey - Calm; Red - Anger + Lust; Green - Jealousy; White - The Greater Good; Blue - Sadness + Honour. Well, that's what I got from the film anyway.[/i][/QUOTE] [color=purple]I love colours and their meanings, I guess that's why I liked the film quite a lot. I did unfortunately go into the cinema expecting a film with lots of fast and furious fights, typical of Jet Li, so the slowness of the film did hinder my liking of it slightly.[/color]
[color=purple]Define "proper rock band" [/color]
[color=purple]I've been here since 2001, back when I was 13. Though I think I was on the older version of OB a couple of years before that. I'm 16 now and I haven't posted here for around a year. I think I am in the same boat as Mr Lalaith Ril, losing interest I guess. [/color]
Most painful ([physically painful) experiance ever
Break replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=purple]Well, I guess it would have to be the time when my mother brought the wrong kind of contact lense fluid for my contact lenses (you [i]absolutely had[/i] to let them soak for 6 hours or more - something like that). But, being that I have always used 'normal' contact lense fluid, I let my contacts soak for like... an hour or so. Then I put them back in. Oh the agony was almost unbearable, I almost fell to the floor, screaming and shouting, because my eyes were burning so much. I struggled to take them out and put them in the container whilst my eyes streamed and turned badly bloodshot. I went and stuck my head in a sink of tap water for a bit, then I was okay-ish, but my eyes still stung from the remanents of fluid left in them. I could not wear contacts for a few days after that. Never again will I make that mistake. =\[/color] -
[color=purple]I think you're both addressing homosexuality completely the wrong way. It's not a case of benefiting society or harming society - I could say someone of any sexual preference does any of these things, simply on their behaviour, e.g. a murderer who is homosexual or a really successful business man who commits incest. You should not argue a case for or against homosexuality based on what homosexuals do for society, then I could say "Oooh I know a heterosexual - perfectly nice guy and all - who has not got a job, he is doing nothing for society." It doesn't work like that. If people were sorted based on what they did for society, there would be a very few number of 'good' people. However things like incest [i]do[/i] harm society because offspring as a result of incest can be physically and mentally quite weak (all families' genes stay with the children, undesirable recessive alelles linger). So, homosexuals do not harm society - in fact homosexuals do not harm [i]anyone[/i], unless you are biggoted in your views. As long as something does not affect me, even in the slightest way, then I can tolerate it very readily. There's a gay guy at college, I talk to him just as much as I did before I knew he was gay. He's a nice guy, and the fact that he is gay does not move me in the slightest. Perhaps if everyone was like this society would not be harmed by conflict [i]between[/i] homosexuals and heterosexuals. Yes, that's right. Homosexuals do not directly harm society, no not at all. But the tension that it creates among the... intolerant among us [i]does[/i] harm society. Perhaps this is what your argument is missing.[/color]
[color=purple]When you put it that way, I can see how it is the worst experience in your life. I could neve do that, my conscience eats me for the smallest of things, e.g. just being late somewhere and people getting annoyed at me for it. Yeah. Jokes are okay though. :)[/color]
[color=purple]Um... since when was homosexuality genetic?[/color]
What would you classify your clothing style as?
Break replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=purple]I wear real baggy and sagged blue jeans.. one pair (my favourite) are Dickies. T-shirts I wear.. hmmm.. I like them to be tight, but not so tight that it's unconfortable - tight so that it actually fits my shape. Sometimes I wear long sleeve tees with the sleeves rolled up. I like sometimes to wear a white shirt under a black t-shirt, I love how it looks. I have really messed up dull blue Animal shoes. I have a wide selection of scarves especially for winter - a black one, a bright red one, a black/white/blue/red tartan one and a really long red/orange/dark red stripy one. I wear a sweatband on my wrist along with some leather cord thing; on the other wrist i got black stylish watch, black & white beads, a small chain and some funky black bracelet with a silver thing on it. My hair is brown but with blonde tips at the fringe (it's all grown out nearly :(). I guess you could call it a devilock, but it isn't. the fringe is about three times longer (also comes over my eyes, but it's swept out of the way) than the rest of my hair, which is about two inches long. I also wear a khaki green South Korean army jacket - surplus I think - that I picked up somewhere. I like it. I also wear a brown belt with a gold-ish buckle and a green, silver buckled airplane-seatbelt-style belt. I don't know what I am. [/color] -
[quote name='Chaos']What? You thought that mindless cursing was just for fun?[/quote] [size=1]I mean what you did was sick. To each their own, I suppose. I apologise for the misunderstanding. Is that really your worst experience ever?[/size]
[size=1]That is actually sick, Chaos. I have yet to come by a worst experience, let's hope it never happens.[/size]
[size=1]I could assure you it costs more to accomodate a murderer in prison for 35 years than it does to shoot them in the head weeks after the trial.[/size]
[size=1]To be honest I'd rather not live in either. Firstly because a democracy is never satisfying - you can never make [i]everyone[/i] happy when leaders are chosen by the people. Plato argues that the people know nothing about running a country, so why should they be allowed to choose who does? Democracies are also full of corruption: money, sex,friends, enemies... all of these would infulence a leader chosen by the electorate. Plato instead puts forward the idea of a nation-state ruled by man who knows [i]how[/i] to lead and who knows not what the people want, but what the people [i]need[/i]. As for communism? No thank you. The ideals of communism can be attractive at first, but when you see how communist countries have turned out, they seem to get uglier. Again, the governments in these are also corrupted, not participating in money sharing and often very tyrannical, for example it is extremely difficult for Cuban citizens to leave Cuba for vacation or anything like that - Mr. Castro is afraid they will not come back. There are lots of other examples, I'm sure, but this one is quite stupid. So, to conclude, "Athenian" Democracy doesn't work and there can never be a "True" Communist nation. Both are corrupted hypocrises.[/size]
[size=1]Is anyone going to comment on how long it takes for the sentence to be carried out? In that article it said that the last person executed had been executed 22 years after their crime. Why let them live that long? I say get rid of them straight away; America should take a leaf out of Thailand's book, regarding capital punishment. But yeah. Good he's finally got it coming.[/size]
[size=1][color=#CC0000]Murisai made himself comfortable on the bench, propped his sword up against the wall and took a small sip of the beer. He put his glass neatly on the table and licked his lips before he looked up at Van, taking a deep breath. "The job..." he started, "... is good. But our enemy seems to be deploying rather unfair and cowardly tactics to crush us, The Turks. SENTINEL uses modern machinary, and they by all means have the right to, but I don't believe it is the right way to fight. These weaklings should fight their own battles, and should not use robots with.. guns." Murisai took another sip of his beer. Van nodded, "Yeah, I know what you mean. But you can't go on thinking like that forever can you, surely anything they launch at us will have to be dealt with one way or another?" "I'm afraid you may be wrong there. The more machines and robots they use against us, the more we have to fight. Soon, they will have state of the art killing-machines at their disposal to do whatever they want with." Murisai sighed and took another sip from the beer glass. "Maybe I'm just too decadant, there probably is a way to get rid of all this [i]gun[/i]-technology." The conversation paused and all around the air grew stagnant, Murisai was used to this. He simply took to his usual behaviour of sitting, staring into nothing. Van took this in and decided the Murisai really wasn't one for conversations so he decided to ask him another question. "What do you have against technology and guns anyway?" Murisai stirred and looked up, "Don't take it personally or anything, if it's that bad you don't have to answer." Murisai thought about this and decided that his past was better out in the open than locked away inside. "I was ten years old and living in Wutai.." He started, unphased by his own emotions, "I heard a commotion come from the village when I was training in the mountains. When I came down, I saw two men dressed in light blue firing machine guns into my house. I concealed myself behind a rock until they were gone, then went to check on my parents. They.. were both dead. I took my father's sword, blessed them both and ran from Wutai." Telling this to someone made him feel worse, he picked up the beer glass as soon as he had finished and downed the rest, waiting for the look on Van's face to go and his reply.[/size][/color]
[size=2][color=#CC0000]The area around Sector 5 was worse than Murisai had expected, everything was junk. The houses were bits of metal wound together with things as primitive as rope strung through holes, he pitied and hated all who lived here. A regal soul like his was not accustomed to poverty and certainly did not readily accept it. Indeed, as he strode through the dirt-streets of the slums, people stared at him with hating eyes and thin, gaunt faces. Yes, Murisai agreed that his out-of-work clothes were bound to attract attention, but to look at him like that meant that there'd be trouble. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a dim glimmer that could only come from a dagger. By instict, he lead this would-be stalker down an alley, ready for a fight, but nothing could have prepared him for what happened next. When he turned to face the thug, his eyes met with eight thugs, dressed in nothing but rags; their faces blackened by soot and dirt. Their leader, Murisai assumed, was the spikey haired one with a faded red headband, who stepped forward with a smug look on his face and a mad glare in his eyes. Murisai already knew this type and knew also how to deal with them. His slim fingers wrapped around the hilt of his blade and he let them hang loosely around it, so that he wouild be ready to flick it out at any point during this confrontation. "Hello there my friend," the thug whined, he had an accent that sounded as if he was from the Costa de Sol, "I'm sure you know the drill by now, eh?" His cohort seemed to think Murisai didn't know 'the drill' becausing already their disgusting faces cracked into ugly-looking grins, and they had brandished an arsenal of street weapons: clubs; lock-knives; batons and the leader took a cutlass from his belt that looked about a million years old. Murisai breathed out through his nose in amusement. "Is something funny?" asked the leader in the same, annoying voice. Murisai wondered if he would let him answer, and judging by the silence, apart from the carthartic breathing of some old man in the alley behind them, the thug would let him answer. Murisai took the short silence to think up a response that would annoy them the most. A malevolent, but at the same time patronising grin shot across his face and he uttered one word that would make the thugs go insane: "Yes." "What did you say?!" Said the leader, in between roars and growls from the rest of the gang. Apparently they had never experienced this much resistance during a mugging, Murisai was going to make it hell for them. He was already thinking of ways he would deal with this band of theives. "I said..." began Murisai, "... that I do find something amusing, quite so." He smirked again. "But I warn you, I will not stand here and let you beat me incessantly. I will fight back." The smirk broadened as he made a wide gesture with a sweeping hand. "Boys!" The banded leader screamed, "We can't let this ******* upper-class **** back talk us! Now let's beat the **** out of this ******* *****!" With a roar, the brawniest of the gang thundered towards Murisai, flailing a club around his head. Murisai stood with his eyes closed and breathed in deeply.. when he opened them again he saw everything blurred in a mass of slow moving objects. The one traipsing towards him had a club, whom he sidestepped easily and, with a placid face, jumped and kicked hard in the back of the head. A whale-call from behind made Murisai spin around quickly and he saw a faster blur run at him, this time he tripped it and it fell blundering into a the wall. Suddenly everything sped up and a stinging pain singed the back of his head, he put a hand up on the pain to feel for anything, and it was wet. He knew what this was straight away, he grimaced at the pain for a second, smiled and turned to meet his assailant face to face. One of the thugs, with a club stood there sniggering at him with a grotesque face. "That was the worst mistake you could ever have made. Attacking someone with their back turned doesn't go down well in my books." The thugs laughed heartily, "What are you gonna do ninja-boy? Make us write lines? Hahaha!" "No.. I was thinking of something much worse.." In a flash his blade, Takendaro, had the thug's forehead impaled upon it. Sensing an immediate reaction behind him he withdrew the blade, spun round and sliced the next thug's stomach, who fell on the floor, desperately trying to hold his organs in before Murisai delivered a swift kick to the man's face, shattering his skull. Six remained, and now consumed with anger were easier to beat.. the next charged at Murisai with a knife and attempted a few stabs before Murisai removed his hand with a downward swipe and whilst he screamed the blade cut through the spinal sinew on his neck. His head fell onto the ground with a thud, followed by his limp body which crumpled into an uncomfortable looking position against the wall. With a single upward slash, he cut across the chest and neck of the next two and they both reeled back, dead before they hit the floor. The last two thugs, not including their leader tried to run but Murisai took out his Miribana and shot a single electrically charged ball at them which exploded on impact with them, sending white bolts into the air. The leader now whimpered, he held his decaying blade up like a feeble old man. "You know.. there is a thin line between bravery and stupidity. You, my friend, are the latter. Let's hope you have better luck in your next life." Murisai looked upon his enemy with amusement and advanced with the bent calm of a madman. He brought the blade down vertically, but the leader blocked it somehow with his own sword, Murisai could feel the terrified shaking from the leader's own arm. Murisai's blade now started to glow, and the deadlock between both their weapons began to favour Murisai as his white hot blade began to slice through the leader's own blade with ease. Slowly, the blade pushed closer to the attacker's face. "I'll make it slow.. you'll get what you deserve, don't fret my friend." The cut half of the thug's blade fell and hit the floor with an echoing metallic ring. Murisai gently lead his sword into his opponent's skull, and he screamed with all the air he had left, the flesh and brain stank as it was burned by the sheer heat of the Fire spell. "How many times have you been in this situation? Many I would think, but I don't think you've ever been on the recieving end have you?" Said Murisai, wearing now an expression of disgust on his face, directed at his pitiful opponent. The screaming ceased, no one had come to his aid, no one had poked a curious head round the corner of the alley to see what was going on; that was everyday life in the slums of Midgar. Murisai's blade stopped glowing and he withdrew it quickly, flicking some blood and brain from the sword so that it would not be so dirty. He sheathed it again, spat on the ground and began to walk out, before a loud, muscous-filled cough interrupted him. The old man that had been sitting in the corner the whole time, hidden, smiled at Murisai. "There should be more people like you, son.. but they should be able to do a job cleanly." Murisai looked at the mutilated corpses that littered the already filthy alley and shook his head at his own carelessness. "I let.. my feelings get the best of me. Apologies for the mess." With that, Murisai, bowed gracefully as if there was applause and walked out of the alley.[/size][/color]
[size=2][color=#CC0000]Murisai's eyes began to blur as he took long strides into unknown darkness, straining his eyes and ears, hearing with each step the squelch of some foul-smelling puddle, or the click of his metal shoe-heel against rusted grating. He walked gingerly behind everyone else and had somehow against all odds had managed to keep Reno's voice and snide comments to the female, Elena, blocked out. The only things he could see clearly was his sheathed sword and his elaborately detailed gold and black mercanary helm, topped with fiery red and white feathers that was strapped to the side of his belt. He touched the hilt of Takendaro-Hokoshi and a surge of warmth jumped into his fingers and engulfed his hand in a feeling that only one of Murisai's most treasured possesions could bring. He felt power and longed for combat, presently he sighed loudly, but no one seemed to notice. Murisai probably didn't hear them notice. With his head bowed, he walked running his right hand over the side of the large pipe-tunnel the five of them were venturing through. He felt every contour, shoddy welding job, bolt, crack and rough area as it slipped past his elegantly long fingers. When there was suddenly a gap in the pipe's smooth contours, Murisai stopped and turned to wave a hand at this gap in technology. He walked down into the gap and came across a metal grate blocking his way, he clasped it with one hand and thought before slowly drawing Takendaro.. ... A roar of flames and a sharp scratch of metal-on-metal that erupted and echoed through the pipe recalled the other four Turks to Murisai. There he stood, a glowing white sword swallowed by flames in one hand and an empty sheath in the other. Behind him was what used to be a full grate, but with a square cut out of it perfectly, the edges still glowing gently red from the heat of the Fire spell that had possessed the blade of the Takendaro. The others seemed to acknowledge this gesture with gratitude, he recieved nods from all and smiles were seen in Murisai's flickering light.. a few muttered words beyond the capability of Murisai's self-limited hearing and everyone continued. He sheathed his best friend, sighed, and walked on.[/size][/color]
[color=#CC0000][size=2][b][u]Name[/b][/u] Murisai Iori Shokan [b][u]Age[/b][/u] 25 [b][u]Gender[/b][/u] Male [b][u]Sexuality[/b][/u] Heterosexual [b][u]Alliance[/b][/u] The Turks [b][u]Personality[/b][/u] Quiet, mysterious, antisocial are a few words to describe Murisai's personality. Around big crowds of people, he would be the guy standing away looking into nothing. It is often not deep thought, but just a blank stare that he has acquired over his years of hardship. In these situations, he feels the need to speak only when he is spoken to and feels no need to start conversations. However, when he is with people that he knows, he would be more talkative than usual and he may even crack a smile from time to time. When he fights he is fearsome and ruthless in his onslaught, but he still upholds chivalry when fighting because as he says, "if I decided I was going to fight unfairly, the opponent might as well kill himself right there and then", he enjoys the fun of a fair fight. But fighting is not his only strength, as he has excelled in logical thinking and can spot weaknesses in armies, enemies and everyday people. [b][u]Biography[/b][/u] He was born in the sleepy town of Wutai to a fairly wealthy family. He had no brothers or sisters, so he enjoyed a life of attention from his parents. When he was six, his father taught him how to use a sword, as this art had been passed down from father to son(s) in this family for many generations. Murisai quickly learned that he had great talent with a blade and his father suggested training against wild monsters at the mountains, and the network of caves in them behind their village. He trained in that place for another four years. He had little knowledge of battle techniques (his father only taught him the basics), and developed his own method of fighting, with many different special cuts and sneaky techniques. On the fourth year, when he was ten, he was up in the mountains training against monsters again when he heard a noise he'd never heard before coming from the town. Worried at what it might be, he rushed down to have a look. Two men dressed in blue were firing into his house with machine-guns. He decided to hide behind a large rock until they were gone. When they had gone he ran into his house, but to his horror his parents were lying on ground near the open door. Blood was splattered in little flecks on all four walls in the first room, his father's chest was a bloody ruin and his mother had a trickle of blood running from a neat hole in her forehead. His parents were dead. The only people he had ever liked were no longer there to take care of him. Leaving his own sword behind, he took his father's sword and a small pouch of Gil before he left Wutai forever. He spent two years wandering in that continent and met many monsters and travellers along the way. A few weeks after he left Wutai, he saw a man casting fire from no where onto a wild monster, which killed it instantly. This is where Murisai learned about materia and their uses in fights. Intrigued, Murisai bought three materia spells from him: Fire, Ice and Lightning. He thanked the man for this and continued on his journey around the continent. After another five years he came to Costa de Sol and met a firearms expert named Miribana, who asked if he was interested in buying his latest model. Murisai explained his situation and his hatred for all guns to the expert. Miribana tried to explain to him that if used correctly, the gun can be an "art" of sorts, "A master of the sword can only fight up close, but a master of the gun and the sword can be deadly from everywhere," is what he told Murisai. He asked to see Miribana's new model and fell in love at first sight. It wasn't a cold, square of metal that shot hundereds of bullets per minute, rather an long antique-looking, wooden flintlock pistol with ornate metalwork on the handle. It fired small metal spheres that could absorb mako energy from materia. After a demonstration with Ice-spell materia, which resulted in a fairly large area of the beach being frozen for a few minutes, Murisai was sold. He bought the gun and a lot of Makosorbing Ammunition with his last remaining Gil. He settled down in Costa de Sol for several years, making a living as a small time mercenary/assasin. A large company known as Shin-Ra soon caught wind of Murisai's escapades in battles and sent an official over to talk to him. After days of persuading and arguing, the official convinced him that he was perfect for the job. Murisai stepped down and took a job up in a small Shin-Ra subdivision called the Turks. At this time he was twenty three, and the following year the Shin-Ra building was destroyed and Rufus, the president of the Shin-Ra company was killed in the blast. Unfortunately, Murisai did not get to join until that year as a band of troublemaking freedom fighters calling themselves AVALANCHE had travelled on a boat from Junon to Costa de Sol. He was not allowed to travel to Junon because Shin-Ra were worried that AVALANCHE would travel back to the Midgar area. All boats were stopped until the freedom fighters disbanded and Murisai travelled with his old mercenary armour to Midgar and joined a new and improved Turks group, no longer under Shin-Ra's control. But now a new group called SENTINEL is threatening the existence of the Turks once more. [b][u]Weapons[/b][/u] [b]Takendaro-Hokoshi (see sword in attachments)[/b] This is an expertly crafted weapon, the cutting edge has a severity of sharpness that is monomolecular. Despite the seeming weakness in such a thin edge, it is very strong and has been known to cut two or three feet into rock. It has two slots available for materia so that Murisai can cast spells or incorporate the materia's magic into his blade when he attacks. [u]Materia equipped[/u] - Fire [b]Miribana Flintlock (see pistol in attachments):[/b] Although Murisai dislikes most firearms, he carries around a flintlock-pistol for long-range fighting. However, this is no ordinary flintlock, as it also has two materia slots. When fired, the materia in the slots lends its elemental energy to the ball inside the barrel, creating a devastating shot. [u]Materia equipped[/u] - Lightning, Ice [b][u]Apperance[/b][/u] [b][URL=http://dwpics1.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/zhoutai.jpg]Murisai Iori Shokan[/URL] [/b] Like that, I guess.. maybe without the cloak. He keeps the Miribana Flintlock in his belt along with a pouch of ammunition, but carries his sheathed sword around all the time. [/size][/color]
[size=2][color=#CC0000]The dude who the German cannibal ate wasn't sane at all. He had something wrong with his brain, a psychological disorder *shrugs* In any case, he wasn't in his right state of mind so don't blame him. Secondly, he wasn't "slaughtered" he died from loss of blood three hours after they [i]both[/i] ate his penis and the cannibal cut him up after he was dead and put his flesh in the freezer. He also had a load of other people come over for him to eat (meeting over the internet). One guy wanted to be wrapped in cellophane, hung on a meat hook and slaughtered like a pig. When he got to the cannibal's house, he decided that he wasn't up for it so they just "fooled around and ate pizza." He turned down this other guy because his idea (I forget what) of being eaten was "too weird" for the cannibal, and another man was turned down by the cannibal because he was too fat and so they apparently went to go see a movie (Ocean's 11 I think he said). I'm not making this up. People like this aren't sane, there's no use arguing about it at all. They're not normal, not everyone is, so everyone else might have to start accepting that there are people like that living in our cities everyday. [/size][/color]
[size=2][color=#CC0000]The Water Temple? I didn't find that hard at all, nor was I stuck for a week. Over a period of two days, I beat it.. and it's not like I spent ages on each of those two days. Could have been three though... In OoT I didn't like the Fire Temple at all, it was super super annoying how I just didn't know where the hell I was going at any point in that temple.. not that it was hard or anything, it just pissed the hell out of me. But I guess I had to beat it to get onto the next Temple, so I reuluctantly beat it. Parts of the Shadow Temple were annoying.. I hated killing those Floormasters that you could only see with the Lens of Truth or whatever. Grrr. I'm not onto the Spirit Temple yet.. the ghost is pissing me off. ¬¬ [/size][/color]
[size=2][color=#CC0000]I enjoy listening to rock, punk rock, pop-punk, some harder rock and ska. Music is a big part of my life, without music I would be but a shadow of what I am now. I'm tending not to listen to my Slipknot or Korn CDs.. I think I've outgrown them somehow. Anyway, yeah.. my music seems to change as frequently as the seasons (which also change my moods). In the summer I'd listen to a lot of pop-punk (NFG, Blink, etc.) and towards autumn the music would get heavier, so I'd be listening to rock here. Winter is the same and spring.. well spring is just silly so, any music goes here. Generally I will listen to any music from the above catagories, but I like to listen to certain types when I'm in certain moods as well. Sometimes I can't be bothered to go swap a Reel Big Fish CD in my player for a SOAD one if my mood changes. lol[/size][/color]
[size=2][color=#CC0000][font=arial]My favourite animation style fluid, like you'd find in most action scenes of Gundam Wing. I don't really know how else to describe it, Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star seem to use it as well and I like it a lot. I guess it's just the way each movement flows perfectly into the next.. must take ages to make.. But, at the same time, I also like the animation in Dragonball. Even though it is so old, I still find it appealing despite the grainy-ness or occasional slowness of it. [/size][/color][/font]