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Everything posted by Break
[size=1][color=CC0000]Chris, you'll be fine. People still talk to you at school and outside, not like they're completely rejecting you. I think they think you're a bit weird when you act weird and roll around the floor and stuff.. I don't know. I guess you just have to 'let go', because without change, you will not grow up at all. Change is important for life, as much as I ******* hate it, lol. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Just had a weird deja vu... o_o;; Anyway. oO I live in South East England, to the south west of London in a county called Surrey. It's apparently the richest in the UK, but I am doubting it.. all of the pikeys and dicks we get around my area is quite astounding. Where I live (a town called Hersham), it takes 20-25 minutes to get to Waterloo Station (London), so I'm pretty close. London's cool.. the Underground is so cool, it's an excellent mode of transport. You can pay about £3.00 (about $6-7.50) for a travelcard which lasts all day and it's valid on all of the trains. ^_^ I don't really like England though. I go travelling around the world so much, that I realise there are so many places that are way better than England (Sydney and Perth in Australia for example) could ever be. I'll get out of the country one day.. :p[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I don't so much regret, I kinda beat myself up inside for things I've done that were very very stupid. *sighs*[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Isn't their newest song called From The Inside? oO[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC00000]Christmas! *looks for Santa smilie* awww.. Hmm... well I want a latex practice sword (a Sabre! Woo!) first off. Then I can take it outside without being killed or something Oo.. Umm.. I would like also maybe F-Zero X, and some other games that come out. I would also appreciate any money given to me to save up for a $699 bass guitar very much. Few CDs, maybe some AFI ones.. NFG and BFS... yeah. That's about it.. PS. I don't know anywhere for cheap Digi-cams Shinobeh, sorry :([/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Murder.. hmm.. I'm against it. I don't like the thought of people running around killing people; and enjoying it. Although I can imagine doing it myself, I never ever would. My conscience is [i]way[/i] too powerful, and even little regrets haunt me a lot of the time.. yup. I can imagine making a thriller/horror movie, based on my imagination. I am quite certain that everyone else here could as well. And murderers I know? Only Ed Gein, Jack the Ripper and, umm... no one else. I'm kinda deprived in murderer-knowledge, and I'm glad; I'd scare myself silly if I researched into it anymore lol.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Humans are not monsters. Humans [i]can[/i] be monsters if put in the right situation with the correct mental stability. Humans only get their bad name from insane dictators like Stalin, Hitler and Saddam. Not much else to say really, 'cept, humans are not monsters.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Nice idea ^^ [b][u]Metastasis Flux[/b][/u] [i]There's a snap of biting frost today And a freezing clear blue sky A gentle mist hangs over the field Whilst a sigh of wind blows by Trees once covered in green susurrate As summer begins to die The leaves are a fire of orange And the birds of fall now cry Heaps of dead litter the gelid ground Heaps of brown decaying leaves Their glory is over and so is mine This is the season that grieves The transition across was deadly It's the loss of nature's life A gale scatters the last few dead As the cold becomes most rife[/i] It didn't take me that long, so some of the rhymes may seem forced ^^;;;[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Kieko, don't double post. [b][u]Aquis Nefandus[/u][/b] [i]A look into a mirror reveals what I have truly become. I gaze from sallow holes in my face, shadowed with time and wonder why I am like this. A stroll through the forest. Another trail taken. Outside says "right", but inside I am undecided. Perhaps the crystalline web will answer if I call out. It dances with a million tiny flames, identical from afar. A venture close and a focus into the dim, dancing light reveals, it reveals each are different, dancing to a melody that the forest is not. Golden light pierces the canopy and rushes into my face, surging with energy. How will this be transferred? How will it ever help my struggle? Carelessly I would get entangled in the web, tiny flames pinching at my skin, despite my efforts to cease it. Then I'd stumble into a clearing, a crystal clear lake. In the freezing void there is nothing but aching eyes, hurting arms and trails of green that try to ensare my bleeding legs. Thorny branches open up old memories which reveal, they reveal that I was once ablaze with life. But with smoke trailing, it is clear to see that I have been extinguished once again.[/i] Another surreal weirdy thing from Weh. [/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]You know what's embarrassing? The fact that this has more posts than any other music thread I've ever made. Well not embarrassing as much as it is slightly disappointing lol [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=CC0000]Yeah. Poor AFI, MM and NIN. *bows head* I normally listen to punk, rock and some harder stuff, so liking a dance track by DJ Sammy called Sunrise is out of the ordinary for me. I don't so much like the music or beat of it, but the girl's voice in this song is.. heavenly? Yeah that's the word. I also like other dance songs, by Kosheen; mostly Suicide and Hungry. I love the singer's voice, and the really fast beat in Suicide is soooo cool. I'm not so much embarrased of liking the Kosheen songs, none of my friends IRL have ever heard of them so it's fine, lol.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]How many times do I need to merge threads? You are blind. Can't you [i]see[/i] the topic on FFVII: AV? It's quite recent so you should have posted in that but.. nooo.. you have to be all n00b special. -.-;; *merges*[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]It's alright. Try to make the rhyming flow more, I found that most lines of your poem do not flow into the next, like they should. If you keep trying, you will probably get what I mean soon. Good effort. ^^[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I write best and night/early morning when I'm bored and feeling sorry for myself. -.-; Everytime I concentrate when writing a poem or story it comes out forced and crap-sounding..[/size][/color]
What would you do if life had an "undo" button?
Break replied to Kieko's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=CC0000]I agree with Semjaza, although I don't believe in Fate, everything does eventually have a reason for it happening, even if it isn't clear at first. I would only change a few trivial things, stupid things that I did and I dwell on and regret them a lot now. I hate regret. Nothing REALLY major has happened in my life to affect me a lot, but if it did I wouldn't use an Undo button. I'd rather just be stoic and take everything as it comes than try to change everything, but I really feel that I should try to alter fate sometimes..[/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=CC0000][QUOTE][i]Originally said by you[/i] [b]...won't change the world, our world...[/b][/QUOTE] Well there you did say it. With your last post, you are condradicting your first post, or just forgetting to mention things in your first.. Again, I just can't see the excitement. Sure, it'll be exciting for every person in China hopefully, if they're not in very decadent families. The only good or convenience that comes out of this is for China and whoever chooses to become it's ally(ies) after this event. I can see China being either the head of a huge war, or one being attacked by loads of countries in the future. I can imagine that the inevitable will be a war, everything in the world ends in conflict, peace can only be obtained by picking up the broken pieces afterwards. If only they could learn to do it beforehand.... maybe China, in the limelight, will be an adept at peace-talking. Wouldn't that be nice?[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]How can China change our world just by sending the 3rd guy into space? I will tell you now that it won't change it. Things will still be bad, terrorists will still terrorize each other, prisoners will still be held against their will in foreign countries and governments will continue to try to "spread peace" around the world. All this launch will do is make the world either worse or exactly the same, with the internationalisation of everything becoming ever imminent. But whatever..[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I want sleep. Everyone wants sleep. Homework stops me from sleeping. Damn.. school curriculum.. *fights to keep eyes open to do homework and post*[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I was just bored last week so I decided to just write this poem. It doesn't have lines, but I guess I can still call it a poem anyway. Tell me if it's okay ^^ [i]Wasting a day creating my own gales by waving a hand in the air. Watching the sunlight glint over the surfaces of the tears left by yesterday's storm. A perfect day to forget about last night. A perfect time to relax against a tired stone and watch the sea above blocked out by withered trees, naked and thin. Every gentle breeze is another step towards happiness as the day comes to an end with one final change to darkness. I watched the stars slowly crawl from blankets and blink with tiredness. As I stand up the whole world whirls around me and I find myself again. Muffled voices cry out and confused footsteps flitter past. My feet walk, weighted and broken towards the moon and I'll find my soul here; later I'll find myself again at daybreak. The birds break a silence with a song filled with sorrow that I have heard before. Another day. Another space of time filled with sunlight spilling from the blue cover above. Another day where the warmth takes me in its arms and gently puts me back next to the rock. A day when again my eyes will close to the sound of a distant soul. Another day when I?ll hope the distant one finds the place where I rest.. Another like me.[/i][/size][/color]
Has anyone ever done something they thought was impossible?
Break replied to AuroraDragon's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=CC0000]Impossible... hmm.. *thinks*... Oh! This year on my summer vacation I was in Tonga, and one day I was just like, "okay I'm gonna go rock climbing as far as I can along the coast of the island." So.. I did. And it was all good and cheerful, and sunburny-back until there was this huge gap in the rocks. So I had to climb this rock face, making me even higher so that I could jump across this gap, about 6/7ft wide, and the footing wasn't exactly great. Below me was a load of sharp rocks and coral.. then I just blanked my mind and jumped. I was quite surprised and shaken that I made it and I landed on the otherside okay, but the rocks cut my toe open and killed my hands a lot. Good fun there. :)[/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=CC0000]School should [i]definately[/i] start later in the day. Right now it's 1:33am, and I'm gonna do some more of my Graphic Design project in a sec. Last week, I was up until 5am one night doing it and got 1 and a half hours sleep. Good one school. So they could either let us stay at home more, or give us less homework, lol. Either way, it'd give me a chance to get some more sleep... 'cause I look a like a wreck :sleep:[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Lol, I thought it was pretty cool. It was hilarious, gory, and jumpy all at the same time without ruining it. And it's good too, because normally when I go see a film like that I'm scared for weeks afterwards, but with Cabin Fever I haven't been. I give it 7/10 ^_^ Oh and Grant, Burt was the guy that got his [spoiler]head blown off with a ******* shotgun[/spoiler] lol. :p[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Well, actually it's not a sequal as a game, but as a movie, if you read the rest of the topic, noodle. Anyway, it looks totally awesome. The CG is very very life like, reminds me of the cutscenes in FFX, but the motions are even better. Can't wait for more info. ^__^[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Thanks ^^; Yeah I thought the text looked a bit silly too after I'd done it, but eh. It looks okay lol Next one! [img]http://www.angelfire.com/mech/saddened36/images/spillfdark.gif[/img] And now this one...[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]Well, I haven't posted in a long time, and I've kinda stopped making banners, lol. I just like to mess around with effects and stuff, and they usually turn out looking pretty rad. I'll post my newest one first, and then post some more later when some people have posted. Well here it is..[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=CC0000]I do not agree with this. It's not anyone's fault but the little kids, surely they are aware of paedophiles and other weirdos that go in chatrooms. Isn't it expected of you to [i]not[/i] give out your phone number or anything. It's their fault for saying "here's my phone number", which translated would mean something like, "come and kidnap me". It's really stupid of them, and I personally think that they should be restricted from the internet, not everyone else..[/size][/color]