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The Drizzle

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Everything posted by The Drizzle

  1. [COLOR=DarkGreen]woo! someone actually responded! alright i have a couple banners in the works for temari...but i just need a quote.. then i can give you the banner and avi and everyone can be happy, yay!.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkGreen]yeah im with these last people, i have way to much crap to list right here. mostly i just get cds from my friends/family and put them on the comp. i wish i had and iPOD...then i would be cool...right? well right now ive been listening to: Avenged Sevenfold: Waking the Fallen Death Cab For Cutie: Translantacism?(i really dont know how to spell it) Alkaline Trio: Good Mourning A TON of the Clash(you can never have enough) Children of Bodom Queen-Pre-Ordained[/COLOR]
  3. The Drizzle


    [COLOR=DarkGreen]i dont mean to get off topic but i wouldnt classify coheed and cambira as emo. they write about sci-fi geeky stuff. their lyrics are one big story with planets and different races like the plot to a sci-fi movie. they dont exactly write about emotions and stuff, they just have that sound i guess. alright well you can go back to the argument at hand now.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yeah so i was thinking to myself one fine day while listening to Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd "hey this is an album that should be in everyones music collection, its a pure classic and is really great and awesome and rockin." that got me to thinking, "what are some other essential albums that absolutely NO-ONE should be without?" so i compilied a list of albums(dont worry, its not that many...yet) that, yes, absolutely no-one should be without. enjoy! Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon [IMG]http://images.ciao.com/iit/images/products/normal/029/product-38029.gif[/IMG] Ok, no-brainer. There is a reason why this is the greastest selling album of all time. This band was one of the most influencial bands ever, and this is them at their finest. Unlike in later albums, Roger Waters didnt take the role of control freak and let everyone contribute, and the results are stellar. David Gilmour pours some of his musical genious in here, with some of the most influencial riffs in rock(money, brain damage) There is an amazing vocal solo by Claire Torry in "Great Gig in the Sky". Its just amazing. Plain and simple. Radiohead-O.K. Computer [IMG]http://musica.hispavista.com/imagenes/1908b.jpg[/IMG] I LOVE this album. It was compared a lot to Pink Floyd when it came out, and rightfully so. i dont care what anyone says, i love Thom Yorkes voice. Every song brings up different emotions when i listen to it. A conceptual album about the way machines dehumanize people that's almost entirely un-electronic, it takes a few listens, but its really worth it. It isnt catchy or doesnt really have any singles(paraniod android, ya i know) but thats why its so great. It makes me love music. Guns N Roses-Appetite for Destruction [IMG]http://image.blog.livedoor.jp/rotterdam1122/bdb61715.jpg[/IMG] An album for the rockers everywhere. This was hailed by many as one of the greatest hard rock albums of all time. Now im not the biggest GnR fan, nor the biggest hard rock fan, but this album just takes you and kicks your ***. Every track just knocks you out with legendary riffs and solos. And to top it off, it has one of my favourite tracks of hard rock(sweet child of mine). Im sorry i planned on having at least a couple more but im getting to tired to do this right now(sleepings a *****, aint it?)...so ill try and finish later in the meantime i want to hear what you people think of this and give an album or two that you think is a classic and that absolutely no-one should be without aaaand, this is an absolute MUST: you have to explain yourself . i would love you all if you did it. oh, and one more rule NO and i mean NO: linkin park, evanescence, simple plan, good charlotte etc. I dont want your favorite bands CD just so you can glorify it, I want a CD that has influenced and inspired, that some people consider more than just an album. I understand that some people like those artists, but they arent what im looking for(i like linkin park to, well maybe hybrid theory, but it would have to be a damn good expination)[/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen]Im glad to see that, with a few exceptions, everyone doesnt like the super popular stuff like linkin park and evanescence like i thought everyone did. my music tastes are all over the place. Ive been called a metal head at times and people have said I listen to crap and people have said my music is wierd, Ive heard it all, or at least a lot of it. I pretty much like stuff dating back to the animals and beatles all the way to stuff today like the mars volta and Queens of the Stone Age and Nine Inch Nails. Im also really big on lyrics, as you will see in my fave bands. Hokai, so here are my favourite five bands, the first three are my absolute favorites. -The Clash -Pink Floyd -Elliott Smith -Children of Bodom -Porcupine Tree Here are some bands from all genres to give u a little sample of what a listen to. Ill try and list some of the more popular bands too cuz im not think im cool by listing some super unknown bands for people. Reel Big Rish, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The Specials, The Beat Mnemic, Lamb of God, Avenged Sevenfold, Unearth AC/DC(who doesnt like their music?)Led Zepp, Queen, Steve Miller Band, Yes Sex Pistols, Misfits, Green Day, Rancid, Alkaline Trio Beck, Soundgarden, Pixies, My Bloody Valentine, Scarling, Alice in Chains Jeff Buckley, Muse, Radiohead, Kaiser Cheifs, Secret Machines Thrice, Thrusday, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. RHCP, Rage, Interpol others that im forgetting right now...hey im tired, what do you expect?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=DarkGreen]yeah i dont like how its gotten...hmmm...more tame i guess. It still sounds heavy, but the singer doesnt scream. Thats ok though because the reason for that is that he broke a blood vessle or something because he didnt scream the right way. That was kinda funny in my eyes, well whatever. Is that what u meant by less authentic? ^ and besides any bands older stuff is always the better stuff. when they are new they do whatever they want. but when they get big the record company has to worry about making the band more appeasing to a larger demographic and thus they have to change their sound. plus the band has to worry about making as good as if not better music then their old stuff.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkGreen]apparently not... except me...my girlfriend just got me into them a little while ago, theyre her favorite band, and she knows i like metal so she thought id like that band. I only have "Waking the Fallen" but its pretty kick-***. I love that guitar solo at the end of Second Heartbeat. Hopefully ill get the other albums soon. Apparently the fan base is like a cult and im gonna be apart of it soon, hurrah![/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Ive seen nearly the entire anime series and I have to say it wasnt that bad. In response to Daggers post I havent seen much of Kenshin(only the first four manga books) but it seems different from Kyo. Kyo seems to be more mystical while Kenshin is more realistic. But I dont really know, cuz I havent seen that much Kenshin and there seems to be stuff that happens that wouldnt happen in real life. Something that bugged me and made me go crazy someitmes was the way they saved frames. Sometiems people would be talking but the mouths wouldn't move, you would hear sounds of sword fighting but just see a still image of Kyo or someone else with a sword then about five guys in the falling position with the dashy blue lines in the background, you know stuff like that. They must have been on a low budget or just lazy or something.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkGreen][QUOTE=yunasgrace]Also does ANYONE know what Fooly Cooly mean????? (also whats the deal with the eyebrows???)[/QUOTE] I always thought that it was a translation of the japanese title: Furi Curi (I dont know much beyond that though. Its probably one of those things where the writing has some meaning but it can be interpreted in many ways, you know, something like that). Well anyways, horray! A great anime indeed! When I first got it I thought that it would be dumb and funny cuz I heard that from people, but they had only seen a episode or two. I was also worried that it was 6 episodes long and how an anime could fit into 6 episodes. But my god, from the first episode I loved it!There is a lot more to the series than I thought there would be. I love the guitars being used as weapons. EYEBROWS!!![/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkGreen]^(Syk3) I'm sure they werent, but I don't remember most of the commercials so Im not really sure what you are talking about. On to more important matters, the new episode: as the same as the other two people, it was pretty freakin sweet. There was one thing though that I hope doesnt happen in the future. They used like every character that only appeared in like two episodes i.e. the evil monkey, the old perverted dude, the deaf greased guy, and others. As of yet that was my only complaint and Im sure it wont happen frequently. Did anyone else see [B]American Dad[/B]? I only saw like half of it but from what I saw I liked it. It is a very political cartoon and is very crude. And oh so hilarious. I also heard a promo for it on the radio and I dont know if it was in the episode, but it was one of the funniest things ever.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkGreen]^ yes, the anime is currently my fav as well. I really like the music for it to, especaily the openings for the 2nd season(season? hmmm im not sure what they are called) and the opening before the current one. The music during the show is amazing to. I love shikamaru's thinking music!!! And for anyone whos reading the manga now...[spoiler]Yay I finally got to see Gai fight! I'm also kind of surprised that Itachi came out to fight Naruto..well I guess not I'll just be REALLY suprised if Sasuke doesn't show up to fight his brother. Either Itachi beats them or escapes or Sasuke interferes the fight and ends up fighting Itachi. There NEEDS to be some type of fight between Sasuke and Itachi in the second story, otherwise the whole thing with Sasuke getting power from Orochimaru would be pointless. Well anyways, Gais team is totally gonna kick (hmmm...I forgot his hame for now...but he has the fuzzy sword!) that guys ***! and on that note I leave.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Well I havent seen many horror films as of yet but I might look into them in the future. I have seen most of the one's this past halloween when me and my friend decided to scare oursleves. Sufice to say I wasn't scared but I still had a good time(maybe cuz I was talking and being annoying most of the movie, but I don't do that anymore, only during my first couple films). I wasn't really scared by [B]Saw[/B], as a lot of people seem to be... Well anyways, there needs to be a new horror film that is actually good. These new ones arent even funny like the B horror movies, they just suck. Like [B]White Noise [/B] or [B]Darkness [/B] or [B]Bogeyman[/B] or [B]The Grudge[/B]... the list goes on and on. I just stopped caring about them. I really hated the audiences for these movies too, they were just laughing the whole time and being loud and obnoxious.*sigh* I guess Ill have to turn to the classics, I just wish I could be scared in a movie theater where its really big and loud.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Hello people of OB, I have money to waste and I noticed that I'm lacking in music DVDs, so I figured why not get more and be..uh...not...lacking in them. I know some good concert DVDs and such, but not many. I didnt know which ones to pick so I figured that the people at OB could help. I already have: Clash: West Way to the World AC/DC: Live At Donningtons My music tastes are: mostly everything rock, from the old to the new. I DON'T like emo and the 80s hair/glam metal (poison, twisted sister etc.) and I probably will get All That Could Have Been(Nine Inch Nails) and one by Queen, though I can't remember what it was called. Well anyways, thanks in advance, and I'm out like a fat kid in dodgeball![/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkGreen]ITS THE POSTAL SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!!! the song is called such great hieghts off of the CD Give Up.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Not really...sometimes you dont even know its them, and then you realize who it is and its pretty cool. I also seem to have more respect for some actors when they do anime for some reason. OH, and did anyone else recognize Vashs voice? Thats right, he's the black ranger from the Power Rangers(the one in the first movie)! idk when I first found that out I got way too excited, so I thought Id share that with you people.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yeah I agree with all of your comments...just like everyone else probably will. Notice how when you watch The Simpsons now there is always a guest star or two in it? Does anyone suspect that FOX is just scrounging around for ratings that the show doesn't deserve? Dont get me wrong, I love the Simpsons, its just a good thing has to come to an end sometime, and this should have died at least a year or two ago. Sure it still has some randomness and laughs, but it doens't feel like the Simpsons anymore. FOX, just let it go, you still have Family Guy, King of the Hill (even though Im not to fond of that show), and the recent American Dad, you don't need to keep the Simpsons anymore.[/COLOR]
  17. The Drizzle


    [COLOR=DarkGreen]I whole heartedly agree with you there x kakashi x, I am finding myself to like bands now with lyrics that you can really look into. I guess its because of a certain class Im taking right now where all we do is interpert things and look into the details, patterns, and meanings of a passage(Cap'n knows, Cap'n knows). I think its amazing on how many ways a song can be interpreted, and songs can literaly change people's lives, for good or bad. One artist I HAVE to mention is...(drum roll please) ELLIOTT SMITH!!! Oh lord I love this man! This is my favorite artist right now, and it's so sad that he took his own life a year or so ago. His songs have really deep and meaningful stuff, though a lot of it seems to be along the lines of drugs. Like in this song, he says a skinny santa brings him something, but his speech is overwhelming and slurred, much like peoples voices are when your'e on heroin. He also talkes about needles on the christmas tree to add to the imagery. And thats just three lines in one song! Anyways, Kings Crossing is currently my favorite song by Elliott right now. Also check out memory lane, that's also a good song lyrically and musically. Pink Floyd should also get an honorable mention because Roger Waters is a genious at writing clever lyrics and having deep meaning behind them. 7.king?s crossing the king's crossing was the main attraction dominoes are falling in a chain reaction the scraping subject ruled by fear told me whiskey works better than beer the judge is on vinyl, decisions are final and nobody gets a reprieve and every wave is tidal if you hang around you're going to get wet i can't prepare for death any more than i already have all you can do now is watch the shells the game looks easy that's why it sells frustrated fireworks inside your head are going to stand and deliver talk instead the method acting that pays my bills keeps the fat man feeding in beverly hills i got a heavy metal mouth that hurls obscenity and i get my check from the trash treasury because i took my own insides out it don't matter cause i have no sex life all i want to do now is inject my ex wife i've seen the movie and i know what happens it's christmas time and the needles on the tree a skinny santa is bringing something to me his voice is overwhelming but his speech is slurred and i only understand every other word open your parachute and grab your gun falling down like an omen, a setting sun read the part and we turn out fine it's a hell of a role if you can keep it alive but i don't care if i **** up i'm going on a date with a rich white lady ain't life great? give me one good reason not to do it this is the place where time reverses dead men talk to all the pretty nurses instruments shine on a silver tray don't let me get carried away don't let me get carried away don't let me be carried away [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkGreen]As for Slipknot and their acousitc songs...I love them but I think that since there is SO much complaining about their acoustic songs that they should just be released through the Stone Sour albums...since, you know, it's just Corey and James doing them(not sure if it's James or not, please don't hate me for getting it wrong!). I mean, Stone Sour released Bother and it sounds like it could have been off of vol. 3. And vice versa for Vermillion and the other one. Sipknot should stick to the fast hardcore stuff(Im not bashing the new stuff, I sitll think thats cool) and Stone Sour should take care of the slower, it seemed to work before...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Wow, this thread has really gone down in the crapper... It seems to have become a place where people can think they sound cool by putting a certain band in a ceratin category. I see some bands that arent were they're supposed to be at all (I'm pretty sure I saw Led Zeppelin and Usher in the underrated, that makes no sense at all). I mean, some people are naming whole GENRES as overrated. That is the stupidest thing since that guy who put radiohead in with metallica and ozzy! You can't put a whole genre into anything! Like some rappers(oh, and I dont like rap by the way), have meaningfull lyrics and if any of you dumb***es who say "oh rap is crap cuz the only stuff ive heard is on MTV and thats what its all like" think you can generalize like that than you dont know anything. Same goes for pop-punk (there are some good ones out there, and Im not even sure if some of the stuff some people are calling pop-punk can have the word punk in it, it should be just pop, but Ill just let it be called pop-punk for now). Every genre there is has something that is popular and all the 'cool' people hate it...and whether their talented or not they are going to get bashed for being popular, which is kind of sad. Here's something to think about: EVERYTHING(er...most) on MTV is overrated. As for the underrated stuff, I liked that part, even though it should be called unpopular or unheard of or something like that. underated: people normally rate them badly but they are actualy talented. Oh, to the person who was bashing pop-punk: Punk itself didn't have much talent in the first place. Musically that is. And if you were talking about the song (American Idiot) and not the album then take a listen to the album, i actualy liked it. And Im on the same boat you are then with the song, I think Green Day is getting overplayed WAY to much... aaaaaandddd........end rant now![/COLOR]
  20. [quote name='x kakashi x']As for Slipknot, Iowa was awesome, and Slipknot the CD was pretty good, however, Volume 3 sucks, terribly. They went from hardcore metal, to pissy Vermilion. What is that? That is a sell-out my friends. A sell-out, so they can be safely played on the radio and become more mainstream. And I'm sure people will argue massively with this, but I've talked to several SEVERAL Slipknot fans and they all hated Volume 3. I've also checked fan sites and such and each confirms my suspicions of a massive sell-out. Mudvayne, although they were on break for a bit, are now back. L.D. 50 was an amazing cd, and I expect no less from their new one. Masks or no masks, I expect most of you will be swallowing your tongues at the sight of a new Mudvayne.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkGreen]well i would be one to disagree with you there, buddy. A lot of my friends happen to be slipknot fans and they enjoyed vol. 3 a lot as well as me. Oh, and were you talkin about vermillion pt 1 or 2? because if youre complaining that they are sell outs just because they can rock an acoustic song that just doesnt make any sense. vol. 3 didnt seem as heavy as the others and there were less f-bombs, but that doesnt mean the music itself wasnt good. i thought that there was more guitar solos and it sounded cool. and i have only heard them on the radio like twice so i dont know what ur talkin about with the radio play...they might have gotten a little more than before, but not that much... and sorry if im not making sense right now or u interpert it wrong, im tired and working on this paper right now thats due tommorow :sleep:[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkGreen][U]OVERRATED[/U] Yes i totally agree that nirvana is overated and i hate those people who say they love the music and dont even know whats its really about. the same kind of thing is happening to the ramones. i see that one shirt ALL the time and its starting to bug me. (i really hope that people wearing ramones as well as CBGB stuff know what it was all about). and of course all of that mainstream punk and pop is overated. [U]UNDERATED[/U] Jonhn 5!!!!!!! omg he is soooo amazing! spread the word, he is just one of the greatest guitarists out there right now. download Feisty Cadavers and see what im talking about, u will love him too! idk if hes really underated or just unpopular but Elliott Smith would be one. same goes for Jeff buckley and Nick drake. oh and one final band...NIN...i know a lot of people in the music community like them, but it jusst REALLY annoys the **** out of me when stupid people are like "OMGILIKEMARILYNMANSONHESTHEGREATESTTHINGEVER!!!!!!!!!!" and when you ask them about trent reznor or NIN they dont have a clue what it is...GAHURGAHUTER! (random mumbling/yelling)[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkGreen][quote name='NinjaJedi007']A movie that I really wanna see is Metropolis. I have this awesome trailer for it and I've watched it so many times. I hear lots of good things but I just cant find it anywhere.[/quote] Ah yes, thought that movie was rad...it did have a little wierd character design, it was different from most anime...but i still thought it was cool. it had a good story as well, it was kind of similar to I,robot (with the whole [spoiler]robots rebelling thing[/spoiler) but it was still completely different in its own way. and the music...wow...crazy 20s music with the trumpets and all that cool stuff! i dont know why, but any other time i would hear that kind of music outside the movie i would think it to be completely lame, but in the movie it works for some reason...wierd...ANYWAYS, its a good film and i would recommend it. as for other movies, the ones I have seen (ghost in the shell, akira, ninja scrool) i have liked, but not especially well. i like other anime a lot better. I REALLY liked that one fight scene in CB the movie when spike fought with vincent, it was animated beautifully and it was just awesome, thats all there is to say about that. As for X the movie, i really didnt like it. if i hadnt watched the anime beforehand, i would have had no idea what was going on. the story wasnt good, if you want that just go to the series. it sure looked cool, though. Whew, that was WAAAY to long...aaand thats it![/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Woo! ^_^ im glad that they are making an anime, i'd definetly be intersted. I like some other CLAMP works (X, anyone?) and this one has, like, EVERYONE in it. i like seeing the my favorite characters in different situations and such, its very interesting. I AM wierded out by sakuras freakishly skinny and long arms, but i can deal with that. at least she doesnt have boobs popping out and jiggling all over the place and whatnot. once i get a faster connection ill get the fansubs (if there are any, for that matter). the manga is simply amazing and the anime looks very promising. wouldnt be surprised if it didnt even get to here, though ;o; its kinda wierd that i like tsubasa, and most CLAMP stuff for that matter, cuz i usually dont like the girly, emotional, love story stuff...but i actualy enjoyed reading stuff like chobits and tsubasa (even though it might be a more action oriented manga) im just sad now cuz im broke and i want the new volumes but im only up to vol.2... :animecry:[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkGreen]yes, both bands are most excellent! if i had to chose one of them, it would definitely be slipknot. there are much more talented and have a lot better sounding stuff. i haven't seen either one of them live, but from what i have seen on the DVDs slipknot puts on a much better show. there seems to be more talent in slipknot. Joey is amazing on the drums. I have consistently liked all of their albums to date. (im also seeing them on the 30th...YESSS!!) the bassist from mudvayne is still really good. i really like LD 50 and the bass in it. its independant of the guitars and adds something to the music. all of mudvaynes CDs have gone downhill from LD 50 pretty much...not looking forward to that new CD very much...(i still like the ****ing determined song, it kicks)[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkGreen]i see that the most popular one is and will most likely end up to be rock. that is kinda sad though, because there are SO many types of rock and there are so many different sounds to it. in my opinion it is to general but im still okay with it. like take indie, for example. it fits into rock, but sounds nothing like some other rock bands, such as AC/DC or Motley Crue. Ill edit this later im running out of time...OH NO!!! Also, hey man, wheres the techno? Its a ligitamate form of music and should be recognized as so (i would SO pick it!)[/COLOR].
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